>>15529>>15582She's so boring though.
I'm glad best girl finally came back.
>>15621She has her occasional moments.
Just caught up with this series. It's actually a pretty nice unengaging slice of life. Delinquent best girl. Time to see the web shorts, I guess.
>>15663The first episode was kind of discouraging but the show went up a notch when the girls were introduced.
>>15664The first episode was too much of the same joke.
>>15732Truly a good waifu.
File: 1466289675551.jpg (Spoiler Image, 56.68 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tanaka-kun ….jpg)

Absolutely wonderful.
>>15871It was definitely more of a comedy than a SoL.
>>15873The most listless comedy of all time?
>>15873Eh. Consider the following: in this thread whenever people mention jokes, it's in a negative sentence. This probably means the series doesn't really hold up if viewed as a pure comedy. Thus I'd say it's explainable to describe it as SoL if you want to avoid clustered expressions like "slice of life comedy".
Anyway, pointless word vomit aside.
I enjoyed the last episode, maybe because I've been cheering for Shiraishi since they introduced her. Not because I like her that much (Echizen the best), but she just makes me want to cheer for her romance.
As a whole, it's not a show I'd particularly remember, but the time spent watching it was totally worth it, it was a good series.
>>15873Are comedy and slice of life opposing categories in any way though? I always looked at it as comedy describing the tone of the show and SoL describing the format of the show.
>>16104Of course everything can be in any combination, but anime already has a problem with every second series being tagged as a SoL. So at some point you have to ask yourself if the focus of the anime is more towards telling you about the everyday life of the characters or trying to get a laugh out of you. Especially in the current state of the industry where SoL SoL pretty much implies some heavy level of relaxation having a strong comedy element is not only disturbing that relaxation element, but in the case of Tanaka-kun it is disturbing even the reality of the show, meaning what is happening is determined mostly by if it is considered funny (from the author's view point) instead of really telling us that much about the life of Tanaka, and if it is not trying to make a joke it is not important enough to show it us. It is not a clean difference, but generally I think it is not hard to get the feeling of what the author is really going for.
Just because the setting is high school and they are not fighting ancient evil it doesn't mean it is a SoL, right? I consider a good example of what an SoL focused SoL really is right now would be series like Amanchu! and Flying Witch. There was for example Sansha Sanyou not long ago and people were talking about how it was one of the original SoL series of the manga magazine even before K-ON!, but is it really? Just think about how hard it was trying to make the viewer laugh. The reality of the show was completely disturbed with things often not making any sense and being okay with even breaking the laws of physics on a regular basis for the sake of a joke attempt.
>>16106Ahh, I see where you're coming from. I misunderstood what you were saying.
The Yona bot is Tanaka bot now?