The ending of this episode was hilarious. Rock falls, heroine dies.
What was less entertaining was the QUALITY throughout the episode and the budget shitting itself at the climax of the fight. At this point they should have delayed it.
>>16141I find imouto very arousing.
>>16380You forgot "What happened to the budget?"
>>16381I don't think there was any to begin with.
>>16382At least the first episode didn't have them not knowing how reflections work and reusing the cut they made of Hime's sword unravelling before she was actually doing that.
This is the most QUALITY I've seen in recent years.
>>16474Definitely Hime. She's too likeable to get through this unscathed.
>>16132>>16140>>16380I don't understand how people can put up with this horrendous typesetting.
>>16505There aren't any better options.
>>16539Uh, yeah there is. It's called learning the language and never ever having to use English subs again.
File: 1471713023273.jpg (Spoiler Image, 390.22 KB, 1280x1440, [HorribleSubs] Qualidea Co….jpg)

Oh boy.
Two in one episode.
>>16607At this point all the QUALITY is more entertaining than the show itself.
>>16896Still plenty of QUALITY tho.
Seriously, if this series had kept up the yuge budget from the first episodes, it would be a 9/10.
>>16897Some cute QUALITY too, at least.
That aside, this was a really good episode indeed. They didn't fall in the usual trap of keeping the tension artificially high, choking the air out of the atmosphere. They managed to keep the focus well divided between the six main characters - and even the kind-of-Stockholm-syndrome girl got the right amount of screentime. The needed information dumps weren't felt, because the siblings' mother is just perfect #VoteJohannes2016 Submit To Your New And Beautiful Overlord addition to the cast - which by no means overshadowed her own kids. Great writing here, they at the same time feel like a family, and have more than enough differences of character to make them feel like real alive humans, AND create the empty space of the father, recognized through the empty links in their relationship.
I can only guess the previous episodes could have had a similar amount of detail if they were fully animated.
>>16955I guess I missed that. But it is not completely impossible. They had to think of a way to do fight their own children. I am not sure if they have the time for such a revelation and to let the characters even live through it. The only chance is if the female alien shows them the truth so they don't feel bad about killing her.
I call bullshit. She isn't human. She's just a devil who has hijacked the body of a human. Also is a loving wife and her kids are awesome.
Damn, it would make so much sense if Bro was crushing on Mr. Hero instead of on his own sister.
Okay, I've no fucking idea what to make of this. I'll need to rewatch it on the BDs, because right at the moment I'm not sure if it genuinely is really good, or just the blank spaces due to lack of animation are so prevalent that I'm just filling them in my mind in the best way possible.
I'm convinced to think that the authors behind this aren't incapable of doing something good, just they've never yet ~chosen~ to do so.
And yes, even without animation, this series did some amazing characterization and interpersonal relationships, while balancing the "screen"time.
Vice versa, you can't even tell if all these elements are supposed to be tribute, parody or plagiarism. From The Matrix to Saya no Uta, this shit had everything in it.
Not that this is per se bad; not even one of these ideas felt unneeded or not in place.
What's more, the first episodes really went to great extends to do the animation right, to fill in all of this depth that can't really be translated by just script and voice acting.
And the time spent on building the secondary cast was enormously out of proportion for a second-rate anime. Between Kyouka-sama echoing what Genjuurou said and the kinda stupid harem protag with the fancy haircut, I've distinct mental images for every named character in the whole series.
But by all means a first-rate anime shouldn't resort to this enormous amount of tributes/parody/plagiarism.
Whatever. Let's concentrate on the important parts:
Kyouka-sama and her revered kids made this anime for me, no matter all the QUALITY.
>>17064Yeah, this was probably my favourite show of the season. It's a shame about the completely fucked production because it could've been genuinely great but the QUALITY really held it back. Poor animation is one thing, but cutting out sections of fight scenes because you can't even animate them in time is another.
>>17070>And yes, even without animation, this series did some amazing characterization and interpersonal relationships, while balancing the "screen"time. This was the main draw. The main 6 characters all had a good amount of focus and depth to them, even Hotaru, and I normally hate her type. But I think it could've used another episode to focus on Aoi, Gotoku, and Airi, and the latter two's motivations, since they seemed to be wavering between supporting the Unknown and rebelling.
I'd like to see the world get fleshed out more in the future too, since these locations were just the outskirts, and we've learnt practically nothing about the headquarters the kids were being sent to. In a way, this is only the first step in the war.
>>17075>hintsThat definitely won't be, even if it did hint. The project was a disaster.
The thing that many people are missing is that the anime has several prequel LNs that spend even more time with the characters. The anime was pretty much suppose to be the end of it. If it was successful they could have done another SoLish novel sequel, but nothing more.
>>17076Oh, of course we're never getting a second season. But the sequel hook is indeed there in my opinion.
By the way, Hotaru x Hime is the purest. The more I think about it, the more I like this pairing.