I am a little worried about her not spending enough time with the rest of the cast, but morally I don't think she wants to leave everyone on the island to die. Even then they wouldn't really be the bad guys, just not the most morally right. But we do lack more information about the situation of the world and it does seem to be a lot more dire than we have been allowed to see. Realistically Tokyo might not really be able to continue supporting the current frontier.
Another non-combat episode, technically.
Things are starting to move, though, and and we are going to probably finally be able to understand more about the enemy and everything else. This anime really doesn't like telling us much, I wonder if are suddenly going to get some sort of info dump next episode.
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Well shit. It escalated quickly. There are only 4 more episodes to go so it was time, I guess.
>>16682> to me like Stardust Lovers was originally a standalone fandisc then got bundled with the main game when they were ported to psp.
>>16683While trying to find if I can download the PS2 version from somewhere (it might have a higher resolution) I found out this I didn't know there is a clone already.
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When will anime characters learn to kill when they have their enemy on the ground instead of running away?
It seems like the translators finally decided to use Scar-red. In the VN the battle costumes of all the riders are red, which makes more sense. Other than the Silver Surfer guy, he is silver.
They didn't really give a reason why she couldn't go. If anything it looks like she just wanted to stay and die together with the bitch, considering she didn't kill her earlier. Maybe she didn't want to "lose her humanity" in front of Akira. It doesn't change how awkwardly written that scene was.
Because the little they told us about the world and the battle between the two worlds they are done with, but the battle itself is clearly not over.
Granbach seemed too scared of dying to was just pretending and nothing happened for a while after the attack. Here is some speculation based on pictures from the fanbook: there are pictures with darkish forms of the riders, so it is possible that someone will turn bad after losing control of his fusion with his alien. Possible Yosuke or Takuto if still alive.