When you want someone's name it is good manners to tell them yours first. It is the same with opinions.
This is keeping a feel-good tone most of the time, yet somehow it manages to make all the dark moments not mood whiplashes, just out of place. The characters aren't particularly full and deep, they are fitting for the feel-good side of the series, providing mindless entertainment. And yet they feel the need to kill them off. And have them behave fucking stupid at the face of this crisis. And not even one tried to go against Fav.
Well, I guess they will drop the feel-good stuff, and leave only the bad side of the series. Kind of sad. I am quite fond of the trap.
>>17491It should be very obvious that it is an original anime.
Otherwise I agree with you, but you should give episode 4 a watch, but I guess you are waiting for subtitles?
With the twist and the connection they made with the previous episodes they are certainly showing us how deep they want to go with the "everything is fucked up" stuff. It might be interesting in a ironic kind of way to see how far they will go after the reveals. And who knows, they always could suddenly pull off something surprisingly good. But with the way they present us the characters it will be hard.
>>17494I thought the LN was from June this year. Well fuck, this was a very fast to come out cash grab. And its not even over. Jesus Christ, now I am actually left with no hope at all for this.
>>17493>>17494>>17495I had been looking forward to this anime since the LNs first started out, just because the concept was cool and the art is really pretty. I think they ruined the designs for the anime, though.
I'm going to continue watching it, anyway.
>>17543A small kid murdering someone to take their place in the chain of command is okay?
>>17544I took it more like she was taking out the bad guy.
>>17545keep in mind that she's like 8 years old or so
>>17545Shooting Ruler in the back would have been less cold-hearted than what she did. She is no older than elementary school age and a complete psycho. Considering how easy she can disappear with her power she might even turn into one of the last people to be taken down. Will probably be extra traumatic for Snow White after she learns how young Swim Swim is.
A very important moment here is what the good intentions of Nemurin turned into. My guess is things are going to get very fucked up.
Well, I just got spoiled that the boy dies, I can drop this in peace.
I don't feel minimally attached to the characters, and the fact that they die doesn't bother me at all.
I'll keep watching because of Alice, but if she turns out to be as bad as the others I'll probably drop this.
File: 1480822560627.jpg (Spoiler Image, 222.62 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shouj….jpg)

Too soon. They didn't even let her sacrifice herself properly.
>>17938What a wreck.
I want to see them all dead now.
So I was indeed able to pretty much figure out the last boss. That said it is not like I was made to care and the ending was very open. If this was a faithful adaptation then the LN is probably going in a complete different direction than how it started. It makes me think of Ender Saga in this aspect.