>>17309I read a dozen or two chapters a few years ago. As far as I remember his life and drama is all around the shogi, but similar to Hachimitsu no Clover and art it won't get serious about shogi itself. I might be lying, though.
Shion no Ou was a descent anime about shogi. There is still drama, but they go heavy on the shogi and all the drama plays during the matches. It is similar to how Chihayafuru acts, except Chihayafuru wasn't a tragedy.
>>17309I still have very little understanding of how shogi works and managed to understand the manga just fine. It's more about the things surrounding shogi than things going on in the matches themselves.
Then again, the scanlation had handy notes when necessary, so maybe it'll be a bit more confusing in anime form.
The Shaft factor sure was all over this episode.
A lot better than the first one. They properly used monologues and every moment was lively (doesn't mean fun). They really dropped the ball with the first episode.
>>17405>I'm lost with the shogi though.You just have to embrace it.
I have to mention how much I hate this kind of nails, though. This is not how human nails work and I don't understand why some people put it in anime. It is so god damn obnoxious.
>>17406I can't say I noticed anything particularly wrong with their nails. What are you referring to?
>>17405>As an aside, this seems an odd choice of show to use localised dialogue instead of honorifics.The people who'd translate a Shaft show and the people who'd translate honorifics correlate as sets.
As for the episode itself,
>>17397 pretty much nailed it. Also, Sugita. It's been a while since I listened to this voice of his for so long.
Oh, but… for some reason I'm currently dreaming for a Shaft adaptation of Hinamatsuri.
Bump of Chicken really does some nice music. No.17487
>>17486I find them too repetitive, it got old years ago. It is always the same similar sounding sob song.
>>17937Don't, Ladd Russo doesn't allow people to treat his waifu like that. And since he can obviously jump from one anime series to another, he can probably jump to our world too.
>>18469A school club would be just more responsibilities for him. That's bad.
Also I got the impression Shimada's club has some younguns too. I mean, sensei did say Shimada is passionate about popularizing shogi, and there's not much of a point in popularizing it among random adults. I may be wrong about this, tho.
>>18568By the way, how the fuck did she enter his apartment? The window? What?
>>18579Wasn't that from the past in their house?
>>18580Hm? Whoa, of course it is from there. How did I miss that? For some reason I thought he's remembering the scene of her leaving while she's in the futon with him.
>>18899Did he win the first game? I thought he won the first game, but then they talked as if there was nothing, but four straight loses for him.
It was a nice arc, but also a lot of suffering for an ending we already knew.
>>18900I think so, but I forgot to transfer the archival files to this temporary pc, so I can't check.
I did like him quite a lot, but indeed, too much suffering for something we already knew. And a punchline that the white guy gets away with mistakes because nobody thinks he'd make mistakes… that was a weak end for the arc. Whatever, I completely sympathize with him because of the stomachaches, I know this feel.
>>18902For a second there I thought you were talking about Smith and then I realized you were talking about the meijin. Sadly I think the ending was more about Kiriyama creating some buzz around him. Even the author gave up on Shimada. That is sad.
>>18903>Even the author gave up on Shimada. That is sad.That… hm, I agree 100%.
The anime kind of snubbed the buzz around Kiriyama aside for this episode. We'll probably see the fallout next ep.
>>21026Don't worry, he's dead only inside.
>>21028Oh, that. Yeah, in another series it'd be a death flag indeed. In Sangatsu it's just corny as usual.
best goddamn show of the season

what a gay
(You didn't remember.) No.21293
>>21270I personally found it really funny.
Also Kuma knows the correct way of traveling by train. Sasuga.
>>21032>In Sangatsu it's just corny as usual.>cornyWhat? That subtle character development was really nice to see. He had a big problem connecting with people in the first season and actively built up a barrier around himself. He avoided the sisters because he was terrified of doing to that family what he (supposedly – it wasn't really his fault) did to his adoptive family. It's why he'd turn down their invitations and avoid getting too close to the family. His development all throughout s1 eventually culminated in him starting to find a place where he belongs, making friends, and opening up to people. Wanting to tell the sisters about his first real experience in a school club just illustrates that further.
I wouldn't call it corny.
>>21270I'm so pleased we're starting to see Gotou get some layered character development so we can understand him better as a person. He was probably the only character I felt was underdeveloped and quite one dimensional. But that episode really got you to understand his circumstances and that maybe he's not the asshole we've been lead to believe.
>>21306No, the presentation itself is corny. His character development isn't corny, just the way Shaft presents it. Same line with same motivations and context can be a death flag, a corny moment or a normal sign of character development, depending on what way it is presented to us.
Also Gotou is quite the asshole, but assholes have their own character and good sides too. Rather than portraying him as "not an asshole", this episode was about what the sister finds in him.
>>21312What's corny about the presentation, though?
>Also Gotou is quite the asshole, but assholes have their own character and good sides tooYes, which humanises him and shows us that he has his own shit he's dealing with and isn't just an asshole for the sake of being an antagonist in the series.
>>21528I guess you got this from 4chan? Not only it is 3.61mb, but it is even 1080p. Absolute insanity.
>>21534You can do up to 10mb on fufufu and there is no reason to go above 720p with that file size. In fact something like 540p might be preferable if the bitrate is not that high anyway.
>>21511Monsters. Real monsters. But you had me worried so much that I'm actually kind of relieved right now.
The newest episode was too emotionial for me. In a good way.
>>21661Yes, the sakuga in that silent part was beautiful, and really helped give power to an already emotionally charged scene.
A lot of great shots too.
>>21991>Friendly reminder Bump of Chicken is absolute fucking garbage. Fuck you too buddy. I still listen to the first OP whenever I'm drunk to get a nice sappy feeling in my chest as a distraction from my daily life.
File: 1512238418103.jpg (Spoiler Image, 477.66 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] 3-gatsu no ….jpg)

>>22093He's going to make it.
>>22797The satisfaction this oldman gave me cannot be matched even by the satisfaction all gyaru in doujins have received from his kind since the dawn of time
>>22937It is pretty ridiculous though, how a teacher can be so incompetent that every single one of her classes develops a bullying problem, and so stupid/proud that she doesn't even think to call for help from other teachers.
>>22938Really? I can think of at least a half-dozen teachers like this just in high school. After 10 years, most teachers have had any idealism or even interest beaten out of them and they just want to coast until retirement with minimum effort.
What is going on? Is Soya autistic, deaf or both? I don't understand.
>>23273I assume a combination of both.
Fucking olympics.
Why is Shimada such a scrub.
>>24148You and me both senpai.
holy shit this thread is comfier than in halfchan /a/