this anime is so fucking good
>>17463The grandma is one of the bad guys.
>>17452>magical wonderlandI like it, it does feel a bit like a fairytale, although kind of a weird and modern one.
>>17473Papika is adorable, her design, her voice, her sense of wonder at everything.
>>17555Cocona is too much of an upstanding student to pick a lock while Papika is too stupid.
>>17555Why would you not sleep under the starts?
>>17555Old buildings aren't reliable.
Lastest episode is pretty nice. They go into the yuri world, except creepy. People overanalyze it though, like usual.
Sure the latest episode was pretty sad, but it was unoriginal popular live-action tier writing. Lacking subtleties, annoying dialogues, contrived tear-jerking plot, etc.
>>17745That is implying the rest is much different. It is not like I have a massive distaste for the anime, but it certainly was never able to grab me.
>>17746Why are you still watching it if you don't like it? I'm very critical of this show because of people overrating it, but I still like it. It's beginning to bore me though.
>>17747Even if I disliked it why should I not watch it?
And did I even say that? Maybe "massive" made it sound a little wrong. It is just okay.
>>17819Suddenly wanting to burn something you liked doing until yesterday seems like an easy enough thing to notice. I am sure I haven't paid much attention anyway, so as long as I haven't missed on anything there is no reason for Cocona to not know her from before the anime even started.
File: 1480695738555.png (Spoiler Image, 1.02 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappe….png)

Only a bully would commit such a hideous crime.
>>17929But she pussed out, what does that make her then?
>>17920Pretty much. The plot finally starts going somewhere after all these episodic ones that just slowly dragged it along, and yet introducing this whole Mimi thing only now feels rather too late. Though I guess it's finally going to connect back to what happened at the end of episode 1.
>>17929What a downgrade. Will it be fixed for the BDs?
But at least now we know why everyone was so interested in what's under her skirt.
Hyped for next episode.
So who impregnated Mimi?
This show sure ended up being a mess. Too much irrelevant episodic content in the first half for this sort of plot at the end.
>>18020When did Salt even get a chance to do that? All we ever see of Mimi is her being under constant surveillance.
>>18039It could have been the Eva Samumenco Hokuto no Ken of Mahou Shoujo. The story, the characters, and the art design should have been a lot messier and more ridiculous. With that, accompanied with good equally exaggerated animations and shot composition, it could have been more likable to me. It actually gets even more enjoyable since episode 10, but episode 11 got that shitty 'I'm pregnant, but I can't tell you so it leads to angst later' drama cliches which bugged me a little.
>>17920What manga? Sounds like it's painful reading it.
>>18058Hell, I had completely forgotten about that. Hopefully they will explain a bit more about the KKK faction during the last ep. I wouldn't mind if they were the true last boss instead of Mimi.
>>18107That some decent sakuga in the early episodes can't save a show with storytelling this poor.
>>18112I just realized that the black dots are his shit.
>>18116It was good but dropped the ball near the end. It also took too long to actually start up in my opinion, a lot of people seemed to have dropped it because nobody knew what was happening.
>>18119For the first several episodes I was pretty much only watching it for the animation. That didn't end up changing much, since the characterisation was fairly poor in general. As you say, they dropped the ball at the end, and "I will save them from suffering by some stupid means causing an equal amount of suffering" is one of my most loathed motivations, so the finale was a complete disappointment. Hell, the finale was quite rushed in general with the parts involving Salt and the "real" world section going by so quickly.
The characterisation is probably the weakest point in general though since it goes through all these episodic plots while failing to flesh out half the cast whatsoever (the assistant girl and glasses guy in particular), and we know nothing more about the KKK group at the end than we did halfway through.
>>18121Yeah the lack of characterization and explaination hurt it a lot. At least it was legitimately pretty.