I have to agree. 3 episodes one after another with no proper Kaichou interactions. It is ridicules. I hate it when there is something with a perfect vanilla relationship between two characters, but needless harem shit is around taking space.
This, Rin a shit. Homewrecking tsundere hypocrite whose tits are two sizes too big. Her only redeeming quality is the complementary loli that comes with her.
>>17813Has she gotten lewd scenes yet? She was the only reason I even bothered with S1 and she got nothing in that.
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>>17825>She was the only reason I even bothered Really? I could understand if you'd said one of the loli's but the cosplay slut's always been one of my least favorite characters. But yeah, she did the good old classic 'whoops I just tripped and fell halfway across the room onto your face'. It made me angry watching it how contrived it was.
>>17833Well it's not like any of the characters were good. I only cared about her for her design.