>>17507Did anyone from Tekkadan even die on screen during their engagement with the pirates? The mecha are blurry and shitty so I don't even bother trying to tell what is going on.
A totally unexpected dead that wasn't pushed into the viewer's face for episodes before it happened. Okada has proven to be a genius yet again.
Tekkadan are now the mafia both in space and on Earth.
>>17767It's a shame, really.
Biscuit in S1 was a very well-executed and emotional moment, possibly the best part of the show. Then S1 ended with a bunch of implied deaths where everyone except
Ein ended up being fine, and now the only death in S2 has been Aston and it was so poorly handled that I can't even begin to care. If they dropped the ball any harder it'd bounce out of orbit.
>>17776>was a very well-executed and emotional momentI don't want to be a cynical bastard, but was it?
Let's go back to it. What was happening at that time? A drama about a rift between him and Olga. It was very obvious from miles away. As far as I can remember it took less screen time, but was it ultimately that different?
You don't start growing a character to kill him, you just grow him and eventually he might end up dying. The less the two have to do with each other the better, usually. In that line of thinking fatty did have a lot of episodes to grow as a character, but then again I can't really remember any of it happening.
But I might just be too biased against Okada. Correct me if I am wrong.
>>17777Well, you are right in that they started up a new drama plot to focus on before killing him off, but the key difference was that Biscuit already had plenty of screen time and focus before then, so the rift subplot actually meant something to the viewer, as Biscuit was a character we could have become attached to. While it was predictable, it was also an event that actually meant something to the rest of the cast, as it was the first named character loss, and Biscuit was the peaceful goofball everyone liked.
Watching S2 I didn't even remember who Aston was, and he's certainly barely had any development or focus before this arc, while this whole arc focused almost entirely on him and Takaki, who isn't a particularly interesting character either. Aston's death barely means anything to the rest of the cast or the narrative, unless we now see Takaki becoming a major character following it, which I can't see happening. Hell, they then went and had that scene of Akihiro recklessly attacking Beard and falling for the self-destruct trap, but he just comes out of it without a scratch.
I get the feeling that this show is going to end with almost nobody actually dying, or almost everybody dying in the last few episodes.
>>17905It looked like a training to me, but then a few guys went boom. Possible whoever generic enemy Gjallarhorn has to fight to keep law and order in space.
I don't know what was going on with Blonde this episode. My best guess is that they had a different AD doing all of her scenes.
>>17941The plot sure has gone in a totally different direction with this season.
>>17943I don't understand what's with all the Naze women getting wet for Tekkadan.
>>18088This episode was pretty good aside from this scene. I'm starting to think that Mika might not survive S2.
If Gjallarhorn can this easily decide to take down someone and I don't see why Teiwaz would be in such peace with letting the Turbines down. The fact that the Turbines are actually this weak is also kind of absurd. Is McGillis even going to try execute Iok for using illegal weapons himself or no one will care? Where is Iok's charm to begin with? Okada was so set on making him an annoying character for the sake of annoyance she gave on trying to actually make him look as someone people would follow, just claimed so and left it at that.
Fuck you, Okada.
>>18609The worst thing about M3 was how much promise the first half of it had. All five of us who watched it as it aired gave Okada far too much credit.
>>18612I liked it, not super much, but I enjoyed to an extend. I barely see it as an Okada anime too. I think she was under huge restrictions there and didn't play as big of a role especially when it comes to the plot. She probably was more of a script writer. Overall I think she gets a lot more credit than she usually deserves. PA is a prime example of that. With or without her the PA is not much different. She jumps a lot from studio to studio and has become a convenient name of a sort. At leas this is what I want to believe. That said I think her influence on IBO has been bigger than usual, but she still works within some standard Gundam limits.
>>18734Are you not entertained? Perhaps you need more suffering?
>>18897Both her and Iok serve no purpose other than to make the viewer hate them and then feel catharsis when they're finally killed off. Which is rather weak writing. But then, people survived getting hit just as badly before.
It's a shame that S2 shit the bed this much with the show, because S1 was probably my favourite of any Gundam I'd seen.
Tekkadan's plan at the end of this episode might just be the stupidest part of this entire show. Let's just hope they don't get any chance to go through with it.
>>18962I don't believe for a second that they actually had sex and this isn't going to be some drawn out miscommunication gag.
>>19019Them carrying on with that ridiculous plan became even stupider when this episode presented a far more sensible alternative; that of them instead making a broadcast proclaiming their desire to surrender, which would then not allow them to be indiscriminately slaughtered as the public eye would be on the entire situation. Unfortunately that entire possibility was thrown out the window for this idiocy.
I agree too, this season went in a stupid direction. S1 was my favourite of any Gundam I'd seen, but this is just a fucking mess.
>>19025I am really annoyed at how they dropped the whole revolutionary plot that there was suppose to be around Kudelia. The Maiden of Revolution my ass, all that she achieved was being the boss of some non-profit organization or something that does absolutely nothing of interest on screen. Truly useless.
For over 20 episodes all we did was watch Tekkadan's "but my goal" talks which ended with "the goal doesn't matter, we just need to keep on going forward." Well fuck you too, Orga.
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>>19122Shame they killed off one of the few likeable characters this episode.
Hopefully you'll be able to save Hush when IBO shows up in SRW. No.19129
>>19128>one of the few likeable charactersHow was he likeable? When?
>>19128Sorry anon, didn't feel anything for him at all. Like a lot of things this season thought he was going to be a big deal when he was introduced then they didn't do anything with at all.
Still, likable enough in the sense that he wasn't Iok or Orga I guess.
>>19130Well basically there is spin-off manga where the MC looks a lot like him. I think this is the only reason for him to exist in the anime.
>>19129>>19130I started thinking about it, and I guess it really is just
>Still, likable enough in the sense that he wasn't Iok or OrgaThe main characters in this show are all so unlikeable that the flat minor side characters seem so much better by comparison. Akihiro, Shino, and the other Tekkadan high up guy whose name I can never remember are pretty much the only main characters I still like.
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>>19200 aside, everything went pretty much as I was expecting. Don't dislike the idea behind this ending but par for the course this series, pretty awful execution.
>>19201This was basically just a full season of Orga getting strung along by everyone else, making bad decisions, and getting Tekkadan destroyed, while everyone mindlessly follows him. I guess the point here is meant to be that teenagers are fucking stupid and can't plan ahead?
What a shitshow.
Rustal becoming president of the world ended up being satisfying after all this bullshit.The ending also offered nothing about Almiria's fate.
It's a shame this ended up being so bad because the mecha designs are some of my favourites from Gundam.
>>19200Ha! He got what he deserved! Too bad that the blonde girl that was sucking Rastal's cock survived. Now she is getting fat for blue-haired guy.
And we did get the confirmation that Mika fucked Atra.
>>19202I don't think they would really do much to Almiria. She is like 10 and from a noble family. Her brother would have gone batshit crazy too, if they did.
Overall it was garbage. This "shadows of the history" thing is really out of nowhere and majorly pointless. Them being the needed sacrifices is a blatant dramatic lie. Even McGillis' people were able to leave just fine. And everything just somehow worked out by itself. Basically Tekkadan and McGillis sacrificed themselves by killing a few people so Rastal can be the new "democratic" "leader of the free world" or something.