>>18042Second season of takkyuu, where is it?
Cautiously optimistic for Youjo Senki, hope she's as evil as the title suggests. ACCA also sounds cool.
Thought Fuuka looked good, but then I remembered what I've been spoiled about the manga, so I'm not quite so hot on that anymore.
I hope this seasons cute girls cycling show is at the very least better than Long Riders.
Seeing Akiba's Trip get an anime just makes me feel bad since I brought the game ages ago yet still havent played it.
Kemono Friends looks like pick of the season; the rest look to be either bland yuribait that will develop into nothing, sequels to things that have a fanbase already and you should have started watching a while back to get ready for if you wanted to get into, and super Japanese culture things about traditional culture and history. I hope Granblue stays as far away from the story of the game as possible, it's hot garbage.
> a waste, a story about aliens yet aside from a token catgirl all the girls just look like regular humans.
>>18042>Masamune-kun no RevengeYou've got to be fucking kidding me.
>>18050It starts off as a decent story about a fat kid who becomes fit and attractive for the sake of getting revenge against the girl who bullied him as a kid by making her fall for him and then dumping her. It goes on like this for a while with the main focus being on whether the MC will actually be able to go through with it, then after a while out of nowhere they bring in a foreign ojou type girl who barges into the story and it turns into a shitty love triangle and loses all focus. Totally ruined it.
I'm personally extra butthurt over it because it was the first manga I'd started reading from the release of the first chapter.
>>18053Pretty much. A lot of manga I followed from chapter 1 ended up turning awful quickly, but that one still stands out as being exceptionally frustrating.
>>18044The Youjo Senki girl isn't evil per-se, she's just a psychopath and entirely concerned with her own career.
The Milky Holmes and Yuyushika OVAs
>>18080She's also cute as fuck.
>>18130I wish it did. Like 100 episodes ago.
>>18148I don't usually bother watching trailers or even reading synopses. That said the industry must really be trying to stretch things out. The tittle literally is saying "'s Dragon Maid." So a story has been made where the whole point of the story is going to be about a maid that is a dragon. Everything (presumably) is going to be around this small quirk. And if you think about it there is plenty of series made in exactly the same way. And this is one of those cases in which they can even tell you everything you need to know about this anime's quirk from its title. I am not even criticizing it, it just suddenly hit me and it sounds a combination of scary.
>>18149What's scary about it? That's literally the purpose of a title.
>>18150My point wasn't that much about the title, but about the concept of the anime being around this one quirk. It does speak of a huge scarcity of originality when the differences between series start coming down to a single small thing.
>>18151Are you only just realizing this? I'm sure it's been this way for years already and it's only going to get worse with time. Not that it bothers me too much, there's plenty other factors that I find more important in a show than how original it is.
Considerably less series this season compared to the last, 70 to 45.
>>18152It is not about the realization being new it is about finally making me sweat a little.
>>18153That would be nice, last season was very busy for me, especially on Saturday. Though I just counted 12 series that continue into this season.
>>18153Hopefully this means quality over quantity too, since I dropped almost everything last season and didn't even like most of the shows I finished.
If nothing else at least Konosuba S2 promises that there'll be one thing to remember this season.
>>18155I dropped almost everything from Fall, but at least I loved what I did finish.
As for Winter, I guess I'll just give everything a try, as usual. KonoSuba is all waku waku doki doki, and the second season of Showa Genroku should also be good. I'm not sure I'll watch more Ao no Exorcist, even tho I kind of enjoyed the first season. Most surely I'll skip Zestiria this time around. Other than that… strangely, none of the new series seem exciting. Only Kobayashi's Maid, maybe?
However, I hope the Trinity Seven movie is good.
Something's very wrong when dubs are getting released before subs.
>>18175Welcome to 2017. 2016 was the end of the long 20 century. Now it is the beginning of the real 21 century.
>>18175What series is this in reference to?
>>18180Akiba's Trip. Funi released their dub right after it aired and at that time CR still didn't even have a release date for the subs.
>>18185>All faults of the source material aside, if you enjoy stories where the main characters are scum, you should be able to enjoy the anime adaptation.The only thing the MC did wrong was
falter. Actually, since I never finished it, I don't know if he went through with his revenge or not. Probably not.What about the legs, though? The legs were one of the best parts of the manga.
>>18186Nothing special about legs in the episode.
>>18185I completely forgot it was suppose to be Silver Link while watching, I only got reminded after seeing it in the ED's credits. It is a completely generic adaptation. They have even lost their appeal as Shaft-lite.
>>18185>Masamune is practically frame-for-frame adaptation, if I remember correctly the mangaYou don't remember correctly. Go read the manga again; this adaptation changed plenty of things. The sequence of events happening was changed, original characters are in the anime (Futaba is one), much of the dialogue was changed, and it added several new scenes, like Aki's entire charisma break in the shed. It's a pretty loose adaptation.
Unfortunately they haven't made it loose enough, since that ojou girl is in the OP, and it'll still go down that terrible road. Plus they totally fucked up the legs. No reason to watch any more of this.
>>18187Nah, coloring is still distinctively Silver Link. You're blind.
>>18189>FutabaYeah, they introduce her slightly later in the manga, whatever. Not sure what you mean by saying she's anime original, this is obviously incorrect.
>sequence of eventsIntroducing Futaba, and the first rejection shown in the anime actually happens later on, I don't think there's anything else.
>Aki's charisma breakthey did expand on this, didn't they. huh, I didn't notice.
>pretty loose adaptationit's pretty rigid if it's changed only that much. They had to fill in 24 minutes from the first chapter somehow.
>the nekoI'm not sure what you mean with "terrible road". It's clear from the start that Master is the culprit, and that they will somehow clear out that misunderstanding. It's not an endless comedy of awful human beings, it progresses some kind of plot too. The neko serves the plot more than anything else. So yeah, from the start it was clear that eventually we'd have characters like the fatty and the neko. If there's anything surprising, it's that the author makes a conscious effort to present them as not scum. Which… yeah, when I put it like this, I understand what you mean by "terrible road".
>>18191>Yeah, they introduce her slightly later in the manga, whatever. Not sure what you mean by saying she's anime original, this is obviously incorrect. Fair enough, I'd completely forgotten about her and she doesn't appear in the first chapter at all, so I assumed she was anime original.
>the first rejection shown in the anime actually happens later onI thought I remembered that, but I wasn't sure when it happened in the manga.
An obvious change is that in the manga the MC gets the letter at the end delivered to his home, whereas in the anime he finds it in his shoebox. Just go read the first chapter and you can see how much they changed the small things. Hell, it irked me right away with the texting guy at the start because in the manga he's visible in the panel before he's called out, whereas in the anime you don't see him until afterwards.
I didn't get far enough for the fatty to be introduced, I dropped it after several chapters of dicking around with the ojou girl, as it felt like nothing more than the author introducing a new love interest to pad out the story and avoiding resolving it. She didn't feel even remotely relevant to anything going on or as though she had any purpose to serve in the plot. That may have changed, but the underlying sense of padding things out with new characters won't.
The only ones I'm really looking forward to are Chaos;Child and of course Konosuba, but I've somehow managed to stay mostly unspoiled for Chaos;Child and I'm not sure I want the story in what will likely be its worst form. Then again, I could end up waiting forever like with Robotics;Notes.
Steins;Gate 0 was alright, but it mostly just left me wanting a lot more Sci;Adv.
>>18192Fair enough. I did go through the first chapter again, and… I'd still say other studios (cough, Shaft, cough) manage to make this first episode LOOK like a frame-by-frame adaptation.
Catty is there mainly to prod the main characters to actually do something about the relationship with talking common sense like "revenge isn't a good idea", so I wouldn't accuse her of being just padding of the story. I would accuse her of being a bad character, though. Especially her introduction was indeed annoying. But yeah, it's showing that the next character to be introduced was a "love interest" for the girl instead of for the boy. And Catty gets a subplot with the trap vying for her.
That being said, the manga is on the level of where you should be able to enjoy it … if you put some work into it. It doesn't really have much of a value, so if you've dropped it once, I don't see a reason to give it another chance. Seems like the anime won't deviate too much, and the execution won't be anything above average, so it'll again be on the same level as the manga.
>>18198>Schoolgirl StrikersIf it didn't have HanaKana, Sawashiro and so on, I would have dropped it by the middle of the episode. But even listening to them doesn't really manage to cure the boredom. Also, it may seem like nitpicking, but I really hate the way the MC swings her sword. It's like she purposefully leaves her guard full open for several seconds before each swing.
But … I am actually fond of pic related. I'm weak to her archetype, and her voice makes her different enough to pique my interest. Damn.
>>18200She's probably a lesbian.
None of the characters really interest me, though. Also MC from time to time makes me want to retort that he's being gross.
At least the boardgame was 10/10, I'd play again.
>Youjo SenkiMagical aerial combat is rarely interesting to watch and this wasn't much of an exception outside of Tanya's faces. That said it was fairly entertaining otherwise, and Tanya is selling the show.
>Minami KamakuraWhy are cycling anime so melodramatic? It's Long Riders all over again, but with slightly more budget. Except this time it's a blatant advertisement for Kamakura tourism and the Japanese bicycle industry. Can't fault the backgrounds though.
>Schoolgirl StrikersThis was just really dull. I like the design of the characters' faces, but that's it.
>FuukaShe breaks the MC's phone and hits him, and then tries to get his phone a second time. Then the MC decides to help her when she looks like she's in trouble. Fuck Fuuka, she's not likeable in the slightest, and fuck the MC, he's a pansy.
>>18199Pic related immediately made me think "I've heard this voice plenty of times before", but the seiyuu's closest role seems to be Ako from Netoge. I wonder why I thought it seemed so familiar.
>>18200>I think I liked Junichi more than this show's MCThis does not bode well.
>>18211>Pic related immediately made me think "I've heard this voice plenty of times before", but the seiyuu's closest role seems to be Ako from Netoge. I wonder why I thought it seemed so familiar.Me too, this was the first thing I checked out about this anime at all. But she does mostly high-pitched stuff. Really strange.
>She breaks the MC's phone and hits him, and then tries to get his phone a second time. Then the MC decides to help her when she looks like she's in trouble. Fuck Fuuka, she's not likeable in the slightest, and fuck the MC, he's a pansy.Guess he doesn't care about the phone the slightest. Then again, these shits are so overpriced that the repair shop probably didn't charge him anything.
If I've a problem with MC, it's that he goes all red too fast, and that with so many sisters, he should be somewhat more okay with touchy-feely stuff.
Fuuka is nice. I'm sure I'll be raging because I'll fucking despise the idol, anyway.
The sisters though I truly enjoy. Something is wrong with me.
Also pic related made me smile.
All in all, this first episode was less boring than Schoolgirl Strikers or Seiren. I'll give it the three episode rule, at least.
>>18214Thinking through this one more time, let me reiterate: I'll fucking despise the idol.
She pm'd him only when she saw he's involved with some other girl. She was probably stalking his tweeter for years before that, considering her message screamed "I'm jealous", not "oh, an old friend, how rare". The fuck is wrong with her. Oh yeah, the non-dating clause in her idol contract. I forgot. This is a spell for unstable mind, bad decisions and overall Sekai behavior.
>>18197I saw this one picking up steam around when Sky had to drop Overlord, but I didn't bother with it because so many awful LNs become the talk of the town for a few weeks then fizzle out completely. Finally gave the manga and LN a chance now that the anime is coming along, and it's definitely better than I had expected. I'll echo the thoughts of literally everyone else and say that the character designs in the anime are garbage, but hopefully it'll be okay as an adaptation.
>>18216>had toDon't propagandize scanner lies.
>>18197I get that literally everyone is saying this but fuckin hell the designs are rubbish.
>>18185If nothing else, Masamune along with Youjo is going to be amazing for screencaps
>>18216>>18222The faces looked a bit odd at first, but I don't hate the designs at all. Or is it like Aldemarin and they're significantly changed from the source material?
>>18226Did you even watch Bloodverse?
Only the first episode, which I didn't find too terrible. Did it get much worse after that?
>>18234Well, if you think about it both Japanese and Chinese hate Koreans.
>>18237Considering how late some organs are developed during the pregnancy, I doubt even the dullahan babies are that different.
Maybe the head stays attached while the baby is inside the mother, and pops off the moment it goes out?
the very image of this makes me giggle. No.18246
>SeirenThis really wants to be the second coming of Amagami, but I don't mind. I liked most of the characters in this, the MC excluded, though it only having three arcs planned right now is disappointing. The HS release had pretty crappy subs, so I'll try the other group next time.
>UraraBasically what
>>18217 said. It was certainly lively (and loud), but not very entertaining beyond that. I also find characters like Nono to be quite annoying, so it loses points with me for that.
>RakugoI didn't recognise either of the glasses characters in this episode, so I can't tell if they're old ones I forgot or new characters I'm not supposed to know yet. I'm still bothered by that ten year timeskip that happened at the end of S1.
>>18246>It was certainly lively (and loud), but not very entertaining beyond that.As a whole it reminds me a lot of Is the Order A Rabbit? - that one was also somewhat lacking.
Then again, I did finish the Rabbit anime, so I'll probably watch this one too.
>>18247I like how most of the seiyuus in the anime have only a few roles. But the pandering annoys me.
>>18220>another all-girls worldwhy they keep doing this?
>>18258The same reason you quote something no one said. They think it will help with the sells.
>>18258thanks for pointing that out. Picked up.
>>18262I wouldn't say it's entirely without redeeming features, I liked the guy in charge and the laidback attitude of him and most of his crew. Still probably won't watch any more of it with this typical whiny MC, tsunbitch love interest and annoying mascot.
>>18264It is from the author of Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, so I don't think the MC is going to remain as whinny as it was for the most of this episode, but it is going to get manlier and manlier.
>>18264>I liked the guy in charge and the laidback attitude of him and most of his crewI think it comes from stuff like Time Bokan and the shows it parodies. You may find it satisfying to try some older japanese cartoons. Not that I'm anywhere near an expert on them.
>>18270no, despite the clothes, it should be Tokimeki Tonight, right? Are they censoring the nudity of the reference they themselves are doing?
>>18274>What irresponsible schooling.Fantasy racism, obviously.
The ova definitely doesn't fit in the continuity anymore, she was supposed to have seen the rod for first time there. Not, you know, bring it home after the first day of school.
But yeah, more Sucy is always good.
>raped a woman>it was a youthful indiscretion…the fuck is with the characterization of this guy. I was sure he was a random thief whom we'll immediately forget about until I heard his voice, but … the way the anime is building his image I can't pinpoint any humanity in him. He's just a collection of lines that a fictional character would say in a novel. Considering the scene
>>18272 notes is about characterization of the thief, no wonder it feels disjointed - the rest of the thief's characterization was also disjointed.
Considering the whole episode was about him, this bodes badly for the rest of the anime.
Also I fucking hate the color gamma. At least K was sporting this shit with flair and confidence.
And I have the feeling pic related was them trying to do an Abe smile, and bitterly failing.
I may see the second episode, this one was probably just anime original intro to the characters.
>>18276From what we saw he was far from actually even raping her and saw her breast at most. And it took him years of being a criminal around men on a daily base.
Almost dropped Hand Shaker. It is sad to see GoHand continuing the trend from the second season of K and going harder with the CGI. A lot of jerky imagery too.
On the other hand I almost masturbated to dropping Kemono Friends.
>>18277And what, he's still a virgin? I bet they were getting whores all the fucking time.
Then again, I'm not sure I'm supposed to look for any realism or logic in this series.
>>18278The poor girl even arched her back in order to not allow the boy's foot to touch her vagina. I'm pretty sure the animators fucked this up and the foot is above the clitoris.
I don't mind the animation style. However, for example the first minute - that was a complete mess. If you move the camera so much, people stop being able to follow what's going on and to be impressed with it. Frankly, only the mob scenes were somewhat impressive, all the rest was shit.
And the episode as a whole wasn't just boring. It actively pissed me off. Wasn't this whole boredom building up to him using the gears in a cool and imaginative way? NO. HE JUST MADE A FUCKING SWORD. WHO THE FUCK MAKES A SWORD WHEN HE HAS GEARS? At least make it a chainsaw, damn it.
>>18268>>18248I thought Chain Chronicle was supposed to be some chibi shorts?
>Idol JihenAm I supposed to be opposed to the guys saying that the diet members should be chosen based on merit and proposals instead of being cute teenage girls? Because I'm not.
>OniheiThe animation in this is seriously bad. And with the down to earth designs it has I didn't even realise that the thief was the same guy after he shaved his beard off for a while. It wasn't all that interesting, so I can't see myself sticking with it.
>ACCAI liked this a lot; I can generally approve of any show with a large cast that has designs this varied that are still sensible. The music was nice and the animation good, with a decent set up for the first episode. As a small thing, I liked that the arsons were being mentioned in the background of other scenes rather than being drawn to attention repeatedly. For things I didn't like about it, there's the police guy with his cheap hostility towards Jean, and Jean might be a bit too competent, but we can see how those go.
>Maid DragonNice animation, but pretty boring all around. The most I enjoyed from it was the laundry bits. Hopefully the new characters will make the next episode better, as with Tanaka-kun.
>Konosuba S2Entertaining as with the first season. Shame about the budget.
>Kemono FriendsThis was just boring, and shit CG animation doesn't help it one bit.
>>18289I was going to chide you for your choice of words, but you're right, so I can't.
>>18278The CG itself isn't the problem, but more how poorly the CG meshes with the standard animation during all the moving camera shots. In the classroom at the start people were jumping about in their chairs, while at the end the gearsword wasn't even remotely staying in the MC's hand. At first I thought the characters were CG too, but nope, they're just strangely detailed designs that don't look nice at all, it's like God Eater returning.
>>18303Wait, what. Why is it already out and by Commie at that?
File: 1484214754148.png (Spoiler Image, 850.01 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Kuzu no Honkai - ….png)

This whole scene was really funny. That aside, it was nice, even if boring at places. I'm pretty sure I've read the manga, but I remember exactly zero stuff from it.
>>18304herkz-edited amazon rip as far as I can tell.
>>18305>herkz-edited amazon rip as far as I can tell.So Amazon with added memes? When's the plain Amazon rip?
>>18303This was more sexual than I expected. That said where are the subtitles for Super Homos 2.
>>18308There were no memes. I'm not even sure if herkz edited anything, or just styled it, but it read better than the average official translation so he may have put some minimal effort in it.
By the way, I haven't seen more faithful rendition of Kimi ni Todoke's animation style in a while.
>>18313My guess is Amazon are a little more serious than CR, which probably hire people that are still in university or something.
>I haven't seen more faithful rendition of Kimi ni Todoke's animation style in a while.What? This does not look like Kimi ni Todoke at all. I don't think it even had boxes like that.
>>18317Make threads, you faggots.
>>18318I'd start making them with the third episode. By then everybody should have decided what to watch and what not.
>PiaceI can't deal with all these super short shorts we're getting, there's not enough time to start giving a shit about anyone.
>Marginal #4Another season, another boring as shit male idol show.
>Kuzu no HonkaiI liked this one a lot. You rarely see subject matter like this come up in anime, for whatever reason it largely stays limited to manga. The characters were interesting enough and the soundtrack was great.
>>18313I skimmed through both versions and the only changes I noticed were that "Yasuraoka-san" was written as "Ms. Hana" in Amazon's and "Yasuraoka" in Commies, while Amazon bizarrely retained the use of sensei which Commie localised with Mr./Ms. and so on, and that the text message Hana got from her brother was subbed in Commie's version whereas Amazon only translated the first sentence of it and not the rest. For the most part the script was barely different.
>>18322Amazon had even the song translations? Nice, it's rare for them to be able to deal with the copyright nightmare in time.
>>18324Yeah, they did. Is there really any copyright issue there? I figured it was always just pure laziness. I can't imagine there being any scenario where they'd be allowed to include the OP / ED / insert song in a show, but providing subtitles for the lyrics would be crossing a line. Though I do recall that Heat Haze Days in Project Diva F 2nd was the only song in the game without translated lyrics, which apparently was due to some shit with Jin.
>>18325Japanese copyright laws are notoriously stupid. The rights to use the lyrics are separate from the rights to use the song itself, I think. Or something like that. I've heard about it in many different places, but it's so outside my expertise that I never bothered to inform myself.
>>18322>Another season, another boring as shit male idol show.Fuck you man. It was chill as fuck.
>>18327That's just two ways of saying the same thing, anon.
>>18328Are all SoL boring?
>>18329Of course not. A SoL lives or dies on its characters, writing, and directing. All of which had pretty marginal appeal in this show.
>>18343Boy, the animation took a dive already.
Teacher was the best part of the first episode but hardly worth watching more of it for.
>>18367Murderers should die!
>>18375Yami Shibai and Precure?
>>18397Honestly I never finished the original series and its direct sequel Makai Senki, for no particular reason. I started with the third one that was not connected to them. As far as I know Zero is in both of them. In Makai no Hana, with the son of Kouga, Zero shows up again here and there. There was also a short mini series - Zero Black Blood. It had a funny gaijin boss reused in Makai no Hana. It starts with the White Chapter.
>>18399Welcome to period dramas. Always somewhat of a disappointment.
>>18428Why KyoAni always makes the lolis fat? God damn women.
>>18461Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
>>18460Just what this arc needs, more time skips.
>>18784Yes. Her episodes start from 5.
>>18834Didn't the mc tell her to go away at the end of episode 6?
>>18836Episode 7, but that doesn't mean the arc is over, silly.