>>18430I wondered so much what would the melodrama be that when I reached it I couldn't help but simply laugh my ass off. Then again, I laughed my ass off on the near-sex scene in the first episode too.
It was quite the good episode. The teachers are getting sidelined and the new characters are good. And the kissing is getting more and more elaborate, which is always nice for a non-Illya anime.
>>18430I share your thoughts. Good episode, dumb ending.
For their character types, both Ecchan and Noriko are surprisingly likeable. I guess it helps that Ecchan is cute and not a typical dyke.
>>18545Sensei a whore. A GOD DAMN FUCKING WHORE I TELL YOU.
>>185471. He was touching her ass and being playful in other ways too.
2. The same cloths as yesterday thing.
3. Even the scent of nicotine.
Sensei is a fucking whore that fucks bad boys while scouting for a financially good husband material.
>>18548Not sure a school teacher is financially good husband material.
Whole episode was non-stop lewd. Also kind of nostalgic. I was surprised the first time such a problem turned up. Who cares about the fucking clothes.
>>18549It is a descent mid-range job, very stable, somewhat respected and better paid than many other places in the world. The salary also increases with experience. A lot of women in Japan do like the idea of a teacher as a husband. That said he could be used only before finding someone better.
>>18550She seems like she'd prefer somebody working 12 hours shifts so that she has free time to fuck other guys.
>>18546Come now, anon. He's just a friend. Does this look like the face of a liar?
>>18549Funny how this show manages to be quite a lot more sexual than most ecchi shows. You certainly don't see the topic of semen stains come up in many of them.
>>18623How about now?
Seriously, I somewhat liked this for not really including the adults as active characters and mostly for no one being a baddy. But now it is completely ruined for me.
>>18630Yeah, it seemed clear that it was going to be a story where everyone was a kind of shitty person, but while we see that Ecchan is willing to latch onto MC's vulnerability, the teacher is just straight up a villain.
At least twintails will surely remain pure, right?
>>18630>Seriously, I somewhat liked this for not really including the adults as active characters and mostly for no one being a baddy. But now it is completely ruined for me.Yup, me too. If this is the direction the characters are going to change, I've lost any relatability with any of them. Also the fourth episode made this look less sexual and more like straight-out porn movie. Almost no plot, just sex.
>>18713I thought sensei might act as a supreme gentleman and not fuck her, which would make her start doubting her ways and possible fall in love with him, but no. Just kill everyone involved at this point. They are indeed all scummy degenerates.
>>18714That may be what actually happened, and she just lied to piss off Hana.
Also, Twintails is still pure.
>>18788Women tend to be like that.
Yeah, it's a huge turnoff. No sex is gonna happen until you warm her up again.
That being said, this anime is fucking boring. You know what was the charm of Bakemonogatari that hooks you up? You may think it to be the weird animation or the charming conversations, but noo. It was the sight of two smarter-than-average late-bloomers teenagers starting to date. All of the characters - boys, girls, whatever - had something going for them. Had aspirations. Had achievements. Had hobbies. Had something to their life to make it less empty. That's why Arararararagi and Gahara are so late to the dating game: it's not so much the drama in the past, no. It's that they were actually using their gray matter, and were preoccupying themselves with interesting stuff. In comparison, these fuckers are like empty hulls. They do sex, because their life is void of anything to distract them from their hormones. The title of the anime claims they are scum, but scumbags are more interesting than them. Even fucking normalfags usually have a hobby or two, but every so often you see those with such an excess space in their skulls and time in their schedules that sex is all they have to break the monotony. They can't even love or be loved, because what's there to love in an empty hull. How the fuck is anybody watching late-night anime supposed to relate to these characters? The very fact that you're up in that hour to watch anime means your life isn't quite as empty. Yeah, I can relate to the sex titbits, but that can't really carry the whole anime. It seemed at the start like the teachers would be sidelined, and the teenagers will slowly grow into more interesting people, but that hope is pretty much gone at this point. Frankly, only the lesbian seems like a half-interesting character at this point. I mean, the male teacher may not be quite as bored, his mind being constantly into the teaching he does, but he's quite the unlikable character anyway. And even the production should have relied more on the soundtrack to create an appropriate mood. Frankly, there isn't much to save this series.
>>18813It's depressing that this guy right here is the most likeable member of the cast.
>>18718Still the purest. Comparatively.
>>18950She is destined for inbreeding.
>>18999On top of everything, now the brother turns out to be an actual cuckold.
This show had better end with someone getting stabbed.
>>19027Even the bitch couldn't believe it.
But I don't think it is that. I think the author at this point just finally went for the "he is so pure he will change her" road. I guess not having sex at all with her was too much to ask, so she suddenly had to realize it was her that pushed him into it and he never again tried to replicate it. But on that note she could go all "you are too self-important thinking you can help me!" and it could even turn out to be true considering how nice and helpful he was to Blue when she was younger.
>>19132Why would Hanabi be homeless? Let me remind you that she doesn't live with onii-chan and he is not really her onii-chan anyway.
File: 1490954818092.jpg (Spoiler Image, 66.83 KB, 1280x720, one last fuck you to the v….jpg)

I'm glad it's over.
This is what happens when you try to carry a show with romance only.
>>19185What romance? This is one of the least romantic dramas I've ever seen.
>>19185>>19186With that ending especially I would set on a coming-of-age
pseudo intellectual drama.
>>19186The thinking man's "romance".