I figured this episode would be boring as soon as it became clear that it was Lotte focused, and I was right. This series is nowhere near as enjoyable as either OVA was.
>>19725I'm still watching it
The tone whiplash is real though, jebus.
Of course I'm watching. I rather liked the new reveal, since it explains the thing about Diana's lost magic.
I also really like Akko's relationship with Andrew. This isn't a romance anime so I don't expect a grand kiss or confession, but they're really easy to ship because their relationship feels very natural. I appreciate that.
File: 1497974167709.png (Spoiler Image, 1.11 MB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Little Witch Aca….png)

I want to protect this smile.
>>19868I'd rather cum inside it.