>>19289Some thing obviously are exaggerations and intentionally input drama that could have been skipped ("Oh no, I fell like a dumbass!", "Oh no, I dropped the baton like a dumbass!", "Oh no, I randomly got to hear them talking shit about me behind my back!"), but there are indeed many nice touches in the behaviour of the characters. They are capable of some very reliable actions.
For this reason I got reminded of Shounen Hollywood. A weird anime about a male idol unite, written by a woman, but with very believable and well written male characters.
Also Tsuki ga Kirei's author might have a grudge with Dazai.
So they weren't able to meet. She is sitting there depressed and sad tearjerking music is playing. He finally comes. They can barely talk to each other. Several levels of misunderstandings seem to be in the process of being made. Oh no, is the melodrama really coming? Is the "healing" over? And then boom. "I want to talk with you more." "Is that your answer?" "Yes."
Why are you doing this to me? Why do you play with my feelings like that? It is not really a play of "something sad is happening in their relationship and there is sad music, how sad, but oh gosh, they dodged the bullet, thank god!", it is a "yeah, we are actually becoming that kind of a shitty drama anime now, oh wait, we are not." I believe they are implementing some very meta tactics here, thanks to which they successfully make the viewer feel anxious, even if it is not for the same reason the characters are.
>>19464I am watching. I'm not looking forward to the kind of developments that seem to be coming up, but the staff have been doing a good job so far so I'll have faith in them.
On a different note, I must be getting old, because I spent the whole episode smiling with fatherly understanding at all the seishun moments, even the ones that should have brought up embarrassing memories of my own.
>>19466At this point I wouldn't worry too much. The anime seems to intentionally be pushing us at the opposite side of the road, but pulls us back before a drama car can hit us. Time after time. But then again, it might decide to not pull us back at any time.
>>19467>>19468I don't have a problem with drama per se, it's just that it's not the kind of story I feel like watching now. It's probably because I got about two years' fill of it from kuzu no honkai.
Moving on to speculation, I personally took this protectable smile as a sign of her accepting both her own feelings and the MC's indifference, which would make a love triangle scenario unlikely.
I'm actually rooting for the tomboy here, but I guess I'll have to be content with watching from the sidelines as she steps aside and watches the main couple from the sidelines herself. That doesn't sound too bad, actually.
The most 3DPD couple in this show.
>>19513Not after that ending. And she ruined Akane's race too. Next week we'll find out that she's related to the editor and told him to reject the MC or something.
>>19522>what answer does she expect?Have you not seen a romance anime until now? She expects a "no". She said it herself, she just wants "a proper closure". She doesn't want to regrets not even trying, but at least to try and then fail. It is very common in anime and dramas.
>>19523I meant to the immediate question of "Can I confess to him?" Our ponytailed protagonist can't say "yes" out of jealousy, but at the same time she can't say "no", because she understands the rational logic behind it.
I know full well that you want to confess in order to be able to move on. It's not a romance anime fact, it's pretty much common sense. It's less about trying and failing, and more about not leaving things unsaid. Unsaid things tend to linger in your mind.
>>19524>it's pretty much common senseI am not sure I would agree. In western media it seems like being the one to hold it in yourself and just let them be happy is seen as a lot more virtues thing to do. That is at least when the one confusing is not obviously the real main character of the story, then it is just being.
Meanwhile even in Japan even if this confession is probably not something most people would do and it is not very harmonious, it is the more popular cliche in the media when compared to holding it.
Basically probably the western person wants to be seen as virtues, even if he is a selfish ass, while the Japanese dreams of being selfish in important moments of life, but he doesn't have the guts to do it.
A fucking recap.
File: 1498860209249.jpg (Spoiler Image, 86.97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsuki ga Ki….jpg)

I was ready to say "Fuck this ending and fuck this show" and then those last few minutes happened. Pretty good ending.
>>19934Really? I had the exact opposite reaction. I found that "after that" segment to be quite bad and completely out of place, to the point of jeopardising my enjoyment of an otherwise pretty good show. A few scenes from their future I'm fine with, but it seemed to suggest that their romance was validated because they eventually
married and
had children - as if their story wouldn't have been worth telling otherwise.
It's fine if you want to write that kind of story - there's nothing wrong with writing clannad - but this just wasn't that kind of story up until that segment. It was a lovely story of romance and awkwardness among middle schoolers, with no themes of eternal love or red strings of fate.
The writers might retort by pointing out that some of those LINE conversations that they'd been placing in the ED and which didn't seem to make sense were actually exchanges between the main characters well into the future - AHA! Foreshadowed right in your face! Well, fuck them in that case.
>>19935I'm more with you on this. Also, notice how he became a normal salaryman, while she… what, housewife? That's fucking boring. It's simply awful, especially after they gave us some hope he'll get successful as a web novel writer in the same fucking episode.
What they needed to do instead was just a sequel hook for a second season with a theme of "long-distance high school relationship". That would have been fun. And then continue with a third season in university while living together. It was an original work, right? There was so much potential, and they kill it off with the worst possible cliche for an epilogue.
I still empathize deeply with the main girl, and I still like
>>19932 a fucking lot, so eh? I'll just ignore the last segment and hope they will retcon it in the future.
>>19935After I thought about it some more I basically had the same reaction. It was nice to get a happy ending (and one where Chinatsu lost) but it really didn't mesh with the rest of the show at all and didn't even fit very well with the rest of the final episode. Akane wasn't only worried about Azumi falling for other girls, she was also upset about putting the burden on him in regards to the money and time involved with meeting her, and that never ended up getting resolved. Hell, I was expecting Azumi to say "it's fine, I can write my novels while on the train" but nope, that would have been too smart for him. And as you say, it ends with that red string shot, which just had nothing to do with anything that came before it.
Plus they didn't have any time for all the side characters, which is a shame. What about slut girl and her scumbag boyfriend? What about Roman and the teacher? I guess we were never supposed to care about those.
>>19941>What about slut girl and her scumbag boyfriend? What about Roman and the teacher? I guess we were never supposed to care about those.What about the parents? What about "sensei ga seitou ni natte"?
I want a whole second season made of only these skits, the OVA was pure 10/10. It'd be like Tsurezure Children, but better than the anime adaptation. How the fuck has nobody translated this yet? I laughed my heart out, even as I've forgotten most of the characters.