>>19341I really don't see this anime pulling off what it is trying to do. Glorifying the Japanese as super generous aside, something like a source of infinite energy would have to be basically in constant monitoring by the alien guy to be able to give to humans. Him trying to advance humanity in such a way seems quite pointless, because whatever he gives them it will most likely turn quickly in some new doomsday weapon. Meanwhile the collapse of the energy sector across the world will happen. But I guess he just needs to give them infinite food next and they will be able to just go full classless society utopia or something.
It seems like that they are going to hide his reason for coming as a big reveal for later.
So the alien came to Japan because they're the most empathetic nation on the planet. How incredibly self-absorbed this author is.
>>19342Given Shido demonstrating the Wam's function, he must have known that Alien was going to present them in the speech. Given his practicality so far it's pretty bizarre that he wouldn't have cautioned Alien as to what would happen if they just started handing out unlimited power sources.
>>19409What is she angry about? Is she angry about being a CG character?
Yaha-kui is probably either ancap or ancom or something else close enough. It would be kind of silly if after his comments about countries he turns out to be just a minimalist. His plan is probably something along the lines of giving WAM directly to the people somehow, which wouldn't be addressing the dangers of giving WAM to humans at all.
>>19410Angry about getting busted.
I laughed at the same moment she did in episode 3, actually.
>>19471Psyche! No one else is autistic enough to make them.
Seems pretty odd that we went through this whole episode with zero mention of any consequences for Japan's actions, even if most people were unable to make them. Then we get a bombshell dropped at the end and next week will be a goddamn recap.
>>19639She does things to my heart and penis.
As if there was ever doubt. Always gas the alien.
>>19718It is not evil, if it is different standards.
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Well this came out of nowhere.
>>19819This upsets me. A lot.
>>19898He just wants some excitement in their relationship.
Also I think Shindo made a big mistake by not giving a proper explanation to the autistic girl or possible even telling her at all. Though there is a chance she won't sperg out and do something detrimental, but actually find a harmless way for human to go to the anisotropic or something of the sort.
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No wonder whatshisname was crying in the last episode, Shindo gave him one heartless request. Though if whatshisname was the only one raising the kid, how did it learn so much about the anisotropic? Why was the kid any different to Saraka in abilities when Saraka had spent millions of years living in the cocoon? I guess Shindo must just have magical power activating sperm. And yet with all of the kid's powers, she couldn't bring Shindo back. Then she just fucks off after Saraka forces her naturalist world views on the entire world when the only negative we ever saw was zaShunina going full assimilation mode.
What a mess this ended up being.
>>19942I have no words for that ending. No fucking words.
>>19945I agree with that one.