The new opening was disappointing.
>>19340I hope they don't go into full shit mode again. But considering how much time they spend this episode on some arm wrestling just so Nina can meet whoever that new (or not so new) handsome guy was, I am feeling positive about it.
>>19417Four episodes and still no Favaro. And I guess I'm supposed to remember Azazel from S1, but I have no recollection of him at all.
Really, this has just been four episodes of establishing that Nina is a dragon, Azazel is fighting Charioce's inhumane regime, and setting up Kaisar's internal conflict. It's definitely moving along slowly, especially compared to S1 which was on the rushed side.
>>19643There is a difference between demons, gods and other magical beings. The anime hasn't been very good with portraying the race relations with the main races, what is there left for the rest. Not sure if a zombie would even count as someone from Hell. Most people would probably think she is just from some very pale human ethnicity maybe? The talking goose is not bothering anyone either. Though slaves here are usually portrayed as doing heavy work, it would be weird to not have some house slaves as well. Though I doubt the creators have even thought of it much. Azazel and Mugaro used to work in the coliseum and have the freedom to talk around as well. There are the weird demon ghettos that make no sense too.
About the sound, I am definitely not hearing anything weird in that scene, but maybe I am just deaf.
>>19644There's a pretty noticeable reverb going on at the pictured line, when the next line starts it disappears. I think it's reverb anyway, I'm not too clear on audio terms.
>>19701When Nina commented that she was taught by Favaro the only ones with her were Rita, Bacchus and Hamsa. He was late for a few minutes, so that explains that. What does surprise me is that Rita didn't tell Kaisar about it.
I have a stupid theory about the whole Colossum thing, and it's that Kaisar saw him being harassed but because he lacked the afro/didn't hear his name, he didn't figure it out.
It's also doubtful that Kaisar had to know about each and every prisoner King Cheerios harassed in his murder playground.
>>19766Virgin Soul will have 20+ episodes, so they have time.
File: 1498256015509.jpg (Spoiler Image, 72.34 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shingeki no….jpg)

Of fucking course there would be a minecart segment. Not that I'm complaining at all, in fact this was probably the most fun I've had all season.
>>19892I hated it. The whole Hollywood composition escape/adventure and that fucking music. It is like I am watching a Star Wars shit or something. And the "epic" battle music is no better really. I really could do without those elements.
I guess we're not allowed to have the band back together just yet.
I'm also not sure why Charioce would hug Nina just because she asked, or why Kaisar had to stay behind at all given the flying van could have carried them all away if they didn't stop to chat.
>>19947Charioce was plenty confused by it and it was Nina that jumped on him, the fucking slut. From there on because he does actually like he ended up embracing her.
For the rest this
>>19949 He wanted to supposedly somehow help Favaro.
It started so well. Jesus fucking Christ, it started so well. Yet, after that end, all I feel is rage.
>>20847If by starting well you mean Genesis. I gave up on VS after episode 13, what happened?