File: 1492680338835.jpg (Spoiler Image, 109.14 KB, 1280x720, Busou Shoujo Machiavellian….jpg)

This got me real good. It's like the oldest trick in the book but I thought they pulled it off pretty damn well.
Didn't like this episode much actually. Too much of a focus on mask and blondes fights when all I want to see is the MC.
>>19510She sure climbed up the best girl ladder fast.
The previous fights were somewhat more dynamic. Also it's really clear how the general structure of the fights repeats itself.
But I still am interested in the cliffhanger.
>>19628There's also one milf, of course.
>>19889>If the girls were genderswapped to boys, nothing would seem out of the ordinary.This is the point I'm supposed to call you a faggot, but you're right. What the fuck.