You just want me to lower my guard.
>>22899You're going to get raped by yurus in a tent, and there is nothing you can do about it.
>>22923Yeah, her short hair friend can stay though since her voice is so nice and she's content to just not go with her.
The club isn't bad but I find myself enjoying rin solo way more.
>>22923>>22940I like Pink a lot, but I don't particularly care for the other two.
Rin has an enlightened fashion sense.
>>23140>2:00What's the point of mentioning the minutes at all if you've rounded them to the nearest hour anyway?
>>23140Hey, at least they bothered to do the date!
>>23140>>23141Are you actually autistic? Though even autism is not a good enough of excuse.
>>23155What are you even trying to point to with the screenshots? That Asenshi is just editing HS releases like most "fansubers" nowadays? "Two" and "2:00" is basically the same fucking shit and like the only thing so far, other than typesetting, that Asenshi has edited in the pictures you present.
And do you want to get wrecked? She says "mo niji da" where "ni" is "two" and "ji" is a suffix for time. So the most correct translation would probably actually be "It's already 2 o'clock." In HS' (CR's?) version at least "2:00" heavy implies she is talking about the time of the day, while in the Asenshi version they is just a random "two."
But in reality none of this matters, because it is just a stylization choice of how to say the time of the day, no one will understand it the wrong way, and the rest of the translation is the fucking same, because it literally is the same translation.
>>23156>In HS' (CR's?) version at least "2:00" heavy implies she is talking about the time of the day, while in the Asenshi version they is just a random "two."You should've quit while you were ahead. Even if the context didn't make this obvious, it's still obvious because most people actually omit the "o'clock" part these days.
You also seem to have entirely missed the point, which is that the HS release has them go out of their way to sub it as "2:00" despite the phone directly above that subtitle showing that it is 2:03.
>>23156> What are you even trying to point to with the screenshots?The difference in the approach.
> "Two" and "2:00" is basically the same fucking shit For you, Mr Zuckerberg. Normal people don’t speak like clocks.
> She says "mo niji da" where "ni" is "two" and "ji" is a suffix for time. How your thoughts wrap in words depends on the language you think with. Hence the literal translation often isn’t the proper one. You wouldn’t insist on a literal translation of every です, would you? Hence the translator or an editor should see through the foreign words, get to the original thought, and wrap it in his native tongue. Why would she add ‘o’clock’ in a short thought to herself? Especially when she’s late? They did it right, translating as just ‘two’.
> is just a random "two."How the fuck can it be random, when the whole screen is given to her sumaho saying 14:03?
> Bud in rialeetee no’ af dis mattress, “cause idz da zdeelizashun schoisse af ha two sei zhe tiem of da dei, no 1 vil oonderstand id da rong wai.Uh-huh.
>>23157>which is that the HS release has them go out of their way to sub it as "2:00" despite the phone directly above that subtitle showing that it is 2:03.It is what she says, though.
Then why keep posting more pictures with only typesetting difference? What is there left to prove? It just killed the initial statement of HS being horrible by showing us that the fansubers barely edit anything in the translation.
>>23161>You wouldn’t insist on a literal translation of everyA simple translation of a simple sentence is just too literal?
Excuse me, I forgot that she is just a rad middle schooler with a yolo personality. I should have known she wouldn't say such an old fashionable thing as "o'clock" in modern English. What kind of a loser does that? That would totally be out of character and unrealistic. Thank you for educating me, Mr. CommieSubs. You are truly my hero.
>>23156>"Two" and "2:00" is basically the same fucking shit 2:00 implies precision. Otherwise you wouldn't go to the effort of pointing out the 0s.
This way it's not just clunky, but turns an abbreviation into a lie.
>>23164>It is what she says, though.No it isn't. She says "it's two", not "it's two zero zero". The dialogue does not specify the minutes like the subtitle does. How hard his this to wrap your head around?
>>23172She doesn't say that it is two, she says that it is two o'clock.
>>23174Which coincidentally also does not specify the minutes like "2:00" does, and is not the same as saying "It's 2:00".
>>23176If you agree then simple both are wrong, which makes the original post pointless. But "2:00" is at least in meaning closer, either way.
>>23177>But "2:00" is at least in meaning closer, either way.Not at all.
>>23181The show was too relaxing, it was bound to happen.
>>23214You gotta have hope. Although supposedly the manga is mostly just Rin camping solo.
I prefer the solo camping stuff honestly. Or at most with Nadeshiko.
>>23234>I prefer the solo camping stuff honestly.I feel the same. The solidarity and introspection aspect of it is calm and relaxing; which is what I like the most about the show.
>>23235It legitimately makes me want to go camping in a mountainous place. This show's making me want to go outside, it's dangerous.
>>23253Kokkoku has already reminded us this season on what happens when our kind leaves the safety of our nests.
Also camping is expensive.
>Also camping is expensive.
If it's warm enough, you can get pretty far with a hammock (~$20), some rope (~$8), a small first-aid/emergency kit ($10-20), and an appropriate supply of food/water, all of which will easily fit into a standard backpack you probably already own.
If a hammock doesn't sound fun, a small tent and sleeping bag shouldn't set you back all that much (~$25 each). You can find backpacking stoves for ~$10 if you must have something hot and building a fire isn't an option. Cups and pots you can find at the thrift store for a couple bucks maybe, or buy new for a couple more. A camp chair is like $15 if you're into that kind of thing.
Camping *can* be expensive, like any other hobby, but the fairly casual investments above are enough for a pretty comfy couple of days out there and will last you many adventures with a reasonable amount of care.
Oh yeah, bring bug spray (~$7). Bring one more pair of socks than you expect to use. And wear good shoes (they don't have to be "hiking" shoes, just some decent protection and support for your feet).
The first step to camping is building a simple shelter. No.23277
>>23255I already have most gear I'd need. Only thing missing would be a portable stove and that's that. Plus offseason camping is like 5 bucks where I'm at.
>>23265So easy that even a caveman can do it.
>>23258I watched some 3 minutes of the video. It looks like he's cut down half a forest for his little shelter. That's retarded.
>>23265 is much more reasonable.
>>23290Different purposes, really. Both of them are overkill for camping if you're only staying a day/weekend or so.
Both of those shelters are meant for reasonably long term stays, the first video more so.
>>23342Her clothes hide the real size of her bazongas very well.
File: 1517571854381.jpg (Spoiler Image, 85.89 KB, 1280x720, [Ohys-Raws] Yuru Camp - 05….jpg)

>>23342>>23346If you liked that I don't know how you missed the juiciest scene in the episode.
>>23350I don't see any udders, anon.
>>23372Do you have a script that automatically gives your files unix names?
The music is helping this show a lot. It reminded me a bit of the Atelier composers, but it's some guy I've never heard of who's barely done anything before this.
>>23462What would you do? Demand a salad because you're on a diet?
>>23463>random old manDon't speak ill of Shawn Conecone.
>>23539There's only one way to find out.
>>23542Ask her?
See how she reacts to Axe body spray?
Call her parents and check if they remember?
>>23549Ask her out on a date!
>>23617>>23618The face of NTR.
>>23771I want to eat bacon and drink myself into a drunken stupor with this nee-san!
>>23773Erotically cute?
Yuru Camp looks like YURU SHIT
Which one of the campers is the most likely to enjoy anal sex, and why?
I wish I were a cute JK camping with other cute JKs. Life is unfair.
>>23949>too drunk to noticeThen what's the point, anon?
>>23957Filming it to blackmail the 'brother'?
>>23960>'brother'I appreciate the quotes. I'm still not convinced that 'he' was a boy.
introduced my frans to this show
we are going camping tonight
>>25798Is there gonna be hot yuri action?
>>25799Everyone else ended up backing out except one cute girl. As I am not also a cute girl, I am afraid there was no hot yuri action. However, there was a significant amount of low-impact consensual cuddling.
Permanently healed from the evils of this damned world?
Also some people would go the other way and say the world is being healed from the plight of humanity.
On one side, Japan is a country where a teenage girl can go camp by herself. On the other side, you have to pay for the camping place, doing it anywhere else would be illegal and you have a fucking checkout.
>>31388Well, the second is the reason why the first is true. You usually don't camp alone cause the mountains are a scary place, so if something happens to you, there better be someone else with you to help you. So the only idiots who camp alone in the wilderness are usually slightly suicidal men.
Also, so much fucking food this episode. I was most jealous of the matcha tiramisu though.
>>31389That just makes the whole experienced too sanitized and basically pointless. It is the same with hiking in Japan. Real hiking barely exist. It wouldn't surprise me if it is somehow illegal too, but at least more of a gray zone as long as you don't make a fireplace.
>>31436I don't know whether I've changed or Nadeshiko has since the first season aired, but she seems cuter this time around.
I have to eat dinner while I watch this lest I become rapaciously hungry.
>>31468And it's great.
>>31528It was quite nice. Everything became daijoubu right away, but that was to be expected as this isn't a survival anime. When shit first got real, though, the girls did a pretty good job of assessing the situation and coming up with a plan, and that was interesting to watch.