Oh boy, another P&D anime, only two years until the event monsters they add for it make their way to NA.
But that will still be long before the SYD movie gets subbed.
Maybe one of the mahou shoujo will be good? But it looks like a hard backlog season.
I don't pay much attention to the shows until the season is actually underway, but I've only marked a few shows as green (almost certainly will watch) on Anichart and most of the others as yellow (undecided). S;G Zero and Amanchu's second season are the ones I'm most interested in.
>>24050>markedJust watch everything.
Also S;G a shit. C;H will remain the most interesting thing the author has ever done. After that his stories just got watered down so they can be more mainstream.
Batman Ninja looks so stupid I might just have to watch it.
>>24051>Also S;G a shit.Please go back to 4chan.
>>24054The joke is as old as the S;G anime itself. Or maybe you would have preferred calling it Shit;Gay and telling you to return to gaia for watching this reddit trash? Maybe that would have made you feel more at home?
Don't sperg out, mate.
>>24055Please go back to 4chan.
>>24048>Anyone got anything nice to say about Mahou Shoujo Site?Not me, although I only read the very few first chapters. 'Edgy mahou shoujo' makes me think of something like mahou shoujo ikusei keikaku, and mahou shoujo site sort of crossed that line right at the start, so maybe that's a sign that it turns into something else and explores other themes later on, because if impressing us with suffering and violence is all it's got, it's going to get old really fast.
>>24055Just fuck off back to 4chan you fucking piece of shit.
Speaking of Mahou Shoujo Site, Kizuna Ai will be voicing a character in it.
>>24048>I've seen these character designs a fair few times now but I still can't get used to them. What the fuck were they thinking?"We want the Kuroko no Basket audience."
>DxDI didn't hate the last season as much as most, but what I do hate is this new season changing the art style. It looks like utter shit.
>>24051The anime is shit, but the VN was great. But Steins;Gate 0 was shit through and through so the anime can only be a complete mess.
>>24067>We want the Kuroko no Basket audience.But I was the Kuroko no Basket audience and I think the new designs are stupid.
Gegege no kitarou is back. Huh. Who the hell thought that reviving a 20 years old and mostly forgotten series is a good idea?
>>24067Do you people have to turn every fucking board into 4chan? Why do you think alternate boards exist in the first place, you dumbshit?
>>24074Quite ironic since I'd consider this a 4chan tier post in itself. The only thing I really see wrong with the other anons post is him calling S;G shit without giving any further input on it, but in that case if you feel otherwise surely it's better to open a dialogue and talk about your thoughts on it instead of devolving the situation even further.
>>24075I have no idea what's meant to be "4chan" about my post either, it's not like I was misusing the quote function. As for calling S;G 0 shit, I thought I'd made a post in the games thread about it after I finished it, but apparently not. I could go into detail about it, but boy is there a lot to say about it.
>>24075>Quite ironic since I'd consider this a 4chan tier post in itself.Oh fuck off.
>>24081Steins;Gate is an objectively good and highly acclaimed series, so of course the 4chan thing to do is to call it shit as soon as anyone mentions it. You need to go back.
Come on guys, everybody knows that Steins;Gate is an extremely divisive series. Do you have to act like spergs about it?
>>24069It happens all the time. And it's not like it's forgotten or unknown, Kitarou goes back to the 60s and just had an anime adaptation in '08.
>>24053It looks like the very worst of Batman and the very worst of ninjas at the same time
>>24088Yeah, ok. If this place is no different from 4chan then there's clearly no reason for me to come here anymore.
>>24094Well yeah, if all you're going to is sperg out on small shit like that for "being a 4chan post" what ever the fuck that means, then I think it would be best for everyone if you left.
>>24053>>24091Reviews seem pretty positive though.
>>24097Reviews are worthless when it comes to anime.
>>24087>Steins;Gate is an objectively good and highly acclaimed series, so of course the 4chan thing to do is to call it shit as soon as anyone mentions it. You need to go back.Steins;Gate was a fantastic visual novel with a poorly directed and rushed anime adaptation that could only be liked by people who hadn't read the source material. Steins;Gate 0 is a shitty sequel that's full of inconsistencies and inadequately explored ideas. Know the difference, it could save the thread.
>>24043Looks like kind of slim pickings at the moment. Just hope they don't screw up too hard on the few with potential (Hinamatsuri and FMP spring to mind). Can't wait to see just how much of a trainwreck some of these are going to be (Creatures Family Days looks like a real contender in this category).
>>24136>Creatures Family Days looks like a real contender in this categoryAs far as I can tell tencent or haoliners have nothing to do with it, which does give me a tiny bit of hope for the show.
>>24069Doesn't seem all that bad an idea to me, I'm enjoying it so far.
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi was okay to watch, but there's nothing so far that has really set it apart from every other reverse harem show I've started watching and got bored of a few episodes in.
>>24161>Doesn't seem all that bad an idea to me, I'm enjoying it so far.And even if it does take a nosedive, one can at least enjoy the new wave of fanart and doujinshi.
I love Megalo Box's ED. It's not as good as "Don't", but I've been playing it over and over again.
>>24069>mostly forgottenIt's not forgotten at all in Japan. It's more or less on par with old Disney films in the US, even if you haven't seen them you know about them.
This guy… doesn't win, now, does he. Fuck it, Code Realize spoiled the fuck out of me, and now I expect at least the protagonist to not be rapey.
>>24222Yeah, well, it doesn't pack much in the "unintentionally funny" department either.
>>24237Fuck that. I can have better taste than your statistically average woman.
Also, your pic cracked me up, and I was openly giggling by the time my pic showed on the screen. Now this is some quality "unintentionally funny".
>>24166I went and watched the first episode of the original again and it's ridiculous how badly the new version fucked it up. The old version introduces over a dozen characters and spends more time on Yang than it does on Rein, yet still covers the same amount of the battle. The new one is just Rein and Kircheis talking to each other for 80% of it and the rest is shitty CGI ship explosions. Absolutely ridiculous.
>>24240It is from the mangaka of Devilman.
And the director has worked under Yuasa.
So it is basically poorman's Crybaby. The problem for me is that I don't like Yuasa's loldeep direction, nor Nagai's loldeep edginess. But maybe since it is less from both it will be more tolerable. And Honey's butt and tits are a plus.
Some day I might read the Golden Kamui manga, but fuck the anime.
>>24268If he was serious, he'd burn that god damn boat.
>>24269I don't think all Nine-Tails work like in Naruto.
The bishounen cafe is nice. The cast has marginally more character than the cast of Comic Girls, but that's okay, we'll get to know them from now on. Maybe. Or maybe I just liked her ponytail, and I'll drop the show after the second episode.
>>24266My main question after watching the first episode is whether MC is actually immortal, or just has plot armor. I literally cannot tell.
>>24271I just want the rest of the story to be adapted (preferably in movie form). I don't understand why a lower quality adaption of the childhood arc was created.
>>24304There's nothing wrong with the art style. It's closer to the original, and straying from the original is the exact mistake the last studio made.
>>24067>Steins;Gate 0 was shitNot really. There was just more bad content than the original. The good content was great. S;G is a contained character study whereas, in its best moments, 0 tries to be a broad world building/exploratory story.
My biggest issue with it- after Kagari who is a complete joke- is that it's unpolished there's a lot of loose ends or hooks for unincluded content. Even if the story changed in late development you'd imagine that taking out the scenes and characters written for that story would be priority. 0 just leaves them all in making it feel disjointed and strange.
It's still good overall
>>24266The manga is generally pretty good.
>>24292It was good. While it skipped things and altered the introduction of other things, the tempo was perfect for a first episode. Ending with Amadeus was the right call.
FMP's first episode was good. I'm impressed with Xebec's 3DCG. It just keeps getting better. I'm glad I don't remember much from Sigma. So this is almost like experiencing the story anew. I'm not ready to experience Nami's death again.
>>24309>There was just more bad content than the original. The good content was great.I agree with both of these statements, but I wholly disagree with your conclusion that it's still good overall. All the abandoned plot threads, all the pointless scenes, all the illogical explanations and idiotic developments make it an awful game overall, even if it does have a small number of incredible scenes, especially when those scenes are often building towards payoffs that either never come or are unsatisfactory in their delivery. You clearly think the good outweighs the bad, but I wholeheartedly disagree.
>>24310The pacing was a mess, they downplayed Okabe's depression and trauma compared to the VN, and Suzuha now puts Okabe in a chokehold for no reason and acts far more hostile to him in the conversation they have. If they were adapting the VN they should've just started with the conference, rushed through it, and ended the episode with Okabe meeting Amadeus Kurisu, but instead it seems they're doing a direct adaptation of the Epigraph manga that came out years before the 0 VN since the first episode was almost shot for shot of the first two chapters, just with the VN's character designs.
Oops, sorry for the massive PNG, I usually convert to jpg the screenshots I upload but I forgot this time.
>>24312Suzu's actions are the result of translating the gist of a scene into something more visually appealing and better understood for anime viewers.
It's a visual medium after all.
While they sort of down played his depression in terms of exposition (which has to be cut anyway) they ramped up his PTSD.
I haven't read the manga, I have to admit, so I'm not sure how much it will detract from or benefit the adaption.
>>24337>Suzu's actions are the result of translating the gist of a scene into something more visually appealing and better understood for anime viewers. No, it's the result of adapting the manga where it happened exactly like that instead of adapting the visual novel where it didn't happen like that.
>they ramped up his PTSD.Absolutely not. The therapy scene didn't even involve him
breaking down screaming about how he killed Kurisu like it did in the VN.
>I haven't read the manga, I have to admit, so I'm not sure how much it will detract from or benefit the adaption.I only read enough of it to confirm that the anime was following it exactly, and then skimmed through several more chapters. If they keep following the manga we won't be seeing Amadeus Kurisu for quite a while.
>>24400Dragons are featured front and center on all the promo art, Anon. I don't really know how you got bamboozled.
>>24425I watch the first episode of everything that isn't a sequel each season so the only thing I do is use anichart to glance at the description and see that it's not a sequel, then I add it to a text document of what I'll be watching. I largely avoid the actual PVs / key visuals / descriptions so my impression of each show is based purely on the episode and not any outside knowledge.
That aside, Nao is way cuter than Amakasu. And I'm not sure how it was supposed to be an accomplishment to figure out Masotan's name when it's written on a disc in his gut right above where the pilot rests.
>>24425>>24449Well, I DID watch the PV for this, which I rarely do, and yet I got bamboozled too. The first hint of dragon presence I got was the day it came out, when I looked at the poster and saw a bunch of fucking dragons.
>>24221Why do all of these shows want to go so overboard with the grimdarkness so early? The great thing about Madoka was that it built up to it and then kept going further every episode, but all of the dark magical girl and other similar anime since then have always gotten way too far ahead of themselves.
>>24502Why are you using sage?
>>24516Maybe you meant to ask
>>24400 that? I'm a different fellow. All I contributed to the discussion was a personal anecdote, and since this didn't happen to be my blog or my instajournal wall, I used sage.
>>24299I'm here, I've just been taking forever to get around to it.
It's more of a gourmet thing than a cooking thing. Not much that I could readily put to use in terms of recipes, but it does make me want to try some ingredients. Next week they're making naporitan - I've made that, it's a pretty nice trashy kind of dish.
Amazingly, this anime sounds like a poor mishmash of genres but actually plays out like an orthodox isekai, the kind where the MC is stupidly overpowered and the locals are uncultured idiots incapable of figuring out basic stuff. It's just that the MC is Japanese cuisine itself.
>>24636I had to stop watching it because the story lost me for whatever reason. It's a shame because I liked the world.
>>24638The politician guy is probably going to remain an important character for the story, but who knows how much for the anime itself. We are already into another arc with new employers and enemies.
Maybe I'll pick it up again when the BDs are ripped. The high priest is a kind of interesting with his multiple lookalikes and schemes.
>>24640But, anon, she is a hag.
>>24642He actually just says "busu", which is only the "ugly" part.
>>24644But doesn't "busu" convey hag, "ugly woman," etc?
>>24652Busu just means "very ugly", "hideous". Hag implies she is also old, which is not part of busu.
>>24653After looking it up, you are indeed correct. Well then, he should've called her a hag too for good measure.
>>24656I'd say he didn't because japs can't into vulgar language. In any other language just calling somebody ugly is kindergarten level shit.
Also, excuse me, but please don't compare Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji to this shit. The relationship there was way better developed… and healthier, even. If it wasn't for the stellar seiyuu work I'd've dropped this disaster long time ago… but it seems that it's literally physically impossible for me to skip on something with Sugita and Sawashiro voicing a couple.
>>24687Why is the show parodying Higurashi? It's aimed at kids not at people who enjoy a bowls of sweets.
Ni~ Pa~
>>24733Gaijins are not otaku.
>>24733Wotakoi cannot be relatable, as it's not a good portrayal of relationships. If people find it relatable, it's definitely only on surface-level elements.
>>24742I was, but then I got a few episodes behind and just stopped trying.
>>24744Anons will die waiting for the last two episodes.
The author of OtaKoi doesn't have any idea how to write minor characters. Also the girls' outlook on their boyfriends is hardly healthy. Making BL pairings with them is normal, but the argument after that… Well, it's not like the boys outlook on their girlfriends is much better.
>>24758I think if you watch 10-20 series from this season, it still counts as "having dropped almost everything". I mean, I've dropped like three times more series than I follow.
>>24758>>24759This is why I stopped watching seasonal anime. Following 10-20 series in a season is fun, but watching so many just feels like a waste of time these days. I'd rather wait 6 months so I can get the BDs of stuff that I know is going to be actually good.
>>24760>that I know is going to be actually good.How do you know?
>>24759I usually start with about 12 shows I watch more than one episode of, and drop that down to six I actually finish. This season BNHA, Site, Wotakoi, and Comic Girls are the only ones left, and Wotakoi I might end up dropping too at this rate.
It would be a great time to catch up on my backlog if I wasn't stuck in mobage event hell.
>>247616 months' worth of people's opinions. Hell, even before the season ends it's not that hard to get a read on what was actually worth putting time into.
So much of the stuff that "looks good" at the beginning of the season ends up being a disappointment, but by waiting just a short amount of time that disappointment can be avoided.
I've been watching at least 20 shows per season for years, and I'm unsure if I'm actually enjoying the "workload." I just feel like I should do it since I have so much free time, and I'm impatient.
>>24765That is insanity. I watched 10-20, sometimes more than 20 anime every season from Spring 2011 until Fall 2016 but some of those seasons were just awful. I'd be shocked if anyone managed to watch 20 shows from Winter 2014 and maintain their sanity.
>>24764That usually doesn't work for me, people's opinions are generally misleading and uninformative (except fufufu, but there's no proof yet that I don't have a multiple personality disorder and am the only one writing here). But doing one episode of every new series is typically enough to know what will be good. And I quite enjoy the few weeks of watching a huge range of shows at the start of each season. One episode of a shit show doesn't kill your brain cells, it just gives you context.
>>24767I'm not the alternate personality you're quoting, but I too have a method based partially on reading opinions. Like most other things, people's opinions can be a very valuable asset if used correctly.
Absolute statements like "it's shit" or "AOTY" are of course useless (unless you happen to know who's making them and how their taste compares to yours), but when people discuss the particular things they're loving or hating (did it turn grimdark? What's the pace like? Is the MC relatable? Is the focus being placed on the action, or maybe on the drama?), they provide insight that is otherwise very hard to get without watching it yourself. You may well disagree with them, and love what they hate - the subjective part is not important.
All of this will probably not speak to you, because we disagree at a deeper level. I do feel like something in me dies when I watch a full episode of a shit show, and I don't enjoy watching a huge range of shows in the early season. I pick up only the shows that look most promising, and then keep an eye on what's being discussed to possibly spot other shows I might like.
For reference, I average just below 10 finished shows per season.
>>24767Basically this.
>>24768Watching an episode isn't necessarily a failsafe, as there are many anime that either got a lot worse or got a lot better later. Plus, not everyone the time or energy to watch an episode of every anime when there are 50 anime every season and half of them are garbage.
Reading people's opinions isn't necessarily a failsafe either, but there are plenty of people online who actually put thought into their writing. And even "it's shit" or "AOTY" can be useful if a lot of people are saying it.
Shockingly, even as 4chan in general is shit, going and searching through the archive isn't a bad way to find various opinions. The year-end threads are particularly useful because you have a whole lot of people posting at once about the good and the bad.
These days I usually keep up with maybe 1-2 current shows, and usually nearer the end of the season. I decide what gets in using similar methods to
The rest of the stuff I watch is backlog. Sometimes from last season, but typically further back than that. I'm doing about 5 shows total per season, but it varies.
I've only been watching Hisomaso this season, next season I'll probably only watch Yama no Susume and some other random shit. I don't care about other people's opinions and I don't want to whittle down the whole lot so I just chose at random and based on what I've seen before.
I am watching 30 without counting some shorts. Fight me.
>>24771>going and searching through the archiveHow can you search if the search function is not working?
>the year-end threads are particularly usefulThey haven't been useful since mobile devices with internet connection became a thing, because normalfags can give false information when they are doing their normalfag activities on their smartphones. A few years back the holiday threads gave the best information and content because only abnormal people were posting.
>>24768Oh, but that's quite heavy on the spoilers. Of course, if I'm wondering if I should pick up a show or not, then I probably don't care so much about the spoilers and then I also read opinions of other people.
But I must disagree with something else. It's quite rare to have a strong first episode of a weak series, and vice versa. Okay, I guess weak anime original first episodes of otherwise good adaptations happen more often.
>>24799First of all, the search function works.
As for dumb phoneposters, it doesn't matter because the critical mass is still there. You are a fucking idiot if you put lots of faith into one person but when there are hundreds of people, chances are that you'll be able to get some decent information.
You are talking as if I'm putting all of my eggs into the same basket when in reality I'm keeping my eggs and inspecting all of the baskets that I might put them in.
On top of that, it's not hard to determine if a poster is a drooling retard. Don't think I'm getting "tricked" into watching bad shows by random internet dumbasses.
>>24808I want nii-sama to have his own AU spin-off: a whole series dedicated to him pontificating, bullying, and otherwise whimsically ruining other people's lives. My favorite part of each episode is the preview where he performs his wonderful soliloquy.
>>24800>It's quite rare to have a strong first episode of a weak series, and vice versa.On this point I agree with you, but I also agree with
>>24771, because the question is not so much how often it happens, but how often is too often (which again boils down to how much time you want to spend giving anime a try, and how much of a loss you get from watching shit anime).
But I'm generally closer to your camp on this. Although many a time I've felt cajoled by a good first episode, I can really only blame myself for continuing to watch after 7 mediocre ones. Most of the time, first episodes are good indicators of overall quality.
>>24845Is the show finally getting interesting?
Catching up with Caligula. It constantly depends on the narrative shortcuts we call clichés, but it actually puts work in them. So, while I can't call this "good writing", I do appreciate the diversity and freshness of the implementation. Heck, it's even doing well with the worldbuilding. And Satelight is handling the animation perfectly. I hoped to drop this, but seems I'll follow it.
>>24871The death scene felt anticlimatic. Either because of
them having massacred everyone else a few episodes before that and I just got tired at this point. Or maybe its unlike in other shows where the people dying often make a last great stand. Here, people just die and disappear. I guess its fitting. People die, they don't get to be heroes and the world won't bend over for them. Nobody will remember them.
But this method also nicely drove home that Jill is a monster and what it means to be a monster.
>>24872Yeah, I didn't feel anything. They were hardly subtle about her impending demise. Looking forward to more of Jill-sama's slaughterhouse.
>>24922Romantic aspirations wouldn't go away, anon. When no males are around, women become lesbians.
File: 1529301438468.jpg (Spoiler Image, 103.3 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shouj….jpg)

Shit, I fell behind. Good night, sweet prince.
Next time on Otaku ni koi wa muzukashii: will their relationship become something close to healthy or will this remain the romance with least chemistry in years? Nobody knows! Tune in this week to find out!
>>25052How'd that show turn out?
Her dropping the 'I'm moving in six months' in the first few episodes completly turned me off.
>>25053It is okay. I have read the manga. There is no real drama, just some little stuff that are actually okay. Of course there is a big reveal about that at the end (of the manga) and it feels a little rushed, but it is what it is. If we don't count the 6 months/reveal thing, it is a very okay romance story. And that's a lot more than I would say for a lot of shitty dramas out there. It is descent. The characters are nice, the relationship are well developed enough. They learn to share stuff properly. The usual complains are basically covered. It is better written than Wotaku for sure.
The anime ends at a descent point, but it also just kinds of end in the middle of nowhere, as it is the middle of the manga. It also implies as if something they say close to the end will be a problem later, but it is really not.
The anime overall is kind of cheap, so I would recommend just reading the manga, if you are going to check it out at all. You could watch the OP and especially the ED as a bonus to the manga experience.
>>25051Wait, what? I thought this was one cour.
>>25052Figures. However, 3D Kanojo doesn't have Sugita and Sawashiro voicing a couple, so I'm not forced to watch it.
Final verdict on Otaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii:
"Danna S3 when?"
>>25092I hope he breaks free and steals all the sticks that were locked up there.
>>25252The picture. I'm quoting the picture.
Caligula had one big problem: series composition. Machida Touko, while far from good, usually doesn't do such a bad job, so I wonder why this fail, especially around the middle episodes.
Rest of the anime was more or less okay. Nothing too special. For being "philosophical" it certainly regurgitated the same material every other teen series does. But it was nice, and the characters were diverse enough to actually be endearing. Single mom, hikkie in his 30s, a programmer mimicking his boss, I certainly didn't expect such character archetypes… or even any character to hit close to home. They were again nothing special when considered one-by-one, of course. But the anime did manage to ground them and not present them as "chosen ones" or something, so this "nothing special" can again be seen as serving the same purpose. This includes the villains too, which I also appreciate. Except Thorn; did I miss something? Did they never explain who Thorn, I mean, "Asuka" is?
Overall, I don't regret the time I wasted with this shit, and I even feel like rewatching it one day. That can only be positive, right? I'd even watch a second slice of life season with the same characters.
>>25276Well it is based on a jRPG and in the anime they get their fighting powers only half-way in. 2/3 of the rest they spend in the club room, which is suppose to be their base of operation probably. I haven't played the game, but I can imagined the cut out content.
>>25278The problem is not that they cut content, but how the rest of the content was pieced together.
Well, okay, I guess the Asuka thing is a problem of cut content. Unless I missed something.
>>25304Ah, and.
P.P.S. I hope they adapt more from this author. More seasons of this series, or adapting some other series of his… either should be able to showcase improvement in his writing. Though, frankly, with 20+ volumes of this series, the anime would never catch up this 15 years gap. So it'd be better if some English publisher picks them up and translates them.