>Planet With
>Mizukami Satoshi
Anyway, it looks better than Spring, which may be a bit of a problem for my time management.
aww yiss more one room, just the shot in the arm the industry needs
>>25129>Mizukami Satoshi Is this dudes name a red flag to you? I'm not familar with his stuff.
>>25133I haven't read it, but that guy wrote Hoshi no Samidare which is an extremely well-regarded manga.
So I would say it's actually a green flag.
>>25133He made Sengoku Youko, Spirit Circle, and Hoshi no Samidare, HnS is quite acclaimed and I liked Sengoku Youko quite a bit. He also is known to publicly have bashed quite a few anime studios for ruining manga adaptations, either his publisher screwed him over on the rights to get it made or he actually believes in whoever's doing it and it will be good.
J.C. Staff looks like they could have a strong season. Back Street Girls and Highscore Girl both look like they could be good.
>>25133Definitive green flag. You really should get familiar with his stuff. You can even start from his shorter works like Crocodile-niisan or Psycho Staff if you're worried about sinking too much time in this.
That being said, isn't Planet With an anime original? If Satoshi is directly writing the anime, it doesn't go against his stance on adaptations, heh.
So apparently there are already four episodes out of the FLCL sequel. How bad is it?
>>25143Looks like it's one of those multimedia project things. The manga launched in april, there's a couple of chapters translated already.
>>25158>Shingenki no Kyojin>YES !Poor you, being excited over a shitty anime.
The main characters are not-Jews living in Madagascar. They had the titan powers originally and controlled the world, but the not-goyim stole it from them and rebelled. No.25166
>Moshi Moshi, Terumi Desu
This is Ket-ai isn't it?
>>25170Please explain what you like about this manga. I know someone who only continues to read it because he's been reading it for a long time and he says that it went off the rails years ago and it is hardly coherent. He had me read some of the most recent chapters just so I could witness the ridiculousness of it and I must say, it's truly awful. Surely it's one of those "so bad it's good" kind of things?
Gintama isn't dead yet.
>>25171Well, the explanation of the titans and the world are pretty good. I like characters like Erwin, the way they really have to think about strategies to fight the titans and survive, -
and now having to survive to the hate of all the jews and goyins.
I would say the only thing that really is incoherent is something that happens since the first chapter: the order of how things happen. This is not exactly incoherent but confuse, but anyway I would say this is how the author tries to keep us from reading it, everything is explained in the end.
And about your friend, I don't really know what exactly he means by things got out of trial, but everything is really fine to me. Actually it seems the manga is about to reach its end,
and Eren is totally mentally damaged and fucked up.
Anyways, I recommend you to give it a try. It's really good, I think SNK is an underrated manga because of the fanbase. But you can also wait to see this next season, it will be one of the bests and interesting arcs.
File: 1529931549448.jpg (Spoiler Image, 478.17 KB, 845x1200, Stravaganza - Isai no Hime….jpg)

>>25175>This is not exactly incoherent but confuse, but anyway I would say this is how the author tries to keep us from reading it, everything is explained in the end. This sounds like awful writing, and the end will definitely be underwhelming, if not a complete trainwreck.
Not that I care, I dropped the manga back in 2012 before the anime was announced (or was it even 2011? I don't remember anymore).
I just want more Stravaganza. No.25183
>>25182True, I feel the same. It even goes so far now to be shit on purpose like it is asking to die.
But this should be the the final season, so there is an end in sight.
>>25177>This sounds like awful writingI think it might be the case, but somehow it is readable and interesting.
I don't know about the end, but the author never failed to impress me. I just couldn't predict anything up until now, and anyways the path he choice is always better than the ones I think. Maybe it can be trainwreck because
Eren did everything wrong.
>StravaganzaMy dear friend, read some more, there is a lot of
stavaganza. If you still are not convinced, watch this next season, it's promising.
>>25183The season after episode 201 had bad enough episodes. Only the serious arcs, though, including the very first one. And then it had some one cour or something that was awful. And then I watched a little more of the arc in which Gintoki supposedly died in the middle of. I think that was the last episode that I watched, his joke funeral. Now that I checked actually I have watched a lot more than what I thought I have. Maybe I watched beyond the funeral. No idea. The last thing I have seen is the first episode of the Gintama 2017 (in January).
Anyway, that was a clusterfuck of an explanation. Even the comedy went down. It is sad to think how much I used to love Gintama until 2010 it seems. It has been 8 fucking years since then, yet the show is more popular than it was back then, though I think it's past its peak popularity too. I never understood why people still like it.
Rokuhoudou was…. nice. Nothing special. Unless you're wearing yaoi glasses. Then I guess it's quite good, though I can't confirm, as I don't own a pair.
>>25216Ah, sorry, I guess didn't pay enough attention when posting.
>>25236I guess we're getting an English version this year? No.25240
>>25238I have to wonder how well they'll keep up that quality of animation, because it really looked great. The music was good too, my first thought was that it was the Kuzu no Honkai composer, but apparently not.
Also, nice legs.
This was vaguely unsettling, and specifically stupid. Is it some sort of cards game based? I don't see it going anywhere interesting, unfortunately. Well, anyway, Ekaterina best girl. And best boy too, in my headcanon. That design is perfect for a futa.
>>25240>>25238So it's sports anime through and through?
>>25261>It's based off some mobage. So, not suprising it's trash.Actually, although the trash to not-trash ratio is mostly uniform across parameters like genre, demographic, or source material, mobage adaptations in particular are known for having an abnormally high proportion of good anime.
>>25264Retarded Dragon Girls and what else? Even Last whatever was uninspired and mediocre. It was trying too hard. Not that I can complain about the ending theme, of course. But most of the mobage adaptations seem to be like it: mediocre, with some enjoyable side gimmick. Ange Vierge had the sisters, for example. Frankly, Retarded Dragon Girls had luck because it didn't feel like mobage adaptation, but a D&D adaptation. Creator appeal probably.
>>25265Shingeki no Bahamut was really good. Kemono Friends was pretty good. Girl Friend Beta, Show By Rock, and Uma Musume were supposedly good, but I didn't watch them.
That's all I can think of, everything else is trash to my knowledge.
>>25267I'd completely forgotten that Show By Rock and Kemono Friends were mobage. But still, that's four good shows out of how many?
Uma Musume had a pretty mediocre start, did it ever get better?
>>25269Yeah, I'm not the original guy, I totally agree that mobage adaptations are worthless without making it feel like an original production.
I saw on an end-of-season thread on 4/a/ that a lot of people thought Uma Musume got better as it went on, but like I said I haven't watched it at all.
Wait, does Hina Logi count? I guess it does? But Luck&Logic was terrible. Actually, that's a good example why Senjuushi will probably be bad. Hina Logi pretty much said fuck it to being game-related and did its own yuri thing. Senjuushi tries really hard to present as many rifles as possible in the first episode. Mobage adaptations seem to often fall in this trap: trying to cram in a large cast without the proper time for it. Senjuushi is one, but then we have that bishie time traveller thing, Sengoku Night Blood, Ange Vierge, Uma Musume, Battle Girl High School, and so on.
On the other hand Shingeki no Bahamut benefited from the number of episodes, while Show by Rock circumvented that by doing any characterization for the secondary characters as parts of their bands. And with having just a few bands, they could handle it in 12 episodes. Kemono Friends focused to a couple per episode. Retarded Dragon Girls never had that many characters to start with. Guess that's why its mobage failed.
tl;dr: maybe it's reasonable to drop mobage adaptations purely on the basis of how the character introductions are handled in the first episode.
Honestly, the case against mobage adaptations is starting to sound a lot like the case against the Romans. Other than this ever-increasing list of counter-examples, what have the Romans done for us?
It's easy to explain, really. On the one hand, since the mobage bubble is only starting, mobage adaptations have been comparatively rare these past years. This small sample causes statistical aberrations. On the other hand, since mobage are less straightforward to translate into an anime than manga, light novels or visual novels, studios are more often allowed to do whatever the fuck they want.
>>25258Shame about that fucking voice, though. Who thought it was a good idea to have a gothloli referred to as Princess that's actually just a guy?
>>25267Bahamut was pretty good, but the last few episodes were severely rushed and the whole conclusion of Bahamut appearing felt like it came much too soon. And then of course Genesis was awful. I didn't like any of the others you listed either.
>>25279By Genesis I assume you meant to say Virgin Soul, because Genesis was the first season. When the second season aired I wasn't watching airing anime so I never picked it up, glad I missed that disappointment.
>>25279>>25280Both were shit. Genesis was overhyped for "animation". It had its moments, but wasn't anything that special. Definitely didn't protect it from shitty story-telling. The first half was okay, but then it derailed into shit when it was trying to just suddenly finish the story fast. They obviously didn't think it through and the second half was boring-ass shit. Virgin Soul on the other hand was very slow, mundane and I cared about it even less.
>>25280You're right, I meant Virgin Soul.
>>25291It's a good show. The manga was pretty generic, but somehow they managed to draw out the good stuff.
>>25291>>25292If they have adapted the ear nibbling scene well, I've no regrets.
>>25299Don't worry, it gets better. The manga is one of my favourite new comedies.
As for Island… I dunno. First episode was competent enough, but it doesn't seem like it will be too good.
>>25310Eyes just like mom used to make.
I feel only just a tiny little bit bad about that joke.
>>25315How was this? I thought it looked really interesting in the previews and might pick it up as my first airing show.
I couldn't tell in the trailer, are the platelets all lolis or are some of them shotas?
>>25316They are kids, both loli and shota.
It was okayish. Nothing special, but it didn't grab me yet. If you remove the fact that the characters are this and that it could have been some random generic anime with a quirkier plot.
>>25315I want to be inside the loli.
>>25339Do the colors always look washed out like that?
>>25346You can tell the people who made it enjoy their work.
>>25338 are triggered by the small stuff, and thus are small as people too. I, however, have vast experience and know the true value of things. Because of this, it's no surprise I'm currently triggered as fuck by pic related.
>>25352So you have finally become one with the poop. Congratulations.
>>25356Say whatever you want, but it's completely inexcusable to have inaccurate chariot warfare in a mindless harem anime. Besides, such large horses can be ridden, but MC will probably "discover" this in the next episode or something.
>>25352I don't really know what you expected.
>>25357Eh, yeah, that too, and the lack of formation is kind of pressing, too. Maybe they were out for a jog and the police was like "nope, this street is closed" and then stopped them all.
>>25360People to get my jokes.
But let's overexplain my thought process and why was I being tongue-in-cheek in this precise manner. The idiots in
>>25338 have a particular problem with this series, but because of a lack of experience, they cannot articulate it. The problem is that for such a mindless harem title, the historical setting could have been a selling point that differentiates it from the rest of the market. Could have been - and clearly isn't, as one can see by the third minute with these chariots. That annoys them, but while trying to explain this annoyance, they default to stuff they've heard before, like "mysogyny", "predictability" or "this is no different from a hentai". Imagine for a second that this series indeed had a strong portrayal of the historical setting: then suddenly whatever these "reviewers" describe as problems suddenly becomes strong points. The "mysogyny" - which simply refers to the strict hierarchy (that isn't even patriarchal in nature) - makes perfect sense for that age. The "predictability" is good, because MC is doing his best to make it predictable, and is able to because of internet. And "this is no different from a hentai" would not be said, because hentai rarely has detailed historical setting. Ergo their true problem was the lack of work put in the historical setting, and that's why they should have been triggered by the inaccurate chariot warfare instead of whatever else.
That being said, for this same reason I don't see much of a point in continuing to watch this - rewatching the other mindless harem anime might be a better use of 20 minutes per week, as the ecchi there is much more suited to my taste. I may give this one a couple of episodes more, just in case.
>>25362How does the chariot warfare does not make sense? On the surface it seems to be exactly like it should end up, given the time and the surprising counter.
Also, given the big amount of skirmishes in the setting unorderly makeshift battles may have been a lot more common.
If at all, the problem may be that the clan could have been already seen as a dangerous one, which could have meant a change in tactics, but there isn't much known yet. The enemy commander was a little girl, so they may have been simply stupid.
As for the lack of historical accuracy, MC said himself he doesn't know where he is, which pretty much goes together with that we get a mix of all kinds of old styles, because that is why he can't pinpoint it. This could fit the age where it plays in, but I don't have enough clue (and from what I read there isn't much known about that time either). Or something else is at work.
>>25364If a chariot stops and nobody is disembarking it, you're doing something wrong. Like just leaving your horses to slaughter without even getting them to trample anyone. People used chariots at all for a reason, not just to mimic infantry.
Also nobody said even a single sentence about historical ACCURACY. They don't need to be accurate to a given period, they just need to put work in it. It could be a mishmash of different elements, but one short static shot of a quern stone doesn't count as "putting work in it". You're speaking of "all kinds of old styles", but you may as well say we've seen zero old styles being presented.
Of course, "putting work in it" would mean the animation budget would skyrocket, which is obviously not desirable. But hey, who the fuck cares, this is an in-depth discussion of the problem some random idiots have with a mindless harem. That's about as pointless as humanly possible.
>>25364Chariots aren't head-on in nature except for loosely packed light infantry where you basically count on the fact that you have 2-4 horses carrying a car, en-masse, to barrel through opponents. This doesn't work against what is obviously a pike wall, where chariots are used to flank more or less like later cavalry (indeed later cavalry more or less supplanted chariots because of other reasons). A lot of chariots also had archers but let's ignore that for now.
Then again you could attribute it to horrendous commanders, which has historically been a thing.
>>25369>Also nobody said even a single sentence about historical ACCURACY.Thanks, a fine distinction.
>>25371Obviously it doesn't work against a pike wall, but I don't think pike walls were common at that time. The setting was between bronze and iron age, and longer and stronger pikes need better craftsmanship, something the enemy was surprised at. They probably assumed they could break through shit outdated armor.
We also see only a small glimpse of the battle and there could be a lot of reasons why nobody saw the pike wall or did that stupid charge. From the front a pike wall can be misidentified as different formations which are not as tightly packed because depth information is missing. The pike length is also not visible from the front.
To see the formation in full somebody would have needed to be on the lookout and communicate the formation fast enough from one of the surrounding mountains. Faster than the guys charging.
But the battle probably had holes because it was more about an introduction to the story, so they could have not aimed for high accuracy from the beginning in favor of other things.
I guess the anime doesn't care about any stuff most people were come to expect and the signals it sends often looked to me like a satire or really bad craftsmanship to whatever people like and what is normally put into anime depending on genre, so it is frustrating.
It pissed me off as a fan of ecchi, cute girls doing cute things and isekai, and it probably pissed off harem and history fans, too, so it could be a hard sell.
I think I will keep watching it, because it is interesting for me. But not because I like the genres it sucks at.
>>25378I'd say it's less a question of bad tactics and more of a question of zero traces of self-preservation instinct in those manning the chariots. It's like the animators' understanding of chariots is on the level of kids smashing action figures at each other. Not that they need more; I don't think this title ever showed any signs it wants the historical otaku audience like Junketsu no Maria did.
But, putting that aside, what exactly did you find interesting? I suppose it could turn into a simplistic "Humanity Fuck Yeah" story, but I wouldn't bet on it.
>>25381it's hard to pinpoint for me what I found interesting. It's only one episode in, too. There were lots of different things, too.
Also, my taste could change or develop over time which influences how I watch the show.
So, the best I can say at the moment is that I feel intellectually engaged.
>>25409Just think about that it will probably stay awful like this for 11 more episodes. People are working on it right now.
I don't want to deal with the teen angst, so I won't watch it to find out where they went wrong.
>>25410It's not often that I actually laugh loudly while watching anime, but I did with this show. The Manga is great too.
>>25421Huh? People find this show actually erotic? Or is it just annoying when watching?
>>25406I enjoyed this, it doesn't have the most inventive humor but I think the nakedness and binge drinking are working well in its favor so far.
>>25418I wanted to like this but the first episode was complete garbage. The whole episode was a mess, it's clear that the director has no idea what he's doing. It didn't help that the subplot with the other girls and the manager was retarded.
Is the manga any better? There's a story to be told here, but this was just bad.
>>25424Yeah, the subplot with the manager was just stupid.
Although how she talked to the imprisoned boy and then just walked away was lol.What do you mean with the episode being a mess?
>>25424No, the manga has dumb subplots like that every chapter for quite a while that take up most of the chapter and actually dealing with Shiro or Shiro's relatives or the bodies get a couple of pages.
>>25427I mean that everything felt really sloppily executed. The first scene for example is something I hate seeing in this kind of anime (and wasn't in the manga, I'm told).
But more annoying was that was the lack of meaningful characterization or exposition outside of some lame monologues.
But from what I understand it's a page-for-page adaptation so I was rash in blaming the director.
>>25428The fact that it took up an entire half of the episode was definitely a poor choice, it's a shame that the manga is like this.
>>25428>>25433Sounds like this will be an annoying show. Another one to wait on.
>>25465I’ve been putting off watching this since I lost interest in the manga when the family members showed up. Maybe it will be more bearable in anime form.
>>25465>>25471Of the 9 anime that I picked up this season, this was the worst.
>>25481>1920x1080I guess the latest update of madvr is fucked.
>>25499I've accepted now that this can only be enjoyed as a comedy.
>>25504It's ok, first two episodes weren't very impressive but there aren't a lot of anime like this anymore so I guess it's enough to keep me watching. In any case, it's not as good as the first season of Osomatsu-san was.
I finally watched Angolmois today and it is actually pretty cool. The action could use some work, of course, but the story is captivating.
No idea if so far it had any historical realism to it, but it is basically about the front lines of the Mongol invasion of Japan.
>>25607Too bad the show was 90% the MC yelling about what was going on and 10% him getting hit by the girl. Being able to go "hey look we have Capcom games in our show" isn't enough to make up for the rest of it being awful.
>>25610What really ticked me off is when they started making shit up. I guess it might be common on this sort of show, but for once I knew the subject.
>>25781I'll be down for some goblin slaying, but yeah it does look pretty dire.
I think I read like half a volume of the slime reincarnation one, but it can't have been that interesting since I remember very little about it.
>>25782Twin slimelolis is the only important part.
>>25781So you're not interested in
>Index season 3>Goblin Slayer>Derrida>Zokuowarimonogatari>Jojo part 5>Release the Spyce>Gridman>Thunderbolt Fantasy season 2None of these? Seriously?
>>25784>Index season 3not a fan of multi-season shows, they tend to grate on me
>Goblin SlayerI don't like seeing cute things get hurt
>Derridadoesn't look like my cup of tea
>ZokuowarimonogatariI've never followed that series
>Jojo part 5I don't like battle seinen
>Release the SpyceIt looks hit-or-miss, in my opinion.
>gridmanI don't like mecha
>Thunderbolt Fantasy season 2see index s3
I wish I wasn't this cynical, but at the same time I feel smug for having such niche tastes.
>>25788Well, I guess there really is nothing for you to watch next season, because those are, in my opinion, 8 of the most promising series.
Another promising one I forgot about is Zombieland Saga, which we don't know much about except that it's supposed to be a fresh take on the zombie apocalypse genre.
There are also a bunch of yuri anime coming out but I don't suppose you're interested in those either.
>>25789Oh I have nothing against yuri, but yeah I'm not a fan of shows driven purely by will they/won't they light romance, like Citrus from a season or two ago. The only things I really enjoy are old OVAs, like Vampire Hunter D or Doomed Megalopolis. Something about the film grain comforts me.
Fuck you all. The second cour of Gurazeni is king.
>>25790I get what you're saying, but 'light' is not a word I'd put within a million fucking miles of Citrus.
>>25790I don't think there are any old OVAs next season. Or any season. Looks like you are out of luck.
Aguu has at least several good sides: hype opening, great animation and directoring, decent OST and VAs… Unfortunately the story itself seems shit. I've seen two episodes, and at most I can get the third to see the reaction of the "best friend". She seems the only interesting character up to now.
>>25851Yeah. I watched the third episode. I expected to drop it quietly, but unfortunately I put one brain cell towards thinking what I just saw, so now I'm fucking furious.
Let me describe the situation. Two characters that will obv be rivals, and two rival organisations that the characters will obviously join.
The "tailors" sew in talents from geniuses (aguu = distilled versions of the geniuses themselves) into children of bourgeois families, so that these children also show genius talents. They are highly traditionalist and authoritarian in structure.
The "saviors" fight to release the aguu and to topple the tailors. They value "love" and "sympathy" - for the aguu for example. And they think they're fighting a mostly losing battle against the tailors.
Ai is a talentless normal girl, who repeats several times that she's definitely not jealous of her friend Machi, yet she is more than ready to believe some nobodies she randomly met on the street who know way too much about her - just because she saw one tear in the eye of an aguu. At that point she backstabs her best friend, at the same time making a tearful lecture about how the morals of the situation compel her. What's more, she leaves her "best friend" to die, because "it's too risky", and shows practically no ill will towards her killers. She values some sense of morality and a warped envy about hierarchy more than her connection with her lifelong friend.
Machi is a bourgeois girl with three aguu dolls, who loves her friend Ai so much that she's willing to give up two thirds of what has made her successful in life just so that Ai becomes as successful as her. Having made that decision, she is ready to play against the system and to pay whatever price is needed in order for Ai to be happy. She values love and human connection - sympathy - more than systems of hierarchy and traditions.
So, which girl joins which organization?
Of course Ai joins the saviors. We can't possibly have a dirty bourgeois be the protagonist. No matter how fitting it would be. The Party would never allow it.
tl;dr: Aguu is chinkshit.
>>25851>Aguu>hype opening, great animation and directoring, decent OST and VAsI don't think we watched the same show, because when I watched the first episode of Aguu all of these things were bad, the animation especially. The only things I found at all interesting were the rather horrific concept of the Aguu and the puppeteer imagery.
>>25857I watched it on the phone, exactly after several episodes of High Score Girl, so I may have been "slightly" biased. The puppeteer imagery was part of the animation, so you can't say it was that bad. Either way, the concept of the aguu was completely ruined in favor of generic fantasy superpowers and class warfare, even before the introduction arc was over. I shouldn't be pissed off at a chinkshit, yet I never expected this level of fucking up their sole good idea.
>>25858>The puppeteer imagery was part of the animation, so you can't say it was that bad.Sure I can, just because it was an interesting concept doesn't mean it was animated well. Why would you ever believe otherwise?
Caught up with Subaru for some reason. Best Girl Clive needs more lines. He's severely underutilised. Tho the rest are mostly utilised in a bad way, so maybe it's good.
I really really want to get drunk with the author of Jashin-chan. This is a first for me. Also Pecola is a miracle of the universe.
>>25870What does it mean to want to get drunk with the -author- of a show?
>>25887To find the author of the source material for the show, and to get drunk together.
>>25430I decided to catch up with it, after I realized that I probably won't find it erotic even on the BDs. The fanservice is just too cookie-cutter and boring to excite me. Cookie-cutter is a good description overall, but it doesn't do anything offensively stupid, so it's a nice pasttime. Especially if you are shameless enough to watch it in the public transport, for example.
But there's something else. This show demonstrates that the Old Man Henderson style of creating characters is truly the best way to write an episodic harem protag. I suppose the series progresses into something more of a battle shonen, but the harem part at least is really well served by having Old Man Henderson as the protag.
>>25918>Nothing made any sense.It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit.
Literally. That was the whole explanation of every single nonsensical aspect. Shit mechanics? It's in order to develop the magical potential of the players, not to make sense. Random as fuck attacks? It's their magic, magic is random as fuck. And so on. The title is really fucking consistent in refusing to tie the magic up in a logical system.
Speaking of consistency, Subaru really had no consistency in plot, atmosphere, characters, animation, and even soundtrack. I can't remember an OST with more stark differences. It was like they made two different soundtracks for two different series, then decided to use them together. They should have just decided on one or the other. The series as a whole didn't know exactly what it wanted to be, so the result was also all over the place.
But for all of its flaws, it was still amusing enough. 5/10.
>>25953They forgot to follow up on Sasu at the end, I noticed. That aside I was expecting there to be one more episode at least, so yeah, it sure was rushed. The animation was always awful, which didn't help this episode trying to focus on action, and the fight between Jinza and the warlord was just idiotic all around.
I guess Kaho is now a mongol rape slave for the rest of her life. Isn't it sad? No.25987
Good rant.
>>25987It couldn't be helped.
How can she get the equipment in Japan?
>>25989A true waifu cares not for such pesky things like laws and regulations.
I can't decide a screenshot of which heroine to post, so I am not posting any.
The manga is over now and the anime will not finish the story, but it will have 3 more OVA episodes next year. I don't know what to say or how to feel about this anime/story in general. There are certainly some obvious negatives that can be pointed out and that have annoyed me plenty, but even so I found the anime overall very satisfying. Is it the girls? Is it the games? it is hard to tell. I am still confused if this is the manga that 4chan /a/ was super interested in years ago. I remember the characters playing games in a room, but maybe that was just a chapter from a home visit being posted?
If someone else wants to watch something else about the 90s and video games, I would recommend No Con Kid, a jdrama. It has its own negatives, though. Watched it years ago with no subs, but last time I checked it did have subs, so anyone can watch it.
>>26013>kind of boringThat's exactly how I felt about the first episode. Didn't bother watching more after that. Was it just dumb slapstick violence all the way through?
>>26014It was a slice of life with dumb slapstick violence. I can't say it gets better, though of course one likes it more at the end than at the start. That's how all slice of life shows work.
I feel like they skipped quite the bunch of stuff in the last episode of Yuuna-san. It was a nice anime, overall. Nothing special, but certainly it was helped by the MC.
>>26035The subs were already awful in episode 1 so I'm not sure when they stopped being awful.
>>26036No, you are wrong, the subs were merely not good. They got most of the meaning through, even if they were too liberal. This episode however it was way worse: the subs were often flat out wrong. I feel like it's an entirely different translator.
>>26037>They got most of the meaning through, even if they were too liberal.That was only half the problem, episode 1's subs were both liberal and at the same time poorly edited and written so they were awkward to read and came across as an ESL job. So that was quite an impressive feat, as they managed to combine the worst of both translation worlds into one.
>>26048Not the worst. The worst part of both translation styles is mistakes that butcher the nuance or even change the meaning completely. There were at least half a dozen such in the last episode.
>>26049>two vampire lolis are offedThen I'm glad I forgot to start this series and saved myself the angst. I'm sensitive to this type of shit: I'm still mad that Vesperia doesn't have the redheaded twins in the game itself, after all these years.
>>26067I can't stop laughing.
>>26066A 4chan thread survived for 8 days? What was the board down?
Wait a fucking second. Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru is by the same author as Fune wo Amu (story only in both). The artist of Fune wo Amu was the artist and author of Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.
>>26070That's samachan.
I just realized I was posting in the wrong seasonal thread.
File: 1539725878379.jpg (Spoiler Image, 122 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsukumogami….jpg)

This is going to stay as one of my favourite moments in romance anime. Simple, yet effective. It was quite the good series, overall. Didn't waste its time, while keeping a mostly episodic format and lighthearted tone. Not anything special, but a polished experience.
>>26248Could have posted in the autumn thread, but yes. You are correct.
Episode 16 was probably easily the best. There were so many funny faces and quirky situations. The anime should have been more like this.