I watched the anime because of this post, it looked like a standard idol anime before that. I feel tricked. By the post. Takes a while to get into it, but you get to the "Ikuharaish" stuff. I am not impressed so far. It is just "lol random" at this point. Didn't feel there was any proper structure for now. I looked around the net and it seems overhyped already. I don't understand why.
Also I didn't seem much of a proper with the official subs. Except the songs are not going to be translated and that's important. At that point I switched to another file I had downloaded just in case. I wanted to test what you said. At least as far as I understand Japanese your opinion of the subs seem untrue, but maybe I wasn't paying full attention at some parts, as I wasn't very interested in the introduction half.
>>25492What are you talking about, the direction is great and the first episode sets up an interesting story.
Ignoring the myriad translation errors I keep hearing about, the official subs are watchable as ever but the lack of song translation and godawful signs really ruin it for me. I'd rather have a proper attempt at subbing.
>>25493I like the show too, but I think he's right. The narrative structure isn't impressive at all. I've only watched Ep. 1 so far since I prefer Chyuu-PAS release, but the pacing in that episode is just tacky and amateurish. The first episode of Utena had similar structure but it was smooth up to the end, while the transition to the fight in this one felt abrupt and really bland. It's bland because the characterization that was supposed to build the tension up within the preceding scenes didn't really exist, except for some generic childhood friendship backstory and stuff.
>>25507 said, the transition to the fight felt abrupt, they could've paced it better. Also, the fight could have just been a secret audition on a normal room. Even though I liked the "fight", the randomness kinda ruined it for me, I felt really confused with the secret elevator and giraffe thing.
I'll try reading the manga to see if things become clearer. I picked this up simply because Chyuu and PAS were going to sub it together.
>>25521I used the word "fight" three times, sorry for the autism.
Fantastic Kimono Girl!
>>25492>>25521Random my ass. There is a lot of symbolism in this anime.
The principal is a giraffe because he silently watches over everyone from above.
The girls are not actually fighting. Their brawls are just metaphors for their everyday competition. Each day they try to show off their best during normal practice in the hopes they'll be picked for the main role. That's also why they can't talk about the auditions in public. Nobody's going to tell their friends "I'm secretly giving my best in lessons to gain good girl points and be chosen for the main role". Try to put yourselves in their shoes.
There are tons of minor details too. In this scene, the chandelier's flames are red, symbolizing passion. The flames turn blue when Karen attacks Maya, symbolizing sadness. And when Maya counter attacks and starts talking about having left Claudine behind, the flames disappear completely, symbolizing Maya's lack of emotion. There are so many metaphors each fighting scene it would take me an eternity to explain all of them. Suffice to say, you've missed something each single time something "random" happened.
>>25691I realized most of the stuff were metaphors after watching the 3rd episode, so… sorry for that.
It's so confusing at first, but things suddenly started to make sense for me. I'm getting really excited for this anime.
>>25691This is pretty neat. I think I'll need to rewatch this anime when it finishes and try to notice some of these. I picked up on the larger metaphors but not on the smaller ones like the flames.
Excuse me, but why do some colors make any different? Symbolism is not some grand literature concept that even by itself makes a work meaningful, deep, good or whatever the sort. Even if we agree to the interpretations that the anon here has provided
>>25691 , and it is like that people might disagree with each other about that, it doesn't suddenly make Shoujo Kageki better. I don't even think it makes some of the elements less randomish. You have to be fully yourself if you really think random creator silliness, perceived by them as good, is not something that happens in the anime industry or even just specifically in this project.
>>25772Come on, everybody likes symbolism. I don't really understand your argument, it seems like you are trying to say "Well, it's still random even if it isn't random!"
In any case, some amount of randomness shouldn't even be a bad thing, unless for some reason you also hate things like Evangelion and Penguindrum.
This show sounds pretty bad from what you guys describe. Good fiction should be able to work on more than one level. If you can't enjoy this without focusing on the symbolism, this puts it in the same category as the subpar mindless harem shows, which again can't be enjoyed without focusing on the fanservice. Guess I'll skip it for now. Fufufu is rarely wrong about a show.
>>25816There are a lot of other things you can enjoy in this show even if you don't care about the symbolism. This thread might have given you the wrong impression of this show.
>>25816I don't give a shit about the symbolism, it's only here for decoration. The main thing is that the giraffe is a placeholder for the consumerist mind that just exhorts girls to fight, dance and sing for its own pleasure. Otherwise, it's a pretty show, with good animation, fun girls with good dynamic interactions and it has an actual sense of progression. Also, the songs aren't bad at all.
Like what, do you subversive themes, underlying social messages, non-linear storytelling and so on in ALL of your anime?
You sound a bit too pretentious to watch this medium, I'd advise you to switch to books.
>>25830All this thread gave him was an excuse not to watch a show he wasn't going to give a fair chance to anyway. Sometimes you can't just pass on a show that's not your cup of tea and move on with your life - sometimes you need to assert yourself by dropping it loudly and publicly. And when that happens, either you find some "evidence" that the show's not worth your time and post about that, or you give in, watch an episode out of anger, and then post about how much of a shit taste everyone else has.
We've all been there and you know it, so don't be judging.
>>25832>All this thread gave him was an excuse not to watch a show he wasn't going to give a fair chance to anyway.I'm not sure you know what "fair chance" means. If I need to change what I find worth it in fiction in order to give the show a "fair chance", that's probably not happening.
>>25830 has the right idea how to react. "This thread is biased, it doesn't present everything there is in the show, feel free to give it a chance." is exactly the response I was fishing for. Well, either that, or "Yeah, you've more or less figured it out."
While I'm at it, >>25831 says he doesn't care for symbolism, then goes on to point out how the main thing is certain symbolism. No.25834
>>25833I've told that the symbolism is only here for decoration and given you a certain example while telling you "but it's not very important".
Please, try to read between lines. If you're here, that must mean you're part of the elite, right?
>>25834>eliteYou just seemed to imply that the giraffe allegory is a required part of the viewing experience. That being said, I do appreciate that you said the show has actual sense of progression, for example.
As for subversive themes and so on, just go read the thread about Isekai Maou. People there have managed to find more than one way to enjoy it, which makes it better than a hypothetical anime that is 100% about symbolism. The bar is really really low.
File: 1539204566944.jpg (Spoiler Image, 211.98 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki ….jpg)

I finished watching this and liked it a lot. Slowed down after the first couple episodes and toward the middle, but the second half was pretty exciting. Really loved all of the choreography, great animation, and the way the characters developed.
Not the most ambitious story, and there were a few confusing parts, but all the way through I found it to be very compelling.
I think that the director is very talented, I will be keeping my eye on him going forward and hope that he gets to work on more high-budget projects like this one.