Ah, Sugita at last. This anime sure took its time to get good.
File: 1540235325549.jpg (Spoiler Image, 498.94 KB, 900x1350, Goblin Slayer v02 (2018) (….jpg)

One of my favourite scenes is coming up, I can't wait. I hope they do it justice.
>>26452>the DM thinks he's written a cool story, with PTSD and politics and shitThe DM also happens to be incredibly wrong so I can't blame the players for going full murderhobo on his ass.
>>26458>The DM also happens to be incredibly wrong so I can't blame the players for going full murderhobo on his ass.Exactly.
Does any character in this have a name?
>>26479Of course not. It's pretty much a tradition. Look at MaoYuu for example.
Second to last episode is a fucking recap. What in the fuck.
So, the anime was a really streamlined experience that made me want more Log Horizon and more Retarded Dragon Girls. It's time to read the manga.
>>26714After seeing how the anime handled things like the newbies fighting bugs in the sewer and the horde's meat shields, I'm glad I read the manga.