Age gap yuri and age gap yaoi this season is looking like a real good one.
Oh god, they are adapting the edgiest isekai ever. That's gonna be funny.
>Virtual Looking
I can already feel how sanitised it's going to be. Especially since they've changed Akari's outfit to be less lewd.
>>26583>Wataten is getting adapted.And here I thought I'd be left without age gap yuri now that Uchi no Maid is over.
>Kemono Friends 2
The same staff from season 1?
>>26603The voice actors are the same, but the producer and scriptwriter are different.
>>26602I see Girly Air Force, but what's the other one? GAF is sci-fi crap anyway, I just want people flying some normal planes and doing normal plane things.
>>26606Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai is the other one with airplanes. That one also isn't sci-fi like GAF.
Turns out that W'z is a sequel to Hand Shakers. It's exactly as bad as you'd expect, although they toned down the visual vomit a little bit. reused this same shot for a third time.
>>26754Even though no one asked for it.
>>26768>The kid's voice is annoying. I went and looked it up and it's some 14 year old girl doing her second role. I don't know if I can stomach much more of it.I can. That shota is fucking cute, and I eagerly await for me.
>spoilerSome probably killed themselves and are now enjoying time with their favorite 2hu.
Hopefully Endro will be good.
>>26776Dropped it after 1st ep.
>>26776AOTS for sure, oneeloli show of the generation. There's so much good loli lust in it I can't wait to see adapted.
>MobI'm going to need to watch S1 again. I don't remember enough of what happened and who all these characters were.
>Ekoda-chan3 minutes of show and 20 minutes of interviews. Who thought this was a good idea?
>KemurikusaThis could be interesting if it hadn't been completely ruined by the atrocious CGI.
>DoukyoninThe only part I liked was the cat going nuts over the tuna.
>Meiji Tokyo RenkaHow does otomeshit manage to be even more vapid than light novel haremshit? At least the MC is pretty cute this time.
>NeverlandI really hate the art style and character designs, but I really liked the episode aside from that. I just hope it doesn't start seeing censorship of the violence in future episodes.
>>26782I hope it gets lots of doujinshi. That one damn UzaMaid doujinshi didn't get scanned. It's on DLSite though so I might get it myself.
>>26783>ruined by the atrocious CGI.It's just the same as Kemono Friends, I'll keep watching just in case.
The dude popping out of nowhere actually pissed me off though.
>>26787I didn't expect the dude either, but I just found out it's a remake/alternate version/whatever of an obscure 2011 web anime, so we only have our misinformed selves to blame for any surprises with the setting.
>>26784Which one is this? I seem to be missing it.
>>26790Oh, it is a short. That explains why I missed. Well I might give it a chance anyway. I watched last season's gay shit after all.
>Dimension High SchoolIt's just motion capture CGI. This shouldn't even be called anime.
>Girly Air ForceThis was way worse than I expected. It doesn't even make sense why they recruited Kei the way they did, but putting that aside, this director has no fucking clue how to make plane combat look interesting. His ideas started and ended with "make the plans move really fast and turn really sharply and do that a bunch of times".
Those shows aside, it seems like Bang Dream S2 is going to have Acchan starting her own band with some original characters. With that and P*P's conspicuous absence I don't know what the fuck they keep doing with this franchise.
>>26787Well Kemono Friends was also ruined by the atrocious CGI, so it checks out.
>>26793>this director has no fucking clue how to make plane combat look interesting. His ideas started and ended with "make the plans move really fast and turn really sharply and do that a bunch of times".Yes, Jesus, it was awful. I could forgive everything else if the combat was enjoyable to watch.
I forgot to add the OP was dogshit.
>>26796Which one? I can't think of a single decent OP so far this season.
>>26797I've only seen four shows thus far, but I didn't dislike Dororo's OP. I haven't watched it yet, but I'm hoping Doukyonin wa Hiza's will be pleasant when I get around to watching the first episode.
>>26798It is not super special
pornography super star, but it is okay. The cat is decently cute. They also sneaked in
one surprisingly sad moment, that wasn't given much weight in the story, which was a little weird. Not talking about the MC's dead parents either. But you, who have watched it and only then checked this spoiler, will probably know what I am talking about. No.26801
>>26797Happi happi friends.
>>26799I give bonus points for a male singer.
Nice show though. My biggest complaint is that they anthropomorphized the cat. I don't find it endearing nor it interesting despite the aforementioned sad moment.
It's also quite evident that I think nothing of the spoiler tag these days as I promptly uncovered your text. Its widespread misuse makes me rage.
>>26812Well, that's why I try to imply that I am talking about a plot point before the spoiler.
I agree I might have liked it better too if the we didn't see it from the cat's perspective, but representation wasn't that bad so far at least.
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai seems reasonable fun so far.
>>26811I might have to do the same about Domestic Kanojo. Don't think I want to bother with shitty drama of that sort currently.
>>26826>>25065The worst part of Pastel Memories by far was when she gets to that hidden store and then starts spilling her guts to the door about how she doesn't want their memories of manga to disappear. Not that any other part of it was good.
Kaguya's OP is cool, the visuals and the song. I really like the singing too. It's a nice change from the typical vocal stylings on offer.
>>26832>they've just loaded it up with shitloads of artsy direction choices.Artsy direction choices that are not only appropriate, but are actively making everything better. That's the definition of good animation. Blowing your budget on detailed fluid animation that does not mesh at all with the rest of the work does not make for a well-animated series. The animation needs to enhance the values of the script and the voice acting, not to work separately from them. So, if we are to judge how appropriate the animation is for its fictional work (as we should always be doing), Kaguya is certainly one of the best animated series for the last few years.
To elaborate on this, remember Bubblegum Crisis? That felt like an animator portfolio, and not like a serious fictional work. Thus we can't say it was well animated. On the other hand, KonoSuba's animation direction includes the conscious choice to follow character models only loosely, going with "whatever happens" attitude towards it. And this is one of the most important choices made towards enhancing the lighthearted comedic tone of the series. That's a deliberate "artsy" break from what people consider "good animation", yet it is a key part of what makes KonoSuba well-animated.
tl;dr: Animation is the best medium to make use of artsy direction choices, so you must judge it by how well it uses them too. If you don't want these, just go shoot a live action or something. It'll be much cheaper, at least.
disclaimer: you still need to make the artsy direction choices with pandering to the selected audience in mind, of course. But Bakemonogatari was so successful because it combined an already successful novel from a successful author with the exact artsy direction choices to make it even better. So it's doable for any audience, you just need to be good at it. Or, if we are willing to go for an original work, NGE without the artsy direction choices would have never influenced Japan's mainstream culture so much.
>>26834Well I went and watched all the rest of it, and the second half went in a bit of a strange direction. I enjoyed it for the most part, but the ending was a mess, and the sequel hook didn't help it any either.
>>26839I think you're conflating the idea of it being well-directed with it being well-animated, whereas I was judging them separately. Well, I wouldn't call it particularly well directed with how much time they're spending on the obnoxious narrator, but that aside, they're essentially taking rather average animation and then livening it up with various filters or abstract effects to go with it, which isn't really animation so much as it is special effects or post-processing. Regardless of what you want to call it, I think it's still clear enough that the idea of the show "looking good" doesn't start and end purely with "the animation is good". As an example going the other way we have KyoAni works like Violet Evergarden where they have beautiful animation that they then proceed to shit all over with horrendous blur and chromatic aberration filters.
>>26841>the ending was a messI'd be surprised if it wasn't.
>>26841>which isn't really animation so much as it is special effects or post-processing. I think you're mistaking what digital animation is. Get used to people using all of the tools in their disposal.
>I think you're conflating the idea of it being well-directed with it being well-animated, whereas I was judging them separately. Well, I wouldn't call it particularly well directed with how much time they're spending on the obnoxious narrator>with how much time they're spending on the obnoxious narrator>something unrelated to the animationSo you do realize I am not conflating well-animated with well-directed.
The point is, the way this show uses its animation is one of the best for the last few years. So it's well animated. I for one think this is an easy conclusion to make.
I'm not sure where your aversion to calling it well-animated comes from. If I have to guess, it's the heavier use of digital tools, which makes it too different from cell animation for your tastes?
>>26829GAF was really really bad. Forget about the zoom zoom; there was literally zero sense of weight and speed in the animation. Even the crash of the plane was as if it had zero momentum when it touched the water. It should have frog-leaped on the water surface a few times if it was airborne up to then.
And then comes all the rest of the episode. It was so shit that it circled back into funny. I don't think I'll bother with more episodes though.
And then there's the polar opposite: Hikoutai does sense of weight and sense of speed to damn near perfection. I mean it. I really am impressed, I'm not just throwing words around. Sasuga Tank Drift-san. I expected no less from him.
That is to say, I also expected humans (as opposed to, you know, bad cgi) for main characters, but oh well. I can live with that.
>>26853After the second episode I'm 75% convinced he's a sadist who gets a kick out of this. However, I was looking forward to Ueno moaning while he was hitting her ass. I'm slightly disappointed.
>>26829>but at least as far CG goes it is very acceptable.The character CG in Kotobuki is disgusting. Every shot of the CG characters in motion is jarringly awkward, somehow managing to bring the uncanny valley problem into anime form. In still frames they remain inferior to the hand-drawn characters. Perhaps I'm spoiled by webms and nico/youtube videos of VR where avatars look better, but a professional production has no excuse to be so inferior to what amateurs do in their spare time.
I'll give them credit for doing the airplanes well, though. The planes look quite good, move mechanically as they should, and give a better impression of dogfighting than most air combat shows, 2D or live action. The difficulty of identification was OK since that turned out to be a plot point with that last plane.
Girly Air Force was silly, but indeed visually clear with flashy, non-serious action. It was more like a laser beam fight than a plane fight. Unfortunately, poor character drama took center stage. The two were completely different kinds of shows despite similar-sounding concepts. It was amusing how the enemies, Xi, share a name with China's current Communist Party head.
>>26855>but a professional production has no excuse to be so inferior to what amateurs do in their spare time.The professional production is restricted by time and encouraged by the director to waste that time on the planes.
Arguably, that's the correct decision.
>It was amusing how the enemies, Xi, share a name with China's current Communist Party head.Lel. So the enemy is Winnie the Pooh?
>>26866You’re right, she sleeps in that tracksuit and never washes it, she should smell like fucking death.
>>26834The dude whatshisname is an insufferable cunt.
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Oh man, sasuga Sasuga Kei. This is like GE, but waaaaaaay funnier. She got much better at this shit. With this pacing I half-expected them to get isekai'd by the end of the episode, or something equally ridiculous. But, after all, the son is not a true man like his father, so he did not manage to kiss the teacher.
I also quite like the opening for some reason.
Hope the rest of the series continues to be fast-paced bullshit. Judging by GE, she can keep up a consistent(shit) quality of her work, so we depend on the adaptation to not ruin the joke.
DomeKano continues to be hilarious. That's good. What's also good is that Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai continues to be great. I'm even less miffled about the character animation. However the subs went from bad to annoying and bad. Why does this always happen?
>>26917I found the way they handled the exposition in Grimms to be very, very hamfisted. They could've at least tried to pass it more organically. The fights are almost skippable too. Still, I haven't dropped it yet, I can sense some potential lurking around somewhere. I'm probably getting burned and dropping four or five episodes in.
>>26923Are you me? These are my exact feelings about the first episode too.
>>26943That's a conclusion you can semi-logically reach by how she didn't do anything to the watch before tracking Naila and how she asked them all to stay in a single place, probably not to interfere with the tracker.
>>26944That's a bit of a stretch, you could just as well assume that the tracker shows their IDs on it along with their locations and she told them to stay there because she was being Mama. Either way even if your guess is true Ray's just assuming it as being true without having verified it in any way, which doesn't really fit with what we've seen of him so far.
>>26945It definitively doesn't show their exact locations, otherwise she could have just discreetly popped up the tracker after finding the rabbit and instantly discovered who was there rather than going it the roundabout away.
But I agree that it is definitively a bit of a stretch, therefore the 'semi-logically' part.
>>26946>It definitively doesn't show their exact locations, otherwise she could have just discreetly popped up the tracker after finding the rabbit and instantly discovered who was there rather than going it the roundabout away. Yeah but then we wouldn't have a story, so she totally didn't find the rabbit or think to check the watch until after they'd gotten back to the house.
Suddenly this all feels more contrived than I'd previously realised.
Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue is quite the unique anime. It's not a simple "A cat is fine too". It's actually 100% pure "Self-inserting as a cat is fine too, dear OL".
And I'm obviously enough of an OL to enjoy it. I've seen only one episode for now, but it's pretty hilarious, both the comedy and the drama.
It would be much easier to get used to the awful CG animation in Kotobuki if they weren't so inconsistent with the style. Some times it's drawn (or just more convincing), some times it's CG, it's driving me crazy.
Ueno-san gave us an actual pissing scene this week. I'm happy.
This truly is /a/ The Wholesome Animation. Because, you know, it doesn't even have handholding, so it's wholesome. It needs more lolis and dismembering to be 3fu The Wholesome Animation though. There's time, it may still get up to our level.
>>27011Or directly drinking her armpit juice.
>>27014There doesn't exist such an invention, they just say the sweat is being purified in order to pass it under the censors.
>>27015Considering we needed 4 episodes from watersports to pissing on camera, I'd bet by episode 9 you'll get your desire.
DomeKano continues to be top comedy. I bet the teacher hasn't even broken up with her boyfriend, and he just taught her to lie about it. It would fit perfectly with the theme of realistic characterization in the most hilarious possible plot.
>>27032This is completely true and I don't know why it doesn't bother me more.
>>27044Tanaka is an absolute madman.
>>27044Truly wholesome anime. No handholding.
In other news, the mermaids SoL is one of the best SoL shows lately. Mostly because of the weird take on worldbuilding. It's probably not going anywhere with that, but it's still quite mesmerizing.
>>27050The one based on a Cardfight!! Vanguard card clan?
>>27053What? I didn't even know that. As far as I can tell, they are doing whatever they want with it. The setting from the card clan is just a distant and generally unknown city in the anime. The anime is set in the proverbial ass of the geography.
>>27054Well they probably exist in Planet Clay. It is the place where all the cards are from. Surely they have mentioned at least that?
By the way, we are talking about Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastrale, right?
>>27055Yes, that's the anime.
Though they haven't even mentioned the name of the planet. The approach is really slice of life: show only what the characters themselves perceive in their daily life. No idea what part of it is already established canon and what part is creative freedom by the anime staff.
>>27050I only watched the first episode and from that I was distinctly annoyed by a number of things that could be seen as related to the world building.
1. They're mermaids but their underwater town is exactly the same as a normal human town, it's just underwater. There was zero consideration made in designing it that it would be used by mermaids swimming around and not normal people walking around, which felt incredibly lazy. As an example, I would expect a town for mermaids to make much more use of vertical space and entrances to buildings other than doors at ground level.
2. Making coffee underwater and pouring water into cups underwater. That's just silly.
3. The dark wave or whatever it was called is predicted by the characters based on a school of fish swimming by, and it then sweeps through the town only a few seconds later. The first episode was vague about how dangerous it actually was but at the very least it had the power to sweep a lot of things away and damage the coral trees in the town, so it's absurd that the town doesn't have some sort of early warning system set up for people to be able to prepare for it in advance. With how it played out in the first episode, had any of the characters been swimming around above the town or in between the town and the farm / windmill areas when they realised it was coming, they wouldn't have had any time to get to safety and would've been swept away.
4. Oh yeah, there are windmills underwater too.
5. The dark wave busted up some coral and revealed the theatre which the characters never noticed before despite it being all of twenty metres away from the town's main street. I guess we're supposed to just assume that none of the characters ever decided to go look in that area in their entire lives until then?
So in general the setting felt very shallow and poorly thought out, and I didn't find much to like about the cast either. And the animation certainly didn't score any points.
Pic related: American beer.
>>27057>So in general the setting felt very shallow and poorly thought outYeah, I also assumed so from the first episode, but in actuality there is some sense of consistency to its madness.
The exterior design is consistently not-mermaidic, while the interior design tends to be much more adapted to mermaid life - which includes the consistent use of railing in such places as to be useful only to mermaids. The food they cook does not make sense under water, but the raw ingredients are sea products. And then the movie theater is like a planetarium. Why? Because fish have wider field of view than humans? I don't even know if they are under water or under some other sort of fluid. Certainly normal fluid mechanics doesn't apply. And why is Godzilla the only reference?
As a whole, I don't think they will even try to make any logical sense of any of this. But as long as it's consistent, it's okay. Weird is good.
The cast gets some of that consistent approach too, and grows onto you gradually. The animation is still bad, of course. But yeah, it's like a case study of how to avoid SoL pitfalls without actually having a strong starting concept.
>>26960Finally got around to watching the third ep of Grimm's. I'm kind of okay that they didn't make it the first episode, they would have then been tempted to compress the story arc to just one episode. But the first episode was really forgettable, as opposed to Don Quixote. Don Quixote was quite entertaining if nothing else. Who was his VA? I'll need to check.
I actually have no idea what will happen in Gotoubun no Hanayome. Miku seemed like the type that will "be the first one to openly fall for MC, but then be sidelined". But she doesn't get sidelined at all, and she's just a little too proactive. Not much, but a tad more than expected. The meta says Itsuki, but the writing is again just a little too good to trust only the meta. And the writing seems to friendzone her, if anything. All in all, it's not like TWGOK as to be obvious who the true end is. I'm actually willing to bet on harem end at the moment. I'd catch up with the manga, but I'm several volumes into Akatsuki no Yona at the moment.
>>27094I didn't want to like it, it has pink-haired protagonist on the poster. But Satania-sensei is cool. I'll catch up with it these days.
>>27100"These days" meant day and a half. I actually have a problem with Rona. The Yuusha paati not being recognised as such was actually exactly my preference. And the ninja princess isn't particularly funny - I'd say she's more boring than the rest of the cast, and I doubt she'd get better with more screentime. FOOD FOOD FOOD has her levelheadedness and CARTADO CARTADO CARTADO has her joshiryoku, while if I am to say something good for Rona it's that she's written surprisingly straight for her role, without any vagueness. The cat searching episode was vastly superior to Rona's introductory episode.
However Satania is a miracle of the universe. The anime got good from the end of episode 2, and episode 6 was a fucking masterpiece. Smart and clumsy loli maou teacher is so much in my strike zone that I can't stop fawning over her. Becky is still my heart's desire, of course, but Maou Becky is quite fine too.
Grimms' Snow White was somehow more twisted and vile than the original tale. The anime doesn't want you to dwell too much on it, as it keeps a relatively upbeat tone throughout the episode, but it's a kind of sadism that goes beyond the folk tales' "don't do stupid shit or something painful will happen to you".
>>26783>>26833I actually don't mind the CGi. It's sufferable, especially if you watch it on a phone. However, this evil spawn of Oreki and Chitanda really ruins everything with his constant one-track blabbling. I really wanted to be able to watch this anime for the setting and for Rina, but I just can't stand him for more than two episodes.
This fucking seventh episode of DomeKano. Pure rollercoaster of … well, of trainwrecks. I haven't laughed so much since KonoSuba ended. I actually needed to take a break after he kissed his younger sister.
The Student Council fucked up. They should have tasked Grea with scissoring Anne during the evacuation drill.
>>27152This is rapidly becoming the poor man's DomeKano. Twists of this type there exist in almost every episode and are played for the laughs. They don't really fit Gotoubun, in my opinion.
>>27154It is basically a meaningless trope in anime by this point. I don't feel like it adds or even takes away. It is just there, who cares.
And no, you can't trick me. I won't be watching that shite. This shite is enough for me.
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Comedy of the year! I continue to be amazed how every single episode manages to pull off such a bullshit twist in the funniest way possible.
They are really rushing through Mob Psycho 100's second season to get to the end of the arc that just started. Skipping things, also changing things. Might have budget and the direction is genuinely good and very in tone with the story, but the misses and changes just suck ass. If it has a third season it will be the last one and probably won't be as rushed, maybe even the opposite.
>>26951>I still have no idea what this show is about.After the Imaginator arc, I'm thoroughly confused–especially concerning the "original" imaginator's goal and her manifestation.
Spec Ops Asuka had a really boring 9th episode. How does one fuck this up? All they had to do was not have 90% of the episode be boring briefing scenes WHILE THE ACTION WAS RAGING OUTSIDE. Brief them on the radio while they kick butt. I get it, they don't have that much budget. But then they should have compensated with better writing. I'm kind of sick of this series anyway. I should have roped somebody else to watch it with me, this sort of trash is way more enjoyable as a group activity.
>>27217It is based on a manga. I dodn't they did that for the budget. And it wasn't that unrealistic. I think you are giving a bit too much hard time for no reason.
>>27218What the fuck does "realism" have to do with THIS series?
Also, for your information, the MANGA does this infinitely better. The boring exposition barely takes half a chapter, and has a frantic feel to it, as the pace they are talking in is determined by your own imagination and the art you're looking at, and not by the VAs. By the end of the chapter the American bitch is already shooting Divas. What's even worse, the backstory of the disabled enemy magical girl is spliced in between the scenes adapted in this episode, further helping with the pacing.
TL;DR: it was exactly the deliberate choice to stray away from the manga that made the 9th episode so bad.
Of course, changes of this magnitude from the source material are not only normal, but required in order to make a good adaptation. But all I can see as a reason in this particular case is budget savings and slowing down of the pacing in order to fit the alloted number of episodes.
>>27219Just because of you I went through the chapters. At least in chapter 16 and 17 there is nothing about the backstory of the cripple. 17 being the mention conversation in the war room. They really didn't change much. Added a scene where Asuka realizes her friends are going to be in the centre of the city, so she wants to go there, but is denied that (all of which actually makes sense for the character). That's about it as additions. Changes would be that in the manga the Russian and USA girls go with Asuka and War Nurse to the dimensional portal and only then go to do their part of the plan, while in the anime they go immediately after the war room scene ends. In the manga they were showing what is happening in the city, which is shown also in the anime. Yes, the USA girl is fighting by the end of the chapter, but in the anime is left as the cliffhanger if she is going to manage to be there on time. In the anime instead they show earlier the beginning of the fight on the outsides of the army base, which happens in chapter 18 in the manga. So basically they just switched to fight scenes, didn't remove any.
Could have been done better? Sure, probably. As in they could have been made the charaters look more rushed and worried, but then again in the manga they were equally unrushed with their talks. And you can't exactly "brief them on the radio" while they were still together when the attack happened and had to decide where they were going. If anything they separated faster in the anime.
It was really in the first half of the episode, which wasn't the discussed problem, that they added more new stuff as the cripple story was already told by that time in the anime. If they were stalling for time, which I am sure they were to some extend, it was really through the first half of the episode many times more than they were with the war room scene.
I don't think it is a perfect anime in any way, but just what irked you and what you decided to complain about seems a bit off.
>>27221>At least in chapter 16 and 17 there is nothing about the backstory of the cripple.Start of the episode is in chapter 15.
>So basically they just switched to fight scenes, didn't remove any.No, I didn't say they removed any scenes. I said it's prolonging scenes that should be frantic and short.
>but then again in the manga they were equally unrushed with their talks.You are free to read the manga as being pretty rushed. That freedom is not just taken away from you in the anime, but is deliberately gone in the other direction, towards prolonging the scenes and grouping them together.
>And you can't exactly "brief them on the radio" while they were still together when the attack happened and had to decide where they were going.Sure you can. Nobody cares about realism. And it would have worked better as adaptation.
Alternatively, if they are so starved for material, we could have just gotten some more fanservice on the beach. But whatever.
>I don't think it is a perfect anime in any way, but just what irked you and what you decided to complain about seems a bit off.Ruined pacing? Boring episode in a series that is trying to be a fun romp of violence and madness? Lack of sense on how to adapt a manga? I'd say I am pretty spot-on in my complaints.
>>27222>Start of the episode is in chapter 15.Yeah, but you were complaining about the briefing scene specifically, or are you moving the goalposts now?
>I said it's prolonging scenes that should be frantic and short.You didn't actually say it should frantic and short, but that is nitpicking from me.
>You are free to read the manga as being pretty rushed.No, you are not. You can read as fast as you want it doesn't change the speed of action inside the manga itself. In no way anything was drawn to portrayed them being super rushed. At least the anime put some music trying to represent that, but it didn't go well with what was happening on screen, which had absolutely the same atmosphere as in the manga - them just sitting around chatting away with serious faces. As I already pointed out in the manga they cared even less about going into action, because the magical girls separated way later. So in that regard the manga is worse.
>Sure you can (brief them on the radio)So what do you have them do? All four running within base corridors, supposedly towards the bad guys, having the same conversation on the radio until two of them are told to go back, because, oh shit, someone needs to stay back? Or two of them run ahead without saying anything, one of which would be logical to be Asuka really, but then War Nurse would want to be with her too and it becomes a mess.
Come on. They were meeting with the fairy general, the attack happened, they look at the situation and decided what to do. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. In fact the anime did it slightly better perhaps, though the scene in both was a bit autisitc and there were actually a lot of cuts in both to what is happening outside.
>Alternatively, if they are so starved for material, we could have just gotten some more fanservice on the beach.But we did, though it relatively tame, but it was new and there. Plus Asuka on her bed and other fan service prolonged.
>Ruined pacingOne of the most common meaninglessness buzzword complains about anime. I don't see a reason to give you the benefit of the doubt, just because we are on fufufu, because from my view point you are just exaggerating your ass off.
>in a series that is trying to be a fun romp of violence and madnessThough it has plenty of it, you are also creating your own ideas of what the series is and you are wrong. Yes, it has violence for the sake of violence, but it also has a lot of "low points" (action-wise) with the opposite. For Christ sake, the series so far has like one actually descent fight (Asuka vs Russian brothers). It is not exactly a train of CHRAAAZYY fun madness battles. You seem to have overestimated the series (whatever medium) and now that it hit you it is just average at best you got butt mad.
>>27223>Yeah, but you were complaining about the briefing scene specifically, or are you moving the goalposts now?I complained about 90% of the episode being slow and talky. That obviously includes more than just that one briefing scene.
>In no way anything was drawn to portrayed them being super rushed.In most manga, including in this one, the reader fills in these details by himself. The entirety of the briefing scene can fit in a minute or so, and in the manga it's filled with shouting and dynamic shading. No shouting, no dynamic shading in the anime.
>All four running within base corridors, supposedly towards the bad guys, having the same conversation on the radio until two of them are told to go back, because, oh shit, someone needs to stay back?Instantly decide the positions then start talking about how the americans won't participate over intercom.
>I don't see a reason to give you the benefit of the doubt>madness battlesSee, that's what your problem is. You have preconceived notions about what I'm saying. I said "violence AND madness", for the record. That doesn't even include "battles", much less "madness battles".
>You seem to have overestimated the seriesNope. I knew exactly what I'm getting into from the first episode - I actually caught up just a week or two ago, because I'd gone through everything else this season, yet I had lots of waiting to do because of bureaucracy. The schtick getting old and a boring and badly adapted episode airing just coincided.
>>27217Yeah, that bothered me too. They find out that the Disas are attacking the city and instead of immediately establishing who will go and defend it they spend the next five minutes just standing around calmly establishing that the Disas are attacking and having motivational speeches in a way that felt oddly repetitive and drawn out, especially when the conversation opens with the commander saying they don't have time for long talks. Felt like they really wanted to drag it out so the battle didn't start before the episode ended.
>>27223>One of the most common meaninglessness buzzword complains about anime.Pacing is something that anime adaptations regularly fuck up. It's not a meaningless complaint at all, though I haven't read the manga so I can't say how valid it is in this case. All I know is that I didn't like how the scene played out in the anime.
Yeah. I suppose I have to thank Iwanami for the 10th episode of Spec Ops Asuka. This guy is probably the best in the industry. The scene with the track with the We Will Rock You motif was 10/10. Heck, the whole episode was fucking great, mainly because of the soundtrack.
>>27304>The scene with the track with the We Will Rock You motif was 10/10When?
>>27306When one of the school friends starts dragging the other after she sprains her ankle. Not anything special as a scene, but I was so thrown off to hear We Will Rock You that I laughed for several minutes.
>>27307I am pretty sure that track has been all over the anime and really it is nothing like WWRY in any way.
>>27308Well, that's just not true. Not sure why you'd say it.
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta* ended on two side stories: for Shizu and for Veldora. Kind of anticlimatic. Overall, it was a high-paced romp of fun. If it suffered from something, it's that the high pace did not allow for serious buildups or character development, but who cares. It was still the easiest to watch series for the last half an year. Unassuming, light, and always enjoyable.
*good that I reread this before posting; I had fucking written "Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita". That probably says something.
>>27340They announced there'd be a second season before cour one had finished, it was already pretty much guaranteed based on the popularity of the source material.
Finally got around to watching Egao no Daika's last episode. I didn't hate it as I was expecting this ostensibly idealistic (There is supposedly suffering due to the chrars being disabled.) outcome. I just wish the series was longer so we could better understand the countries, peoples, and motivations involved as to make every choice and consequence more meaningful–especially the deaths–and give us perspectives of the plebeians.
The OP is still awesome thanks to the violin. Gives me goosebumps every time.
>>27352I did hate it. It was one thing for it go for this retarded pacifistic environmentalist mess of an ending, with the latter part being an ass pull from a few episodes before the end, but they didn't even do that well. Stella is provided with literally no reason to actually help Yuuki and just decides to commit high treason for kicks, then gets off with a slap on the wrist because Yuuki said not to be mean to her. The chrars are stopped and the war immediately ends not just with a ceasefire but with the Empire completely giving up all of the land they took from the Kingdom for no reason whatsoever, when they could've just continued and wrapped up the war since it had been established that the only thing keeping the Kingdom holding on was their tech advantage which was now gone. And then despite the whole issue of disabling the chrars being that all their tech is based on it and they'll be taking a blow like as if we all lost electricity tomorrow, everything is fine after a few months and the world appears little worse for wear while the crops are all immediately growing and healthy again.
Egao no Daika is one of the worst shows I've seen in years. It's one thing that it didn't go in the direction I wanted it to (pic related), but it's another that the direction it did go in didn't even make any fucking sense and was as shallow as could possibly be.
The "it's fine for OLs to self-insert as a cat too" anime is over. It was okay. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody except a starved for affection OL, but it was worth it as a time waster.
>>27356For me, a show is only awful if I feel my time spent watching it is wasted. This was not the case with Egao no Daika despite the shows glaring issues. Perhaps it was curiosity; perhaps I enjoy watching anything with mecha in it. I found it fitting the anime ended with such an optimistic and happy ending. My expectations for any kind of realism were dead.
> It was one thing for it go for this retarded pacifistic environmentalist mess of an ending, with the latter part being an ass pull from a few episodes before the end, but they didn't even do that well.I think it comes down to only having twelve episodes. They could've used their time more wisely–certainly structuring a better story would've done wonders–but there's only so much you can do with the episode allotment.
>Stella is provided with literally no reason to actually help Yuuki and just decides to commit high treason for kicksTo me, it didn't feel that odd or disjointed. Throughout the show, it was shown she was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the current affairs. Hell, it was weird for her not to commit treason earlier along with the rest of her team.
>because Yuuki said not to be mean to her. This, however, is something I am in agreement–along with the ceasefire and the precipitous placation. With that said, little was shown of the emperor, and his motives were not sufficiently elucidated. So I could (somewhat) reasonably believe a peaceful resolution and outcome considering the obfuscation of his motives and being.
>And then despite the whole issue of disabling the chrars being that all their tech is based on it and they'll be taking a blow like as if we all lost electricity tomorrowAssuming the power distribution network isn't an ad-hoc system for chrars, they could've had a backup power generation apparatuses using more traditional energy sources. I think they touched upon that in the last episode.
I'd like some sort of prequel to Egao no Daika.
>>27358I enjoyed the human interactions and the personal strife more than the cat fussing, and this takes in consideration of the hackneyed characters. The anthropomorphism segments were largely uninteresting, and the last episode was as emotionally engaging as this post.
>>27365>To me, it didn't feel that odd or disjointed. Throughout the show, it was shown she was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the current affairs. Hell, it was weird for her not to commit treason earlier along with the rest of her team.She has absolutely no idea why Yuuki is shutting down the chrars beyond Yuuki saying she wants to stop the war. She has no guarantee that Yuuki doesn't have anything else planned, or that the device is even going to do what she says. They made no attempt to tell Stella about the environmental damage the Chrars are causing, and Stella makes no attempt to talk to her squadmates (who could well have fallen into the water and drowned the second their mecha shut down). Stella deciding to just trust Yuuki when they'd never even met before was incredibly contrived.
> they could've had a backup power generation apparatuses using more traditional energy sources. I think they touched upon that in the last episode.They could've had something like that but they made no attempt to show it in the entire show.
A few of the problems with the show could've been resolved with more episodes and more time to explore the world, but I think the story is just so full of problems from the outset that it doesn't matter how much time they had. Getting more detail on the Empire of Verde would be nice, but I don't think they could come up with any satisfactory explanation for why their doomsday device was left ready to go and unprotected to be hijacked by any three people who know what to do with it.
Hell, Stella's squad is pretty much completely pointless to the actual story here, you could remove them entirely and not a single thing would actually change about the war and the ending. They just exist to sometimes die and for Stella to be sad and then become BFFs with Yuuki for no reason.
>>27356>Stella is provided with literally no reason to actually help YuukiDid you miss the half of the show dedicated to explaining her reasons? By the end it was obvious to her that the imperial government could be blamed for her miserable life and dead friends. She saw how much better off Soleil was and how unnecessary fighting was. Imperial victory wouldn't help her much personally and would lead to her and her friends being mired in an Iraq-like occupation scenario.
She had to choose between endangering the people she wanted to help (such as squadmates and the children) so the government that fucked her over could continue fucking people over, or rolling the dice with an unpredictable foreign plan. Only one option gave her any hope.
>giving up all of the land they took from the Kingdom for no reason whatsoever,Except for the disarmament of their army (which became vulnerable to guerrillas with small arms), internal revolts putting the government at risk, and the loss of logistic and economic chrars use when they already had supply shortages.
The emperor had to fall back and secure his own territory. The rational thing to do was use protection for Stella as a bargaining chip. It would've been much better if they showed that happening, but what we saw suggests it.
>>27367The mechs were designed to keep pilots alive after being disabled in battle. Even if it had been a trick to shut down just Imperial chrars, Stella would be OK on a personal level if Yuki would grant amnesty to her and her friends. Trusting Yuki that much was a gamble, but not such an unreasonable one given Yuki's publicly known history and charisma.
Not telling her about the environment was a glaring mistake on Yuki's part. On a narrative level it ensured Stella's decision was for personal reasons, not to save the world, so I think the writer kept her in the dark for that purpose.
>why their doomsday device was left ready to go and unprotectedThe empire wanted to weaponize it in the future, but believed it was impossible for current technology to do anything with it. Stella's squad was the protection for that general region.
>Stella's squad is pretty much completely pointless to the actual storyThe actual story was about Stella's personal development. Whatever story you were watching wasn't the one they wrote.
>>27370>Did you miss the half of the show dedicated to explaining her reasons?Stella being unhappy with the empire does not equate to her being willing to activate a magical doomsday device that her enemy nation's leader is about to use. That's an incredible leap in logic.
>Except for the disarmament of their army (which became vulnerable to guerrillas with small arms)Just like the Kingdom's army, and as had been noted, the Kingdom's only advantage was a technological one. Without their mecha they were helpless. A cease-fire of some sort makes sense, but returning all the territory and entering a super happy peace time for everyone doesn't. As you say, none of those hypothetical justifications are actually shown.
>The mechs were designed to keep pilots alive after being disabled in battle.The only evidence at all to suggest this is that we see one's hatch open after it shuts down. What if it landed hatch against the ground? I guess they're just fucked.
> Trusting Yuki that much was a gamble, but not such an unreasonable one given Yuki's publicly known history and charisma.Sure, if Stella had been on the Kingdom side. But she wasn't, she was on the Empire side, where the propaganda machine was running and painting the Kingdom as their enemy and Yuuki as a selfish ruler who abandoned her countrymen to run away by herself when Harold didn't let her surrender.
>Stella's squad was the protection for that general region.Stella's squad was assigned there out of the blue for no real reason, despite having been doing various actual important jobs until then. Even if you could argue it was because their leader died, it's still incredibly contrived, even if that is the case.
>The actual story was about Stella's personal development. Whatever story you were watching wasn't the one they wrote.I was watching a story about Yuuki having a few small hints of personal development but ultimately being an incredibly boring character. Stella's own development was a joke.
The second Imoimo special was the same shit as the first. Somehow when it's not an anime with bad hentai-like production value, but actual bad hentai, the joke factor is lost.
>>27366>I enjoyed the human interactions and the personal strife more than the cat fussing, and this takes in consideration of the hackneyed characters.Me too. To be precise, I enjoyed some of the secondary characters more than the cat fussing. The childhood friend and the sister and brother duo.
But the personal strife was overdone. The show would have been really well served by pushing the drama to the subtext and focusing on SoL. But then it wouldn't sell so well with OLs, maybe. Guess niche appeal trumps overall quality in this case.
>>27371I'm not the anon you're responding to.
>Stella being unhappy with the empire does not equate to her being willing to activate a magical doomsday device that her enemy nation's leader is about to use. That's an incredible leap in logic.The Kingdom, at that point in Stella's development, is more than a mere antagonist.
>What if it landed hatch against the ground? I guess they're just fuckedPerhaps. There is no such thing as a perfect solution.
>Sure, if Stella had been on the Kingdom side. But she wasn't, she was on the Empire side, where the propaganda machine was running and painting the Kingdom as their enemy and Yuuki as a selfish ruler who abandoned her countrymen to run away by herself when Harold didn't let her surrender.You're ignoring Stella as an individual. She was disillusioned with the Empire at this point, and she wasn't the only one.
>I was watching a story about Yuuki having a few small hints of personal development but ultimately being an incredibly boring character. Stella's own development was a joke.It all comes back to there not being enough episodes for this shit. Obviously, every scene cut is a loss of information–especially for this story.
>>27352>The OP is still awesome thanks to the violinBut the ED is the awesome one. "Waratta watshi suteki desho" gives me goosebumps.
Too bad people didn't want to argue about it in its own thread.
>>27384It's pretty good, and I too enjoy the spoken parts. I just really like violin flourishes.
That is to say that the spoken words are what the violin is to the OP.
On the topic of Egao no Daika, I disagree that it needed more episodes. Before you ask for more time, you should make the most of what you have, and Egao no Daika didn't. It felt to me like the writers reached the 'kill important people to cause Yuuki's character to grow' item in the checklist and got stuck in it for 10 episodes.
With a cast of this size, you don't need a lot of episodes - in fact the main character's motives and views were largely established, as has been discussed. The loose ends and missing explanations that have been brought up wouldn't require, I think, a lot of time either.
Say, for example, that you drop a short scene somewhere where Stella notices something fishy about the barren fields affair - maybe an old record that shows that fields used to be plenty fertile. Then Yuuki says something about it in their big scene, and it all clicks in Stella's mind. There you go, Stella's motivations just got all that much clearer, and it cost you a minute.
Just to be clear, I'm not shooting down this anime. I do think it had the potential for greatness in it, and am baffled that it fell short of it by so much. An anon elsewhere said that it felt as if the staff had chickened out; I could agree with that.
Kemurikusa was fantastic, I'm very disappointed that nobody here watched it. Basically took the mystery/post-apocalyptic adventure elements from Kemono Friends and repurposed them for an IP where the director had more freedom.
The art direction, framing, and cinematography are brilliant. The battle animation is surprisingly competent as well. Soundtrack is top tier and everything else only gets better as the series goes on. The atmosphere is an A+, and the setting is intriguing and well developed.
The only problems I had were that a handful of scenes feel rushed, and the budget is clearly very low (though they do a great job with what they have).
It is a crime how many people watched the first episode and didn't even bother giving the rest a chance. It's the same prejudice that people had for Kemono Friends except this time even less people like it because there aren't as many waifus.
Overall, I think it's better than KF.
>>27389No amount of supposed quality content would get me to sit through another minute of that atrocious CGI.
>>27389The male character is the most annoying shit ever since Hyouka. Does he get better? I gave it two episodes, but couldn't stand him anymore.
>>27394I would say that he was easily the most off-putting thing in the early episodes, but I got used to him by some point in the first half of the show.
I think that probably not everyone would like this show even if they stuck with it, but it's very rewarding to people who enjoy a slow burn.
>>27387You're not wrong. But I'd still like more episodes for lore and the world.
>>27371>That's an incredible leap in logic.Similar leaps happen in real history often enough.
>but returning all the territory and entering a super happy peace time for everyone doesn'tTo keep the territory, the empire would need to be able to hold it. The "only advantage is technological" assessment relied on the fact that mechs were almost immune to anything less than a formal military unit. Without mechs, militias and terrorists would be effective and reverse the numerical balance. Granted, they didn't show this and they should've shown it.
The hatch issue is another one for the "it's not hard to imagine a solution but a sci-fi/military series should show the details" pile.
>where the propaganda machine was running and painting the Kingdom as their enemy and Yuuki as a selfish rulerThe empire's military was well aware of Yuki's warnings, sportsmanship, and reluctance. She was a celebrity before the war, too. They had seen Soleil from the inside and talked to civilians. Abandoning Harold would just feed into the idea that Yuki had split from her staff and planned something the Soleil military wouldn't like. So would the fact that she was so lightly guarded.
>Even if you could argue it was because their leader died, it's still incredibly contrivedI'll give you that. Owens dying explains going to the rear, but being right at the critical spot was contrived. If the story was written backwards and they focused on Stella's unit just because they were the ones that happened to be there, the writer needed to provide that setup to avoid making it look fake.
>>27389It did end up being quite good. The latter parts were massively better than the start. What's really impressive is how the director showed he can do it on demand in adverse circumstances. I'd like to see him with proper resources to work with.
The characters ended up growing on me as they developed, especially the ones I was skeptical of to begin with. Ritsu and Rina were great the whole time.
>>27394Yes, but he goes from "what the fuck were they thinking?" to "he was an OK guy after all, I can live with him." I can't guarantee whether you'll be able to live with him too.
>>27400>Yes, but he goes from "what the fuck were they thinking?" to "he was an OK guy after all, I can live with him." I can't guarantee whether you'll be able to live with him too.Frankly, I was half-afraid he was only going to be more and more annoying. I've been wondering for the past month whether I should continue watching it anyway, so I guess I'll give it a couple more episodes.
>>27400>I'd like to see him with proper resources to work with.Shinbo with proper resources is actually less fun than Shinbo with money enough only for a .ptt, so I dunno.
>>27401Luckily I don't think there's anything that got worse over the course of the series.
>>27402Agreed but I think that Kemurikusa might have an even lower budget than old Shaft and a much smaller staff to boot. They could use some help. The raw talent of Tatsuki and his art/animation directors pretty much save the series.
In retrospect, I should have expected the end of Bermuda Triangle. I guess the screenwriter was told they must end up as idols, and did the minimal possible work for it. It's not like it's a badly written development, either - it's actually quite fine, considering Kanon's overall development. It just sows the seeds for further conflicts, and we will never see the resolution of these conflicts. Definitely not the happy end I expected.
That being said, I still quite love the series. It nailed atmosphere and worldbuilding for me. Exactly the right amount of weird and nonsensical - intrigueing enough, but falling short of annoying. I'm just salty that I won't get a SoL S2. Though, on second thought, timeskip S2 of the five's daily life after they eventually come back to Pastrale would be a 10/10 idea. As long as they give some acknowledgement to the above-mentioned conflicts in flashbacks.
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Endro ended with a literal concept eater old god saving the day. AND it was quite decently foreshadowed before that. I don't even. I'm in fucking awe. First the "Let's be fair, not equal" shaftism, then this… I haven't enjoyed anime ends so fucking much in a while. I can't even remember which was the previous such title.
So, Mob Psycho has ended. How did you like it, anon?
>>27419Definitely changed some things and skipped some things. It is a good anime, but I can't say all changes were for the better. Catching up the manga now. Almost finished. I had stopped back in the days right near the end of this arc. Chapters were very irregular at that point.
>>27421That's exactly why I enjoyed the end so much. I did not expect it to be so good.
What's weirder is that Grimms Notes ALSO ended with an old god saving the day. All aroung "fuck you go play the game" end, but it was an enjoyable series overall.
P.S. Mao-chan-sensei is a miracle of the universe.
>>27422>>27430I'm still unsure if seeing Mao-chan was worth experiencing Fai, Yuusha, and the princess.
>>27435I stopped minding Yuusha after a couple of episodes, actually. The problem with pink-haired protagonists is that they are too blunt and in-the-face in the narrative purpose that they fulfill. Yuusha didn't really fulfill any narrative purpose. Which I actually count as good and a subversion.
Also Princess didn't have enough screentime to dampen my overall enjoyment.
Decided to watch Endro, and it was about as good as I expected it to be.
I liked how they subverted the concepts of hero and demon lord but they didn't really do anything else interesting.