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Samurai Flamenco.
You're asking basically for a 3x3 thread. Let me offer you an alternative: 3fu is a small board with a few thousand posts. Go through it, and you'll get a feel for what titles the anons like. For example, how many threads are dedicated to old franchises that are not currently airing? The last five years have seen dedicated threads for all the currently airing titles that the 3fu users like, go through them and see which ones were loved the most. And there are even threads for specific genres.
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>>28300>>28303My favorite アニメ.
Side note, censoring the actual shit in scat manga should be illegal. It's already barely tolerable in works not focused of feces.
I considered answering until I saw your ":>", now fuck off.
>>28308Anyone who bought it originally should get the updates for free but it seems most rippers are fire and forget.
I wish I could put into words how much I love (fictional) scat.
>>28309Oh well.
>>28343You're damn right it is.
Another Comiket, another reminder of scat that is left unscanned.
>>28501Do you mean morally good or good in terms of taste?
Shouldn't this be a question for the Ex thread?
>>28501All of them.
This one.
All of them.