Thanks for making the thread.
I'm excited to watch Tamayomi tonight!
Damn this virus, I guess I'll have to wait for the Princess Principal BDs too.
>>29589>It was better than expected.>For this show I had no expectations though.If you care to elaborate, how did it exceed your expectations, or lack thereof?
>>29597The joke is that with its starting scene the show directly tries to set up an expectation only to subvert it a few seconds later.
That aside, between the poor moe of the young protag and how he gets worked to the bone when old, I can dig the premise. We haven't seen much more, and certainly the writing is not top notch, but it seems worth my time for now. And, what's more, the opening is fucking great: No.29600
>>29589Kakushigoto felt awful. Not sure if to blame the direction or what. Probably worked better as a manga and needed old Shaft to have an adaptation that shines.
Tamayomi greatly disappointed me, and the thighs aren't enough. Luckily Major 2nd's second season is also airing.
>>29598Thanks for the response. I'm more interested in watching it now.
>>29601The girl and music are enough, right?
Anyway, Bakarina is Bakarina is The Best, as expected. I'm not sure what more to say. I hope they keep this level of engagement and budget for the rest of the series too. Angela and Uchida Maaya seem to have had enormous amounts of fun while working on this anime. Pacing was fast, but certainly not too fast. This will be a fucking great season.
>>29607>The girl and music are enough, right?Not sure, considering besides everything else the fact that I don't like the mecha designs at all. I'll leave it for now and start it again if there are more positive opinions. I do kinda want to see Nana and Kouichi and FukuJun and etc.
"Yesterday o Utatte" confirmed for me that this season is great. I like it better as an anime than a manga.
And to the anon that gave his take of "Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou!", thank you. The OP is a nice slice of symphonic(?) metal too.
It's been a while since I picked up this many shows.
>>29608>I don't like the mecha designsThey are pretty bad. For the setting, one would imagine that the mechs would have a blocky and primitive appearance.
I guess we are getting the whole Jashin-chan S2.
>Princess ConnectI did not expect to like this, but the guy is so cute that I can't be angry at anything! I guess this will be my weekly dose of risking diabetes for this season.
>Shironeko ProjectI appreciate the opening, and it seems well done. But I dunno, it's a little too straight-forward? I'll give it a couple more episodes.
>GleipnirThis must be a comedy? It is supposed to be a comedy, right? It can't seriously be trying to be an edgy power fantasy for tortured furries, right? Because the whole episode was fucking hilarious.
>>29619I'll pace it to one ep per several days. It seems a waste to marathon it, esp considering how much I liked the first episode. More Pecola is always good.
Anyway, have a stitch while we're at it.
>>29639Do you think Kurt's jealousy and envy will return?
This is interesting. Best Girl is obviously Best Girl. And just by existing in the same place as HanaKana, she truly highlights all of the problems with HanaKana and why she's worst girl. In just two episodes this compare and contrast was quite enough to give us a nice understanding of HanaKana - and of Best Girl. But, also, the MC is pretty well-adjusted too, isn't he? He obviously stalled on hitting on HanaKana cause he knew there's something wrong. He can (more or less) do what he wants to do. He is more passive in nature, but he knows and accounts for that? He knows he'll be slow to change either way.
What I am saying… isn't pairing him up with Best Girl a waste? Wouldn't it be much more interesting to pair them with the two other characters instead?
See, Best Girl and MC are both… more passive with their own lives. They lack a solid base in terms of what they want to earn money with. They know their inner worlds but are more passive with dealing with the outer world. The other two in comparison are more solid in dealing with the outer world, while a mess with their own feelings - obsessing and avoiding in a manner that reminds me of Nadeko. Doesn't this make them pairing up like that a more boring outcome that will not allow them to learn and to compensate for each other's shortcomings? Going for what is there in the start… no, way before the start, even… instead of a braver grownup x grownup and teen x teen end, or a homo and homo end.
And, most importantly, why am I writing paragraphs of consideration how should a manga end when it has already ended years ago and I can just read it? How did this adaptation even happen if the original run was from 1997 to 2015?
P.S. Jashinchan is great. By the way, Jashinchan is the canon spelling. You don't say Jashin-san, you say Jashinchan-san.
P.P.S. Best Girl is a miracle of the universe.
>>29640Does it matter? The MC can kill him at this point. And he already left to be an adventurer.
>>29642Not really, no. I guess I'm left with the feeling of everything being abrupt (as expected).
Appare Ranman was nice, but I don't trust PA Works that it'll stay nice.
>>29639We kinda got more of him, after all.
The party is fine for now. The girls especially show some promise.
>>29669Railgun was doing pretty well in the delay department without the virus' help, but they've jumped in the bandwagon nonetheless and it is delayed until further notice.
Pretty soon, when Index fans start asking for a new season, we'll have to tell them to get in line and wait for Railgun to finish first.
>>29670Oh. Damn.
At least I may catch up with it this time.
>>29669>- the fishing anime>- Fugou Keiji Balance Unlimitedanything else?
So those two got two episodes each and are now delayed? I guess good thing I haven't started them yet.
>>29669Went back and put together a non-exhaustive list.
Started, delayed starting at episode:
Railgun T, 13
Shokugeki no Souma, 3
Appare Ranman, 4
Balance:UNLIMITED, 3
Teibou Nisshi, 4
Not even started, postponed for July or indefinitely:
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha
No Guns Life
Delayed movies:
Violet Evergarden
Princess Principal
Pity about Rebuild, now that Anno finally, for sure this time, was about to stop playing around with Godzilla and get around to making it.
Anyway, the real story is that anything that hasn't already been fully dubbed isn't going to be finished until the state of emergency ends in Japan, which I pull out of my ass to be near the season's end at the earliest.
>>29670>when Index fans start asking for a new seasonWhy would we want a new season after the shitshow that is S3?
Hard to explain, but this is somehow a very calming series to me.
>>29640And now he his own main branch family, probably several hundreds of times richer than all of his other relatives together.
>>29693>And now he his own main branch family, probably several hundreds of times richer than all of his other relatives together.I'm still holding out for the unlikely intra-family bloodbath.
>>29706There might be a bit of angst, but there could be 10 times more sucking up to really. He didn't really steal anyone's property or place. He created his own and if anything he is being a good boy and helps his family.
And I don't want to think this will have drama heavier than anything we have seen so far. But maybe I am just too hopeful.
>>29708Yeah, no, I don't see it any drama to happen ever.
>>29714Same here. This was maybe the best episode up to now just cause of how chill it was. And there's LN material for a whole year of chill. I hope they at least translate the novels.
Anyway, best girl with best fashion sense. I want more.
>>29669>>29682It seems Railgun is airing today after all. Here's an updated and more complete list of casualties.
Ongoing, delayed starting at episode:
Healin' Good Precure, 13
Mewkledreamy, 5
Kiratto Pri Chan, 107
Kingdom S3, 5
Major 2nd S2, 5
Shokugeki no Souma: Gou no Sara, 3
Appare Ranman, 4
Fugou Keiji - Balance:Unlimited, 3
Houkago Teibou Nisshi, 4
Idolish Seven: Second Beat!, 5
Upcoming, postponed:
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha Hen, October
Yahari Ore no Seishun LoveCome wa Machigatte Iru. Kan, no date
Re:Zero 2, July
Tsukiuta 2, July
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei Shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou, July
SAO WoU, July
No Guns Life, no date
Plus some endless shounen nobody cares about.
>>29718Other than Precure and Major there are only things I haven't watched yet, if at all. And I am behind of Precure.
>>29716>Anyway, best girl with best fashion sense.Her seduction skills, on the hand…
>>29718>Major 2nd S2, 5Fuck.
>>29730You're an easy man to please.
Tuesday without fishing hurts ;_;
This episode demonstrates how you don't really need a budget, or drugs for creative cost-cutting techniques, or whatever in order to make a good anime and a good adaptation. You just need to truly understand the source material. Half of the episode was basically just Elise sighing, on something that was more akin to a .ppt than to an animation. And yet it was 10/10.
Anyway, what the hell, I didn't expect this end.
>>29768It would be a spoiler if this illustration was the opposite; I would be surprised if he didn't
impregnate them. Otherwise, very nice.
it wasn't as clear of a future before this episode. No.29796
>>29795The guy that liked Haru fucked off to another girl. About the ex, though it could be true that for some reason she never shows up ever again, I don't think she is a character to do that.
>>29787Those faces are great.
Our fag of a protagonist, thankfully, didn't try to pursue dyed-hair. [I can't spell.] We also got Haru-fang from this ordeal.
>>29811I hope he becomes more than just a gag.
>>29815Considering how it's going, he will have some kind of a role.
Also damn, sure master and student have similarly good tastes.
File: 1589820049888.png (Spoiler Image, 945.37 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hamefura - ….png)

Sex hair Bakarina is great too
>>29854oh god, this ending physically hurts
And they just had to include this line earlier in the episode. Damned bastards.
The MC isn't great at everything, and the other characters are getting the limelight. Now we just need our spear god to become a retainer.
>>29854Almost tear-inducing
>>29882So many weirdly great scenes or just weird scenes that I didn't know what to post and posted nothing.
Might as well make the webm at least.
The lack of animation helps with the repetition of the video.
>>29883>The lack of animation helps with the repetition of the video.I think only Ahiru no Sora has more stills. And thanks for the webm, I meant to do that scene too but forgot. Regardless, now that
best girl kissed our baron, it'll be interesting to see how his other two wives will respond.
When the fuck did 3 years pass? But good for spear bro. He immediately proved himself to be more useful than his whole crew.
>>29912From what I have heard, this is going to end in a
spicy manner.
I would like to take this moment to say that Elize is not only the cutest but has the strongest maternal instincts.
The panty-scene was some delicious stuff.
>>29915>But good for spear bro. He immediately proved himself to be more useful than his whole crew.He's the best. Just the best.
I… think the beginning of the anime was Wel clearing out the Enchanted Forest for the sake of w/e. So I guess we know how this ends.
But I hope they don't oversimplify the transition of power. I do get the opposite side of the coin, after all. Wel is quite the easy to use figure. It's not that the brother is despotic - the lack of resources is just reality in that domain. It's that the villager chief wants to use Wel - and Wel's wealth that Wel demonstrated. This is not a sustainable model. And on the other side of the chain, the king prefers to have the easy to use Wel there, where he is dependent on taking jobs from the king in order to finance his poor otherwise domain. This way he's at the same time establishing somebody who will not conspire against him, and limiting the connections Wel has to others, so that these others can't use Wel, AND ensuring Wel has to come back to the king for jobs instead of running away somewhere to adventure freely. In fact, Kurt is probably the only one in the family who truly knows this part of Wel's nature, as he was the only one who noticed that Wel hided his magic in the past. So of course he'd be the one worried and would try to use Wel to ensure as much independence from the Crown as possible - like the demand for a 50% cut. To begin with, the domain is poor because of geography, not because of mismanagement: it's too far from the trade routes and the danger of the Enchanted Forest makes it really hard to expand or to do any serious new business. It's basically not much more than an outpost. And they lost a lot of men in that expedition in the past which made everything even worse.
Of course, that same beginning of the anime shows what Kurt definitely is not realizing: that Wel is so overpowered that he can actually turn the domain into a profitable one, independent of Wel's adventuring profits. With such powers the domain can actually get much larger, as it's basically a frontier domain. This means that Kurt could probably get part of the newly expanded domain if he plays his cards right.
Anyway, I really liked Kurt's wife.
>>29947>Wel is so overpowered that he can actually turn the domain into a profitable oneSpecifically, Wel has the strength to exploit the Enchanted Forest: convert it from a liability to an asset. Anyway, really enjoyed your post. The story will probably disappoint me now.
>>29948But that's not Elise.
I think half of my enjoyment of Nami yo is the stuff they namedrop.
>>29957Whoa. Did this just start airing? I've missed it.
>>29959The newest ED is nice, but I really enjoyed the previous one–despite the sadness it inflicts.
Can't wait to enjoy Kurt's salty tears.
>>29622>This must be a comedy? It is supposed to be a comedy, right? It can't seriously be trying to be an edgy power fantasy for tortured furries, right? Because the whole episode was fucking hilarious.I have no idea. I don't think it is possible to create something this hilariously bad without actively trying. The fanservice is super classy too. Easily the best comedy this season, though I'm expecting it will stop being funny after the novelty wears off.
>>29997I think it is accepted in the story that the undeveloped land is considered part of Well's family land for some reason. Maybe just some ancient "It is shit, so who cares, you can have it". So from that view point it would be a huge pride hit to just give him all that space, but even if it is not really considered their family's land. Technically his brother still doesn't seem to be the de factor lord, which is weirder. The father is alive, but has done nothing? Considering the whole concept of 8th son getting nothing, nor the second or any other really, it won't be acceptable for the father to divide his land between his sons. That's why only the firstborn inherits it to begin with, so it is not divided.
Though honestly the whole idea if it belongs to his family or not seems a bit ambiguous in the anime. It is more likely that it doesn't, but they talk as if it is. Just because it is neighboring his territory and he will be the one to expand into it, doesn't mean he will necessarily get to keep all of it for himself. At some point too much is too much.
The crown also just giving him all that land that belongs to somebody else would of course make the other lords unhappy. He has enough of a claim on the land. Having him get it through his claim and presenting merits to go with it is better for everyone to be happy than just "here you go, 'cause we like you". Even if Well got only the undeveloped land, considering his familial ties (aka claim) the better he makes the new region, the more people from his home region will be unhappy with his brother and will want Well to just add them to his new glorious empire.
With the last two words being a joke, but there is also the fact of how much land are they really going to give to Well? It is a lot. It seems huge. And maybe at first it doesn't matter, because it is shit, but they want to give it to him so he can develop it. It is probably a matter of time before it becomes the most prosperous region in the country and possible the biggest or maybe at least close second. When is he going to be considered not only something to be jealous of by other lords, but also too much of a rival to the crown itself?
This might end up being a story where the MC doesn't want to be king, but because everything he touches turns into gold, eventually people will crown him as one anyway. At least it will take years for that to happen.
Of course we are looking at this as readers. The people inside the story are not as assured as us that the development of the land will be super successful and that the land will bear great riches. Though I would guess they think it will be true at least to some extend, which makes many things questionable. But maybe later in the story the crown and other lords will take more active presence in the region with the excuse of helping to conquer and develop the area together for the kingdom, assuming that Well will not press his claims on the land too strongly (assuming it is new and not already considered part of his family's domain, with the former being more likely), because he is Well. But then Spearbro Jew will probably do it for him and Well be all like "I didn't ask for this".
>>29998You are not too far from the truth. No.30001
How can one man be this petty and stupid?
>>30000Your paragraphs make me lust for a kingdom management game where you play as Well trying to build up his fiefdom.
>spoilerナイス No.30042
>>30036I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I'm glad Haru won.
I think my greatest problem with Yesterday is that Shinako has nothing going for her. Both of the male characters like her because it is established in their backstories that they like her. While clearly the author shoves Haru on your face and tries to make her likable from the start.
>>30043On the other hand, there was more time devoted to Shinako than Haru.
>>30046Which is borderline criminal.
I feel bad for Kurt. The degree of his effrontery, pettiness, and jealously/envy is such that I feel like there was a divine being that intentionally made him like this from birth.
Good show, though. I would kill for another season.