Don't do this to me, I have a backlog of 1 month already and the next season seems pretty packed. Lord Anos have mercy on me, my computer and my hardrive for it's gonna work a lot in the next couple weeks.
But the season seems fun.
Onii-sama's second iteration follows Jesus' season? Fantastic.
Train lolis.
>new Shaft
>new Kino
>new Hata
>Maou-jou de Oyasumi
This season will be fucking great.
>>30775What are you calling Kino?
>>30775>kinoGo back to /tv/.
>>30778>>30785I think anon was talking about a new Kino no Tabi in the form of a witch, you know, a girl traveling all over the place like Kino.
>>30786At first I thought he meant a new season of Kino, but after checking the list twice I thought he must mean some Kino-like anime, so I asked.
Now this anon here
>>30785 he should chill and get away from 4chan.
>>30775To whom should I attribute these quotes?
>>30786>I think anon was talking about a new Kino no Tabi in the form of a witch, you know, a girl traveling all over the place like Kino.I'll take it.
>>30785>XDCC>XDGo back to /b/.
>>30789If he's saying 'XD', then isn't it more likely he's from Gaia?
>>30791No idea. I don't actually remember how this joke went, so I chose a board at random.
>>30795I have yet to read the VN, but this image certainly motivates the inner gentleman.
>>30798Thankfully there is a nice smaller girl too not just this hag.
>>30815And here I was thinking it wasn't possible for Rena to get any cuter.
It seems I was proven wrong
Sigrdrifa wasn't what I expected, but it was something better instead. The writing wasn't half bad I guess, as the double-length episode didn't feel dragged on and the characters were interesting. And as for the plane porn, it has the courage to rip off a few tricks from Kotobuki Hikoutai, which I count as a good thing - if you can't come up with your own unique aesthetics and do a good job at it, it's better to imitate someone else's aesthetics than to settle for something plain and boring. Here's hoping it doesn't lose steam too fast from here on.
Another pleasant surprise was Ochikobore Fruit Tart - I was expecting something more low-effort, but I found a perfectly legit high-tier kirara anime. By the way, if these character designs and outfits look familiar to you, you're right - it's by the same mangaka.
And finally, the new raburaibu also looks quite promising. Rather than breaking away from the previous seasons completely, as the change in staff suggested, it looks like it's going to pick and choose which parts of the LL formula to use, which is good because sticking to the formula too strictly was Sunshine's undoing.
On the topic of Thighs Bouquet, I must say I'm sceptic - it didn't do anything wrong, but it didn't do anything special either. I expected it to stand out more.
>>30848Edgelord + comedy can be a great combination, which is why I liked the first episode. There is some incoming character development and I am hoping it is just for the sword baka and the MC doesn't change much, because him remaining edgy is going to be an important part of the comedy.
Cute dark elf, cute priestess, cute villainess, and hopefully more faces like this should make a decent watch.
>>30849I think the MC's edgelord title will only be lost near the anime's end because, as you said, doing otherwise will worsen the show.
>>30861Fuck this shit. When will I get an ice hockey anime? Imagine: a girl is checked along the boards that results in a bloody mouth with missing teeth. On the other hand, ice hockey would require too much animation.
>>30874Wasn't there a Kumetan anime about a girls' ice hockey club in the early 2000s?
>30873>>Inu to Neko>Sugita voicing a cat. 10/10 anime.On the other hand, HanaKana isn't shining at all, which makes it a 0/10 anime. So it averages to 5/10.
>30874Myself, I want a lacrosse anime, though I get the feeling it wouldn't be all that good.
>>30875You may have dreamt that one up. I know I've spent many a good hour looking for an anime that apparently I had made up.
>>30876>On the other hand, HanaKana isn't shining at all, which makes it a 0/10 anime. So it averages to 5/10.Huh. So the dog is HanaKana. I didn't even notice. Yeah, that makes it a 5/10 anime. Hope next episode fixes this.
>>30880>the evil highly potent drug that kills peopleAngst?
>>30882That's not funny, that thing is the second greatest threat to the world. Right after Communism.
Higurashi Gou is hype, I'm pleasantly surprised that it's a new anime-original arc.
Majo no Tabitabi is comfy and had a fantastic first episode.
I'm hype for Strike Witches 3, it's a miracle that we finally got another season and the CG doesn't look quite as bad as it did in Brave Witches (which I dropped).
Adachi to Shimamura seems cute.
Pretty good season so far, and I'm still planning to pick up Gochiusa, Maesetsu, and Tasio Samurai when they come out. Also gonna watch the Netflix miniseries Eden when it comes out.
>>30825>like Black Bullet, Freezing, FafnirAlso known as Eva clones.
>>30892Fafnir surpassed that label.
>>30892In that case Eva is a toku clone. Fuck off.
I don't like Assault Lily's MC, and the hips' widths are too much. I must be gay.
>Inu to NekoHanaKana got lines this time.
>Majo no Tabitabi 2I wonder what corpses are in the basement of that hostel. At least the imouto's corpse if nobody else.
>>30898Yes, she is. And they are meeting in the gym's second floor.
But I was pleasantly surprised with it. I didn't know Denpa Onna is getting an S2.
God dammit: I was wrong. He already lost his fucking edge. However, as long as there's more of these faces, everything will be okay.
>>30905>>Kamisama ni Natta Hi 1Thanks for opining about this. I forget it was airing.
>>30905>>Kamisama ni Natta Hi 1>So, Maeda Jun seems to have liked Haganai. I certainly appreciate Maria.Plus, he liked Kannagi and foolishly thought he could improve upon it.
It's still shaping up quite nicely, the only thing that could ruin it is a Charlotte-tier scri- Oh, fuck.
>>30780The best part of the iyashikei slime isekai is how Uzaki mom got a new mom role in it.
>Maou-jou 2Yep. I love the opening and ending. Nice 1:1 adaptation otherwise.
>Ochikobore Fruit TartBoring idolshit, cute buns.
>>30890>Higurashi Gou is hype, I'm pleasantly surprised that it's a new anime-original arc.I never actually watched the original and was hoping to just watch this new season instead.
Am I missing out on anything by watching this first?
>>30920Well, it's a direct sequel, so you are missing its first part? Ask us again after it ends how much of a problem this is.
>>30927It is not up to mere mortals to fathom, much less question, the ways of the gods. Genuflection is the only option.
>Magatsu Wahrheit Zuerst 1It was fine but not particularly my taste.
>IWGP 2Truly the dire fate of minimum wage part timers killing themselves from not being able to do their minimum effort job well is a serious plight of modern Japan.
>Dogezatl;dr: Sugita asks girls to do stuff while in dogeza.
No, they don't show Sugita, this is an anime after all. But I can clearly see him with my mind's eye. He isn't acting at all, so I can't help but imagine him in dogeza in front of the anime girl.
>Kimisen 2I am an idiot who finds it absolutely hilarious to have three different "meet cute" in the same episode. Sue me.
>4kuma 2We finally got the actual main heroine: a hardworking loli that is good with the knife. Turns out the first episode was a pointless filler. If you haven't seen it yet, do skip it and start from the second directly.
>Guraburu 2This is boring as fuck.
>Thick Thighs: BouquetThe plot is exactly what I expected. But they are executing it quite well indeed.
>Adachi to ShimamuraThis is the cutest or second cutest shit for this year, on the same level as the Hata anime. Adachi is gonna be the death of me.
>>30927This impertinent god deserves only spanking.
>>30949She is just a narcissistic retard.
>8.16MB No.30954
>>30953>a narcissistic retard.Sounds perfect.
>>30977You are saying it as if it had good episodes so far.
Imouto a fucking cute. MC is a giant faggot. OP is nice.
>>30979No, I'm saying this one sucked so much that I had to post about it being an enjoyment-sucking black hole. I thought I'd be rather busy this season, but I guess I can work more on my backlog.
>>30980My season is quite busy even without it.
>>30981It's just one of many that I've dropped.
>>30996Ew. Why post that shit. Spoiler it next time.
>>30997If I have to suffer, so do you.
>>30996Not even sure which is worse, megane or the voice behind it.
>>30999Megane is an obnoxious, attention-whoring fool, but at least she has the capacity to be cute due to being 2D.
>>31042Does it make sense that I realized they are an existing comedy duo BEFORE I realized the author is the Lucky Star mangaka? I mean, I even said
>I feel like they wanted Hirano Aya for the main girl.for the first episode without even considering to check who the author is.
>>31111But how is it going otherwise? I didn't bother watching it after the third episode.
File: 1606543069523.jpg (Spoiler Image, 358.62 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] 100-man no In….jpg)

>>31112Not well. The plot isn't all that intriguing, and the politics and current situation in which the world resides aren't sufficiently explored. Further, the MCs aren't given equal time, and the one that's favored is annoying. Another character wasn't present for a few episodes, but then materialized with a very lame reason. Really, it all comes down to executing and fitting ideas into 12/13 episodes; I can overlook a mediocre plot if the characters and world are interesting enough and have time spent on them. There's other, smaller issues, but these are my main gripes. The show's saving graces, to me, are that I like the girls (The new blonde girl is very cute.) and the captain (
RIP);the first monster gave me some spooky vibes (but that didn't last long); and I do think the setting has potential.
>>31170The OP's visuals (even after changing them after some episodes) are lame, too. It's unfortunate since the song is quite grand.
>>31180The idol is at least not ugly.
>>31182Yes, but I'd rather see perfection than merely "not ugly."
>>31188Same here. This anime is doing the funny bits just fine, but the emotional bits are missing me by a mile. I think I was honestly willing to give a shit until the truck episode, which signaled loud and clear that this wasn't an anime to get invested in.
Have some lovvu nanoka.
>>31189She doesn't care as long as the lolis' panties serve their purpose.
>>31190And that's probably because there's no continuity between the "serious" scenes and lighthearted ones: it's either-or. Further, the former ones just don't feel like they belong in story like this. I wanted to ram my forehead into my desk when Youta's friends fought the corporate henchmen. And I won't even mention the pile of shit that is Hiroto and his baggage.
What's worse is that there could have been meaningful drama that one could invest themselves into. Just make it so Hina has an unexplained gift of omniscience after an emergency procedure and is living on borrowed time. She still thinks the world is going to end. She still mistakes it for the whole world. But there will be no poorly-done sci-fi and no global conspiracy. There will be no asinine feats of heroism. There's still the actual ever-important execution, and this story isn't novel, but the current one is just a retarded take of the one I laid out.
Magatsu Wahrheit Zuerst continues to have scenes that are dressed-up Q&As because of insufficient time. It also has character actions that seem odd because they feel predicated upon missing developments, or it's just deus ex machina. Christ, some guy betrayed one of the MCs, but a few minutes later sacrifices himself to save the very guy he crossed. Maybe he was mortally wounded, but it sure didn't seem like it. The best thing I can say is that the latest monster was a bit creepy. It was so strong that even if you do see it, it inflicts a sense of dread. Well done.
No.31225 out they should have given DitVB to Mamoru Oshii. This first episode was quite good indeed.
>>31236What the fuck is even her illness? Wasn't it suppose to be muscle related? But she seems to be mostly fine and instead to just have mental damage from the chip being taken away. Just what the fuck.
>>31237>What the fuck is even her illness?Shit writing.
>>31236>Also, it bothers me that the chick who's clearly right has been handed out the evil role, while the MC gets away with his bullshit despite being obviously unqualified to deal with this sort of patient and a nuisance.I hate this in any medium but anime seems to do this more than anything else, maybe it's because of the specific type of anime that's supposed to be somewhat idealized so you can't have the main character being morally questioned because it ruins the feeling.
>>31259Key delivers once again.
>>31259I can't help but laugh: The MC is smiling like a self-satisfied faggot while pushing a vegetable disguised as a loli. What a waste of time.
>>31267>>31268This season was good and next looks to be even better.
I don't even remember how long it was since I last felt that.
>>31272I'm pretty sure we were talking about this season *of gochiusa*, but I concur with you anyway: it was a bountiful season and the next one seems to bring about another plentiful crop.
>>31274Wow, I am a dumbdumb. I really shouldn't post while sleep deprived.
>>31246I had to double-check the twelfth episode was the last. What a non-ending.