>>31905Wasn't there supposed to be a fucking play? What happened to that?
>>31905>>31892I finally gave this a chance and it was a big NOPE for me, so go ahead and post more Kuro screenshots for those of us who aren't following along.
>>31906I think the musical number was supposed to have been the play. Shit writing all over. At least make a good play to sell us on Shiro, damn it.
Supposedly her figure is of a loli's in the LN, but I still like the anime's take. FLAT IS JUSTICE
>>31909>I think the musical number was supposed to have been the playUnless I missed something, being an actor in a play written by worse girl was one of the points of the "revenge". Hell, the girl's dream was for him to do just that, and that was stated in the very same episode the supposed play was to occur. I'm so fucking confused.
>>31916I'm saying, the supposed play I guess was the musical number. I guess they thought that the musical number counts as a "play". I am just as confused as you.
Also I think I'm dropping this anime now.
File: 1620421790164.png (Spoiler Image, 1021.88 KB, 1280x720, [Erai-raws] Osananajimi ga….png)

>>31920oh god what
I scrolled through the episode only to end up on this. The trainwreck, the fucking trainwreck.
>>31920The LN must have had an actual play in this arc, and this is the result of a lazy adaption. It's the only thing that makes sense. I hope, anyway.
>>31921Christ. And there goes any motivation to watch this shit.
>>31934Dam you, now I have to check it out.
>>31943Does that town really extend all the way to the bottom of those hills in the background? It looks stupidly massive to me, but maybe it's a perspective trick?
>>31949It is not Tokyo, though Tokyo is also a bit of a meme lie. It is several different towns. This actually applies for both the picture and "Tokyo Metropolitan Area with 37 million people". About the Yamanashi part in the picture, I guess the furthest point from the point of the view of the camera would be 30km, but probably not something you can see. It would be beyond the mountains on the left. What is seeable on the picture would be up to 20km ahead, I think.
Your own cute doll awaits, anon!
>>31956>pitsSuch taste deserves recognition!
>>31959Chise really does it right with these close angles.
More series should take note on that, especially for characters who usually have their arms raised over their heads.
This guy has good taste.
>>31963Couldn't agree more. Also, loli(-esque) + pits = best
>>32053>The plot reveals were also stupid and forcedSupposedly, the manga didn't have this.
>>32054I'm not surprised, this has never tried to be a faithful adaptation. I actually respect what they're doing - they figured this one cour was all they'd get, and decided to make something flashy and memorable, in the process sacrificing even faithfulness and long-term plot consistency. The author himself is fine with this and vowed to somehow fix the writing mess if they ever get a second season, and you've got to admire that.
>>32074I want this show to get a second season just so I can get more of that delicious flat chest.