>>33369>RWBYAre they seriously adapting a burger web comic? Let me vomit a little.
Oh, I didn't know we're getting more Jashinchan. Good.
>>33371They already did Mekakushitty, so it's not too surprising.
>>33373Mizukami announced the opening and ending themes. Won't be The Pillows.
I'm not sure how I feel about this season.
>>33371It was inevitable.
>bad Western franchise adapted by Shaft
Good animation can't save the shit story.
>bad Japanese franchise adapted by Shaft
How did they think it's a good idea to take the horny pantyshot franchise with zero loli feet shown in it, and make a pure, idolfag show with zero pantyshots by the studio that gets motivated only by loli feet? This is one of the most baffling studio/franchise/premise combinations I've seen in my life. It's set up to fail from the start.
>Yuasa directing a script by the Listeners guy
Even Yuasa can't save the shit story.
>the Key show
You know, when you give me a fox and build her up for 5 episodes and spend time to make me care for her fucking cute tiny bells, you are excused to make a tearjerker. When you try the same thing in the span of the first episode together with introducing the setting of the story and the main characters, it falls completely flat.
>the comedy show
It's the anti-Maesetsu.
Maesetsu focuses on telling a story about comedians, trying to make the characters realistic, to the point that most of the cast IS real people that voice themselves.
Teppen focuses on making comedy, trying to make the characters as flanderized as possible in order to serve the comedy, to the point that we get like what, 5? different groups of characters where each group is defined solely by a specific quirk and a specific dialect and nothing else.
I prefer Maesetsu.
It's fine, surely if Shaft, Yuasa, and Key are all currently making shit anime, Mizukami alone will have miraculously pulled through as a divine karma to balance out the other popular creators?
>>33403>When you try the same thing in the span of the first episode together with introducing the setting of the story and the main characters, it falls completely flat.That's disappointing to hear. Saves me some time, though.
>>33409I'll watch this snek's show one of these days. Pretty impressed she's getting a third season.
>>33410If you're curious, I think you should give the new season a try. This is always an unpopular opinion, but I think every anime worth watching (and many that aren't) is written to give newcomers an easy entry point each season - and this one, remember, happens to be an episodic comedy. If the alternative is to backlog it indefinitely, what do you have to lose?
Myself, I dropped it at S1. I think it's good at what it does, which is, for better or worse, to repeat the same joke over and over (not unlike most comedy anime, of course). The good news is that it doesn't take long to decide whether it's for you. The other good news is that it is, I think, the kind of anime that really rewards its fans, so if you love it after a short taste you'll probably love it all the way through (case in point:
>>33409>>dense retard summons a demonI downloaded that just to play it in the background and listen to Uchida Maaya and HanaKana - then I found out that HanaKana doesn't show up yet. I agree that Maaya doesn't seem like a good fit for this character, but well, she's surprised me with her range before, so why not.
>>33411>she's surprised me with her range before, so why not.I was like that too before actually listening to her this episode. I doubt she'll change how she acts the demon.
>If you're curious, I think you should give the new season a try. Entry point there is but I'm not sure how well did they execute it. It was way too blatant about being an entry point. May as well watch Jashinchan from the start. The comedy may be slowly changing but it's not like it's a clear improvement. And the better episodes require some attachment with the characters that can come only with time.
In other news tho, I did appreciate that they directly used the vocaloid instead of Fujita Saki.
>>33415And CR apparently fugged up the subs, too. Who do they think watch this shit?
Oh god I actually feel sorry for her. I certainly didn't expect this to be my takeaway from this anime.
>>33418Somehow the slave trader is the best character.
>>33420It would have been fine if it was just him bullying his imouto but of course it's gotta be bullshit unresolved sexual tension throughout.
>>33421>Oh god I actually feel sorry for her. I certainly didn't expect this to be my takeaway from this anime.The whole episode was pretty morose, but the memory-erasure spell would pretty neat to have for endlessly enjoying media.
>>33434I fucking love this troll.
Pic related was a 10/10 scene.
So Samidare was so shit nobody is gonna even mention it?
I can't keep up with this season! My slots are almost full already, and there's stuff that hasn't started yet! Even worse, this one faggot wants to make me check out Engage Kiss, which I had decided to skip based on the previews. Looks like my backlog's gonna have to wait this one out - just when I was so close to bring it down to two digits!
Extreme Hearts is the retarded child of Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm and Puraore (and if it reminds you vaguely of Nanoha, I have bad news for you). I had locked on to it as a potential underdog anime, and it may still go places, but it failed to do anything impressive (for good or bad) in its first episode. We'll see.
>>33434Lycoreco is flawless so far. Its weakness is bound to be in its plot, because when the action scenes and day-to-day interaction are so much fun to watch, the overarching story can't possibly keep up. But with the two-faced dude's game being right there in our faces, I think we can rule out a serious twist later on. Instead, it looks like we'll be exploring the mysteries behind Chisato's mad skills.
>>33433>I just realized that Takagi, Tsubaki, and Ayumu are all from the same author. This should have been obvious due to the foreheads but in terms of writing all three series are quite different, with the newer ones being a definitive improvement over Takagi.Also by him is Ashita wa Doyoubi, which as it happens I'm reading right now, so I'm currently overloaded with this author. I never liked Takagi, so I agree with you, although I'm iffy on Ayumu - great premise, but the execution is falling a bit short of the target. Doyoubi's okay, by the way: slice-of-life/comedy with three JKs in very short chapters - not top of its class, but enjoyable.
>>33444And a doublepost for Warau Arsnotoria, which deserves a screenshot.
I was expecting a low-commitment ad anime, and was taken aback by the effort put into it. The visuals are very polished, the pacing grabs you right away and makes the episode go by in what seems like no time, and the setting's details are shown in the background or casually hinted at in conversation (with only the most obstinate terms being outright explained to you without interrupting the story). Been a while since I saw a first episode this good.
>>33438>Bayron City Express is the fucking best.Truly, they are the unsung heroes. What can Blue do for you?
And speaking of blue–
>>33508I don't even remember, because it's been too long since I stopped watching subs, but I know what it feels like when no one bothers to even rip the one anime you wanted to watch, and it must be pretty similar.
I've watched fragments of that one on neetball, by the way. The ad-lib parts are fine, but the main story is awful and the other special segments are a disgrace. But, hey, grab the raws and pester people and, who knows, miracles might happen (although, if you're into fringe anime like that, you really ought to either learn fucking Japanese already or adjust your tastes).
The pharmacist isekai really took a nosedive after the first two episodes. I appreciate the actual attention to the medicine, but there is significant lack of thought put into politics, societal impact, or logistics. Effectively, this dude's biggest problem towards achieving his goals is how to establish cheap ways for others to produce the medicine he can make. He's only one, he can't supply the entire country. However the narrative just handwaves every concern even when it acknowledges it, like with the queen's inheritance stuff. Or with the finances: he knew about the old guy's problem with his knees, and he helped the entire rest of the mansion, why hasn't he helped the old guy too? Because the narrative just wants to hand-wave the problem, going the laziest way to get the old guy to join him. Even when there's an even lazier way: just have the father tell the old guy to join the son's pharmacy because the pharmacy would be less effort and thus less walking. But that would present no conflict-resolution structure to that chapter of the web novel! That's a common problem with narou-kei bullshit. Honestly, the drugstore anime felt much better as it was goofy from the get-go. While this one wants to have its cake and eat it too. Either go full goofy or actually pay attention to manufacturing, politics, and so on.
>>33509Well, kinda nice to hear it isn't that good anyway.
>>33521The villains really dragged this episode down, although at least it wasn't as bad as the previous one. But I really liked 3 & 4 - they developed Takina nicely and had good filler fanservice and action fanservice. It's mostly the baddies that aren't doing their bit in this show.
I really can't handle homo romance, but an okay episode nonetheless. At this point, I'm just waiting for the fireworks to truly begin.
Walnut-chan teasing that hag won't get old.
>>33524>But I really liked 3 & 4 - they developed Takina nicely and had good filler fanservice and action fanserviceSame here.
>It's mostly the baddies that aren't doing their bit in this show.Yeah, and sadly, you can say that for most stories. Though, unless you're willing to either kill or seriously maim characters, antagonists have to be incompetent.
>>33539>homo romanceI don't care for it but I don't mind it either, however, it felt out of nowhere and pointless. There are no fujos watching this, surely they know that. But I guess it did give a support character a modicum of depth. I don't like it when they're completely flat, walking plot devices, so, nice try I guess.
Incidentally, that was one of the most realistic HACKER scenes in the history of fiction, as nowadays you do have to jump through hoops if you want to get anything resembling useful information from a search engine.
Ponytail + suit Takina is a miracle of the universe, yet there wasn't a single decent shot of her.
>>33536I don't think they got the group itself to voice themselves.
But I think pic related was really Sawashiro.
>>33540>you do have to jump through hoops if you want to get anything resembling useful information from a search engineI've been dealing with this of late, and it's absolutely infuriating. I just want quotes to work again.
Sorry for being an off-topic faggot.
Interesting and fun episode. If Majima can't be a proper villain, I guess he at least have a nice rapport with one of the main characters.
>>33540>Ponytail + suit Takina is a miracle of the universe, yet there wasn't a single decent shot of her.They threw you a bone, anon, and used her in this episode's transition.
>>33369If nato and usa can (and still) bombing countries beyond their border in MENA region, then moreso if Ukraine becme nato member
Eren is right to attack first
Majima's motivation is so fucking bland I don't know if I can continue watching, even if there's only two episodes left.
Another series that would have been better if it were predominately "SoL" with some action on the side.
>>33587Don't you think Majima redeemed himself in the end, somewhat? At least he grew a character and a motivation. Not very good ones, admittedly - I don't see how his means (spreading chaos at random by scattering guns) are compatible with his alleged goal of preserving balance - but at least he sounded sincere in having a purpose for what he did, even if he really should give his plan a spin or two more.
All in all, LycoReco managed to deliver what it promised, which is a feat. Its weaker parts, like the poorly fleshed out villains and the sheer amount of bullshit in the fights, I don't really count as bad, as I consider them a legitimate technique for signalling to the audience what an anime is and isn't about.
>>33664I dropped it in favor of picking something out of my backlog since the anime began annoying me, so I can't answer that.
In retrospect, I found the weakest aspect of the anime to be the girls' relationship, followed by the lackluster antagonists. It felt very by-the-numbers and rigid.
The fights were indeed bullshit, but they had to be since this anime clearly wasn't going to have either of the girls be brutally harmed.
It's a nicely produced show, but it was mostly focused on its poorer aspects.
Addendum: I hope I'm not coming off as pretentious; I was initially excited for this show, but felt very let down as it went on.
>>33668>I found the weakest aspect of the anime to be the girls' relationshipThat's weird to read, because I found that their relationship, while formulaic, was still done well enough to carry the weight of the show (along with Chisato's voice acting and the action fanservice).
But I must admit that, if it was done well, it was only barely so. More time spent showing why Takina chose to open herself could have helped, for example. The director aknowledged this - in an interview, he spoke of how they filled the OP and ED sequences with glimpses of the girls' daily lives together in hopes of making up for the lack of it in the show proper.
Incidentally, there's a light novel coming up that focuses on their relationship and which I'm mildly excited for, even if I shouldn't, because it's going to be cheap yuri pandering written by a no-one who wasn't part of the production staff, after all, isn't it?
At any rate, anon, props to you for moving on without falling for the sunken costs fallacy.
>>33674Well, you enjoyed it at least. Our perceptions differ by expectations, I think. And what the director said makes me sad. But hey, maybe the nobody that'll write the LN might have an undiscovered talent.
>moving on without falling for the sunken costs fallacyIt only took many, many years to learn that one has only so much time.
File: 1665692009749.png (Spoiler Image, 1011.71 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Engage Kiss -….png)

This is the frame that made me change my score for Engage Kiss from 9/10 to 10/10
I'm that one anon who watches every idol anime*. By now I've figured out I'm not exactly preaching to the choir around these parts, but I do think Shine Post was good enough to warrant some mention, so bear with me.
The characters were more interesting than the average, while at the same time being less over-the-top than in most idol anime, which was a nice break from the more common trend of huge casts with extreme personalities. I particularly liked how the girls behaved consistently with the growth we had previously seen them undergo, even if superficially so. Admittedly, what I'm trying to say is that Shine Post stands out by how little it sucks in fundamental areas like script, compared to many idol anime.
The gimmick deserves mention too. Other idol anime include supernatural gimmicks, typically involving dead sisters and heart transplants, but this one is handled unconventionally. It's the producer, not one of the girls, who has a supernatural ability, but more importantly, it doesn't give him the power to do anything that he couldn't do nearly as well without it. The truth is that the ability serves mostly as a visual cue to let the audience know what the producer is thinking without him breaking into inner monologue all the time. I don't know if on the whole it helped or detracted, but I must give them points for originality and boldness at least.
It also had some glaring flaws, but it was overall well made and quite a pleasant watch. Okyou was best. That is all.
*Every girl idol anime, that is, of course.