As usual, thank you for your work, OP.
Really looking forward to the DIY anime. Fall is the season of the table saw!
>>33670Cute Fran.
>Immoral GuildGood ecchi overall, but I think the guy's reactions are the best part.
>Eminence in Shadowliterally me
>Human Bug UniversityI am not even sure what this was supposed to be. The entire first episode was practically just infodump given to us in a slow and methodical way. Was I supposed to laugh at any point? I have no fucking idea, and I don't think I'll spend the time to find out. Sugita can't save it.
>the shinobi oneThe first episode was really devoid of hooks. I am not sure if I'll even give it a chance. Maybe if somebody else watches more and tells me it's good.
>VazzrockWhy the fuck did I watch a bishie idol show? It… was kinda nice.
>Your SelfIn some way it reminds me of Sketchbook, which is good. Hopefully the recurring cast isn't too small.
>>33690>Only Purin-chan's dual-colored hair looked good. The green is just terrible on those unlucky characters whose hair are afflicted by it.Yep. The empty face of Your Self was the best part of the chara designs tho.
>Akiba's Maid WarsThe second half of the episode was practically me laughing through tears and having to stop often just to get some air.
>Sworddad 2They really are getting the pace right. Next ep we get her genociding the goblins. I just wish they had gotten Liv Moon to do the opening.
I'd rather have Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute be about some jackass trying to enact vigilante JUSTICE with crowbars than whatever we're getting, while antagonizing the ojou-sama (Kaze no Stigma style). I just hope the edge will keep up.
>>33693>The empty face of Your Self was the best part of the chara designs tho.I quite like her design overall. Hope she gets more bandages.
I made the dire mistake of quickly stitching the opening animation of Sworddad with part of Amarantosu no Tsubasa. Now I can't stop watching my Frankenstein monster of a clip… Fran dake ni.
>>33695>I'd rather have Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute be about some jackass trying to enact vigilante JUSTICE with crowbars than whatever we're getting, while antagonizing the ojou-sama (Kaze no Stigma style). I just hope the edge will keep up.As far as I've heard, it does keep it up. The crowbars too, iirc.
>>33699I mean, crowbars are good in an isekai too, right? We'll see, it's not like I've actually read it.
>>33698I think pic related is the most genius comedic shot I've ever seen.
>>33701>I mean, crowbars are good in an isekai too, right?Sure, but he also now(?) has powers or something. Some fire-infused crowbars would be funny, however.
>I think pic related is the most genius comedic shot I've ever seen.It was certainly something I wasn't expecting. Now, if I could only see a dork with ahoge forced to do this.
>>33705>Now, if I could only see a dork with ahoge forced to do this.oh god
that would be too cruel, wouldn't it? even for yakuza
I want to see it too now
>>33724Eh. I concede that it was bold about embracing every cliché of the genre, but in my case that didn't make it enjoyable. I guess my integers don't overflow.
Incidentally, Flops and DIY contrast nicely with each other - both are set in similar versions of the near future as we typically imagine it today, but take completely opposite stances on it (judging, that is, from what I imagine DIY's overall message will be at this point).
I share the thread's general feeling on DIY and yakuza meidos. Bocchi, I've been more impressed by than anon - its looks make it stand out in a good way, and I like the characters (by which I mean the bassist).
To add something new, Cool Doji Danshi was quite nice. It's soft on the comedy side - I guess it's more of a 'healing' type than a gag anime. I like it when anime gives me a name for a character archetype that had been there all along but I never properly noticed, and this one is doing that.
>>33726>Incidentally, Flops and DIY contrast nicely with each other - both are set in similar versions of the near future as we typically imagine it today, but take completely opposite stances on it (judging, that is, from what I imagine DIY's overall message will be at this point).The school-enforced NTR anime is also set in the near future, by the way. Honestly, I don't think any of these three series truly wants to say anything ABOUT their setting. The school-enforced NTR anime uses it to handwave the school-enforced NTR, Yua Serufu uses it to make the contrast larger, and the cliche overdrive… I don't actually know, I think we'll see later on.
The second ep of DIY tried to ask "what would you do when you have nothing you need to do" but even that it just used to characterize the new girl as a bookworm. The episode didn't really serve the setting or the world, it served the new girl, showing the self-complete arc of introducing her to the club. Girls Last Tour for example is mostly the opposite, all episodes serving the places they visit and the world as a whole more than our two potatoes. In short, I'd say DIY would have been the exact same in today's world too, just with lesser contrast between what they are doing and what's "normal" and "striven for".
That being said, DIY feels like something the Eizouken girls have made. Busy animation, straightforward plot with just enough kinks (even the same kinks you'd expect from the shortie), and on-point marketability. That comparison is certainly providing another layer of entertainment for me.
Anyway, while we're on the topic of second episodes, the edgelord continued to be edgy after getting reborn too. No crowbars yet tho.
>>33730I do think that DIY is trying to say something about its setting - but, because what I think it's trying to say happens to align perfectly with what I would say myself, I'll refrain from textwalling about it until there's more convincing evidence about the anime's purpose and message. Until such a time, DIY is just about girls getting to know themselves and each other through crafts.
As for Flops, my bad: I didn't mean to say that it INTENDS to take a stance about its setting, but simply that, by adopting that setting acritically and without making a fuss about it, it contrasts with any anime that DOES make a point of it one way or another. It is therefore nothing exclusive to Flops, as you point out.
>DIY feels like something the Eizouken girls have made.I can somehow tell you're right, and now I hate DIY. I hope I can get over it before episode 3 comes out.
>>33731>by adopting that setting acritically and without making a fuss about it, it contrasts with any anime that DOES make a point of it one way or anotherConsidering some of the promo materials, I actually do think it will make a point about its own setting. But that will probably be in the last third of the series. Well, we'll see.
>I can somehow tell you're right, and now I hate DIY. I hope I can get over it before episode 3 comes out.pic related
Must be very retarded because I never noticed nor put any thought into the implications of DIY's setting. Not sure if the show focusing on that would be a benefit or demerit.
>>33730>the edgelord continued to be edgy after getting reborn too. No crowbars yet tho.Indeed, I'm very disappointed, and I'm still not quite sure what I'm watching.
>>33744Is she going to be daijoubu?
Her name is downright un-American.
>>33759Oh shit, is it good?
>>33760Shit, yeah. It's short. There's even a new character.
>>33760Her name's so stupid it makes Bluesy Fluesy sound perfectly acceptable. And we complained about Yua Serufu! It'd've been more plausible to make her an Israeli-Japanese half literally named Jobko, even.
But, hang on, things start to make sense. I thought it weird that some characters had such outlandish names while the rest had ordinary ones, but looking harder now I can see the hidden puns.
Suride Miku (須理出 未来) -> 3D future
Kouki Kokoro (幸希 心) -> 好奇心 (koukishin, curiosity)
Hikage Takumi (日蔭 匠) -> takumi does plainly mean 'artisan'; hikage maybe alludes to her reserved character?
Yasaku Rei (矢差暮礼) escapes me at this point; no doubt people in bigger chans have cracked this long ago.
>>33759Oh shit, I forgot about this after I didn't see any raws when it started. I should watch it asap.
>>33762>Hikage Takumi (日蔭 匠) -> takumi does plainly mean 'artisan'; hikage maybe alludes to her reserved character?I guess from 日陰者
>Yasaku Rei (矢差暮礼) escapes me at this point; no doubt people in bigger chans have cracked this long ago.…8390? no idea.
>>33768oh, and I forgot
>Cool Doji DanshiThis guy really was cute.
>>33762Jobko sounds like a pet's name, too.
>>33765Yua is more suited for the Molcars than she is for her own anime.
>>33768>So why do I feel like the anime is pitting electronics DIY stuff against analogue DIY stuff?Because that's exactly what's happening. I would have preferred this anime taking place in the past.
>>33768>>33771>So why do I feel like the anime is pitting electronics DIY stuff against analogue DIY stuff?But didn't you people see? This episode already resolved that conflict, by showing how woodworkers and gadgeteers can meet in the wonderful middle ground of power tools. Surely Suride printing, decorative crafts, and causing bodily harm to oneself will all also blend together in harmony in the coming episodes. And for the school festival, they may all work together on… a murderous wooden-frame robot with the loveliest embroidered upholstery?
>>33768>The Bulgarian > *I'm never the guy that says this, but I'll say it this time: yeah, the boy's a better girl than any of the girls.
Anyway, I'm still watching because of the little hints of weirdness sprinkled over episode 1. If it all turns out to be a red herring, well, congrats to the staff for tricking me into watching a generic harem where the girls mostly suck.
>>33765>When will we be old enough to post on the big chans?I rather feel that I'm too old to post on them. Even the ones that don't suck are simply too fast for me to keep up.
>>33775>But didn't you people see? This episode already resolved that conflict, by showing how woodworkers and gadgeteers can meet in the wonderful middle ground of power tools.But it showed her do woodworking in the past, that was the implied resolution. That she was just being tsundere and didn't actually like making cellphones.
>I'm never the guy that says this, but I'll say it this time: yeah, the boy's a better girl than any of the girls.Yeah, the Bulgarian hided from the rest of the boys in one of the corners of the dressing room at school, so I sincerely doubt any shaft is present.
Not that I mind either way with this cuteness, the doujins are gonna be the fucking best. No.33780
>>33775I'm pretty sure the two girls at that other school will revive the conflict in their own gay little way.
>>33823A 4K anime release? That's the first one I see.
The new Gundam just makes me wish I were watching Mobile Fighter G again.
Watching 5 series on Wednesday and 6 series on Saturday really makes the gaps during the week kinda boring.
>>33873Spread it out?
>>33873Watch something actually good on other days?
>>33777Well, this didn't take long to be confirmed.
>>33878>Spread it out?I do but I still run out of new episodes in a couple of days.
>>33924The previous episodes didn't seem so stilted to me.
Yor-chan no Tsuugakuro was nice.
>>33939Truncated eyebrows are the best.
>>33971Is he your favourite?
>>33972I dunno. All four of them are great and I guess I'm too straight to have more detailed preferences. The onee-san however…
>>33980They had the perfect chance to have him take out all terrorists with crowbars yet we get more magic instead.
That being said, this anime really is OPM but without the fatal flaws that caused the inevitable devolving into a normal battle shonen.
>>33981>They had the perfect chance to have him take out all terrorists with crowbars yet we get more magic instead.Absolutely. They could have gone with a hybrid approach where he would wield crossbars infused with his threaded magic if crossbars alone would be too far-fetched, but they went with something significantly less cool.
>That being said, this anime really is OPM but without the fatal flaws that caused the inevitable devolving into a normal battle shonen.Yup, but that can easily change, But at the very least, it will always have bodysuits.
>>33986Just give me this, anon.
I am in awe how even the twist in Renai Flops is the most cliche one possible. These people are ultra dedicated to including every cliche ever!
Something more serious would have also been nice but this is good in its own right. Mostly because of how you can FEEL the love and dedication they've put into it. At this point I'm not even mad that the Bulgarian has never been to the sea, portraying foreigners incorrectly is another cliche after all.
>>34009The entire episode was very depressing.
>>34020>Bulgaria > *Indeed. I hated how at first it seemed that only the Japanese scientist was a connoisseur, but luckily the Bulgarian team soon revealed the depth of their scientific learning.
Shame goes however to the Chinese team, who, having come upon the correct answer, proceeded to reject it.
I'm willing to bet this slut kept the towel.
>>34081The casual shoes really bring it down.
I'm honestly worried. Who knows if the fucking chinks kept a backup or not? I wouldn't put it past them to not have proper backups. Wait… maybe she will come back in her alt avatar??? This would be an unequivocal win for everybody!
>>34088>NaomiImpressive, even for me. I blame the grief for this mistake.
Really wasn't expecting this to be as good as it is. The initial episodes were okay, but I very much look forward to Saturday now.
>>34098The colonel's gap moe is too dangerous. I also find her real voice to be very cute.
As an aside, her appearance during the date is reminiscent of one of the girls in the yamaloli anime.
>>34101He made a little lie too, maybe.
I still can't get over it.
>>34102It was just a white lie, anon.
>>34113>FranWhenever I see this name, I just think of the pantheon of ero-Frans.
>>34117>>34119No, the boys are supposed to love each other.
>>34119Me too. Dude should have messaged his friend to give her his contact details.
>>34120I'm willing to start the civil war with the fujoshi faction over this.
>>34121That girl was made to invoke ire. Her rejection is just!
File: 1672257924610.png (Spoiler Image, 1.07 MB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Renai Flops -….png)

I cried like a fucking bitch during the last two episodes. I'm so happy for them, this is the pure distilled form of Living the Fucking Dream! 9001/10 anime, I didn't even think it could get so good at the end.
Didn't know this was going to be twenty episodes. Very nice.
>>34161Wouldn't be the first one.
Final rankings:
Fran >>> the Bulgarian >= Immoral Guild >= 4-nin >= Bookworm >= PTE > Bocchi > Recette >= DIY >= Spy x Family > Vazzrock >>> Maou Tamer
continuing: Doji and where are my crowbars
I am fucking still waiting for one more fucking episode what the fuck: Uzaki and Ojisan