>>34346Enjoying it quite a bit, yeah. My looked forward to tiles have turned out nice, found a few pleasant surprises too, and the shows I've dropped were all ones I didn't have high hopes for to begin with.
Speaking of Mononogatari itself, I checked it out because of you people, and although I can't shake the feeling that it's a blander Noragami it's still lively enough to keep me coming back week after week.
My most pleasant surprises are Sugar Apple Fairy Tale and Ooyuki Umi no Kaina. Kaina has a very engaging setting, and although it's obviously going for a 'love trumps all' theme it's managing to stay interesting on the way there.
>>34346I am! It's a good season!
>>34352I haven't thought of Noragami in many years since I caught up with the manga, but I can see why you made the comparison. Mononogatari certainly feels "grounded" compared to it.
>>34353And thus the hivemind has spoken.
>>34396wait, I didn't even realize this was the last episode
I want to know what the fug happened to their/our world.
>>34443Eating smugly is dangerous.
In other news, pic related is definitely a nisioisin character.
>>34498Mononogatari hit a low point for me when they suddenly started fighting characters that seemed taken straight out of Boboboubo Boubobo, but it redeemed itself a bit with the latest episode.
>>34501>pic related is definitely a nisioisin characterThat's it. I knew there was something very familiar and very pleasant about her writing, and this is exactly it. Her convoluted and uncalled for soliloquies, and the way she engages in complicated wordplay in the middle of a tense scene… Yup, that's it.
This whole anime's definitely quite a ways away from great, but it keeps throwing curveballs and excelling at very specific things. I'd like to see more like it in the future.
>>34505I'd her
Imagine jumping on the rooftops while fucking. constantly manipulating your weight in order to slap her cheeks as hard as possible. She's made for sex. Especially that ponytail of hers.>>34506>I'd like to see more like it in the future.>manga is axed>official translation of the third novel is supposed to release in a couple of months but still doesn't have a coverSigh.
I guess the closest thing we've gotten lately was the isekai of the woman hater and his bratty sister. At least that is getting an S2? But yeah, we need more series like this. Since 2015 the anime industry has been focusing way too much on the lighthearted not very serious stuff. Not that I don't love KonoSuba but I want more dramatic stuff too.
>>34506>fighting characters that seemed taken straight out of Boboboubo BouboboNever read it, but I know what you mean. The action in general is the least interesting part of the whole thing. Thankfully, there's enough of the other stuff that keeps me going.
>>34516Such are the risks in notFlorida.
I'll take a piping hot S2, please. The final episode epitomized what I liked about this anime, including Olivia's antics and our dragon-gourmet's adorable smile.
>>34540>You think she has done this every week ever since she fucked over the priest?She better, dumb loli.
File: 1680119987465.png (Spoiler Image, 1.04 MB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Mononogatari ….png)

>>34569>>34572Cool Doji Danshi taught me not to be ashamed of my daily public displays of idiocy and maladroitness. Also, I think it might've made me a bit gay IRL. Truly a life-changing anime.