>>34591Imagine a forest of such trees.
>>34589Gave Yabai Yatsu a try. I'd never gone from fighting the urge to drop an anime, to laughing out loud and thoroughly enjoying myself, and back to wanting to drop it all within a single episode. It has all the second-hand embarrassment of Onani Master Kurosawa packed into a gag anime that thinks it's a romcom.
>>34590Tengoku Daimakyou was one of my pre-picks this season, and so far it's delivering.
>>34594Holy this what. This got a second season. After 6 years. What the hell.
>Jijou wo Shiranai Tenkousei ga Guigui KuruI guess it's about bullying. And not a very interesting take on that, too. Kinda not really feeling it.
>JigokurakuThis first episode was a waste of money. The attention to detail just wasn't there, resulting into some jarring choices throughout, while at the same time the end of the episode fight that would supposedly sell us on how competent the MC is was entirely skipped for some reason. I don't think the studio understood the source well, and the source itself is very clearly Shonen Jump with all the downsides of that.
>Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo SuruFucking normalfags
>Tensei Kizoku no Isekai BoukenrokuThe sister's faces are making the anime for now. The rest is waaaaay too cliche even for me.
>>34596>It has all the second-hand embarrassment of Onani Master KurosawaOh, don't worry, this continues even after
they start dating No.34608
>>34607I'm the opposite. I really didn't feel like watching explosions because filling in the blanks left by Konosuba is much more fun to do by yourself. This prequel just can't compare to the insane shit you FEEL like could have happened.
It's fine, I'll watch it for Arue's arues.
>>34609>the two most perplexing things are the continued acceptance of paper money by the innkeep and Kiruko trying to kiss her own reflectionDefinitely two things that will require explanation. Especially the paper money one, as it is at odds with two facts that the episode established: that people are hard to come by, and that the standards of civilization are not generally upheld.
>>34610Considering it was implied that meat is hard to come by, but the innkeeper had meat for some reason, I'd say her accepting paper money is the least of their problems. The guy falling asleep immediately seems to rank the highest in the ladder of problems at the current point.
My guess is that in the communities money are still used so they just overlooked that part in the innkeeper's actions.
>>34608Well, I did watch it, and what I have to ask is: what right, earthly or heavenly, does this anime have to be this fucking good? What entitles it to be so thickly stuffed with character interactions that are as varied as they are hilarious to watch?
I do understand your point of view. The concrete, even when good, can never match up to the endless possibilities of the abstract, especially when skillfully suggested. Maybe one day, in my konosuba journey, I too will come to think that this prequel didn't do Megumin's character justice. For now, I will focus on enjoying the path ahead of me.
>>34612>What entitles it to be so thickly stuffed with character interactions that are as varied as they are hilarious to watch?The chuuni forefather that founded the village, of course.
>I too will come to think that this prequel didn't do Megumin's character justiceRather than her character, it's more that we had already seen a fuckton about her backstory (like the breaking of the seal or her catching the crustaceans and so on) so this series feels like an overexplanation. My only guess is that the demon she broke the seal of is gonna have more role than what we already knew but who knows.
I'm very happy with Arue tho, her insane shit certainly got too little screentime in the main series.
>>34609I think mirror kisser might have given inkeep those batteries as paper money is useless.
>>34615So you suggest the paper money part was a farce, maybe something people in this world do as a joke about their collapsed civilization, and the batteries were the real payment?
I would object that a pack of batteries can't possibly pay for lodging and feeding for two, even accepting that portable power is more valuable. However, since the inn has a photovoltaic system with limited storage capacity, we can assume that it alternates between daily phases of energy overabundance and energy scarcity, which could make the energetic costs of hosting them negligible. The inn's actual costs would be in commodities (soap), maintenance, and food - which again brings us to
>>34611, i.e., where does she get the meat, if she can't even tell what animal it's from?
Personally, I'm more inclined to believe that the money really was the payment for reasons we still don't know, and the batteries were a bonus to get the innkeeper's help with Kiruko's inquiries. Either way, however, we have a case of a remarkably cheap inn whose food makes you sleepy.
>>34616>where does she get the meat, if she can't even tell what animal it's from?My current guess is that she can't tell THEM what animal it's from, as it's from homo sapiens (the previous guests of the inn). We'll see. Considering how god tier the adaptation is for now, I feel zero want to peek at the manga.
I really thought pedomaster could work at first, but then they introduced the rest of the cast. I draw the line at proper enunciation: if you have to instruct your VAs to speak like they'd just had a tooth pulled out, it's too pedo for me.
Typically don't like seeing gay stuff, but Heavenly Delusion is certainly worth it. I'm very grateful for the absence of info dumps, and hope they can keep the mystique surrounding the monsters going.
>>34634I enjoy the ambiguity.
>>34636>Imagine having to explain to her about the birds and the bees.Why explain when you can just demonstrate, personally.
>>34643Certainly a willing subject can bee found by the brother. But I'd rather have her collect my nectar directly.
>>34646That's why I dropped the manga many years ago. That and the girls' designs weren't to my taste.
File: 1681683586139.png (Spoiler Image, 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, Heavenly Delusion S01E03 1….png)

I… what?
>>34664>Anyway, you guys think he's creating the man-eaters, or he's just seeing them? Or a coincidence?Hadn't thought of that. I think it's sufficiently established that man-eaters are a common enough phenomenon when he's not around, so I was writing them off as coincidence. However, the general unpreparedness in the race case does suggest that people don't expect encounters so frequently or so deep into populated areas. If that's the case, then there sure are lots of coincidences taking place around him.
Bitches and whores the anime
>>34665I thought it's an idolshit and skipped it.
>>34666I tried looking at his other paintings and they don't seem too man-eater-y, so my bet is just on clairvoyance of some sort.
>>34669Ah, wait, by 'he' you meant the boy who draws creepy stuff. I'm leaning on clairvoyance there, too. I thought you meant the boy with boobs, whose encounter rate with man-eaters does appear to be above average - especially when he's aching to prove his worth.
If the artist boy is summoning these monsters, then that implies the grownups a) don't know about his powers, which is a boring place to take this story in my view; b) are using him to fuck up the people outside; c) have given up on controlling his power or saving humanity, and settled for locking themselves up somewhere safe (which is at odds with teasing the kids about the outside world).
>I thought it's an idolshit and skipped it.I wish. No decent idolshit this season, I fear.
>>34672Our siscon just deliberately takes such jobs that will get him close to the man-eaters.
Maybe they are using him for something else but this is just an acceptable byproduct for them? We'll see, I also lean on clairvoyance.
>>34673>Maybe they are using him for something else but this is just an acceptable byproduct for them?Oh, good one. 'See that one faggy kid over there? If you give him crayons, the coffee beans we grow come out more aromatic for some reason. What, the unspeakable abominations that disassemble people alive? Well yeah, but if you don't feed him nuts they almost always spawn outside, so yeah.'
>>34674>If you give him crayons, the coffee beans we grow come out more aromatic for some reason.I want this to be the real reason. Or something equally inane.
If buffalo bill were a siscon, he's be pretty happy with the outcome presented in this episode. But really, I don't know how literal I'm supposed to take this.
>>34672>the artist boy is summoning these monstersI really hope this isn't the case.
>>34694>This one tries even harder to be "realistic" and "deep"I haven't watched the adaption, but try giving the manga a shot. At least for me, it didn't feel pretentious.
>>34701I've seen other people say it's a very uninspired adaptation, so I guess I can give the manga a try. Eventually.
Swiching gears to a nice bit of yuri this season.
>>34697You're right, but this episode needed more Mitama-sama.
>>34704You are 100% correct; just looking at the openings of the main series it's a night and day difference. The ending however is good so I dunno why they failed so much with the opening.
I had a similar issue with Sworddad's opening, and a similar solution: I swapped the song with アマラントスの翼.
>>34694>the insomniac animeI have a similar, but also entirely different impression. With this premise, I would expect it to be heavily character-focused and hopefully rich in moody nighttime scenes. Well, as you say, the characters aren't there - the girl, in particular, behaves like the typical 'eccentric girl' you'd find in a harem, and her motivations are entirely opaque. And the lighthearted story doesn't live up to the characters' health condition as it has been described to us.
It still falls within my strike zone, and I'm enjoying it, but I wish it focused its energies into something more concrete, or alternately, that it'd set up a premise more in line with the school life / romcom that it appears to want to be.
>Skip to LoaferLoving it with no qualifiers, myself.
>Alice Gear Aegis ExpansionAfter episode 1, I thought we were back to the good ol' days of silly mobage anime. From then on it became clear it isn't silly, just stupid. By this point, I'm holding on to it only for my weekly dose of Uchida Maaya playing Lucchini With Boobs.
>>34706>the girl, in particular, behaves like the typical 'eccentric girl' you'd find in a harem, and her motivations are entirely opaqueYep. Kinda like as if they copied Haruhi without understanding what makes Haruhi great.
>And the lighthearted story doesn't live up to the characters' health condition as it has been described to us.This just leaves me wondering if they will have any kind of arc at all, as things are already pretty lighthearted for them, and they are already pretty much dating. Seems like the guy will use the expensive camera even more too, so his future is set. A pure slice of life with just two insomniacs could work great too - but that would need the nighttime city to essentially be the third character they find more and more about. Kinda like Yofukashi at the start.
>>34703Poor MC, really. Life just hates her. She should just let her school friend take care of her needs.
>>34715That was tragic. I also want to lick the Mimihime.
>>34738I hope his tooth really does grow back.
>>34742Maybe he will replace it with a man-eater tooth.
>>34770It seems to depend on the monster, since the flashback episode mentioned killing one with conventional weapons. Blowing the head off might not do any more good than removing an arm, and the kirukousen doesn't have enough ammo to experiment or destroy the whole body. It would be dangerous to fire it towards the ship's floor, too. Maru touch is much more reliable and efficient, regardless of any other mysteries.
Lewdness makes sense in the setting, so that was a good excuse for going all out. It wasn't until rewatching that I realized he pulled back and called for help because he couldn't control the automatic maru touch and almost killed her.
>>34778Sasuga professor anon, that makes sense. Especially, now that I think about it, since the characters don't know in advance when the plot will grant them a battery recharge - better spend as few shots as possible and spam the Maru touch, which, if riskier, at least is much cheaper.
Poor bear-kun.
>>34777Yes and no.
That aside, that anime looks like an ugly adaption of the manga, going by your image.
Skip to Loafer stays good so far. It's shifting into full romcom gear now, hope that doesn't grow stale. I like the way characters are being developed, as in how the main couple dealt with and solved the episode's conflict, or how bitch-chan, after her own little epiphany, is still a bitch but not quite so much as she used to. That's the show's strongest point in my view: it's not fully idealised, but it doesn't revel in the drama either. It strikes a middle ground where it's interesting but also easy to watch. On another note, in this episode Kurosawa Tomoyo treated us to some nice screeching and general extreme voice acting, which is certainly not what we usually get from her.
And at the other end of the spectrum, Ao no Orchestra is failing. Episode 4 was brimming with timing problems, with characters standing still for a whole second or so before or after delivering a line. It's getting the plot points across, but it's not engaging to watch. I'm on the verge of dropping it.
>>34785>it's not fully idealised, but it doesn't revel in the drama eitherYup, it strikes a really good balance. Certainly exceeded my expectations a lot.
Speaking of which, the Cafe Terrace one also exceeded my expectations. It's not as good as Skip to Loafer, but also I expected even less from it. The retard is really enjoyable, and the rest are actually getting some development/exploration.
Tokyo Tower!
>>34785>Ao no OrchestraMore like CG no Orchestra. Yuck!
>>34795I really like you!
He's pretty much an antagonist in some NTR plot in both looks and threats. Just fantastic.
I need to get this off my chest, and since the anime's currently airing, I'll use this thread: preliminary research suggests Hirogaru Sky! Precure is awesome, further enquiry needed.
The MC's a straightedge tummypuncher with an ardent sense of justice and a natural talent for playing boke. But the pink-haired girl's not bad herself! In this selection I present to you, she awakens to the power of KINDNESS, and proceeds to rain it upon her enemies. It's like I'm watching symphogear without the pantyshots! Ok, yeah, that doesn't actually sound good, but you get the point.
At this point, even the baby and the baddy have ceased to be annoying, so I've got a very promising four cours ahead of me. This, surely, finally, will be my entry point into this franchise.
>>34879I'm guessing the grandma will die. Even if glasses doesn't man up and betray her, the computer has an agenda of its own and is currently a step ahead of the grown-ups, so she's pretty fucked.
But the kids don't have a bright future in wait either, unless someone finds the cure for eventually turning into a gruesome horror. Hope remains, however, as Mimihime made sure to show us that they live in a non-deterministic universe in which the future is not set.
>>34898What did you like about it, or what would you say it was good at? I don't think I'll be giving it another shot, but I'm curious.
>>34903Long story short, it's a great adaptation of a manga I'm already invested in. So there are two questions here: why am I invested in the manga, and why the adaptation works so well.
Generally the story follows in a very realistic down-to-earth manner a teen love story with all the accompanying cringe. But at the same time it does not fall into the whole "why am I watching normalfags do normalfag things" trap like things like Kuzu no Honkai. It makes sure to aggressively filter out the normalfags that might read it from the very start, in fact. Overall, the characters and their relationships are pretty well realized, with the gradual accumulation over the course of the manga working well in their favor: watching the anime and seeing the continuity and how things have changed with the current moment in the manga was quite delightful indeed. In the same vein, none of them feel like cardboard cutouts that just serve a purpose in the story. Another thing that works in its favor is the main guy's relationship with his sister and with Moe. They are both pretty close relationships - but lack any of the jealousy you'd expect from from a "normal" romantic story. As we see everything from our guy's viewpoint, and his viewpoint is that they aren't romantic targets at all, that's all the story treats them as too. The story derives its drama from the cringe teen problems of the main two rather than from them not being allowed to have friends from the opposite gender. But, you know, all of that is taken from years of reading the manga, rather than the anime specifically.
>>34906So the opposite side of the coin is how the anime manages to do a stellar job with the adaptation. It's not like I can point towards specific moments: it's just that the baseline is very high. Both animation and soundtrack are constantly used well and appropriately to the scene. I absolutely love the opening and ending themes too. In terms of pacing and structure it's also great: it knows what to focus on, and it doesn't just mechanically translate the manga to the screen. For example I really like how each episode displays its title only when it reaches the appropriate moments. I can't really make a proper comparison for the overall mood that the anime achieves as in the end comparing it to something like Kimi ni Todoke would in fact be doing it disservice. It's not copying anything, the choices are deliberate to the story being adapted rather than something else. Stellar work from Horie Shun and Youmiya Hina too.
tl;dr: I won't list this as one of my favourite series of all time but at the same time I can't list even a single complaint either; S2 when?
>>34906>>34907>"why am I watching normalfags do normalfag things" trap like things like Kuzu no HonkaiI liked Kuzu no Honkai and fuck you, in that order, but also, I get what you mean and can see how a work could benefit from not doing that.
That was a very nice write-up, anon, thanks for taking the trouble. Let me tell you, I had seldom had so few second thoughts about dropping an anime as when I dropped this one at episode 1 - and yet I've all but decided to give it another shot now, because the kind of work you've described is something that I can really enjoy too.
>>34910Thanks! But I really am not sure if you'll like it if you dropped it on ep1. It's not like that episode is unrepresentative of the series.
The seaside cafe harem has more of an unrepresentative first episode, actually: turns out the cohabitation hijinks are really not the focus at all. They still happen, just the focus is elsewhere. And only about half of the harem is actually part of the harem. I enjoyed that too, though less than The Dangers in My Heart.
>>34913I'm pretty disappointed by it. Had hope he would be a good guy, but then again, that would only ensure he would die quickly after his reintroduction.
Not looking forward to the ensuing episode.
>>34917It's disgusting. I was genuinely upset by how the episode built up to that and then seemed to delight in its portrayal. I'm not shocked, aroused, or interested.
>Not looking forward to the ensuing episode.I won't watch it.
>>34919Turns out the ensuing episode was pretty great. I did the right thing to watch the last three episodes back to back. It's a significantly different experience when you can just not stop watching.
You know, in a series where the main story seems to be how
a guy is killing all of his parents' childhood friends one by one, the whole "rape your sister while you watch in the mirror" thing was what was truly too over the top. It certainly sounds imaginative when I put it like that but yeah, it's a little too imaginative.
Okay, time to read the manga.
>>34929I put off watching it, but yeah, it was well worth it.
Robin's life being spared was infuriating as it was predictable, but at least she overcame it pretty quickly.
>it's a little too imaginativeHigh-level stuff certainly, and I've only felt that kind of dread from reading story-centric ero-manga.
>>34954>I've only felt that kind of dread from reading story-centric ero-mangayeah, same here
>>34930>What the fug happened?they are shutting down the gatcha game tie-in in August