A few thoughts on the SHY source material, for whatever they're worth. After 10 volumes, the endless shounen dynamics were too strong and I had to drop it, but if you can forgive that it's quite enjoyable. It mixes action, comedy and SoL, and while it's not the most skilful mix out there it works quite well. The characters are diverse and interesting, including the villains, who have some semblance of motivation to keep the story from being entirely black-or-white. Anon will particularly like the Swiss and Chinese heroes, methinks. As for flaws, the MC's gimmick is all but forgotten after the first story arc or so, and we need to be reminded frequently that she's shy because she just doesn't act like it anymore (the anime could easily handle this better).
More FLCL? Guess those faggots haven't had enough.
Crowbar Redux, 16bit Sensation, and Bullbuster are what I'm readily looking forward to.
>>35321>here is a highres versionThanks!
>>35322>the MC's gimmick is all but forgotten after the first story arc or soUnless it's done well, that's just as well. It was the one the reasons I couldn't get into the manga.
>>35324I could watch a whole anime about meidos being abused by cocks.
Has anybody watched Boushoku no Berserk yet?
>>35370oh, and
>the reborn demon lord behaving as a kid that just hits pubertyIt was kind of meh, really. I will give it one more episode just in case.
The unfortunate reality is that Anos-sama has set the bar so incredibly high for demon kings.
>>35374No. Go watch it, and you'll understand that this word is an accurate description of reality.
Who are you quoting, dearest friend?
Not sure if I'll survive watching this.
>>35384Multiple fun workplace comedies in one season is a dream come true.
>the capeshitThis start + the "endless shounen dynamics" the hivemind mentioned means I won't even bother.
>the loser reborn demon lordWhy would I watch an anime about some guy getting red all the time? I can just watch an anime about a girl getting red all the time instead.
>the ossan vrmmoThe manga was good until the pets stuff. As usual, whenever you introduce pet stuff in an MMORPG (or a series about an MMORPG), this means you've exhausted all of your other ideas. I guess the adaptation will be a good time-waster though, at least for one cour.
>the return of Shadow-samaI was slightly worried it will be less funny than before. This preview dispelled the last remaining grains of doubt:
>not-Minami brothersThis was just bad. The subs were the funniest part in the whole anime though. Who the fuck thought it'd be a good idea to just take MTL and slap it as subs without even reading it through first?
>a witch and her /ss/I couldn't even finish the first episode properly. Edgy in the worst meaning of the word. Watching it right after Shadow-sama certainly didn't help.
>the otaku and the bimboThe episode was bad enough, but when I saw in the opening that it's actually a love triangle any remaining desire to watch more of it evaporated.
>Under NinjaIf most of the anime is like the scene with the neighbour lady, and it doesn't focus on action, it might be pretty nice.
>Undead UnluckThe best start of a Jump manga ever. It's still a Jump manga tho, so eh.
>>35385Nice idea, but it was kinda lacking attention to the details. Hopefully the story is good.
That aside, Engage Kiss S2 when?
There was no Precure for like 9 months? And now we have Otona Precure? And next year there is another sequel. What happened?
>>35391Okay, seems like I was mistaken. I missed there has been a regular Precure show that is still ongoing, so now we have two at the same time.
I certainly did not expect this anime to be such a masterpiece. Sasuga.
>>35398Yeah, it was great. I'm not sure what the series will focus on though. We'll see.
>>35400Hikikomari is like a streamlined Liar Liar, ditching the superfluous male and keeping only the ojousama and the maid. Hopefully with the budget thus saved they'll be able to keep the animation consistent and maybe even hire a scriptwriter, thus solving both of Liar Liar's chief flaws. And yet, despite these obvious advantages, it seems to me to be lacking something that the other did have. I'll give it a fair chance and see.
>>35324>>35397As part of our trimestrial Anon Picks Up Your Favorite Anime program, I'm checking out Tearmoon Teikoku. It's like a Bakarina without Bakarina, which unexpectedly turned out to be an improvement. A few superficial peeves aside, It's keeping me guessing as to what the story will be, and I enjoy that. I can't tell if it's about Her Majesty learning to be less of an aristocratic asshole, or learning how to be a more ruthless aristocratic asshole. Both would work for me, as would a clueless mixture of the two, which is what I'm getting so far I think.
>>35417>I thought he picked the subpar skills so that nobody would want to play with him, why is he friends with the guild now?Technically he picked it so that the tryhards don't bother him.
>Also what's with this future VR game that plays like a 20 year old MMO today.I mean… this part seems pretty realistic. The most popular MMORPG right now is probably vanilla WoW after all, and the rest of the early 2000s popular MMORPGs are still played by a lot of people to this day. Of course somebody will eventually make a VRMMO that caters to the same audience.
The guy certainly didn't have many ideas for the series tho. It's his only work ever too, it seems.
>>35423I liked the second episode more too. I can even forgive the reason for JSDF's noninvolvement as parodying the Japanese bureaucratic system. Probably. Who knows. Hopefully the anime doesn't decide to drop the humor at some point.
>>35418>I mean… this part seems pretty realistic. The most popular MMORPG right now is probably vanilla WoW after all, and the rest of the early 2000s popular MMORPGs are still played by a lot of people to this day. Of course somebody will eventually make a VRMMO that caters to the same audience.I thought it was lame 20 years ago, that hasn't change now.
I really don't get it. Even some gacha games have more engaging gameplay. It has to be noted that the game was not marketed in any way as "oldschool". Then again I don't think the writer, at least for the anime, even plays MMOs, or maybe any games.
Also Old School Runescape seems to have more active players than WoW as a whole. According to some lists, FFIV is on the top.
>>35426>According to some lists, FFIV is on the top.Maybe one-two years ago it was. Nowadays it seems to be mostly awash, with too similar numbers between FFXIV, retail WoW, vanilla WoW, WotLK, Old School Runescape, and so on, to be able to discern who is the clear winner. But still, most of this list is ~20 years old games.
>Then again I don't think the writer, at least for the anime, even plays MMOs, or maybe any games.Considering you don't play any of these MMORPGs I don't see why you'd reach this conclusion. All the mechanics are really nothing out of the ordinary.
The other anime VRMMO this season is even less engaging as a game, it seems. Way grindier than even the ossan VRMMO, and that's shown as good cause the main character is used to playing literal kusogee.
>>35432I hope that loli doesn't end up dying.
>teensI'd say there's quite a few older people who're similarly ignorant.
>>35445I think it's supposed to be based on a series of doujinshi so I guess that's why she was sent back. The first doujin is over.
If only he knew how bad things would get.
I guess this anime will be about saving an eroge shop? Not an awful premise, but I was hoping for something else. Still, if it makes me want to kill myself via emotions, then I'll take anything.
>>35447Well, there's this: it's about Mei-chan.
>>35469>my taste of juvenile humorDo tell, friend.
>>35473Thanks, seems fun! The main girl is kind of ugly though, but I might pick it up now.
>>35483Her retardation is kind of endearing. I still like her more than the fat megane-chan.
>spoilerYeah, I recently discovered that as well. Not too confident about her anime considering how TWGOK went. And I'm not referring to the ending.
>>35485TWGOK went really well, until the Jupiter arc just couldn't truly justify its own existence. The end was the only logical one but he couldn't quite push it to there in a properly engaging manner. I have more of a problem with the end of the marriage manga, it was really underwhelming… so probably 16bit will find some way to fuck up tying the loose ends too.
You think the programmer will fuck the fat megane-chan and produce the retard? I'm not sure if we've heard anything about her parents, and she's stupid enough to not even recognize them.
I didn't expect this guy to be so best, but here we are. Hope he gets his happy ending.
>>35488As if you wouldn't give it a taste.
>>35486>until the Jupiter arc just couldn't truly justify its own existenceYup.
>You think the programmer will fuck the fat megane-chan and produce the retard?I'll do you one better: she's her own mom.
Cute imouto action too.
>>35494>spoilerGod I hope so.
>>35497Just caught up. Yeah, the lack of retribution was quite implausible. Confusing, even - for much of the episode, I thought the reason she wasn't being punished was that she was actually assisting the princess in committing suicide. All in all, this episode had a number of blatant plot flaws, but still the series itself is growing on me somehow.
>>35515I'd say it's just the author not really wanting to think about such stuff, so preferring to just handwave it away. After all, this was originally on syosetu. And this certainly fits the bill of episodic stuff where the author just writes about whatever. Except in such a case the focus should have been much more on Maomao being a researcher and to just directly ignore such secondary questions… while the anime adaptation seemed to put emphasis exactly on these secondary questions. Oh well. Maomao's cute either way, I will watch it for her.
In unrelated news, I want to protect this smile.
Someone's asking for a shoulder-length haircut of the kind that ends with your head in a basket, and it sure as hell isn't Her Highness. How can you introduce a miracle like this and then not devote the entire episode to her? I thought they had laws in Japan! I want to see her clumsily chopping a daikon into irregular chunks and being puzzled that it looks nothing like her books said, damnit! Am I going to have to grab my pitchfork?
Moving on to less revolutionary grievances, there's one thing this anime is clearly not doing right. The OP would have us believe that HRH coming up with various schemes to alter her fate, and repeatedly failing, is one of the anime's main themes, but that just hasn't been happening on screen. There was that one time, early on, when she saw her diary rewriting itself, and nothing else until a short scene in ep. 5, in which her attitude suggests she's been checking it out periodically. Surely she read it while we were distracted watching Anne run errands?
While not a fatal flaw, an important part of the MC's progression and motivation is lost on the audience if we aren't shown these repeated frustrations, and what's sad is that just a couple short scenes like this last one would've done the trick. O sourcefag, I inquire of you: are these omissions present in the source material also?
>>35523>O sourcefag, I inquire of you: are these omissions present in the source material also?We see quite a few more changes in the diary in the second novel, so the second half of this season. She has to do some touring first before anything truly changes. But… even by the end of next episode or maybe the one after that…
we should start getting quite a few more scenes from the previous timeline and from the changes in the diary. Also in the novels it's just one paragraph, but I sincerely hope we see a full length scene of Abel cutting his way through the entire imperial capital only to be slain right on the doorsteps of Mia's cell. I can see a lot of stuff I'd expand upon a little, but the math says the episode count might reach 14-15 if they do so. For now page-wise they seem to be going for 13 episodes, each roughly adapting 50 pages. At least they are willing to forego the ending when needed, so that's good. We might get parts of the spoiler during the ending of next ep, for example.
P.S. Don't worry, you should get plenty of the bookworm's cooking next ep. Poor guy will have his hands full trying to save the boys from food poisoning.
>>35540Feels like something Kagura probably did back in the days.
>>35542Unfortunately I'm unfamiliar.
>>35560Slutty vagina bones.
>>35562Really looking forward to reading the manga after the anime concludes.
>>35567to be honest, it's such a 1:1 adaptation that you may as well skip the start
Damn, people still post here?
Poor girl, she snapped from too much lesbianism around her so she told them to stop being lesbians.
>>35572I completely lost it when it turned out the guy who is a cat had developed a cat language in the past. I think this almost managed to top the fact that the breast milk was real.
So… they literally skipped over all of the scenes from the previous timeline in this episode. It should have been at least twice longer if they included everything.
Come the mid-season, as per my tradition, I went back to the fields to glean any promising titles I may have overlooked at harvest time.
Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri, besides being good fujo stock as has been pointed out, is a typical 'eccentric detective' story with a very animesque twist - not a combination I'm looking for, but I could see it being quite enjoyable for some people. If it were not so self-defeatingly dumb, that is. The first episode presents us with people who are mysteriously showing up killed by drowning, in places where there is no water. Certainly, this calls for a convoluted murder procedure in the best tradition of Japanese detective stories! Unfortunately, the procedure involves killing them in a place where there IS water, then transporting the corpses - a hypothesis which the police had apparently neglected to consider. Moreover, the murderer appears to have no particular motivation for transporting the corpses and abandoning them in conspicuously public places, at great risk of exposing himself, possibly being too engrossed with petty theft to consider the subtler aspects of his master plan.
In short, when it comes to detective stories this season, I'll stick to Maomao - a detective so shrewd, she solved the mystery of the poisonous face powder not once but twice!
Moving on to Kamierabi, it's shit. No textwall for this one, it's simply terrible in every aspect.
>>35600It's a minor masterpiece.
>>35603Is she a shota rapist?
>>35604She certainly imagines herself to be when she's flirting with her boyfriend. Truly Her Majesty's kinks are also royal in nature.
>>35634It has a very unusual tone for this kind of story - I'm actually surprised a Houbunsha producer greenlit this, in fact.
A frustration or two, I actually enjoy in my CGDCT anime - but here, the focus wasn't on how the rocket contest didn't go as they expected, but instead, as you say, even that momentous development was pushed aside to make room for more gloom and damaged psyches.
At the same time, it's not going full drama either; at this point in the story, one could easily have Haruno, the only seemingly stable girl, turn out to have massive self-esteem issues and collapse under the pressure. But we're not getting that either; it's just a normal CGDCT except the tsundere is genuinely fucking rude and the shy girl has a real case of crippling social anxiety.
16-bit Sensation went off another, steeper cliff, and there wasn't even any Kao-chan to reward me. It started off when a fun enough concept, but here we are.
A trillion yen? What is this: amateur hour?
Looking at MU, I find that the author is the same guy behind Boys on the Run and the classic, Ressentiment. I feel really, really retarded for not picking up on that.
Anyway, time for the manga, but alas, there's only thirty or so (translated) unadapted chapters to read.
>>35669Of course I had to make that post on the eve of his demise. He was not only a highlight of these twelve episodes, but of the entire season. At least his siblings look cool. No.35692
File: 1703531845029.png (Spoiler Image, 922.22 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Ikenaikyo - 1….png)

Sugita and his noble lady was… surprisingly tame, overall. It could have been way more wacky and out there and sexual, all in all. Well, I liked it this way too, but overall it was fairly unremarkable, especially when compared to so many of the other series this season.
File: 1703968374274.png (Spoiler Image, 1.2 MB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Hikikomari Ky….png)

Animation issues aside, this really was one of the most arousing anime this decade. Hope we see an S2, but with good budget throughout.
This is what happens when you cut off your drills. Oujo-sama? More like aho-sama.
>>35717I really like this image for some reason.
>>35718>I really like this image for some reason.She fits in so perfectly, I love it
P.S. Guess we got back to the first episode of the anime. Film is next. I wonder if they will continue it after the film too, as it seems like at least up to the film it was planned from the start.
>>35651Yup. At least the very end was… okay. The fat friend got ignored completely but I am not too miffed about it.
Overall, the narrative was not otaku at all: from that dithering stuff through the lack of any referential comedy to that incomprehensible last arc, everything seems designed for mass appeal rather than for VN otaku appeal.
I wonder how exactly does Wakaki's series look like; I think that's about Kao-chan, while Konoha and her story are anime original? I certainly did not feel Wakaki's influence much in Konoha and the developments around her.
I really wish we can go back to the times of referential comedies. Jashinchan has to hold the front by herself, the poor thing.
>>35736Absolutely, well said.
>Jashinchan has to hold the front by herself, the poor thing.One day I will watch the snek's anime.
>>35694The last episode was really perfect, this amount of corniness was just the right thing to wrap the anime up. It wasn't anything extraordinary but I loved it overall nontheless.
>>35765I'm just happy to see I wasn't the only one here that finished it.
>>35788It took some time to get to it but of course I would finish it. It would be good if we do get an S2 one day.
Speaking of which, I also finished the turbo lesbian's show. It was fine, though not particularly good. The author couldn't play up enough the strong sides of the franchise, the third arc kinda sucked overall, and the last arc was a little too forced. But I don't regret watching it. Now I only gotta finish Helck too. And the last episode of the pig isekai is still in limbo. Hope it airs soon.