Think there is no point in the fansubdb website, everything is just streaming now.
Still stuck with a 2mb limit, so the full size image is here: No.35707
I wonder if Sengoku Youko will be any good. I still haven't finished the Hoshi no Samidare adaptation.
>>35704Yeah, sadly even the groups that do pick up stuff just slightly modify the original (CR or whoever) translation. Not much point unless you're anal about encodes, enjoy OP/ED karaoke, or watching one of the more niche shows that doesn't get licensed.
MahoAko and Dungeon Meshi are obvious choices to pick up, and I think I'll try Saijaku Tamer to scratch my fantasy itch. Sengoku Youko seems like it'll be neat as well… the director seems rather new to directing though, only done Hakyuu Houshin Engi before which was absolute dogshit, but we'll see.
Three months ago I could have bought all of Dungeon Meshi's manga for ~2600 yen from Book-Off's app. I thought I will be going around shops and buy it from there for even cheaper, but I haven't. Meanwhile because of no available second hand books anymore, the price on the app has more than tripled. I am stupid. Probably will have to wait until the anime at least finishes for people to start dumping back the books.
Ao no Exorcist, eh? Didn't think I'd see that name pop up again.
Am I get out of touch? Nothing look remotely interesting.
>>35713Nah, we've gotten to the point of the syosetu adaptations trend where the titles aren't just stupid-sounding, they also sound repetitive. Like 5-10 of the new anime sound like they've already aired before. Basically, I think we've already seen adaptations of everything good, and now we're seeing the adaptations of the dime-a-dozen shit. Hopefully this means they will drop this syosetu adaptations trend soon.
That being said, the shit that Passione is adapting sounds kinda interesting. At least the title is unique, if nothing else.
>>35729>what species is she even?An impregnable one.
>>35734Makes sense; considering these feet her mother probably got impregnated by an orc, so she should be able to get pregnant too.
I've only picked up one show thus far. If only I liked yuri.
>>35750>Kinda boring. If he'd fucked the researcher on camera I'd be more interested in it. I might give it one more episode just in case.I see what you mean, and it's a shame he can't befriend his fellow undead, but I found it quite relaxing, and while the OP is not to my taste, the ED soothes the soul. (Which, by the way, has the same singer and composer as Ningen Fushin's ED!)
>>35754Yeah, it does smell of power level shenanigans that'll lead to inanity, unfortunately. Nonetheless, I'll play the fool, and hope for the best.
>>35763The other parts just are not needed, be they the slider part or the organization part.
On the other hand somehow when Takahashi is speaking I hear Hirano. This is some sort of auditory hallucination that I can't get enough of.
>>35740Just pulled down some subs and it was a surprisingly fun watch.
>Classroom of the Autistic SavantsI had fun with the first two seasons as a somewhat brain off show. This'll probably be okay.
>Solo LevelingHopefully we get some nice animation out of this. If it doesn't look good I'll end up watching a 5 minute clip after it all airs.
>TsukimichiFirst episode was alright. Was hoping for something a bit more though.
>>35740This was better than expected. I thought it would be trashy fake porn, but it was real porn and trashy in a good way.
Guess it's time for some recap.
>Dungeon MeshiI like the adaptation. It doesn't blow you away from the start like some other adaptations, but that much is expected, really. That's how the manga is.
>the wedding rings isekaiSo… the dude follows his childhood friend to some other world, and immediately marries her. Then some power level shenanigans happen. That's fine, that's a workable setting. But why would you then immediately shit on that setup by making the girl go all "but the marriage is just for appearances!" instead of just going the dere way? And why would you have him marry four more girls? The initial setup is not that common, so why would you then immediately replace it by the lowest common denominator harem setup?
>Solo LevelingI didn't even realize that I'm watching this shit because the jp title is different. It's actually worse than I imagined: I thought I would just have zero interest in it, but it was actively dumb instead.
>the tank gamesekaiThe dude being a siscon and immediately adopting a white-haired loli is nice. But the battle system annoys the fuck out of me. I feel like they didn't even try to protect my suspension of disbelief. I will give it a few more episodes, I guess. I kinda want to see the sister at least.
>the devil and the angelSo… one more femdom anime, huh. That was actually kinda painful to watch, I feel sorry for the dude. At least the SJ+ dude seemed to enjoy it.
>FrierenLolihag dean soon, waku waku doki doki
>>35762Tbh both characters seem too normalfag, and not in an entertaining enough way. The gimmick of her being deaf seems too much like a gimmick too, the adaptation doesn't really try to play it up. Just give us long segments of no sounds at all at least. The dude's gimmick also kinda fails to live up to my expectations: after the obligatory English, French, German, an old friend of mine moved to learning real languages like Hungarian as a hobby instead of fake ones like Chinese. Overall it does seem like it can work, but I feel like I'd be comparing it to BokuYaba and feel stupid for following it.
>>35768Never doubt Utena-sama.
>>35769>It's actually worse than I imagined: I thought I would just have zero interest in it, but it was actively dumb instead.I've tried to give webtoons their due, but the medium is incredibly vacuous; I can only recall one being decent.
>>35771>the medium is incredibly vacuousAgreed. Webtoons fill the same place as LitRPG or Progression Fantasy for me. Most are absolute garbage. The biggest reason I read them, outside of wasting time, is for the occasional nice artwork. I mainly stick to martial arts stuff like Lightning Degree, The Breaker, and Peerless Dad.
>>35772>>35771Tbh, I just hate the endless scrolling format. I can't get beyond that so I can't finish even one whole chapter of a webtoon.
Do self-insert main characters bother you? Dosanko Gal wa Namaramenkoi has an awesome design for the female lead (even though some say she is a Marin rip-off), but the main character is just too 草食男子, but considering it is a shonen adaptation, I might just be too old for this series.
>>35773>Tbh, I just hate the endless scrolling formatI do most of my reading on my phone with Tachiyomi so it can be comfy. Although, it's rough when not done well. Things like movement come across with a lot of impact.
>>35774>>35775Self inserts aren't a problem with me. When I was young, I read shit like Sekirei and Ichigo 100%. Hard to get worse than those. I don't like gyaru stuff either, long nails creep me out. I dropped the manga after like 3 chapters, so I probably won't pick up the show.
It feels like a show that'll either blow up or flop, so will be interesting to see.
>not SuyarisSomehow the joke got old before the first episode was even over. Truly can't compare to Suyaris, her joke never gets old.
>not MiaOut of not Mia, not Suyaris, not a furry, and not hearing, not Mia definitely is the best. Sasuga Her Imperial Majesty, even her copies are simply superior.
That being said, I kinda hate the main guy. Why do women have to be like this?
>>35774>>35775I just hope it's something like Akutsu-san and not a harem. Then hopefully the main guy will slowly progress out of being so herbivore too. If it's a harem, I don't see him ever changing tho.
>>35776>I do most of my reading on my phone with Tachiyomi so it can be comfy. Although, it's rough when not done well. Things like movement come across with a lot of impact.The whole design is made to exploit addictiveness, as you'd always want to read more as the "page" is not over. Which immediately creates mental resistance in me. Also you never have detailed art as it's optimized for phone screen size AND you'd immediately scroll by it anyway. And spreads can't exist. I also do a lot of reading on the phone but I tend to find 4koma for that purpose.
>>35769>The gimmick of her being deaf seems too much like a gimmick too, the adaptation doesn't really try to play it up. Just give us long segments of no sounds at all at least.Yes, this bothered me also. She may be letting him into her world, but we the audience are sure being left out. My hope for this series is that it will have some language porn, especially since I've been interested in signed languages for a while, but considering the poor portrayal of a polyglot I don't think the staff are qualified to scratch that itch properly.
>>35774>>35775The hivemind has spoken, assimilation is inevitable. Spineless self-inserts do put me off as a general rule, but in this particular case the gyaru's design filtered me before the MC had the chance to.
Funny how an anime about gyaru makes me appreciate normal girls more. And in a similar vein, how well-endowed girls reaffirm my belief of flat-chest supremacy.
>>35776>When I was young, I read shit like Sekirei and Ichigo 100%.Ah, the good ol' days where the meek MC didn't frustrate me. This makes me think
>>35774 has a point: "I might just be too old for this series."
>>35792I hope some /m/fags pick this up or something.
No.35796't Oishi at least change that first scene to match the novel better?
>>35799>Make sure you have strong alcohol at hand if you're to watch it.Dare I ask?
The animation, jokes, and characters: what the fug.
>>35804You better take responsibility for this.
>>35792>>35793I tried Bravern. When it finally showed its true colors, after a couple of twists, I was disappointed at first, but that was soon replaced with gape-mouthed disbelief. Someone decided that 50% water, 50% oil was a good recipe for a first episode, and didn't even bother to give it a shake before serving. I am positive this anime is not for me, but I'm happy I watched this episode and might even give the next a try just to see what they come up with.
>>35809I was also disappointed at first, but by the end of the episode that was entirely replaced by laughter. That being said, they probably can't keep this joke up for an entire season. We'll see if they will come up with more marvelous bullshit or they will just try to keep up the same joke.
This was a surprisingly good start for this anime. I expected just normal syosetu-tier comedic shit, but it actually managed to have just the right amount of angst. And, more importantly, the adaptation really managed to sell all of it. It did not come off as a tryhard being deep or high brow.
>>35810The whole setting the bar too high and failing to deliver was the thing with Carole&Tuesday. Here I have more fundamental problems. All of the directing choices point towards wanting to copy live action as close as possible… but once you make it like this in animation, you just can no longer relay the camp that live action tokusatsu has. I would have enjoyed it more if it really was a live action tokusatsu - all scenes in the first ep would translate pretty much 1:1 to live action tokusatsu. But then we just go back to the whole "setting the bar too high and failing to deliver" thing, so eh.
>>35793CR licensed it, so that's nice.
>>35816I vaguely recall watching three or four episodes of the first season before dropping it.
So, what the fuck do I watch?
>>35818Simple: you rewatch Kamichu because nothing will ever come close.
>>35816I actually finished the first season, it was okay. Didn't bother with anything else tho.
>>35818Just watch Tama seven days a week like a normal person.
>>35825He certainly manned up to eat that corndog.
>>35828It's very borderline if he has any spine or not, but I will give it one more episode for this. If it's a harem it's a drop for sure.
>>35829>If it's a harem it's a drop for sure.It hurts. Harems can be enjoyable, but they are oft written by authors who are noncommittal or just wanted to shoehorn more cute girls without putting any serious thought into their relationships with the guy and each other. And so I appreciate the writer of the smartphone isekai for his dedication to the harem.
In any case, going solely by the OP, it'll probably be some pseudo-harem faggotry.
>>35833>but they are oft written by authors who are noncommittal or just wanted to shoehorn more cute girls without putting any serious thought into their relationships with the guy and each otherThat can be enjoyable too, but only if the guy is cool from the start. Having the guy develop while keeping stuff noncommittal is kinda hard to do, and even harder to do in a way that is not annoying. Though, of course, not impossible: TWGOK for example.
>>35834Fair point, but to clarify, by "noncommittal," I'm referring to the propensity of an author to put aside the harem and focus way too much on a main girl, possibly to the point where the harem is never realized.
As an aside, the HIDIVE translation of the instant death isekai is probably the single worst paid-for translation I've ever seen in my life. As far as accuracy goes, it's nearing Hadena levels. The Muse Communication translation is very pedestrian level of bad in comparison: just 4 severe translation errors for the episode. Also they wrote George instead of JOHJ but oh well. Long story short, just watch it raw.
>>35811I get Bravern now. It's a military story played perfectly straight, with heavy casualties, politics, and all the dirty and ugly things that militaries are wont to do in wartime. Then there's this loud, obnoxious guy who can't read the mood, lacks the most fundamental conversation skills and etiquette, and thinks he must always be the center of attention. The catch is that this guy happens to be a giant robot who alone can defeat the invading forces, and who could also destroy the human forces if he chose to, so the military have no choice but to humor him.
Add a tad too much gratuitous homosexual harassment, and there you go, that's Bravern. An anime about strategically handling space autists in wartime.
I like the mechanic and the girl who took the wrong turn on her way to a P.A. Works anime.
>>35844>Add a tad too much gratuitous homosexual harassmentMight be too much for me. My ass just doesn't feel safe while watching it.
>the girl who took the wrong turn on her way to a P.A. Works animeWhat an apt descriptor.
>>35855She? Our guy is well-trained, he probably massaged them every day for her.
>>35856How great would that be.
Speaking of him, it would have been interesting if he, as a ghoul, had to deploy some countermeasures to deal with the smell of rotten flesh.
>>35862Is there anything good about this anime? I am shocked somebody here even bothers to watch it. Then again, fags are even watching Solo leveling. Where is our Japanese chauvinism?
>>35863>Is there anything good about this anime? It's not very good. Most of the show is "plotting" behind the scenes and bad dialog (image very related).
It's supposed to be a bunch of dysfunctional kids who are being groomed to be the 1%. There are some kind of interesting ideas, but they're skin deep. It's a self insert for autistic high school kids.
>I am shocked somebody here even bothers to watch itRecently unemployed, baby.
>>35892Oh boy. Is the orange-haired girl going to be daijoubu?
>>35895Sorry, I was referring to pink, but f.lux was enabled, and so she appeared fairly orange to me.
>>35897Fucking colors, really. Yeah, it's fine, she just has some of the Miko problems of not being able to see some people due to seeing a little too much. Which probably means she won't be daijobu.
>>35898>she just has some of the Miko problems of not being able to see some people due to seeing a little too much. Which probably means she won't be daijobuYou could have lied to me, anon. I would have felt better.
>>35871>>35883You win, I gave Basue a shot. It was better than expected, I'll give it the three-episode treatment.
>>35782>>35787On the other hand, Sengoku Youko doesn't quite do it for me, after a fair three episodes. I don't think it's bad at what it does, and I should say the human guy is more interesting than average for this type of character. But on the whole, the setting and the characters leave me rather cold. I'll put it in the fridge for a few days, and then decide if it stays or it goes.
Gentlemen, we have left the reservation.
>>35906>>35907Rest in pieces, anon.
>>35915Truly the image of no greed, the dude is satisfied with just a drop of blood.
>>35917On the other hand, one would think he'll need to drink a lot more than that to become a vampire.
The tank gamesekai continues to have the worst battles ever, but I am glad the sisterwife is now healthy enough to be sure to survive pregnancy and childbirth.
>>35926>murderhoboYou now have my interest.
The cutest.
>>35927The only instrument of murder she uses is her boyfriend but obviously that doesn't make her less of a murderhobo.
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What else is there to say? I almost feel unworthy watching this. Hit after hit, but it keeps going. And that ED? Perfect. Just perfect.
>>35952Amazing. This anime is such a treat.
>>35958>And it felt like I was supposed to take this as some sort of romantic gesture.And some if not many do. Off-putting, to say the least.
>>35959Truly the greatest joy in life, to die from bloodloss while a boytoy is actively preventing anybody else from saving you.
>>35985>Little weird that the villagers allowed an outsider to pilot one of the boats, moreover the one occupied by the sacrifice.Yeah, that was kind of dumb. Oh well, it's not like the plot would change much if you force him to be on another boat and to sneak, what with the fog and all.
>And NTR my ass! I have once again been tricked by anonymous!Don't you have any sympathy for the poor brother whose sisterwife got stolen?
>>36009Sure is.
At least we have wide and wild anime for watching.
"Billions must hang," says Morita.
>>36014Cute! I should try reading this manga again.
>>36036I like that our straight man went along with it.
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I didn't call this happening so soon. I'm glad for the guy, it was really hard getting through to the autist.
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Vice versa, I didn't call this happening either. I wonder if he'll just go "I will find a way to move with her". That seems to be what his characterization would suggest - doing his best while saying nothing about it to anybody.
>>36047Nice. Usually it's the other way around.
>>36048>doing his best while saying nothing about it to anybody.Guess I underestimated him when I dropped the show.
>>36049Nice fivehead.
>>36050>Guess I underestimated him when I dropped the show.I mean, that includes
going on dates with other girls as "payment" for getting them to tutor him so it's not like it's a "good" show.
>>36048I was wrong, he wasn't proactive about moving, he decided to just wait her to come back
which of course turned out to be just two weeks later. Overall it was pretty okay, it straddled the line of unwatchable once per 3-4 episodes but it managed to veer off the edge at the last moment every time.
Time to quickly go through some of the ended shows before even more shows end.
It was nicely animated but Serie's voice is a direct -1 to the score. And the way they handled the fights left a lot to be desired. The animation of the fights was really good… but the manga has a narrative reason to skip the fights. The anime adapts everything but the fights practically 1:1 so the fights are kinda left feeling out of place narratively speaking. Which they are. That's another -1 to the score, and the reason I would tell people to just directly read the manga instead. Especially considering that the op/ed songs were kinda bad, with the sole exception of the first (tv-only) ending.
>Sugita and his bird
The first episode was so good… but at the end the yandere neighbour got zero role at all, and everything else was really bad. I am truly surprised I managed to finish watching it, even if with some skipping through some of the episodes.
>villain SoL
It was nice, not much more to be said about it. I will probably forget it soon but still a pretty good pastime.
The father was so inconsistently written that I can barely say it's even the same character. The main guy is fucking repulsive. The side cast is forgettable. However Maomao herself manages to carry the show with her solo act, so it's fine.
>not Mia
The main guy is even more repulsive. The side characters are even more forgettable. The promise of not Mia being an Old Man Henderson type of character did not realize at all. The series relies on the interactions between not Mia and the rest of the cast, so not Mia cannot carry the show at all.
But really, I think the last arc was the most offensive: a mining-dependent country has problems with its mining, and a guy from that country invents gunpowder. Then he's all emo about it how gunpowder CAN KILL PEOPLE. What a tragedy. Of course, it's up to not Mia to provide a solution to the situation… and that solution is fucking FIREWORKS. Fuck. What, gunpowder can be used to bolster the failing mining industry, securing the future of said country? That's too difficult of a concept for this narou-kei trash-tier series.
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>>35899She was mostly fine in the end, anon, just a little plot mind control stuff. Nothing the power of love and friendship can't dispel.
Guess I'll join in, although I'm still missing a few final episodes.
Bravern did manage to keep its one joke running long enough to come up with other ludicrous bullshit. In the process it even produced a plot out of nowhere, and successfully delivered one or two unexpected twists. The men were manly and had manly friendships, and the girls were cute. I don't have any complaints. I don't mean to overhype it, but looking back at the various anime from outside my strike zone that I've tried out over the years, I don't remember ever being so pleasantly and so thoroughly surprised.
The deaf josei turned out ok. The sign language porn content did progressively increase as the plot allowed it, and the general romance elements were alright. Could've aimed higher for sure, but at least it hit what it did aim for.
Metallic Rouge… To be honest with you, I got lost in this plot a month ago or more. I just wanted to see the cute robot eating chocolate and beating up people, and teasing each other with the brown girl, and I did get all that so I'm satisfied. Something something terraforming Venus, this cabal with their secret plot conspiring with and against each other, it sure was war in the past better hope it doesn't war again, robot spending CPU cycles figuring out who's right or wrong, just kidding it was all aliens all along - eh, whatever, really.
>>36092Regarding my remaining seasonal picks, however, THE FILE WAS TOO BIG despite attaching no file, so I can't post.
>>36068I don't like flashbacks in season finales, but everything else was well done. Another season would be great.
>This anime could have gone in really stupid directionsIt's amusing to me that Re:Monster's adaption is airing this season, as that was what I was afraid this anime would turn into.
P.S. I was going to post a screencap of that very same moment, but thankfully I have a lolibaba as backup.
>>36107It's always good to have a lolibaba as a backup.
>>36130Not one bad episode, and at least one guaranteed hearty laugh per.
I'm going to miss the crew.