>>36418Every single thing isn't particularly outstanding, but there's so much things that I find it really enjoyable nontheless.
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How can they win so much? This wasn't in the manga but it's the most fitting addition of this caliber I've ever seen.
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>>36460Fug it; I approve.
>>36468The love for each other and their family was displayed so well in this anime. You feel sad because they passed away, but smile since their hopes and wants materialized.
>>36466>>36467>>36468>>36470Didn't watch it. Seems like an original ending, though? Manga is still ongoing.
>>36473Probably. Though I sure hope it's vetted by the mangaka.
>>36473>>36474The manga is finished, or at least according to MU. Honestly it's difficult for me to conceive an ending in the manga that would be all that different to the anime's.
>>36484I read that but it did nothing to prepare me for the actual reality of the episode. 10/10.
Overall, I feel like the adaptation wasn't particularly strong, opening and ending aside, but it was still endlessly enjoyable. I should read the LNs one day.
>>36454I want season two just so I can watch Forr write in her diary at the start of every episode.
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>>36521That being said, they did manage to do what they had to do, even with all that constant cutting. Strong basis, and a constant pressure of an execution… you know, last episode aside. I'm truly glad this series exists.
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I ain't even mad
9001/10 anime