Thank you as always, anon.
>Senpai wa Otokonoko
I get my trap romance but it's also a love triangle.
I'm not upset; I'm assmad.
>Rick and Morty
Now I understand why the above happened: I'm in Hell.
The VN is still in my backlog. One of these days!
Putting aside these three, there's some stuff here that have the capacity to be surprisingly good.
>>36496There is also a fucking Suicide Squad anime. It is hell.
Guess the only ones that seem interesting just from description are the robot wife one and the harem of one one. Also I guess the actual harem of the Todai guy and his waitresses should be fun again.
Hey, at least we have Sengoku Youko and Our Lord and Savior, so the season is gonna be good.
>>36497They do this shit every now and then, it's gonna be forgotten as usual.
>>36498wait fuck I just scrolled to the bottom
*monogatari and Kimi ni Todoke have new seasons that will be web broadcasts? Maybe I should finally watch Zokuowari.
I watched the first new anime. It is trying to trick me into watching it by using FukuJun, a maid, and a good opening song. I will stay strong and drop it. Okay, at most one more episode just to be sure.
It would have succeeded if FukuJun was voicing the maid however it was not brave enough. Oh well, with such a shit plot and zero effort to adapt the web novel transitions into a fluently flowing anime episode, I couldn't have expected a FukuJun-voiced maid.
Some PV streams leaked a while ago.
Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai is pretty straightforward. Looks like the focus is on the drama between the sisters rather than romcom shenanigans. It looks competent enough so I'll stick around for a while.
Gimai Seikatsu surprised me, however. Usually, when a high school boy says "I got an imouto-in-law and it's NOTHING like light novels", the very next frame it IS exactly like light novels. Here, however, I got 20 minutes of two teenagers genuinely being awkward around each other and trying to be polite while they figure out how the hell they should interact, with zero sexual tension. It looks like the staff have something in mind, so I'll follow along.
By the way, I learned that nip houses have lights down in the space where you leave your shoes in the entrance - it's a bit hard to see in this screenshot, but there's a light in the lower right corner. Makes a lot of sense, really, but I had never thought of it.
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>>36532bitches and whores
>>36528>I will stay strong and drop it.>Okay, at most one more episode just to be sure.Dammit anon.
>>36532>Here, however, I got 20 minutes of two teenagers genuinely being awkward around each other and trying to be polite while they figure out how the hell they should interact, with zero sexual tension.Interesting, but there being a love triangle is unfortunate.
>Makes a lot of sense, really, but I had never thought of it.Ditto. By the way, is the closest Western analogue to such entrances the mudroom? I really wish it were mainstream in America. Wearing shoes inside the house is pure barbarism.
Actually, there's an old comic strip depicting the cultural differences between America and Japan from the viewpoint of an American sailor. It was pretty amusing, and this is one of those deltas that's remarked upon.
>Tower of God 2
This will be 99% trash, but I'll maybe watch an episode or two towards the end to enjoy the animation.
>Rising Impact
I'm a sucker for sports anime. Always have been.
>Suicide Squad ISEKAI
Hell yeah, brother. Now this is anime.
>Rick and Morty The Anime
At least, there's a few interesting movies. This season looks like complete garbage.
>>36541>Suicide Squad ISEKAI>Hell yeah, brother. Now this is anime.I really do worry about the slippery slope with this one.
Reading the name Mayonaka Punch made me brain short circuit and remembered that Punch Line was an anime. Now I will proceed to forget about it.
>After two years of brutal training with the continent’s strongest party, Orichalcum Fist, Rick will defeat anyone who underestimates him!
The funny twist should be that he'll body anyone who even slightly doubts his kinniku, even if they're just brats.
>>36549It can't be helped. His face belongs to a teenager.
>>36532At last I finished the leaked episodes. I take things easy, you see.
Futakire grated me at first with all the shallow pop culture references, but now I understand: it's not trying to be a super geeky anime for nerds such as myself haha do I fit in yet guys; instead, it's simply a realistic depiction of a pair of cringy teenagers from a couple decades ago (their tastes are, at least). The plot is sure to trip over itself and wander aimlessly, but who cares? I get a creepy tomboy and Uchida Maaya playing something unusual, and some book recs on top of it all.
>>36552Gimai Seikatsu, eh, what? Okay, so it's a story about two damaged people who figure they might as well be there for each other since they don't have much of anyone else to turn to. Fine. Looking forward to seeing what the redhead's role will be in it, whether it's simply advancing on onii-chan as
>>36538 calls or something even muddier. But did they seriously just have a five-minute conversation over having correctly assumed him not to have extensive laundry experience? The, uh, I think they had like a checklist of things to get done by episode 3, and could not figure out how to fit them in smoothly. If the writing's going to be conditioned like this, I don't foretell of a fun ride.
And with this, there's nothing on my list coming up for a couple more days, so I'll sit back and listen to anon expound upon the subtle differences between various indistinguishable isekai. Oh, so in THIS one the viewer's wishes are vicariously fulfilled through the protagonist? Do elaborate!
>>36553Actually, there's like just one isekai coming up this week. The rest are all narou-kei gamesekai titles that somehow do nothing different from a bad isekai despite technically being an entirely different premise.
At least we get maids out of it.
I should also add that, while it is only the first episode, the animation didn't make me want to kill myself.
>>36558>>36559I feel scammed. Half Japanese and raised in Japan. At least most English speaking girls are exchange students or something.
It is yet another sitting next to each other anime too. What the fuck is with this genre. Before it used to be just part of the setting, now it is the driving force behind the story and the marketing.
>>36578I plan on watching it as well. If you enjoyed Hyouka, then I'd imagine you'll like this one as well since it's the same author.
We all scream for ice cream.
>>36580Hyouka was shit. Especially egregious was that arc in the middle where the solution was "the MC knew something all along but we never showed it to the viewer!" But besides that KyoAni tried to make it "deep" and pretentious when it just wasn't, it was a very surface level comedy with strict archetypes as characters.
But… silly hats…
>>36581Sigh, what am I talking, obviously the guy is trying to double down on Hyouka. Both this and Hyouka would have been good if only they didn't try to make them pretentious at all and kept a lighthearted approach.
At least this time the characters are a little less just tropes played straight.
>>365833fu is a fickle goddess
>not ArifuretaPeople tell me it's pretty different from Arifureta but the first episode tried its hardest to parallel it. Might as well just read it if I'm to ever touch this series.
>trap love triangleIt actually circled back into cute how the animation constantly went into low effort mode - I disliked it in Hirano's series for example. Narrative seems very boring tho.
>Harem of OneThis was actually great, girl was even getting gradually better with her acting over the course of the episode. Maybe the most promising new series.
>>36575This actually managed to trick me into thinking it's something else. That's a point for it.
>>36581>>36582You plebeians only thought that Hyouka tried to be deep.
>>36588It also tried to have whodunit but failed at that with the festival arc. Before that it was pretty fun following along with the mystery.
You fuckers will make me rewatch Hyouka just to confirm if it was good or not. I already have too many series that I am behind on.
She really is cute.
I want to write a bit more, but 3fu/tinyboard haets me.
>>36579>silly hatSeems pretty normal to me, anon!
What should I watch? Nothing seems that good. Think I should go back to finishing some shows from previous seasons.
>>36598I think these two have potential:
Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru
Shoushimin Series
A few shows that have yet to air are on my radar.
>>36598Dungeon no Naka no Hito and Giji Harem seem the best for now. There's also new monogatari and new Sengoku Youko.
None of the new series can even compare to the Salad or to the snack bar though.
>>36600>snack barIt was too good for this world.
These girls make the Anima Yell bunch look like amateurs. Which they were, okay, fair point. Anyway, I'm ready for a P.A. sports drama, but this cast makes me doubt they really know what they're doing this time around. The Barillian is way too loud and implausible, and the Spidergirl… Well, P.A. do usually add a pinch of bullshit to their otherwise down-to-earth stories, I guess.
Overall, this season's shaping up better than I expected. But poor deer-brained Fufufu can't handle long posts, so it's time for another post chain.
>>36604And I guess I also have a bit of ruminant in me, because I kick it off by forgetting my attachment.
>>36605It wasn't me, I see. on, Senpai wa otokonoko was a very pleasant surprise. It has exactly the tone I was unknowingly hoping for, and the kouhai character is also right in every way.
>>36496I have no problem with the love triangle. The kouhai easily finds ways to draw upon it for comedy, and childhood friends never win anyway.
>>36604>But poor deer-brained Fufufu can't handle long postsTime for a brain translplant!
>>36606>I have no problem with the love triangle. The kouhai easily finds ways to draw upon it for comedy, and childhood friends never win anyway.Turns out, yeah, the love triangle is the least of its issues from my perspective; it's simply not for me. Glad you're enjoying it though.
Is anyone else watching the new Code Geass? Is this real life?
>>36623>>36618>The MC is what you'd expect, but even he had a few decent moments.I rather like the MC. 'Tap water connoisseur' rises him to an altogether admirable height of dullness. And he hits a sweet spot: girls neither fawn over him nor abuse him; they simply don't care.
>>36623It really does feel like this anime came out of left field. But yeah, the attention they gave to Blue's mannerisms is exactly what I want from a show like this.
>>36624It's not a high bar, but he cleared it. Question is, how will he fare going forward?
>>36620Sakarako, how did you ever manage to become sensei?
>>36630Turning something so mundane into a mystery is pretty funny. And our cockblocker decided to revel in his malfeasance and become an iconic supervillain, it seems.
>>36649I don't like this sort of thing…
>>36650What's not to like in a school nurse that wiretaps the entire school for the sake of her romcom addiction?
>>36650You should have learned to like it by now since 99% of school nurses are deviants.
>>36659>during their schooldays together.Pretty sure they are continuing to commit sexual crimes even now… maybe not Sakurako, but at least the school nurse.
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Smiles are the hardest things to protect.
This is fugged up to say, but this is exactly what I want from this anime, so I'm pleased.
>>36670It was too obviously coming, I didn't want it.
>>36679It's true her very existence was a death flag, but much like the MC, I wasn't expecting it to be as gory as it was.
Roshidere's ED song covers are one of the season's highlights for me. Looks like the pattern is pop songs on odd episodes, otaku songs on even ones.
This last one really surprised me, as I'd only found out about this band and song about a month ago. Okinawan punk/rock band, this is easily their biggest hit.
MP3 not accepted, but no error message either? Fine, have it your way. No.36706
>>36701>>36700I was already hooked on this song with the Ototen ending, so hooked in fact that I instinctively started to sing along
while in the metro train. This anime is a trap. Hare Hare Yukai was a dangerous moment too.
>>36709It does make me uneasy too when the show comes so close to betraying its own premise, but I just can't complain. It's obvious that what the author wanted to write is a light novel (and he does an above-average job at it). Were I to nitpick that the MC is technically popular with the girls and socially skilled, he could rightfully retort 'go read Proust, nerd'.
>NUC-kun and his autism need to be amelioratedCan you elaborate without triggering file too big? Do you mean that he wasn't autistic enough (what with being rather sensitive to other people's feelings), or that he was TOO autistic for the show's good somehow?
>>36713>Can you elaborate without triggering file too big?I can't; I was wrong. My initial assessment focused too much on his explicitly asking Blue-chan to be his friend (good grief). Because although he's dragged down by gaucheness, his emotional acumen on display this episode navigated him around actual disaster, albeit crudely.
>MC is technically popular with the girls and socially skilled, he could rightfully retort 'go read Proust, nerd'.If it weren't for his serendipitous encounter at the restaurant, he'd still be greatly concerning his poor imouto. Piggybacking off the previous paragraph, his situation is one of having the tools to do well, but not possessing the know-how to effectively use them. Whether that's because he's a loner, or his reclusive tendencies are what dulled them, maybe we'll find out.
>>36715I found it hilarious, especially during the closing scene where she acted as if murder were the moderation solution. And now you know why they want to pursue normalcy on their terms: if they don't, they'll become a villainous duo, and the government will send sentai after them.
In short, Osanai did nothing wrong.
I think I will drop Nige Jouzu and Kimisen.
Nige Jouzu is really REALLY well made… but in the end it's a battle shonen. I am already starting to get bored. I would say I am too old for it but I wasn't very interested in these stories back when I was 12 either. I get my hot bloodz from To Aru instead.
Kimisen… the main two are still as enjoyable as ever. However I am simply not interested whatsoever in the imouto or the political drama.
Considering that I still don't feel like finishing the first episode of the twins, I guess I should drop that too… which brings me down to 18 ongoing series. Welp.
>413 Request Entity Too Large3fu is a fickle Goddess that doesn't want images at all now, huh
>>36725>I still don't feel like finishing the first episode of the twins, I guess I should drop that tooI like the twins anime, but if there's one thing it is not, it's surprising. If the first episode didn't appeal to you, you can skip it without remorse.
>fickle GoddessI've figured out that if your attachments taste like deer crackers, 3fu will eat them, so you have to avoid that. You error probably means your image looked like a water-filled plastic bottle and made the poor thing panic. Speaking of which, I think I'm going to drop the deer anime again.
>>36727>Speaking of which, I think I'm going to drop the deer anime again.I was waiting for this.
>>36728Robots lost their rights when my rice cooker's steam release valve broke.
>>36732Huh, NOW 3fu doesn't have problems with this trash. I guess the Goddess didn't like me yesterday.
>>36739I spat my tea all over the keyboard when that happened.
>>36744It's funny that the English enunciation is relatively okay. I'd like to imagine the guy who did this put his soul into it.
>>36739Peak, truly peak. I had seen the … fuck, that's larger than mc's arm … but I didn't expect the English.
In other news, while watching eps 5 and 6 I figured out what was eating me inside about Lu the last two weeks. Didn't Nikola die lots of times? That's at least what I gathered from the first episode, that ourguy had tried the quest a number of times, and Nikola died each time. And then I guess the world brought her back, together with the entire village. But Lu doesn't get such a treatment? But just as Nikola is an event NPC, Lu is also an event NPC? Maybe the story should have established first the difference between NPCs that get brought back and NPCs that are permanently dead, and then to do Lu. Then I would have taken her death much more to heart. Now I am just left to feel as if it isn't such a big deal. I even kinda wonder if the world won't just respawn her at some point. Logically speaking, that probably won't happen, but I just can't take to heart their explanation why the permadeath.
>>36759Nikola and her village aren't normal NPCs, not even in the mold of Lu: they're part of the main quest if I recall correctly, and this is mentioned. The MC wasn't surprised that Nikola re-spawned, but rather that her memories persisted and weren't reset; he's of the opinion that a technical abnormality effected this.
Lu is more or less a regular NPC except she has some particular mechanics attached to her. Unless Todd Howard intervenes, or a similar bug affects her, there's no reason to anticipate an eventual resurrection.
>>36764Wasn't it a side quest? He only specifies "quest" and "event", never "main quest". Log says "Chapter 1 Saiyaku no Hajimari" but that's about it. What I gathered from the latest eps is that the quest in the castle is the start of the main questline but considering the hoihoi dragons quest is "Chapter 1" maybe you are right? But he also said before that he hasn't advanced on the main quest, unlike his coworker?
Lu on her side is described as a "subquest NPC". So in the end they are both quest NPCs? Usually you'd have some anti-griefing measure on the game server. Which in this case is the guards function… but if Lu gets killed and it's permadeath, one person would be able to ruin this quest for the entire server forever. But maybe the "subquest NPCs" are more randomly generated, so even if the same subquest becomes available again, it wouldn't be Lu? Who knows. Thinking about it is kinda pointless… because, as you said, there is no logical reason to anticipate an eventual resurrection. The narrative makes it clear, even if it hasn't properly explained things and I am left wondering why exactly does she stay dead.
So… there's what they describe as a quest ("Chapter 1: Hoihoi"), there's what they describe as main quest (the castle thing), and then there's what they describe as subquest (Lu). The difference between main quest and the rest should be that players get instanced for the main quest. We know Lu is not like that, but we don't know whether ourguy was instanced for Nikola.
>>36765What makes sense to me would be that things labeled as "main quest" wouldn't be repeatable, while Nikola's village's destruction obviously was repeatable. Unless he used a hack to restart the quest? But that would go against his policy on not using the debug functions.
That being said, I wonder what exactly the game's policy on persistent world would be. I guess ourguy says he would be phased out from his bugged out colleagues if he progresses with the main questline, but he still swears to come back to help them, because of course he does?
>>36765>>36766You are indeed putting way too much thought into this, I think. (Not that I'm complaining!) As for Nikola, she's at least part of some quest that's repeatable or something of that nature; and her current state is the result of a technical issue. Neither of these apply to Lu. That's good enough for me, but if you're still interested, read the manga to get (possibly) more insight:>>36767>>36768What in God's name is she doing?
>>36769>As for Nikola, she's at least part of some quest that's repeatable or something of that nature; and her current state is the result of a technical issue. Neither of these apply to Lu.Nah, Lu is part of a repeatable quest too - judging your fictional work. I mean, I get it, it's not part of her quest to respawn, but gameplay necessitates such NPCs to be replaced somehow if they die, be it through respawn or some other method.
>What in God's name is she doing?Normal sensei things, of course.
>>36772I would have directly just called Yuki and asked her, no need to do the roundabout interrogation. But he has his own fetishes, leave him be.
>>36773To begin with, if it wasn't for him, they would have just called the club pres, asked him if he did put mustard in any of the four pastries, and that would have been the end of it. But Jougorou happened instead.
>>36774>But Jougorou happened instead.More like Kengo happened: he's the one who enticed his friend with the object of his psychopathy. Hot cocoa wasn't enough; he needed Jougorou to work his magic with German pastries too.
But you know what? I'm here for it.
>>36772>why Kobato didn't ask>No need for conjectureYou answered your own question there, didn't you.
What I particularly liked about this episode was how all the club members spontaneously started talking like characters from a detective story. When asked a question, they gave brief, well-phrased answers that contained only useful information. It's subtle, but it's different from how dialog flows in other genres, and it was making MC really get into it. What hope does he have of becoming ordinary if the universe he lives in sets up traps like this?
Actually, now that I overthink it, if it turned out that Kengo was deliberately setting up detective plays in order to draw his old pal back into his habit, it'd totally check out. He even anticipated what Yuki would do when presented with unguarded pastries! The mastermind!
Rats, someone beat me to uncovering the culprit! Serves me right for not reloading before posting.
>>36776>He even anticipated what Yuki would do when presented with unguarded pastries! The mastermind!Truly the Moriarty to Jougorou's Sherlock.
>>36777I'm glad you didn't reload. Your post is way better than mine.
>>36788>or was it a Chinese whore who treated the Imperial doctors?So the memes were true.
>>36793Haven't gotten around to it yet, but Osanai is extremely captivating.
>>36804I read a few chaptesr of it years ago, and wasn't too excited by it, but maybe I'll give it a second shot since one of my personalities loves it this much.
>>36805Maybe your personality is just too excited from Hayami's stellar voice acting, who knows
>>36797Cut him some slack, I guess murdering players was not part of his debugger training.
>>36814I'm trying, but he clearly needs his very own Osanai to do what must be done.
>>36817Obviously the furball can't be depended on, and I guess all knife-ears ever will always fall into the same category too. That leaves the NPC to choose to specialize in the murderhobo class.
>>36818I could see Nikola becoming a murderhobo.
Speaking of, when are we getting an anime whose MC is a murderhobo in some VR game?
>>36821He fucked up by not eating his dessert quick enough - before commenting on how good it is. So he's already a normalfag, he's achieved his goal.
>>36822I'm unsure about the normalfag connection you're making. Then again I'm tired.
>>36825That's a hell of a downgrade.
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Almost as horny as Uzaki
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I was right, this anime only got better now. 10/10.
Like a complete idiot I forgot to put on my phone the actually good anime so I finally watched the Sumire anime. The debate was just as disappointing as expected. Everybody who wants in the student council has been accepted? What the fuck is this argument, they had to fucking drag MC kicking and screaming in. Honestly, besides the ending covers and the imouto, it's been kinda underperforming expectations.
>>36847>Honestly, besides the ending covers and the imouto, it's been kinda underperforming expectations.Agreed. It's not living up to itself, or maybe it's just bogged down in a bad arch.
>Everybody who wants in the student council has been accepted?My problem with this claim was rather that it's proof of the student council being underapplied for, and therefore argues for lowering, not raising, the entrance barrier. I can accept that the challenger's motivations were personal rather than political and therefore her argument wasn't very solid. But I can't understand why the super clever MC duo failed to exploit this obvious contradiction. Oh well, at least we got to see Hayasaka again. Still her good ol' self despite changing schools and anime.
>disappointing as expectedDOES NOT COMPUTE
>>36851>I can accept that the challenger's motivations were personal rather than political and therefore her argument wasn't very solid. But I can't understand why the super clever MC duo failed to exploit this obvious contradiction. Yup. The author just overall fails to write MC as smart as some of the characters are making him out to be.
>>36855That being said, having to manually ress quest npcs kinda sucks. This is about what I expected to happen to begin with.
Fun fact: Konobiju's author did the original character designs for Makeine.
>>36871I wouldn't be worried about Osanai kidnapping herself, tbh
Really liked the momentary look at the clock here
>>36876I pride myself on being the dumbest 3fu poster.
>>36878We all share the same brain so having the worst brain doesn't say much
It'd be really interesting if Osanai did get herself kidnapped, for example by the druggies group… tho then maybe the druggies are on something harder than what one would expect from Japanese television. Maybe even some of the stuff from Lico's repertoire.
Also, I don't trust the leaf-licker.
>>36876>I wouldn't be worried about Osanai kidnapping herselfI thought the same as you, and yet here we are. This week's plot was unseaworthy, what with all the holes, but it'll lead to more interesting developments come next week.
Kobato-kun making worried faces or smugly holding up a pen and ruler don't make for good screenshots, so here's Osanai distractedly staring at her phone while awaiting confectionery.
This is a Japanese sea otter.
>>36895Rom-coms have the best imouto. Kaju is merely continuing the tradition.
>>36897I hope she's going to be a heroine because I want to see such a dominant creature lose hard.
>>36898I am willing to hand-wave the unseaworthiness with "the girls were just doing lines right before that"… but the whole plot for now didn't have much sherlockian mystery to it, it was all pretty straightforward. Let's see if they will actually use the setup for something or not. Either way, our guy should definitely rape correct Osanai until she learns her lesson. Getting yourself in a situation with a crackhead holding a knife to your throat makes one a bad girl.
>>36907She'd be into it, wouldn't she.
>>36911The taller the mountain is, the more satisfying it is to overcome it.
>>36920I'd say the Dungeon People just needs a wider recurring secondary cast with more weird personalities off of whom the main two can play off of. The sketch with them discussing "water" was probably the greatest in the series, not in small part because it's playing off of the dwarf. On the other hand, the adventuring party is recurring but they don't play off of the main two at all.
Meanwhile Giji Harem and the NBR siblings I don't really think they can be improved. They have their own concepts and they do them well. It's just… they aren't quite as exciting as something like Machikado Mazoku or Yosuga no Sora. The limited scope is at the same time a strength and a weakness - I enjoy them greatly but they aren't the type of series that would enter my top 10 or top 100.
I already dropped the deer for a similar reason: it smells like they are trying to make it a high-octane referential gag comedy but it just doesn't have that many gags per minute and the references are there only occasionally.
I guess I just want a layered experience with high informational density to excitedly write walls of text about. Even Atri isn't really described by that.
>>36921That's the face I make whenever I have to read any typelevel Haskell that's a few months old.
>>36925I laughed at the predicament free cam man is in, at first. Now I understand that this was actually a psychological horror the whole time.
>>36932This was a trifecta of bullshit, between Osanai's explanation pretty much boiling down to "they tried to threaten me so I decided to go full Moriarty on them", the meta of the entire arc depending entirely on showing us exactly nothing of what is going on and leaving zero foreshadowing, and Osanai leaving our guy's parfait uneaten. To be honest, the most disappointing part is that they built up a dynamic between these two, then went "oh, but see, that is actually not their dynamic at all, that was just Osanai plotting something the entire time". Which kinda kills my character investment too. Well, Osanai continues to be cute, which just goes to show the power of cute girls.
>>36946How is she holding that phone?
>>36966That really was tons of gaslighting from her, the entire episode. Hopefully Jogoro has learned not to stick it in the crazy.
Also, most likely when it gets to court, they will throw out the case against the girls based on the text message that the psychopath sent. They won't be able to prove that it was her all along, but they won't be able to prove that it wasn't her either.
>>36968>That really was tons of gaslighting from her, the entire episode.And to think when this season started, I was under the impression they weren't abnormal enough to justify the show's title and aspiration.
>they will throw out the caseNever underestimate Osanai.
>>36972>Never underestimate Osanai.I shudder to think what will happen to the judge.
>>36977While I am at it: wish she had more screentime.
>>36977>"racism is the big bad" animePerpetually waiting for the "race realism" anime in the mold of "C".
>>36972>And to think when this season started, I was under the impression they weren't abnormal enough to justify the show's title and aspiration.This. You've spared me a post I didn't know how to put together. This was our flaw, we thought this show was about a couple of nerds that played detective, when in fact it really was about two damaged people who exerted a completely destructive influence on each other. In retrospect, it's not surprising at all that speculating about cocoa naturally evolved into playing deadly games with drug traffic bands.
And now the vigilante, the middle-class Rorschach, is teaming up with the wannabe investigative journalist who's watched All the President's Men one or two times too many, neither knowing that one of them is after the other.
>>36980Meh, I wouldn't call either of them damaged at all. The narrative seemed to state that there wasn't any influence happening either, she was just using our guy to escape her old infamy. I guess the idea was that Jogoro himself was also pretty much just indifferent about it? I can't quite tell what conclusions am I supposed to draw and what is just me extrapolating too much from something that isn't thought out that much.
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>>36985This really was the best new anime this season. I wonder if I should check the source material. It just wouldn't be the same without Misao.
Unfortunately I am employed again. Bright side is I don't have to watch weekly. But /blog.
>Tensei no Sakuna-hime
>Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi
>Suufunkan no Yell wo
>Yamato yo Towa no: Rebel 3199
>Rising Impact
Look interesting. Hopefully at least one or two are good.
>>36987My condolences. Not the worst time to start at least since Fall looks weak from a cursory glance.
>>36986>I wonder if I should check the source materialI think you should. I found it rather solid as a romcom even beside the harem gimmick (but the gimmick is still its main selling point).
>It just wouldn't be the same without Misao.What do you mean, without her? You don't read manga in your favorite VA's voices in your head? Why?
File: 1726913771477.png (Spoiler Image, 1.06 MB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Gimai Seikats….png)

>>369973fu pls let me post
I loved this part.
Next episode looks to be a good one.
>>36955>Sugita even took the crown from her in being untrustworthy-looking.Turns out you can judge a book by its cover!
>>37018Thanks, that was indeed pretty much it.
Bonus round: one frame earlier
>>37030I was so shocked that this was the end of the anime. In the middle of an arc. There seems to be no plan for a second cour. Fucking hell. That said, it is kinda of a boring anime, so not such a big lost.
>>37037>That said, it is kinda of a boring animeThis is true, but when it cranks shit to 11, it's very enjoyable.
>>37043I hated the 11th episode, so at this point I'm kinda disappointed by it. But on the other hand that thing is hella cute so it's all fine.
I wasn't quite fair to this anime. While
>>36978 is still the high point of the series, they obviously saved enough budget for the last episode to make it a proper spectacle too. Very chuuni, I approve.
>>37037Long story short, "fuck you, go read the manga". Fine, I will do so.
It was enjoyable throughout for me, and certainly used its own setting more than practically any other such series.