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To be honest, literally nothing seems interesting. The zoophile elf should be a fun time-waster but that's about it.

I still can't believe Unnamed Memory is getting an S2. I hope morbid curiosity doesn't get the better of me.


Ubel Blatt could be really good, but I highly doubt there's enough talent and money behind the adaption to do it justice.


I don't have much hope that Hanako-kun will be spared the S2 curse, especially after so long, but more shota anime is always a good thing.


Unexpectedly good prospects.

Genuinely looking forward to: the good golf anime (let's see what they can do with a full cour), Ave Mujica (I'm bound to this franchise by ancient curse, plus I actually like this band's music), the Okinawa thing (I'm into Ryukyuan themes, even if I have to suffer them through a Yamato-imperialist view).

Genuinely looking forward to be disappointed by: Momentary Lily.

Looking interesting: ZENSHU, HanaShura, any of a dozen or so romcoms including 100kano S2. And although I'm still tormented by visions of flesh-eating maggots from the last time I gave a Grisaia anime a chance, I can never get enough of Watanabe Akio's designs, so add that one too. Unsure about Pedo!!! on Ice, though.

Lastly, I guess I'll strategically pick up Dr. House Solves Mysteries And Is A Cute Girl By The Way, so that later I can drop it and free up time for better anime. It'll be a busy season, gotta be smart about resource management.


>Arafo Otoko No Isekai Tsuhan Seikatsu
The premise is ridiculous, but it could be a pleasant watch.


They already did a shopping site isekai. Though it was cooking focused.


It was pretty nice even. I should read it some day.


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The zoophilia anime started. It's even uncensored.


Too fat, sadly.


Sadly some authors just do not know how to include characters without big lumps of fat.


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Out of all possibilities, they really went with the most boring one. At first I thought he'd make a new type of fruit and he'll be giving them away to people. Then I considered the possibility that the loli stumbled upon a way to cook the poison away. But nope, the dude is the only one that can get many powerups.
None of that matters however cause the loli is way too cute.


>We don't have an inn in this village. Why don't you build a house instead?
This is one of the most retarded lines in an isekai that I've ever heard. He didn't even build the house with a cheat, the villagers just built it for him in like couple of hours.


So the basic premise is that everybody else in the demon king's army is too retarded for basic organizational skills. Maybe I should finish the edgy hero's anime instead.


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>the GoHands shit
Okay, I have two problems.
The first problem is the lack of pantyshots. I am all for skirts that just barely hide the panties… but we should see the underskirt in the reflection. However obviously Ueno has supplied her with blackout.
The second problem is that the animation is just way too stiff. When Shaft was animating its similar series, Thick Thighs, all battle scenes had lots of distortion, both in terms of space and in terms of time. That made the sequences way more readable and way more impactful. Meanwhile GoHands adds artificial camera shaking on top of everything.

>the lolihag detective

All of the actual mysteries were retarded. Starting from how several different clinics did not even test the kid for the vitamin dosages it has, to the main mystery depending on… I dunno even what. The only explanation is that the autopsy wasn't ready yet and/or the policemen didn't know the result of it.
I kinda want to watch it but I will need copious amounts of alcohol for that.


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GoHair's motto seems to be "the surest way to leave an impression is to become your own parody". This shit's absurd to the point of breaking immersion: I just can't accept that someone in these circumstances would be able to utter a whole sentence without spitting the hair out of their mouth.

Leaving aside the studio's usual first-episode overeagerness, though, I agree that the show's true weak spot are its action scenes. I can't pinpoint a visual flaw as accurately, but I find them boring at the storyboard level: a succession of very flashy but very inefficient and cliched attacks, with no overall coherence despite what the dialog says, and bad pacing as a result of it all.

But I knew this much from the PV. What I didn't expect is that I'd like pretty much everything except the action scenes. I come to this genre for the off-time prattling and frolicking, and I got a good serving of that. You may of course argue that they're pushing the characters' archetypes too hard, especially with the gatcha game addict that speaks exclusively in videogame jargon, but I feel they might know what they're doing. And the way the newcomer's introduction was developed was completely unexpected and very welcome.


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In other happy news, Grisaia is everything I could wish for. Why in fact bother putting a two-minute recap in front of the thing, when the writing's clearly competent enough to ease newcomers into the setting and characters? I didn't feel like I was missing a thing.

Attached is the lewdest scene in recent anime memory, seek senpai supervision and shield your eyes adequately before opening.


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Can't believe they stay on this one touristy spot for so long (in the ED) and it seems like nobody from the team has actually even been there and are confused about it. It is not supposed to be a heart by lining up the two rocks, though that's what I thought before going myself too. The rock on the left is supposed to look as a heart. Still, one of the lamest parts of my Okinawa trip. So many better things to enjoy. Including the empty beach just 100 meters down from the tourist spot.
By the way, I haven't even watched the anime yet, just skipped through it to get a vibe check.


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The anime itself was futsuu.

>failing aristocrate

Was futsuu.

>lemon soda

Was an enjoyable watch I guess? But if I can't even quip properly, then futsuu is the proper description of it too.

>magic maker

The sister wanting to lay eggs was amazing, rest was futsuu.

>ojisan tensei

The ending is amazing, rest was okay (a level above futsuu).

>arafo isekai

Pretty okay I guess.

>that palace story shoujo

MC is fun, but I feel like the story is a wasted opportunity. With that setup the prince and the MC should have had a Vetinari-Vimes relationship instead of the romantic relationship the op/ed are suggesting. MC would make for a great Vimes. Genderbent Vimes anime when?

>mangaka remembering the times she had a reverse harem

Was okay? It might be good, we'll see.

>marrying the most w*man of all w*men

Poor guy, his life is suffering. The imouto is too good however, and the w*man is actually kinda funny.


w*man anime, was pretty consistently enjoyable actually

>NEET In Jam

a little less w*man, equally enjoyable

>two adults having a normal relationship

This actually is a better watch than Wotakoi or that anime with the Asanagi end card.


A better Death Parade. I appreciate it a lot.

>salaryman isekai ep2

Not sure why I even watched it.

>the animator isekai

They should pay me reparations for the emotional damages I suffered from watching it. An anime about animation whose animators obviously don't feel like animating it has zero value existing.

TL;DR: lots of series, not much to say about them.
Except for pic related - I can gush about that scene for ages.


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Oh yeah, and I just noticed that the second episode of the GoHands shit is still opened after I started watching it yesterday. I guess I completely forgot to finish watching the last few minutes. Think I better just drop it. I have no idea what to drop this season. Almost everything is kinda just samey level of okay.


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Nevermind, this is hilarious


Which shitty isekai should I watch this season? Nothing so far pops out for me.
Also too bad Trillion Game changed the ED.


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The dragon third wheel is nice, if you feel like light romance. Characters do feel like adults for once, too.


>Also too bad Trillion Game changed the ED.
I didn't think anybody else was watching it, but yeah, it's a downgrade.

Nice try, knife ears. I'm not falling for your elvish chicanery this time!


Understandable. Then you should do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPLc7a2SN6A instead.


GoHands, no!


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I accidentally watched episode 3 of Detective MD. Have a screenshot of JC Takao so you can spare yourselves the trouble.

The Okinawa anime is fine. I still don't get why they cast a Nagoyan to play the shimanchu, but she's definitely trying and her pronunciation is getting less jarring (or I'm getting used to it). Kana is clearly best, though, and would be perfect if only she spoke Uchinaaguchi.

Apparently they're going to be covering a different song by an Okinawan artist for each episode's ED. I know few such songs, but I'm calling them before they happen, in decreasing order of likelihood: Shimauta, Umi no Koe, Haisai Ojisan, Nada Sousou [observe that if they do cover the third one, they will have to sing 'haitai' instead of 'haisai'].

I share your enthusiasm about HanaShura. It treads a beaten path, but it's pretty well executed.

And yet in next episode's preview… Eh, whatever, I'm only here for the kappoh.


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>I share your enthusiasm about HanaShura. It treads a beaten path, but it's pretty well executed.
They truly nailed the one important scene they had in the first episode. Let's hope the actual meat of the anime is at least 10% as good.


>I didn't think anybody else was watching it, but yeah, it's a downgrade.
It was one of my genuine highlights of the week. I liked the ED that much. That "Zenbu zenbu choudai wagamama demo ou raito" hits so hard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2Ywy1cTGLQ
I think the hackaton arc was weak. Their self-promotion idea was cool, but the competition was kinda boring. It has been fun after that, though. Sorry for not posting more, too lazy.


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This girl has two ginormous fuzzy caterpillars pasted to her forehead.


Okay, you convinced me, I am bumping up Chaika's anime on the priority list.


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Update: Chaika was great, thanks


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I only wish she were still small.


The ED is bretty gud, yeah. I'm partial to the old OP as well.

>It has been fun after that, though.

Haru-kun's bullshit is always entertaining even if the arcs themselves vary.

>Sorry for not posting more, too lazy.

As if I'm any better. I haven't picked up a single show this season.


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Thank you, 3fu, for your impeccable taste. This is exactly what I needed.


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This is just tiberium!


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I did not expect to find the joke funny but I actually like the silly.


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Finally the NEET In Jam anime introduced the much needed audience surrogate character.


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I love anime.


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This motherfucker will force me to watch a sports anime.

Me too.


Recently I almost bought all the command & conquer games, for less than 700 yen. Though maybe I shouldn't even be buying them to begin with, is it worth playing the games? Used to play Red Alert 2 & 3 a lot back in the days. Not much of an RTS fan nowadays.


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Tiberian Sun, Generals, and Tiberium Wars are very much indeed worth playing if you want to get into traditional base-building RTS games again. There's also OpenRA for a modern implementation of Tiberium Dawn, Red Alert 1, and Dune 2000. Renegade is a bit of a cult classic too, not that I've played it.

>Used to play Red Alert 2 & 3 a lot back in the days.

Good times they were.


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The satyress is clearly different from the rest of the staff. I wonder what's with her.


>mangaka remembering the times she had a reverse harem
I did not find it okay or futsuu. I feel cheated; I was promised a story about an unsuccessful mangaka with a mid-life crisis, but I was served a low-effort reverse harem with an MC so boring she makes tofu look exciting.

>lemon soda

This one's less bad in that at least it's honest, but it's trying to sell me on the main girl and her sad past too hard. I understand that a shoujo must address the point that the MC is right and it's the other girls that are wrong, but there are still such things as taste and good measure.

>two adults having a normal relationship

I understand you mean the secret workplace affair thing? At a first glance, I found it boring in a number of ways, but the normalcy of their adult relationship is indeed welcome. I'll stick around for a bit.

Sucks that I couldn't get a decent shoujo romance to round up the season, but at least Hyakkano still delivers, the workplace one may be decent, and the secret highschool marriage one is also better than expected. I don't even know if you addressed that last one, your code is too thick for me to break.


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>I feel cheated; I was promised a story about an unsuccessful mangaka with a mid-life crisis, but I was served a low-effort reverse harem with an MC so boring she makes tofu look exciting.
Well fuck, now I feel cheated too.

>This one's less bad in that at least it's honest, but it's trying to sell me on the main girl and her sad past too hard. I understand that a shoujo must address the point that the MC is right and it's the other girls that are wrong, but there are still such things as taste and good measure.

Tbh I didn't find it selling me on her sad past too much or too grating. It's a really unassuming watch, which is why I guess I still haven't dropped it, unlike the unsuccessful mangaka one. I haven't yet watched the third episode either tho. I will probably give it like 6/10 or 7/10 but hey, I need something to watch on the way to work anyway.

>but the normalcy of their adult relationship is indeed welcome

Yup. The premise is not the most interesting thing but the execution is very smooth sailing all in all.

>and the secret highschool marriage one is also better than expected. I don't even know if you addressed that last one, your code is too thick for me to break.

It's the "marrying the most w*man" one. I certainly expected less from it from the first episode, though the imouto continues to be the highlight of every episode.

>Sucks that I couldn't get a decent shoujo romance to round up the season

I tried my best with the palace shoujo romance, but the main guy is too disgusting for me. I think I will just buy the novels of Bookworm Princess and fill the gap with them.


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Okay, I have a problem with the narrative. There are two possible futures in front of MC.
One of them is to join the sfx guy and to do radio dramas. To do creative work. To birth new things. To be an artist. To do the stuff that would likely pay her wages in the future. To breed with the sfx guy, even.
The other is to compete and to scissor the senpai. And I really don't think she's suited for competing, despite the obviously successful gaslighting the senpai is doing on her. And I really don't think I can even delude myself into thinking that the first possible future might actually happen in this series.

I really like the teacher tho, he's great.


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It really is painful, cause competing is overall not a very good fit for the characters, except for the senpai herself. SFX guy is obvious. But the studious guy doesn't seem to have the drive for competing and it'd be more interesting to see him in the role of a scriptwriter or director. The teacher would likely be equally good for mentoring them for competitions and for radio drama but the second would inherently provide for more interesting back and forth between him and the students. The tsundra is mindbroken by competing so the natural progression for her would be to find something even better for competing. And MC is even more not suited for competing. But is also gullible and malleable so she will go along with what onee-sama says to her. There is a really great seed for a high school Nami Yo in this cast of character but nope, we can't have nice things, it just has to be a sports anime.


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I've spent $300 on a gacha before.


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This is me waiting for mlton to finish compiling.


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Ol' Sebastian should be more worried about his lady's impropriety than Mr. POWER OF FRIENDSHIP.


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She did nothing wrong.


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She's a good girl.


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Okay, they got to showing the sex too


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Why would we spoil such a great thing, anon?


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If my nutbladder fails, you are at fault.


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I'm too retarded to take responsibility. Gomennasai.


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Shise is a miracle of the universe.


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exhibit 2


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and exhibit 3

I think I have proven my case. Shise is a miracle of the universe.


What a monopolizer!


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Don't worry, she can share. There is enough of herself for everyone.


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I want to touch her KAHANSHIN.

This anime ain't everything I'd hoped, but it's pretty good. Has a certain feeling of fumbling around, but it gets the basics right at least. At times it reminds me of DIY for some reason.

So, she predates observable time, possesses unfathomable capabilities, and benefits from the existence of a set of physical laws which allow baths and brothers to exist. Have you considered the reciprocal hypothesis, namely, the universe is a miracle of Shise's?


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Don't forget her place of habitat, that's also important.

But yeah, you might be right. The universe really might just be a miracle of Shise's.


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Nevermind, the anime actually went on to prove you 100% correct after I posted the previous post. I still had some of the latest episode left.


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Yup, the double fang is powerful.


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Way too powerful.


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I love anime.


The tsundere is a blight, even more so when we have several good tsunderes this season. The senpai isn't much better. The SFX guy really is the only interesting character.

On the other hand, this seems to be by the author of Hibike, so MC might end up with him after all.


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>this seems to be by the author of Hibike
Oh, so THAT's why they were shilling so hard a novelette by the author of Hibike! Silly me, I hunted it down and backlogged it without questioning why they were pushing it over safer choices, like some public-domain classic.

As for your main point, I wish to refute it, but I really can't. I'm enjoying this anime, but I must concede the criticisms raised here. The tsundere at least has been upgraded to a usable mentor/rival character by recent developments, but that was at the cost of MC playing the kind of character that breaks AT fields through sheer cheerfulness and persistence. Like she were, say, Miyafuji trying to earn Perrine's respect - not the image I'd gotten of her so far.

Ditto for the sports theme not fitting the characters, although MC seems to be waking up to some sort of competitive spirit. If the message of it all is to learn to see your hobbies through other people's points of view, and to dare to become the person you need to be at each moment, then it'll all work out yet. But it does give off a feeling of not quite knowing what it wants to be. Possibly because MC doesn't know what she wants to be after all.


At the same time MC basically gives off the feeling that she is just following what her senpai wants from her, and it seems like the series doesn't actually have the self-realization that it's doing that.

But, more than that, I am wondering what the SFX guy is even doing in the club. He isn't interested at all in competing, so what does he spend his time doing? Just sitting there and chatting with the other guys? If they were doing the radio dramas he seems to be interested in, surely MC would notice and we would see it through her eyes, right? Like, if the message of it all really was to learn to see your hobbies through other people's points of view, and to dare to become the person you need to be at each moment, surely it would be most productive to also let the MC see her hobby through SFX guy's point of view and compare and contrast that to the sports anime shit of senpai and tsun. But he and his point of view on the hobby have been completely ignored ever since his own introduction. He is redelegated to being the one sensible character.


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It really has been a slow season.

Also, this anime really isn't using its best asset well. She is way too good and way too underutilized.


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I would be surprised if Haru-kun weren't playing 4D chess.


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It's not even the season finale!


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Oh god, this anime is going into horrifying directions


>I'm going to stop being a NEET.


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I really like the way this series is adapted. It's certainly going better than I expected.

I am sure somebody will save her from that frightening fate.


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11/10 anime.


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A smile you can trust!


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The third wheel is cute.


I want dragon loli.


Gaku ;_;


Great episode, but man, fucking women.


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This anime really is sexual.


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The gap moe here almost blew me out of my seat!


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Love the Engrish phrases too. Very charming!

It's absolutely wonderful how straightforward it is, and Red is just dense enough for it to be funny but not frustrating.


whats the anime anon?


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It was a given that the US of A would be the country, but I was fully expecting California to be the state. This makes sense too, I guess.


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Unapologetic Zoophilia the Animation


As it turns out, a cat is indeed fine too.


I am pretty sure that if our guy ever gets a human form, the leaf-licker will immediately demand he turns back to a cat.


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Such little faith.


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