>>18848Four had one of the worst death scenes I've ever seen in anime. It was almost as bad as that bitch in Eternal Sonata.
>>18911Why would you drop it 36 episodes in? How many more episodes are there?
>>1891213. Yeah, it seems stupid to drop it having seen 75% of it, but so does the show.
File: 1490644603542.jpg (Spoiler Image, 144.28 KB, 1920x1080, [AnonForce] Gekijouban Maj….jpg)

Didn't find this very satisfying. Introduced some new characters and gave everyone powerups but didn't feel like it moved the plot forward at all. I hope they've got a another season or something planned because this would feel like a shitty place to leave the show at.
>>19147As the one that uploaded the file it is sure weird to have not seen yet.
Ghost Hound was quite nice. They managed to wrap up a lot more subplots than I thought they would be able to. Sasuga Shirow. It's kind of beautiful how everything by itself wasn't that complicated, but it was hard to separate what mattered to what plot, and what didn't.
That being said, all the moms in this anime were trash. And only one mom got any character development - or at least character study - to make her a little more relatable, even if no less trash. The fathers were generally better, and the gang themselves were quite engaging and likable, and practically every one of them got some sort of vindication in the last episode. But the subplots of the moms were just ignored, even more than the almost red herring of the animal spirit forms.
And then there's Miyako's subplot, that I'm not completely sure I understand. We know she can sense the supernatural, and if a supernatural being enters some range around her, she can also see it. But does she have shamanistic qualities? Can she channel spirits? Or was it just a fucked up sense of self-identity? Certainly the last episode seems to imply the last part. Which is slightly weird, because it means my mind is more willing to accept that Miyako can summon hair fairies at will than to accept that Miyako was possessed by the God of One Word. I mean, if she indeed was possessed, that plotline was left completely hanging in the air, much worse than the moms that just got no backstory or relatability.
And then there was the actual red herring with the spirit that relives his death again and again, and how he deepthroated some random fucker. I think the only consequence of this was that the fucker started seeing the spirits from time to time.
That being said, the use of scientific terms borders between mind-numbing and interesting, depending on whether you feel like researching them a little more by yourself while the episode is waiting for you, or not. To contrast with this, the dialect they were speaking in was so bonkers that I couldn't help but constantly notice it (suimasheen). As for the other technical sides of this series besides scriptwriting, the animation suffered from sameface syndrome, so much that it actively detracted from viewing enjoyment from time to time for me. On the other hand, the soundtrack was 10/10.
Especially the opening theme.
And that's about all I can say before I start ranking who the best husbando would be. Great FukuJun role, by the way.
>>19592Gaim was pretty great and from what I understand no other KR series is much like it. I definitely wouldn't recommend Fourze; I watched that a few months ago and it really wasn't good at all, especially compared to Gaim. It has pretty much nothing happen at all until episode 30-something where the plot finally goes somewhere for a few episodes, then it's more episodic rubbish. There are dozens of totally wasted characters and the whole shtick of the MC wanting to be friends with everyone is kind of wasted when most of the people he helps never show up again. Also, it's loaded with crappy CGI from an earlier time than Gaim. Basically the only good thing about Fourze is that the director clearly likes legs.
The only other KR series I've seen so far is Black, and while largely episodic, I liked that a lot more. It helped that it had much better SFX and monsters. I'm thinking of watching Amazon next.
Speaking of Garo, I'm going through the first season of that now, actually. It's definitely on the monster of the week side, and I don't like the rival character one bit, especially since he looks like a pansy too.
>>19610I remembered everybody, but simply couldn't get beyond the fact Galko went to a piano recital with these sailor-ish mini pieces. I bet she just wanted to show off how clean her belly button is.
>>19611I couldn't get beyond the fact that Galko was constipated for an entire week and wasn't going to a hospital.
Finally watched Shirobako. It's suffering from all the flaws I expected it to have, back when I dropped it after the first episode nearly three years ago. Frankly, it was really fucking hard to ignore Tarou, or the fake drama. No conflict, no reasonable character development, no nothing. The whole saga around the editor in the second half was simply inexcusable, and ruined any immersion or believability. You can't just slap in non-characters like the editor or Tarou and expect them to work in a cast that at least resembles human beings and has at least hint of reality to it.
But, as long as you manage to ignore the fake drama and the Tarous of the anime, it was quite the enjoyable SoL about anime production. I wish the ADs kissed at the end. Smug Erika best girl. Ms Diesel also best girl. The Rec ripoff was boring. The half-words girl was funny, especially in her jealousy. There are at least a dozen of characters that left stronger impressions in me than Emi and the CGi girl. Aoi-jou was a competent protagonist. I expected her sanity to suffer more… actually, let me correct myself. I would have preferred her sanity to suffer more. I still can't understand how the fatty turned into bishie. I still remember that one time it happened in Basquash. Hiraoka was okay, he was the least fake of all the drama in this riddled with fake drama anime. The old guy was cool. But, more than any of the characters, what makes this SoL enjoyable is how you as the audience know how you'd personally react to these staffing choices. At the same time you get their slice of life from their own eyes, and you're completely aware how the whole situation looks like from the outside. Which is nice and shit. It's pretty much a must-watch for any anime fan who follows at least a little what staff makes each series. If only the writing was better, and they didn't depend on fake drama…
>>19631Oh, also I forgot to mention the several scenes, directly copied from GitS. That was weird.
Maria was fucking great. I mean, I'd heard it has accurate depiction of historical european martial arts, which is totally my fetish, but it had one more design element that I totally didn't expect. It had actual New Testament-style angels. The japs always portray the angels as either kind of bad, or as something closer to Lawful Evil than to anything else. You know, if you want to ground it in actual Christianity, you'd say they are Old Testament-style at best. But not in Maria. Power-hungry church, yes, but the angels weren't oppressors, even considering the plot of the anime.
Setting aside, though, it was a good series anyway, with decent writing and lively characters with sympathetic worldviews. Practically all of them. Maybe the sociopath monk wasn't exactly the most relatable, but he was still a decent portrayal of a sociopath. If I have to complain, it is that the first few episodes don't do much to sell the series to you. There is a huge chance you'd just skip it, thinking the HEMA will be an irrelevant gimmick, and the angels will be the same LE as everywhere else, and the story will be sugary and so on, thus concluding that there isn't much of a point in watching it, even if it isn't showing too many bad flags. But in actuality it's a nice series.
>>19752Aw man, Junketsu no Maria threads were the best back when the series was airing. Small enough that the shitposting was minimal and actual discussion could take place. The nerding over the well researched medieval warfare shit was fun and educative. We had a moonfag help translate animator's notes on each episode. Remember when Galfa is beating that one asshole with a sword he's holding by the blade? Even the animators were weirded out that was a real thing.
Regarding the plot, I enjoyed it but felt the end was unimpressive. It left me with the impression that Maria hadn't learned anything at the end of it all. But then again, I can't imagine any other end to the series. Also, it has been a while since it aired and I can't say I remember all details about the plot, I just remember the impression it left me with.
I do remember the end of the nutso monk being fucking awesome at the time. The discussions THAT generated were amazing. It was such a fun show to follow with the internet.
>>19756Man, I wish I had followed it through while it was airing. I'll hold this regret for my whole life.
Maria did learn to stop getting hung on what other people do so much, and to focus on herself. Which I quite loved as an end indeed.
>>19771Holy shit I'm actually upset none of the 4chan archives seem to have anything from back then. All of the fun, theological debates, and Ezekiel wanking circles have been lost to the ether! I remember with especial fondness when we learned that Galfa's prosthetic arm was based on a real one from back then. Like, could you actually have expected a show called "Maria the Virgin Witch" to be so fucking educational on the medical technological advances of bloody medieval France?
There were two big shitposting moments in the series, the first being - obviously - the dog thing, and later the wuestion of "DID GALFA REALLY RAPE HER/IT WAS JUST THE TIP". Amonng that, well, Ezekiel was everyone's favorite pigeon to bully.
I actually saved a post from back then, because I liked it so much. It's about Joseph Vs angel: You stand between me and my Witch. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living mortal or Messenger of Heaven, I will smite you, if you touch her.
Watching these tiny shows with /a/ is one of the main reasons I'm not lazy and just wait for seasons to finish. I recently watched Samurai Flamenco and holy shit, what a ride that was. I can only imagine how fun that must have been to watch with friends.
>>19772Looking back to it, of course it's based on a real arm. Why did I even doubt that.
The dog thing?
Even little girls bully Poppy-chan.
I often save posts, exactly because I've seen too many archives die on me. Joseph was probably one of the more lackluster characters in this anime. I liked even the cat familiar more.
I was disappointed by Samenco, tho. The fifth episode was so out of place, that everything after that I just couldn't accept as real. And indeed, the reveal in the end was that it wasn't exactly real. Even so, once I'd lost the suspension of disbelief, I didn't really feel like following it or shitposting with 4chan about it. I actually finished the second half of the series like an year later. But the threads about the first four episodes were quite nice indeed. I wish we could get an entire anime like them.
>>19774Remember when maria goes "I don't care about sex, I'd even give my virginity to a dog"? That's the dog thing. And you may want to check out the manga! There's no Bernard or Galfa, but Joseph is quite different.
I think the reason I liked SamuMenco so much was exactly why you didn't like it, haha! The moment I realized the show was just going to do its own demented thing was amazing. The PM is a villian with a suit powered by the approval of the people. An alien voiced by Akira Ishida. It was all so mad that Goto's thing with his girlfriend felt almost sobering. It was just… such an experience. Never before had an anime taken me for a ride that way! But I definitely get how it is different from people to people, lol.
>>19756I want to bully Ezekiel.
>>19752>sociopathBut he was a genius, came up with philosophy hundreds of years ahead of his time. Shame he got so salty when the angel proved his ideas wrong.
>>19776>Remember when maria goes "I don't care about sex, I'd even give my virginity to a dog"?Oh yeah. There was that too. I'll see the manga definitely.
>>19780The geniuses are often sociopaths.
>Galfa is so alphakek
>Why is there a celtic god in France?Actually, the eyes point towards it also being an Old God. Maybe Nyarlathotep, he has eyes like that, Cernunnus is never portrayed with three eyes, afaik. Makes me think Jesus was also a witch, who transcended to God. That's probably the aspect of the worldbuilding that interests me the most.
>>19781I thought the townfolk just didn't really realize what's going on, but I guess it's kind of the point that for them both witches and angels are part of the "normal", so they act normally around them. My favourite moment with Gilbert however was when he realized all the medicine he had been using up to then was produced by a witch.
>>19780Bless you, you moor. You have no idea how happy seeing someone from back then makes me. I've had a particularly shitty day and seeing this image brought back some really nice memories. I needed that.
May a succubus visit you tonight.
>>19782Most of them stopped what they were doing and got on their knees, so they knew what was going on.
It's not that angels are normal to them, it was still their first time seeing one, they just don't doubt their existence. It's kind of like if the King showed up and started asking questions, no one there has ever met the king and he is very important and famous. But it's not like you'd be shocked to learn he exist. Like why wouldn't he? Everyone says he does, so he does.
So you just kneel politely and answer.
The only ones with big reactions are those in the church who understand more about an angels significance.
Man I just realized when Bernard tries to attack Micheal, Gilbert calls out to Micheal rather than Bernard. That's awesome.
>>19784It wasn't that long ago but no problem anon. I'd rather have a dovey to cuddle than a succubus tonight though.
Everyone in those threads was way smarter than me so it was nice to learn stuff, Houkago no Pleiades threads were the same way.
>>19788I watched Pleiades recently hoping for a cute het love story but was left super bored. What were the threads like? Maybe watching it with anons would have made it better.
>>19790. I'm currently watching it and it's pretty good. I personally expected a stupid but fun damedame anime much like leviathan, fantasista doll or ange vierge. It's a bit like those in that it requires that you accept some unnecessarily stupid things and just sit back and enjoy, but beyond that entry barrier it plays out quite differently.
I'm amazed at how it manages to marry the serious and silly aspects. I'm watching these cute girls flying through space in magical flying not-brooms that make car noises, and I genuinely care for the characters and am moved by their story arcs, I am honestly intrigued by the more enigmatic plot points, and, above all, the increasing distances at which things take place, together with the sense of scale that underlies some scenes, successfully inspire in me a feeling that I guess I should call awe.
I don't want to blow this so out of proportion that I'll cause potential viewers to be disappointed instead, but there is silliness, there is cuteness, there is space porn, there is hype, and there can be other things if you're lucky.
>>19793Sadly it did lack some needed budget. And the thing that could have made the show a lot better, but I found anime really lacks, is the scale of size. It is one of the things that even stupid space movies usually have and makes you go "damn that view."
Here are a few graphs from the threads. Don't open them until you finish the anime: No.19806
>>19794I hate being reminded of shows I watched but paid no attention to.
Seeing these images makes me feel like I missed on something for just sitting back and enjoying it. I really had no idea what was going on.
>>19900Even PewDiePie prefers the manga.
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