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 No.20449[Last 50 Posts]

For stuff not part of the current season.

It is not compulsory, you can make your own thread if you want to.


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<a href="/js/bee.js">good site you pm me maybe </a>


Nice joke, faggot.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes Remake trailer. While watching this video, please be very drunk or you might end up killing yourself.


Jesus how did they fuck up the character design so bad? I'm not even sure what my problem is with it but it just looks so totally wrong.


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Let me help you.

This is a shop with Kuroko no Basket characters


They gave Kirchies straight hair and removed Yang's eye bags.


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I've been sitting here for a while trying to think up something interesting to say about this one but nope, not really got anything.
It was cool I guess. Certainly better than Captain Earth. And god damn the Glittering Star outifts were sexy. A very okay show.


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I watched all of Giant Robo and I wish they made more. Imagawa is a good lad.


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What an underrated movie. Never did I think a shoujo of all things would be in my most favorite anime of all time. Watch the OVAs before the movie. Also blonde did nothing wrong.


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The 1st Tenchi OP might just be my favorite opening of any series ever.


There is also a 720p version of the BDs as well. The subs are the same so it shouldn't matter. Just make sure you are getting the remastared version, I guess.


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Every now and then I just get incosolably sad that we will never get a second season of Retarded Dragon Girls ;_;


Saizen is taking forever to sub Be-Bop Highschool, glad they're doing it but they're sure taking their time.


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I'm pretty sure I would have liked this much more if it was just the 1 cour. Came pretty close to dropping it throughout the last half, there's only so much of this predictable shounen tournament shit I can stand.
Still though the final fight of the tournament, with everyone powered up to the max and the OP blaring, really did it for me. So at least it ended on a high.
Annoyed me that Fumina didn't keep her GM throughout the show, it's far cooler to me than the SD. Also shame the irl Super Fumina looks so shit. Might actually get those little Fumina and Gynako bears though.
P.S. portent a top qt


I pretty much forgot about this anime around the 10th episode while it was still airing. Can I just skip to the final fight, and call it a day?


I'm honestly I'm not sure I'd call the final fight good, it is extremly silly but I did get caught up in the hot-bloodedness of it all so I guess your enjoyment of it will depend on how cynical you're feeling.
Also I don't know if the finalists had even been introduced by ep 10, but whatever, you really won't have missed too much by skipping it.
You'll want episode 24 for the final fight, episode 25 was just a silly epilogue that brings everyone back together which I found fun, but I'm not sure you'd care for since you wouldn't recognize half the characters.


I think I've seen up to 15-16, but I haven't noted it down anywhere, so I may have seen some of the characters. Thanks, I may check 24 and 25 out one of these days.


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Quite the nice slice of life. The last match itself got too stuck in the "sports anime" cliches that I fucking hate, but that aside, it had many rather memorable moments throughout the series. And it did manage to make all of its characters likable, which is by no means a small feat, especially for a work charged with some sort of a statement like this one. Lesb batter best girl, of course. I was constantly cheering for her.


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I was so dissapointed with Galaxy Tylor. It felt so fucking unnecesary. Want to promote your idol unit? Fine, make an original thing instead of dissapointing what I assume are a bunch of 30 year olds with fond memories of a long dead franchise.

I probably would have disliked it less if not because the first episode showed some stuff that I don't remember ever being animated, like Tylor's baby. Maybe I missed some OVAs, but I'm pretty sure it's just stuff that never made it out of the novels. I was so happy without knowing I mssed all that stuff. Now the doubt will forever haunt me.



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Finally got around to watching the second cour. Fuck me the first half was a struggle, the contrast with how grimdark it was compared to how relatively well the good runthrough went was absurd. Fighting the whale and some of the other stuff was pretty fun, but I never did manage to get into it to the extent that I enjoyed the first season.
I'll still watch a new season if it ever gets made, but I'm left feeling just pretty neutral on the series.


>Fuck me the first half was a struggle, the contrast with how grimdark it was compared to how relatively well the good runthrough went was absurd.
Indeed; I expected such a thing to happen, but I didn't want it to take so long, or to happen so fast. Considering Rem is gtfo'd, I'm not particularly eager for a second season, though. What I wanted next is a slice of life arc with only politics and no life-threatening situations, just so that the stakes settle down a little. Instead, the author does the exact opposite.


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>What I wanted next is a slice of life arc with only politics and no life-threatening situations, just so that the stakes settle down a little.
That's what the VN is for. It even has a route for best girl.


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The first third or so I really liked, but I felt a lot of stuff could have been way better executed, especially towards the second half. The Max and Milia romance for example was a big one, I was really looking forward to seeing that, but then they just meet a couple of times, have a knife fight and get married, then we hardly see them again. Another thing that dragged the second half down for me was that I didn't enjoy the love triange at all. Hikaru just came off as an insensitive dickhead and the girls weren't much better with nobody being able to express their real feelings.
Also FUCK Kaifun.
Otherwise I really liked the Zentradi, far more interesting and fun then the Vajra. Those three spies deserved far much more screentime. It would have been nice to learn more stuff about Zentradi society. I assume they must reproduce somehow but I don't think it was ever discussed. I guess they somehow clone fully grown battle ready adults, anything else wouldn't seem fitting with their society. Then again, the idea of a society where everyone only exists to fight 100% of the time is kinda silly and unrealistic anyway and I really shouldn't be watching macross expecting any sort of hard sci-fi so I suppose I shouldn't get stuck up on it too much.


It's not like I played the games myself, but I remember Yahtzee was praising Shadow of Mordor exactly for that: for building the orc society nicely on the same principle. And, like, the orcs that do non-fighting roles in the society are constantly trying to convince themselves that "this is just like fighting, right?" At least according to Yahtzee, but he seems to be a trustworthy guy.


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I watched the first Patlabor movie just recently. Was pretty good in itself but it was really interesting to see where Anno got inspiration for some of the visuals (and ideas) for Eva from. I don't know if he ever spoke about it but there were definitely a lot of resemblances in visuals and symbolism (specifically the religious stuff)


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Just finished watching Stratos 4. The first four episodes of it were pretty good, with a well-paced set up of the characters, the setting, and a plot twist. Then everything went to shit and they wasted all of episode 6 on wacky cat hijinks and most of episode 8 on similarly pointless filler which they could have spent fleshing out the Comet Blasters or helping the last several episodes not be so ridiculously rushed and silly. Hell, episode 7 didn't feel like the worthless filler of 6 and 8 at the time, but given that the Stratos 00 never came up again outside of the epilogue, it ended up also being a pretty pointless episode with them wasting all of it on that.
All in all a pretty mediocre series. At least there's one decent doujinshi I got out of it.


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So I did quite enjoy the first season of this, while it was slow to start once I was having fun once I got into it. As a show it wasn't all that special, but it strayed far enough from the gundam formula to keep me interested. But then of course S2 happens. All of a sudden it just went from an about average gundam show with an interesting setting to just an average gundam show. Add that to the fact that it failed to utilize all of the cast well (Mr. Bushido didn't seem even remotely relevant to anything) and I rate it pretty low as far as Gundam series go.
It had it's moments at least, I'm a sucker for the whole getting the gang back together thing they had going on at the start of the second season, but overall it was nothing that I haven't already seen several times before. At least I can feel happy for this dude.
I will have to watch the movie at some point, I'm interested to see how they'll handle aliens, but honestly It's pretty low on my priorities.


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I watched the first 27 episodes of the TV-series in advance, which started out great but didn't really hold up in my opinion, but the movie was beautiful. I especially enjoyed the lonely atmosphere when Hikaru and Hayase were wandering on earth. I don't think an inferior version would have done it justice, so I'm glad I could easily find the G_P release.
I was considering watching the rest of the TV-series, but after reading >>21574 I think I'm just gonna stop here.


I thought the TV series was a lot better than the movie's execution, but it's been long enough that I couldn't tell you why.


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I've started watching Ranma and get through 1-2 eps a day. With 150 episodes to go I can't really say anything about it yet, but I'm really liking it.


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Ellcia - what a wonder little masterpiece, the definition of a hidden gem. It really begs to be a tv series since the plot feels much larger than the 4 episodes it was given and some cut edges are apparent, especially by the end when they have to lift the seals - it has a distinct feeling of a tv show's second cour goal to work towards to. But that's OVA's bane in general, I suppose.


Holy shit I haven't thougt about this show in decades.

Time for a rewatch I guess.


I've been looking through what manga I've read can be attributed to female mangakas and the list is pretty impressive, with Fullmetal Alchemist and Dorohedoro, my two favorite mangos, topping the list.
Also why do people enjoy seasonal anime in >year
It's always
>16 shows with different situation (BASKETUBALL)
>everything shown is roughly the same plot-wise with indecent amounts of pandering and maybe a slight deviation from the core formula
>repeat ad infinitum


I keep torturing myself rewatching KSnH and then reading the LNs. Same with Hataraku Maou. I torture myself and the pain of a sequel season never never fades. It's horrible. Well made sequels of good anime, esp. ones that sell well, should be somehow forcibly encouraged. It's not even a case of 'oh wow the nips had shit taste', KSnH and Hatamaou sold like hotcakes and there's…just no sequel? What the hell?

The thing about seasonal anime is that most anime were "seasonal" (if not literal seasons) at one point. Also sometimes you just watch anime for the, for lack of a better term, 'comfy'. Yeah it's brainless, but it lets you relax and unwind. Girl's Last Journey I think is a prime example of that this season.


Who are you quoting?


err what?


What are you even doing here?




Use the quotation functions properly and don't write like a retard. It might be hard at first, but you will get used to being a human again.
If you don't want to then leave on your own.


Are you legit fucking autistic? Kill yourself.(BEHAVE OR LEAVE)




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Ban the fag, Mod-chan!


KSnH? Kyoukaisen-jou no Horizon? Yeah, that's a damn shame. I'm not that miffled about Hataraku Maou-sama, though. Huge part of the charm of the anime came from the director being a Chihofag, thus redelegating the Hero to the oh-so-beloved-by-me bro role. I'm a sucker for any male-female bro-tier duo.


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Based mod!


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In many ways it was oversold back in its heyday on 4chan.

Animation ranges from average to amazing, the show isn't afraid to experiment with different styles and directing (such as episode 9's insect-hunting episode), the voice acting is great, and there's lots of finer details in animation that make it flow.

Unfortunately, the pacing is all over the place, and that becomes grating after a while.
The show lacks structure, many episodes are disjointed, and as the show reaches some sort of tension, it might blow it all off by focusing on an almost mundane slice of life episode or introducing some side characters that we won't see until the end.

The end itself feels rushed, with the sudden, literally last 2 episodes, introduction of a main villain, and his defeat through deus ex machina magic…or something? It's very murky, because context is hard to translate from a light novel

And I think that's the issue. While everything else carried over perfectly, the anime tried too hard to adopt a novel-like pacing and suffered because of it.


Yeah I don't like how sometimes anime decides it needs to follow the novel to the word and adapt it as if it were literally just an animated novel
I liked Hatamaou a lot for that, it took full advantage of its medium and made good use of things like background events, simultaneous speech, and so on that doesn't happen in a novel because it can't.

Ah I see
I didn't really like Chiho and honestly wish she stopped being a thing in the LNs actually, Lailah and Emi are way funnier. Heck even Gabriel is funnier.


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I think the lack of framing and the very episodic nature make it a better watch spread out over the whole season rather than back-to-back. But, considering that Huey is one of my top ten favourite male characters ever, and Flamberge is in my top ten female characters. if the anime had handled the things you noted better, it would have been in my top ten anime series too.

Also, you've lost all that delicious grain. You should have opted for a BD remux. At least nowadays I'm not the only one seeding it.

By the way, anybody remember what brand was pic related? I was a poorfag student when it aired, so I've been remembering lately that I wanted to buy this.

Chiho had a role in the anime that didn't really require her to be funny. Most probably that role was *created* by the Chihofag director, and she really is a pointless character in the novels, but I'd say this only made the anime better.


>By the way, anybody remember what brand was pic related?
I… remembered…
They have gone under back in 2012. Five fucking years ago. I feel fucking old. And now I need to be hunting a fucking lighter just because an anime didn't manage to save its company ;_;


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I have been experiencing this problem. My playlist randomly plays a Macross Delta song. The song is a bomb so I get excited. I start remembering of how fucking good Macross Delta was. And then I remember. I remember that it never got good. And I get absolutely fucking devastated.
I rarely use this phrase, but Delta was truly fucking wasted potential. It could have easily been one of the best series this decade, but it fucking wasn't. It could have been so much fucking fun. But it fucking wasn't. God fucking damn it.



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I suppose It was a bit disappointing on an absolute scale, but going in I wasn't expecting much other than good music and cute girls and space battles and it had that, so I was satisfied enough. People complained about Macross F too. The whole Macross universe doesn't really make sense in the first place, so it's hard for me to get too tied up in plot holes and sloppy writing.

Actually, even the music for Delta is a bit weird. Most of the songs have the bass mixed some variant of "way down". Hear the Universe sounds strained, like they ran short on studio time tracking the vocals and had to go with a rough draft. I'm a bit blown away at the fact that the music is *still* as good as it is despite stuff like this.

I mean, yeah. It absolutely could have been a masterpiece, and it wasn't. Let's hope the next Macross gets closer to its potential.



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watched aiura the other day, it's really short and not plot-driven, focusing instead on cute moments and atmosphere. really liked the backgrounds in particular and animation quality in general. would recommend for a relaxing half hour or so.


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also watched bokusatsu tenshi dokuro-chan, which I'd been putting off since about 2007. mindless, yes, but still enjoyable; hard not to laugh at how casual and over-the-top the violence was.


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Focusing on legs, you mean.
The backgrounds in Aiura reminded me of the backgrounds in Hanasaku Iroha, they're nice to look at.


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Just finished Shirobako for the third time. One of my favorite anime. If you don't know about it, it's 24 episodes long and takes place in the anime industry. It follows the production of two different shows, mostly from the perspective of production assistant Aoi Miyamori. It goes very in-depth and the more you know about anime production and the industry the more you get out of it, but it was partially made to educate people about the making of anime.


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>Focusing on legs, you mean.


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> 480×270


Not to mention it's like 6MB for a just a few seconds. Now I'm so used to webm it amazes me whenever I see a gif how shitty they are.


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Just started watching Minami-ke
It's pretty neat.


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Someone showed someone else this idea and somehow got money to make it into an anime. It's hard to call a six-minute stand-alone a waste of time, but I don't feel like I'm any better off from having watched it and I'm pretty sure I'll forget all about it before too long.


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500x281, better?


If I have ever seen a waste of money in anime form, it would have to be Ousama game.


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Ao is absolutely perfect for breeding. How did a literal toy commercial become so good?

That would be Apocshit or Re:Tards.


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It's not a literal toy commercial, because it isn't a commercial and because isn't promoting toys.


>it isn't a commercial
Oh come off it, it's an anime that's clearly meant to promote the FAGs.
>[it] isn't promoting toys
What the heck are FAGs then if not toys? I mean okay they're more like models or figures than toys but let's be real, the Buzz Lightyear action figures still count as toys.


You said it's literally a commercial, and it isn't. FAGs aren't toys. If you want to post 4chan-tier drivel then maybe you should do it on 4chan.


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I'd been putting off watching this for two years and finally got around to it. It was surprisingly good.

I was expecting an actual detective story, but it's just a plain old coming-of-age story. It even got a few laughs out of me, the kind where you can relate to the situation and the characters' thought process and you're just happy it isn't happening to you.

It's all rotoscoped as you can see. Some people may hate that, I loved it. This choice is probably related to the fact that it's a prequel to a (previous) live-action movie. That might also be why certain characters and themes are introduced that aren't relevant to the main plot - maybe they're just tie-ins to the movie, but I liked the additional sense of depth that they provided.


They probably rotoscoped it because the lead actresses are way too told to reprise their roles otherwise. I watched the original movie too once upon a time, but I don't remember anything about it anymore.


I figured the same thing when I found out both were by the same director and main cast.

Incidentally, I liked this so much that I just went ahead and watched the original live-action movie and, god help me, I loved it too.


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I watched Hyakko. It's alright and has some cute girls, like Minato who is very tall and looks like a gyaru but is actually timid and childish. It also has the most repulsive character I've ever encountered: Torako's brother. He is so bad that I started skipping any and all scenes he is in including most of episode 12 which is the most story and drama heavy episode. It was a small price to pay for not having to look at or listen to that fucking piece of shit.

Just as planned.


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This is exactly what I needed after watching the latest episode of Citrus. It's basically just a music video but whatever it's sweet as hell. Aparently a proper OVA is airing in a few months, so I'll have to try to remember to catch that. Looks like the sort of yuri show that I'll actually want to watch.


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Pic related is the only memory I have of that show.


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I watched the first episode of Symphogear. I had only the vague idea that this is some quasi-mahou shoujo show with an emphasis on music. I was not prepared for this insanity. This is peak anime. I don't expect further episodes to maintain the same level of quality though.


Season one is all around fucking great. But I really don't like the rest. It is like the people that make it became too aware of what they did with this anime so it just started feeling forced after that. Still, S1 is pretty great fun stuff.


S1 is only good if you ignore the absolutely retarded trainwreck of an ending. I'll never understand how the series became so popular.


Nana wills it.


I pretty much agree that only season one is any good but I didn't think the ending ruined it, because it's not really that intelligent of a series in the first place. The series is a fun time, but despite enjoying it I really didn't think the second season was good. Everything since then has been pretty uninteresting to me and I'm not actually sure how many seasons it has anymore.
I know plenty of people who will hype Symphogear to hell and back, so I guess all you can do is watch it and see if you enjoy it.


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Started watching Chaika. The writing is pretty bad and the art can get real wonky sometimes. The action scenes look pretty good, though they're over so quickly I can't really get into them. Our protagonists are nothing special but I don't hate them, so high praise there.

At least Chaika is cute. I'll probably finish it.


Don't bother, S2 is significantly worse than S1 and the ending is absolute rubbish.


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This unfortunately, I'd say it's probably better to pretend there isn't a S2.
Red a best.


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Just finished watching the GUP TV series. I didn't expect much going in and I was blown away by how good it was, from the animation, to sound design, to all the characters actually being likeable, and the music being good too. The tank scenes were just ridiculous enough to be good fun to watch without pulling me right out of my suspension of disbelief, which is the sweetest spot to be in. I haven't had this much fun watching an anime in ages.


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You. Apologize to Chaika.


Chaika > Chaika
Sorry, but this is fact.


You better watch the movie as well.


>The tank scenes were just ridiculous enough to be good fun to watch without pulling me right out of my suspension of disbelief, which is the sweetest spot to be in.
The movie's tank action is very over the top. Very fun, but far from the relatively realistic action of the series.


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Of course I plan to watch the rest. I spent today going through the educational episodes.


it's just a rehash of scrapped princess for the 2010s


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I'm pretty let down by this. It's not even like I was expecting it to be good, I just wanted to see some really heavy incest pandering or onii-sama going all out in a fight. Neither of which happened. Only fight that was anywhere near cool was this one between the redhead and Stars. And I don't even know what the fuck Miyuki was doing showing up to attack the american submarine when they were retreating anyway. Just pretty lame all round.


Does a movie that has just been released (and subbed) belong in the older anime thread though?


Well it is not ongoing, is it now? And maybe he didn't feel like there was a need to make a new thread anyway. I see no problem with it.
Gee, some of our new friends are being very grumpy.


Mahouka of all things absolutely does not deserve its own thread, it might be appropriate to have a general "movies" thread though
What really is shocking is that you made it all the way to the movie without dropping that shitshow, I watched the first arc of the anime and I was done with it


It's alright if you turn your brain off. It's not offensively bad except for Miyuki, after all.


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Just finished up this one. Aside from that Vess was a massive bitch and an awful character most the show it was pretty fun. Would have liked it to be a bit more plot focused though. What we had was a little nonsensical. Still there was plenty of fun episodes so as a lighthearted action/comedy without too much depth it was alright I guess.


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CGI is damn painful to watch at. It is not to be redrawn later, it is here to stay. Textures right from photoshop 7.0, aliased lines everywhere and poor shadows.

Is this AD 2014? I thought blue gradient on windows was okay in the times of Azumanga.

Who gives a whole cadre – a long one – to a useless fucking roof?

Who makes an aerial view and forgets about the distance?
Who threw up on the floor?
What retard allowed this “cute girls in 3dsmax boxes” the show?

There are still good moments, like when Haruka turns her head, and a sakura leaf flies away, revealing Yuu behind. Though when I remember it now, it makes me mad, because they should have changed focus there, and they did not. Argh. Why everything has to be so bad…


Half the backgrounds of the show look like they're from a VN.


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I laughed for a minute here.

Lol, really.


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Call me a shiteater, but I’m enjoying it now.


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There was an almost prepared banner.
Alt. version: https://i.imgur.com/SE1BJsl.png


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I finished the first Soukyuu no Fafner. I enjoyed it, but I understood at most 50% of what was going on. I don't know if it was my retardation, the translation, the writing, or all of the above that's leaving me in a confused state. I get the basic theme is understanding each other, but everything else is beyond my comprehension. NGE was easier to digest than this the first time I watched it.
Also the OP is amazing, and its extended version in the last episode was glorious.


Just so you know, the first cour of Fanfer had a different director. That's why the second part is more active with having a proper theme.
That said I don't think Fafner was ever trying to be too deep, just well developed.
It has been a while since I have watched it, so I don't remember any of the finer details, but yes, eventually the characters came to try make the fetstums understand humans and the other way around. But at the same time even humans were not properly understanding each other. I remember there was some very good scene with the loli and something she said, but I don't remember it. But basically the idea of the anime goes a little beyond the typical anime understanding and it showcases in an interesting matter how hard that can really be. Well, I don't remember properly, so I can't even sell it properly, but it just felt more human and basing its philosophy not on idealism, but the reality in front of the characters.


I think my confusion is the result of the clumsy dialogue which might or might have been because of the translation and editing. I understand your point, and I agree with it; however, the reasons why some things happened in the show still remain nebulous to me. The loli, Tsubaki, is a good example of this: she talks of the two choices given to both humans and festum, how the festum are trying to understand humans and vice-versa, and the disconnect that occurs from the latter and former. How she chooses to explain these concepts don't 100% permeate my brain.

With that said, the show still did a great job of exemplifying its core concept by using many parallel situations: the inter-festum disputes, Kazuki and Soushi, the neo-UN and Alvis, losing your identity to be a fighting machine == being figuratively assimilated, the "cores" like Tsubaki, etc.


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I knew it was going to be tragic, and yet I still cried.
God bless Xebec.


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There were definitely some subtitles problems with the first season. Don't remember which one was considered the good version and which the bad, though.
Also it should be mentioned that the music is pretty good, especially all of the angela songs. Get ready more of her in Exodus.
But before the second season watch the Right of Left OVA and then the Heaven and Earth movie. Oh and the first episode of Exodus has a 35 minute version.



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>There were definitely some subtitles problems with the first season. Don't remember which one was considered the good version and which the bad, though.
I'm downloading ACX's release, and I'm going to rewatch the entire first season. I don't want my experience to be tainted because of shit subs.
>But before the second season watch the Right of Left OVA
I finished the OVA yesterday, and it was very good. It not only made me care for the new characters despite the duration being only an hour, but it gave the first season more meaning and impact.
>Get ready more of her in Exodus.
Pic related


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What I gather from this is that the meetings between everybody and everything are a result of curiosity and unfamiliarity, and that if we notice this, we can better understand each other. Am I being too literal with what she's saying?
Oh, thank you A-E (RIP) for the alternative to the horrid BD subs.


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And now I've watched the movie. It was certainly more ridiculous than the TV series, but it was still entertaining in its own way. The quality blew me away though, the TV series was already great but the movie's animation, sound design, backgrounds, and soundtrack all blew me away. And it's also amazing how they have such a huge cast but manage to have so many characters still be recognisable and memorable and likeable at the same time. Hopefully the finale series won't take too long to come out.

PS. Anzu is strangely sexy.


>if we notice this, we can better understand each other
Maybe I am wrong, but I believe the anime rarely made any concrete "this is how you do it". Just a lot of struggling and trying.
And here she talking about the universe having existed as a single hive mind, but then things starting splitting apart and forming different groups and different individualities within the groups. Being scattered, but within them remained the longing of being one. And this desire is what leads beings to trying to understand each other.
Now, I might be incorrect, but this is around the time when the theme of people and festum understanding each other really starts. So basically the realization of this principle of understanding and the new possibilities - trying to relate to the festum. That's all. I think.


This makes much more sense, especially with the successive scene where Kazuki declines to be assimilated.
Thanks for elucidating to a retard, anon.


I was actually going to say this, but I didn't want to risk being wrong, because I don't remember enough. Festum's assimilation is basically that after all, a way to go back to being one. It is different, but also somewhat similar to the BETAs in MuvLuv.


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Heaven and Earth was amazing. I really liked how it focused on developing the festum, the battles felt impactful, and it did well with further exploring the series' themes. Also long-haired Kanon is best Kanon.

In the movie, I thought Kazuki was assimilated, but he suddenly came back near the end? Was it explained, or did I miss something? In fact, how the fuck did Soushi come back too?
Somehow I'm awful at watching this.


I forgot the mention how fucking glorious the ending song was. Her voice never ceases to instill emotion, and those drums were awesome.


I don't remember, but Kurusu or/and Kouyou helped Kazuki to not get assimilated or something.
I don't remember this plot point properly either, which just goes to show how shitty my memory is, but Soushi is basically not human anymore or maybe was just tried to communicate with the festums at their base. I don't remember properly any more.But basically both Kurusu and Kouyou are important figures.
Damn, I should sit down and rewatch this myself some day.


I have to re-watch some scenes myself; because I shouldn't have to ask these questions. My mind is awful.
Regardless, I found it interesting that a Mir is considered a god-like deity in the Festum's ethos. Since Kurusu was born from a fragment of "his" Mir, then he might be considered a "child" of a god. Further, how does one steal the Island's Mir if it dissolved into the air? In the movie, Kurusu attempted to steal the infant core. Or perhaps the assault upon the Island in the movie was killing the Mir, and they just wanted to kill the core.
I know you don't remember much, but maybe I can help you scintillate your memory. I also want to talk about it with someone.


I had completely forgotten about Mir. It is cheating, but here http://alvis.towerofmist.net/index.php?title=Mir


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Just got done with Bokurano. I ended up liking it more than I thought I would from the first cour. Though I did enjoy the ones where the kid accepts their fate and makes peace before their battle, the ones who went out kicking and screaming with dumb melodrama turned me off quite a bit, to the point where I actually dropped this for a few months till I just recently decided to finish it. (At least that's how I remember it).
I'm glad I did though. The plotline about Ushiros mother and the goverments attempts to stop them leaking information about Zearth was probably my favorite parts, with Tamotsu being easily the best character in the show, and just in general the last few children had pretty nice arcs. I don't particuarly like the scenario and plot, at the very least it means the guys behind it all are massive dicks and if their end goal is to leech the energy off the surviving earths I don't see how that makes the battle part necessary. But whatever, just taking it as an excuse to tell such stories about these children coming to terms with having to sacrifice themselves it got the job done. The other thing I really liked about this was they did a great job of getting the scale of the battles accross. With almost every fight taking place in a city it's hard to forget just how massive the mechs are and the amount of devastation they cause. Also Uninstall is an absolute banger of a tune.


The manga is longer and different. I would recommend checking it out.


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A turning point in the cultural zeitgeist and it still holds up, I just wish it had been a bit more faithful to the manga in the early seasons, in the middle ones it's the flagship of running out of source material and still being creative.


Thanks! This clarified some things.
Going by that link and what I know from watching, non-Mir festum are somewhat like angels.


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I watched B-gata H-kei / Yamada's First Time. It was funny at first, but even after they kiss and come very close to having sex their relationship weirdly regresses into this will-they-won't-they limbo for several episodes, and then becomes Blue Balls For No Good Reason: The Animation. But it's on the other hand way more frank than the vast majority of anime like this, e.g. it's made explicit that one of Yamada's friends has sex with her boyfriend. It was also at times difficult to watch as a wizard.


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I think I'd struggle to reccomend this show on the plot or characters or anything like that. The episode in which Shadow Man was introduced was quite emotional (I'm a little sad that character wasn't used more), but other than that I found the story to flop between silly nonsense and your standard pretentious stuff about changing society. The sillyness did bring some fun moments though, like the gimps showing up in the final episode to save Akechi's ass caught me off guard. I thought the aesthetics helped a lot too. The overly theatrical style fit well with how overblown it all got and it never felt too tryhard.
I'll never forgive them for not showing Kobayashi in the swimsuit though. Also why was wearing a dress when he was kidnapped, but woke up in his school uniform at the clock tower?


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>The writing is pretty bad and the art can get real wonky sometimes.
That's what happens when you try to cram an entire novel in two episodes. You have to cut out fractions of the content, and stitch them together with glue. I'm still mad how they entirely axed the imouto of the dragon's former owner. I actually liked the dragon's origin story in the novels, sheesh.


>Is this AD 2014?
No, it's Shaft 2007 the 2014 version. I remember joking that it's the most Shaft show of its season.


Yeah the director worked on hidamari and a couple other things so he went full tryhard on the shaft-esque shit.
Except he didn't actually have any of the technical ability to make it work.


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Of all shows, I should've steeled myself for this. But I didn't, and now I feel like shit. Why does every girl I like, regardless of the show/manga/game/etc., have to fucking die or lose in some manner. God fucking dammit.
Fuck you, Ubukata.
Fuck you.


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Turning Girls had some good moments. Maybe worth a watch. It's really short (~half hour total) and about Christmas cakes. Don't expect good art or production values, its main draw is relatability.


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I wish someone could convince EA to fund (or at least sanction) a Command and Conquer anime. Every time I see the assimilation crystals and the Mir, it reminds me a lot of Tiberium; not only in appearance but in the behavior as well.


Suffering and tears are what sustain mangaka.


There really are not enough anime based on RTS games


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Gokinjo Monogatari. A lot of fun. It's well known that a few of the characters come back in parakisu, but somehow I never heard Ken-chan from tenchi nanka ja nai is a famous singer in this. sudoh-a-saurus plushies appear a few times as well. Yazawa Ai herself is the principal of the school. I wish she still made stuff, or had at least finished nana.


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Having reached episode 35, I can confirm it is good and will probably stay good. That is all.


Yeah, it was nice. Definitely worth the time you lose watching it (which is not much). I'm already prepared to give it as a present to whoever of my friends first turns 30, tho.


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I started watching Isekai wa Smartphone again after losing track of it when reaching episode eight. It's a very relaxing show, and the humor (whether intentional or otherwise) occasionally makes me chuckle. It's like the anime equivalent of a generic MMORPG; which is awesome because I've become so lazy that I don't play them anymore. Good stuff.
(It saddens me a bit that people excessively whined about this show. Saying it's "so bad it's good" makes me think those people are insecure about what they watch.)


I enjoyed it too, good sir. Also I thought the implantation of the MC's power was very interesting.


>It's like the anime equivalent of a generic MMORPG; which is awesome because I've become so lazy that I don't play them anymore.
Good that I dropped it then. I dislike generic MMORPGs, especially when the narrative decides to overfocus on making your character seem heroic, instead of making them "just another adventurer in the world".


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I didn't really expect anything else at this point, but Finale was very much a strong continuation. It's nice that it's focusing on Momo too, since she was one of my favourite characters. I'll have to pass on watching the rest as it comes out though, because it's going to be years before it's all done. I'd rather just get it all in one burst than watch what's the equivalent of two episodes and then wait months for the next bit.


I feel like it would be even more painful to wait until the end to watch all of them.


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Aikawa Jun, Humanity's Strongest, was Best Girl and best character.

More like, she was the only one with any character. The rest pretty much formed such an amorphous mass that dialogues between them felt like monologues. It feels kind of fitting for the dialogues with the ded girl, but a conversation between the gf and the cat girl felt the same way as a conversation between the bf and the villain. I'd have actually preferred the girl who could erase stuff to be a stereotypical tsundere, even that would have made her more interesting. The author of this has severe deficiencies in writing human, so I must wonder why did Aikawa Jun even exist? As from time to time it felt like he was trying to copy nisioisin in his writing, or even Tanigawa at one or two occasions, was Aikawa Jun just an inferior representation by the author of Aikawa Jun indeed? And Humanity's Strongest just by sheer force of will breathed some life in her own copy?

Anyway, there was some definitive improvement over the course of the series. The first two episodes were complete trash fire, proactively repulsive to watch. Everything after them until the resurrection seemed like filler, but no longer repulsive: just exhibiting numerous problems with the writing. And the rest, when the story kicked in, no longer felt like filler, retaining only the overarching problems. Won't comment much on animation and sound, they were average for such a low-budget production. Writing was the main problem. Not the story as major plot points, specifically the writing.

I think I'll go ahead and follow the example of >>25527 . I still haven't seen that anime, and it is just the right thing at the present moment to soothe my tired soul.


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It is a great series. This is what Akihabara dreams are made of.


Why do people like Tokyo Ghoul: Re and hate on Root A? (If they neglect the animation issues.)

Just watched both and, except for the finale of Re, Root A was better in every respect.

Touka's cafe might as well have not existed. They hyped up the masked trip into the ghoul's world and it was literally 15 seconds of dialogue. And half the cour was filled with garbage trying to turn the Gourmet from comic relief into a serious character.

Root A wasn't "manga canon" but damn at least it actually explored the main premise of the IP somewhat.

TG as a whole just seems unable to actually take on the issue of making us sympathize with two sides at the same time. It's been playing with that premise for years but always puts it aside to focus on just 1 group or some big mindless "mission"/fight.

I read the manga years ago but haven't kept up with it weekly since the anime started coming out. Absolutely loved the premise of it but there hasn't been enough payoff at all.

And afaik the manga just got the Bakuman "3 chapter ending" treatment, which means it's probably unsatisfying as hell.

Sigh. Maybe in 3+ more years the next sequel series will actually be what I've been waiting for.


I watched the first season and thought it was enjoyable, but almost killed myself watching Root A because it was so stupid and boring.
I have not bothered with the series since then.


Take that \n easier friend.


More \n? You have some weird tastes.


/r/n for life!


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I have been watching a lot of Shaft series lately and ended up watching all of their OVA projects for the first time (ignoring the negima/SZS/monogatari OVAs).
Arcade Gamer Fubuki (2002) was actually really fun to watch, although though it doesn't really fit in with most of the Shaft canon. They feature a bunch of actual arcade games and the story basically mirrors Street Fighter 2 except they are playing arcade games instead of beating each other up.
Katte ni Kaizou (2011) was my favorite of the three. It is basically SZS with more dick jokes, and the style is pretty much the same. Anybody who likes SZS should watch this.
And finally, I just finished Zaregoto (2016-17) today and I'm aware this one gets a lot of hate especially from fans of the novels. I found it to be similar to some of the later arcs in the Monogatari series but overall it just isn't well executed at all. Kaijura's menacing soundtrack is wasted on a series with this little tension. I like weird stories about weird people, and I'm sure the novel is more well written, but the way it is in the anime it is pretty much just a bunch of autists talking about each other's autism. I thought a lot of it was pretty funny, actually, so I still found it entertaining.
I don't think any of these come close to Shaft's best TV series but they were pretty enjoyable overall. Anybody else seen them?


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>I like weird stories about weird people
Zaregoto is actually a cruel story about cruel people. Go read the second novel, it's definitely better. I mean, if you can enjoy cruelty for the sake of cruelty. Grisaia was a story about cruelty too, but it didn't go all the way like Zaregoto.
Anyway, I liked the OVA, the animation directoring was superb.


Disclaimer: Zaregoto is a pretty funny series, too. It's nonsense talk mostly, after all.


So is there any kind of overarching story that develops throughout the series? Though as far as I'm aware only the first 5 or so are translated.
Also, despite saying that you liked it did you also find the adaptation to be somewhat sloppily done? Do you think that an adaptation of the second book would fare better?


As far as I know, there exists an overarching plot, there just isn't much of it in the first two-three books. Which makes me unable to judge it, as volumes 4 and 5 are named Psycho Logical 1 and 2.
I wouldn't use the word "sloppy". Maybe somebody who likes the first volume more can name how it could have been adapted better, but I personally am happy with the eyecandy.
However, the second volume would need to be adapted in a radically different manner. I believe Shaft has more than enough talent to make it happen, and it has been probably the only studio to not shy from stylistic shifts, but who knows. That's the easiest pitfall to stumble into: to make the second season the same as the first.
If you'd allow me to elaborate a little more, Kubikiri depended on an artistically pleasant atmosphere, with a cooler gamma and sense of space. Kubishime has to be practically the exact opposite: more down-to-earth, more personal, smaller spaces, warmer gamma. I'd even prefer Shaft's trademark corner-cutting to Kubikiri's gorgeousness. It needs to lure you into a false sense of security, in a way.
Also they should just give the third volume to Masaaki Yuasa, or change the drugs of the Shaft staff. Psycho Logical back to "normal" Shaft, preferably with a more horror aesthetic.




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That's genuinely surprising.


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I'd forgotten how good SeiZon was. Definitely one of my favourite series ever.

Which begs the question how did I not notice that Gamers is by the same author? I actually skipped that series. Will have to get around to it soon.


Gamers is shit, though.


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Heard so much. It should still be worth a try.


Now that I think about it, Wasn't Seizon's second season shit too? I have only season 1 saved on my computer. There must be a good reason for that.


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The staff AND THE VAs were changed and it was a net broadcast on nico, so just as an adaptation it suffered quite a lot. I can't get used to Nomizu Iori as Mafuyu, I just can't. Also the author didn't really manage to pull out the maximum from what he had already set up, but that's another question. I'll start rewatching it soon, decided to not do so until I clear out the summer shows.


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I watched Exiled From Paradise the other day. The CGI was alright, but probably not as good as it could've been for a movie. The fight at the end looked great, but even then I'd only really say it was on par with Majestic Prince's mecha animation. The setting was interesting, but they didn't really do anything to explore it.
In short Majestic Prince is great and hopefully Super Robot Wars T will delve into the setting a bit more.


In larger scale space combat it excelled way over MJP, in my opinion. MJP's strongest suit was in mecha 1v1. But, animation aside, it had some pretty nice moments, even if it was overall quite average in quality. I remember it fondly. But I agree with your last sentence.


I've had some small desire to watch MajiKoi ever since it aired, and I finally got around to it. The quality of the anime nonwithstanding, it made me realize what an amazing person Gotou Yuuko is. I've always liked her voice, but her role in MajiKoi is simply unbelievable. Truly great voice acting. A level above everybody else. We really need her back.


She still kept voicing Yukie in the A games, so I didn't think she'd left voice acting for good. Or has she not done anything aside from that?


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Watched and enjoyed the OVA of The Rapeman some nights ago. I think it covers the first volume of the manga, for which no translation exists that I am aware of.


Dunno. Haven't seen her in anime lately. Speaking of which, I really hope we finally get an episode about her character in Nande Koko ni Sensei ga?, it's her first role in like an year.


I thought Rapeman translated it? Hence the name.


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I watched both seasons of Uchouten Kazoku and it was fantastic, and unlike any other anime I've seen. If you haven't watched it then you really need to, as it is easily one of the best shows of the decade.
Also, the main character is a very cute boy.


Uchouten Kazoku is fantastic, but I found the first season to be much better than the second. I have this problem where if I watch an anime too fast then my opinion of the early parts transfers to later parts, so I first thought that all of it was 10/10. In retrospect though, the antagonists in the second season were just lamer and it detracted from my enjoyment, especially Soun returning after it seemed that his story was finished at the end of season one. Visiting Hell and getting more of Kaisei were highlights of the second season, however, as well as that cute loli who Yajirou meets on his trip near the end.
What in your opinion makes it unlike any other anime you've seen?
The youngest brother is the cutest.


The first season had much better framing, and worked better as a self-contained thing. The second season actually left more threads unresolved. I think there are more novels? I'm not sure.
I really need to rewatch it, it was great yet I don't remember much from it. Definitely one of the best series of the decade, alongside stuff like KonoSuba and Madoka.


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The second season certainly was more scattered, as opposed to the straightforward focus of the first season. However I think a large part of its strength is the fact that it doesn't try to explain everything. For example, it's not necessarily a bad thing that we never learned more about Tenmaya. But it might have been nice to learn more about what Soun was up to.
What makes it stand out for me is the combination of grandiosity and subtlety. There are a lot of moving parts in the story but nothing is ever shoved in the viewer's face. Nothing in particular seems to be more important than anything else, which gives it a very realistic feeling. Plus the attention to detail (visual detail and otherwise) is great, and every character has an authentic personality. I don't think that there are a lot of anime that accomplish the feeling of being a part of a wide world without being obnoxious.
There's a third book currently being written, which will likely get an anime adaptation down the road.


So, because this season is kind of bad, and because I skipped the whole Winter 2018 season for *reasons*, I've been watching random shows from then.

Dame x Prince: the only series I watched back in 2018. It was nice, but nothing more.
Death March Kara: workable fantasy. The death march thing doesn't manage to count as even a gimmick, but I quite enjoyed the more familial dynamics; including MC going to prostitutes while keeping his harem of slave daughterus. In short, the plot was shit, but the slice of life was nice.
Hakumei to Mikochi: honestly, one of the best SoL shows of the decade. That's exactly what I've always wanted.
Takagi-san: from what I hear about the manga, it's a brilliant adaptation. They somehow managed to have some sense of progression, from frankly annoying bullying to almost-relationship situation. TL;DR: 6/10
Miira no Kaikata: would be significantly better if the titular character did not exist. The rest are cute, esp the humans.
Mitsuboshi Colors: It was nice, but nothing more.
Pop Team Epic: best opening for 2018. AMV Hell did this shtick better, though. It's still worth it even if just to hear all these seiyuus, of course.

I'm mad at myself. I haven't even started the second season of Dagashi Kashi, Yuru Camp, and so on. That has been probably the best season for slice of life anime EVER.


It's funny that you'd say all that while not even mentioning Slow Start. Comic Girls quickly overshadowed it, but when it aired it was a well above-average cute-girl SoL.


It's in "and so on". I'll eventually get to it. I'm still finishing up Miira.


>Hakumei to Mikochi: honestly, one of the best SoL shows of the decade. That's exactly what I've always wanted.
Make sure to watch the OVA, anon.


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I did. It was awesome. Especially the mohawk.


So… I'm at the eight episode, and this is confusing me.
It's yuribait. But the author has worked the yuribait so diligently and extensively and in detail that it no longer feels like yuribait. In my opinion yuribait needs to be more… fuwa fuwa. Unrealistic. Wish-fulfillment for yurifags. This… this has circled back into normal daily lives of a group of friends. And this group of friends just happens to have a clam-licker, a loli with codependency issues, a really thirsty otaku, and an introvert that truly cares about her friends.

So, like… I am confused… why the comparison with Comic Girls? Wasn't it overshadowed by all the other cute girls anime in Winter 2018? Did the yurifags hate it? Did nobody watch it? It seems like the yurifags would hate it. The clam-licker was trying to get sensei to rape her, and she makes the impression that she's quite wishy-washy, prefering to date lots of girls while keeping the loli happy - they even joke about it. Overall the girls are quite not-pure. They already make every situation sound as lewd as possible, so I can't even overplay it here. I just can't win against the nipple mark on the loli's cheek, or the lampshading that the loli didn't put the ring on the clam-licker's ring finger, or… whatever else. The whole series is like this. It SEEMS like a yuribait that has upped the yuri glasses, but doesn't this ruin its yuribait status? I don't know.

P.S. Hanaretamae best ship of 2018
The two grandmothers of Tama don't count as a ship. I just wonder how they procreated to result in Tama's parent.
P.P.S. Onee-sama > Tama-chan > Hana-chan > Sensei > neighbour > loli > cousin.
The loli and the cousin are the least worked-on characters for now. I'm sure the author will fix this mistake eventually?
P.P.P.S. Feel free to spoil, I'll probably be done with the remaining episodes today or tomorrow anyway.


I didn't mention Comic Girls to directly compare the two, but merely to place Slow Start in its fair historical context. I believe Comic Girls was good enough that it set the bar higher for the genre. It didn't specifically overshadow Slow Start because of some similarity - it made a lot of anime suddenly look worse, and maybe it hit Slow Start harder simply because they aired one after the other. But by pre-CG standards, Slow Start was well above average.

As for your main point, we don't judge this kind of work in the same terms, but I think we agree. Gayness isn't a dealbreaker for me, but if it's there I want it to feel like the author really wanted to write about gay girls, and not like it was shoehorned in at a producer's suggestion. To me Slow Start is a pretty well-rounded work, with interesting characters and interactions, and where nothing feels out of place (unintendedly, that is - characters weirder than they look and the occasional cruel joke are part of its charm).


I dropped Comic Girls as it was quite bad, and I haven't seen anything to suggest it gets better. You are the first to hold it in any kind of high regard - but, because this is fufufu, maybe one terminal of the hivemind is enough, and I need to give it one more try now.

Still, Slow Start is by far better written as a SoL.

I think the authors of yuribait also really want to write about gay girls, but they just keep to "pure" interactions, because mere suggestion is more appealing to the purityfags in Japan. Slow Start definitely goes over mere suggestion. /u/ seems to think there is actual yuri between the lesbian and the sensei… but that's /u/. It's probably just one-sided crush in the manga too.

By the way, I finished Dagashi Kashi S2 too. S2 was better than S1; I honestly didn't expect so much development to take place. And gay Sugita and his sister were quite nice too.


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Another terminal of the hivemind here. Cute girls doing cute things is not my first choice of what to watch, though I often would pick up some.
So that said both of the mentioned shows have disappeared from my life until now. But I can say for sure Slow Star I dropped from very start. But I might have been extra grumpy when it was out. Up until now I didn't realize you were even talking about this show, I was thinking it was for some reason that boring one about a shy girl from the countryside that talks to animals and goes to the big city to do theatre at high school with a loli teacher and her newfound friends.
Comic Girl on the other hand I remember. It had some aspects I didn't enjoy, mostly the introduction of some new characters in the later episodes. But it definitely had some mostly fun characters, that developed well. A very energetic show, but with also some hitter moments emotional moments that I can't recall, but I remember it was an important emotion I experienced a few times. By the end I was feeling very nostalgic about leaving the show. Also some good animation if I remember correctly.
I also wanted to post this webm, but well, I had posted it already before, so here >>24509


So… animation quality, not being overshadowed by all the other good shows in the same season, and not being too much of a SoL.
I would have probably given it more chance if I had noticed it's serialized in Kirara Max. But, frankly, back then I thought it's gonna be a yuribait version of Bakuman. Maybe I was wrong, and it's actually a manga-related version of Stella no Mahou.


I love Comic Girls, it was my favorite slice of life anime last year.
I also found myself relating a bit too much to the main character.


Why are you watching shows for the yuri? I just watch shows for the cute girls. Though I must admit the lesbian from Slow Start was actually pretty good.
If you want pure yuri, I recommend Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san.


If you somehow didn't understand, I watched Slow Start for the slice of life only, despite the anime seeming like it's meant to be watched for the yuri. Or you mean that Comic Girls is worth watching only for the yuri?


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> I believe Comic Girls was good enough that it set the bar higher for the genre.
Kaos and the entertainment derived from how pathetic and pitiful she is was good, but it was rather mediocre aside from that.


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The first season of Concrete Revolutio wasn't very good. I thought something felt familiar about it, and I realized that it has all of the same themes as Samurai Flamenco except done in a convoluted and unrelatable way. I can see why some people really like it though, because the art direction is top notch and it has some decent worldbuilding.

On the other hand, I finally got around to watching Shirobako and it was fantastic in every way. Impressed with it especially since 3 of the episodes made me cry. Even in the most emotional of shows, usually only a single episode can manage to get tears out of me.


From what I remember, the second season of Concrete Revolutio was more fun.


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I really, really love Ojamajo Doremi.


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I hadn't seen AXZ, so I took my sweet time slowly going through all seasons consecutively over the past month or two. And I'm finally 9 episodes in XV.
This truly is on par with the first season. I am amazed they managed to salvage the relatively weak GX and AXZ… and to find a way to build up on G's fast-paced going through a dozen different topics. It's been a wild ride, with better villains, better characterization, better drama, and so on. Also, much better animation. It's been pure delight; this is definitely one of the best animated TV series ever. My only leftover complaint is that Bikkie being a human-relic hybrid is still a thing of the past, but damn, there are four whole episodes left. I may get this too.


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I kind of enjoyed the first season of Symphogear but G lost me and I didn't watch anything after that. I feel like disliking G is an unpopular opinion at this point, but do you think it'd be worth it to give the series another shot at this point?


My soul Brother. Season one was amazing, but everything after the first season is trash. The first season was the project of a bunch of newbies - unintentionally hilarious and somewhat intentionally and unintetionally cool. From there on that became a formula, not just the culmination of random causes. Therefore it lost its soul and it became bland and boring, not really surprising the viewer with much of anything and exciting the viewer only if he is the kind of guy that would get excited at Marvel-tier shit, even if he spits on Marvel itself.


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Depends on what you didn't like in G.
It addressed a lot of stuff that was worth addressing… but actually addressed so much stuff that it neither managed to do it justice, nor it left anything for the next seasons, not truly. It was a complete mess (and I love it for that). In these terms, XV is on par with the first season, but GX and AXZ have other problems. They were really fast-paced like G, but weren't even a mess, as they didn't really have much to say. Even though they tried to. XV keeps the pace, but actually spends enough time on the things it's trying to say. I still have 4 eps tho.
In terms of narrative G switches from the very gruesome life-or-death of the first season to the underdog villains. GX and AXZ actually keep with the underdog villains theme, kind of - but the plot in GX actually requires the villains to simply act as underdogs. That's bad btw because it was never properly foreshadowed, and you're just left wondering wtf is going on. AXZ was just bad. XV tho? It's a return of the gruesome life-or-death. Nobody believes main characters will be killed off anymore, but there's still plenty of tension and blood.
In terms of villains, Fine is the best, but then Sugita is the second best. Don't expect a better villain than Sugita.
In terms of Bikkie, I was all for the human-relic hybrid plot of G. That's no longer a thing, which maybe is good in your books? I count it as bad. Human-relic hybrid can grow an arm, so it would have no trouble growing a dick for the purpose of loving consensual procreation.
In terms of animation and songs, XV is miles ahead of all other seasons.
But, you know, I think what Symphogear benefits the most from is a definitive end. The first season had that, and people tell me XV also has that? So it's most probably a question of whether XV is worth sitting through GX and AXZ. I'm not sure if I can say yes. If you had already seen GX, I'd gladly tell you to suffer through AXZ, but like this I'm not sure.


G's formula has nothing to do with the first season. On the other hand, GX doesn't really follow a formula - it's more of a product of desperation to do ANYTHING after the first two seasons covered everything. AXZ is the only that seemed formulaic, which is weird, because it's supposed to have been written together with XV. And G is the one most fitting of the description "culmination of random causes". Obviously when they started writing G, they just gathered a bunch of the staff (most probably including Nana) and started throwing in random ideas. And didn't stop in time. Everybody in the production team had his own cause for the second season, and the mess that ensued somehow managed to cover all of them. So yeah, you're just plain wrong. I think the actual reason you're bothered by the sequels is the lack of a definitive end, and not something else.


Nah, sorry. G is corporatism through and through. It is just trying to replicate the general atmosphere of the first season, but in a very boring and see-through manner.


>I feel like disliking G is an unpopular opinion
As a side note, I also dislike G, but for meta-narrative reasons. Take *monogatari for example: Bake was written as a complete work, exactly like Symphogear S1 was. However, Nise somehow manages to set up the whole worldbuilding and the whole plot of the entire series afterwards. With enough wiggle-room for Nisio to change things afterwards, even. All of this WHILE doing its own thing and being unashamed in its fanservice. In comparison, what did G do? Much less than setting up the worldbuilding and the plotlines needed for an entire series… it actually did the opposite: wrapping up the remaining questions and plotlines of S1, and finishing up the remaining parts of the established worldbuilding, without any hints for the whole God thing and Moon thing. And it didn't even have a definitive end. It starts with the Moon thing and the God thing literally hanging above the heads of the protagonists, and ends on the same note. If I could have my way, G would have been 24 episodes, ending with the complete destruction of the Moon. What we got instead forced the creators to think up alchemists out of nowhere in order to have more worldbuilding and more plot for GX and AXZ. XV finally deals with the God thing and the Moon thing, btw.


>Nah, sorry. G is corporatism through and through.
How the fuck is throwing random ideas in "corporatism"? If they had tried to make an even bigger threat than Fine, making the protagonists underdogs again, pulling bullshit twists in order to make it seem like they can lose like in S1… then it'd be corporatism and following a formula. However, G was nothing like that. You're just mad that it didn't have a definitive end. That's why you call it corporatist.


What makes you think it was random ideas? The first seasons was a huge success, at least CD-wise. There is no reason to leave the second season to the chance after that and it is very obvious for everyone that is not blinded by muh cute girls singing and fighting. Admittedly I don't remember much of the details from G, but I do remember the baddies were a big threat for the world. It is not that they are not as big of a threat as Fine. They were just more cute girls and with boring dramas at that. They were boring villains. And yes, it is was twists, I am Hibiki and I am cool, and other shenanigans. They very much were trying to replicate the first season, but with more bait. And of course replicating it was not something that they could do intentionally.
It is very presumptions of you to scream that I must not like this one specific thing that you decided on. I mean holy shit, you were going on about how G wraps ups the series instead of expanding it, but tell me I didn't like it because it had a more definitive ending.


>the baddies were a big threat for the world
No, they weren't. The Moon was a big threat to the world. The baddies literally pissed themselves from fear at the sight of the protagonists the very first episode of G.
>It is not that they are not as big of a threat as Fine.
So you don't remember anything of G. Fine was literally regarded as a bigger threat than them when she turned up in G. That's, you know, what we are shown DURING G, not from a meta perspective.
>They were just more cute girls and with boring dramas at that. They were boring villains.
Thinking Sugita is boring should be a punishable offense. Still, he's obviously nowhere near Fine.
>And yes, it is was twists,
Bikkie getting her arm bitten off and getting it back the next minute. Sure. That's comparable to the "deaths" of Chris and Tsubasa in S1.
>I am Hibiki and I am cool
Hibiki was quite uncool, being on the edge of breaking for most of the season.
>They very much were trying to replicate the first season
Literally the only thing you can argue for is the inclusion of more Symphogears. Everything else has nothing to do with S1.
>but with more bait
What? The beginning of S1 was bait. Nothing in S2 is even remotely similar to that.
>I mean holy shit, you were going on about how G wraps ups the series instead of expanding it
Wraps up secondary plot threads. But the single main one, the God and the Moon, gets literally zero progress. The story is exactly where it was in the end of S1, just with a little bit of an aftermath cleaned up.
>I didn't like it because it had a more definitive ending.
Are you going to argue that it DID have a definitive ending? That you did NOT expect Symphogear to have more seasons after G? Because you certainly implied otherwise several times in your posts.


And, just to top it off,
>What makes you think it was random ideas?
If you really don't remember what the joke was back when G started… here you go:
Nana Wills It.
People were literally saying it's a random wish made real by Nana. That Nana just willed it to happen, and that's why the result is so random and all over the place. Notice that Nana is not a corporation. That people weren't saying that a corporation willed it to happen. It was Nana herself that people "blamed". You're alone in thinking G is a corporatist product.


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>People were literally saying it's a random wish made real by Nana
Cause I care what neckbeards on 4chan meme about. The first season was a success. In an unconventional way perhaps, but it was. A continuation was was unavoidable at that point. By then the threads were already cirlejerk supreme.
>Are you going to argue that it DID have a definitive ending?
You are really having a field day running circles around your own arguments.


I probably won't bother then. I did like it, but Symphogear was not exactly my favorite anime in the first place.
The reason I didn't like G was because its mess of ideas and sloppy execution, so if I have to suffer through two even worse seasons I don't think it's worth it.


It certainly seems like you agree with me now. Good.


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Oh well. I'm sure you can find by yourself the important parts of XV.


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They kind of ruined the tension several times during Bikkie's and Miku's marriage ceremony. Could have handled that better. If it was me, I'd have the Shem-ha afterimage wed them, crafting rings out of her Carol-transmuted golden horn. The scene in the end can be their honeymoon.

Anyway, I'm in complete awe from the writing of XV overall. They obviously had a huuuge checklist of stuff, yet managed to write a fully coherent story.


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Just finished rewatching Gurren Lagan. First time that I watched it must have been in 2008 or 2009. It is nice to be reminded of simpler times.
Took a few peaks at the movies. They are shamelessly bad. The only good change that I saw was changing a bit the last words they have to Anti-Spiral.
Also for some reason I remember Viral developing spiral powers. Maybe I was just confusing him with Boota, but in reality I think it was just a similar plot from some other newer anime that I watched in more recent times.


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I finally watched Gamers. It was quite the ride. Back when it aired I had somehow not realized who its author was and completely skipped it over. You can see the seeds for Gamers in SeiZon, but SeiZon is fucking tame in comparison.


Seitokai no Ichizon is fun. Gamers! is boring.


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Not sure why you'd find it boring of all things. Only the first two episodes were slower.


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From the bottom of my heart, thank you Nao for existing! You alone make this anime worth watching!

Okay, I guess Makimaki was good too. And the Nonoriri Brigadier. Tomoe and the rest also had their moments, but it was mostly Nao and Makimaki.

On a slightly more serious note, Mai Otome was a complete mess. It tried to incorporate too many elements to do any of them right: battle uniforms, but also maid uniforms and school uniforms at the same time in the same design. Light-hearted battle-centric scifi but also school but also mystery but also politics. In the end you are left with the impression that most of the cast is incompetent. And the half-competent shota is the one-eyed king in the country of the blind.
But Nao alone is a shining star of coolness, competence and love. Truly Best Girl.

P.S. Do watch the DVD specials, they are several levels above the anime itself in terms of quality.


watched the first three episodes of Dimension W and I think I have to drop it. Is there any worth in this show at all?
Black Bullet and Owari no Seraph were also both quite bad, but they both had a great soundtrack, good animation and fun characters. But Dimension W is only boring and so cliche there is nothing surprising anymore.
Oh, but I have to admit that Black Bullet is so close to standard story telling that it's more often than not obvious what will exactly happen.

I only wanted to watch some anime with story and cute girls. It seems there is none I didn't watch already.

For the announcement tomorrow I rewatched Angel Beats and Charlotte last weekend and both were quite weak, as I remembered but Charlotte was a more fun rewatch compared to Angel Beats. Better characters and better character design.


>watched the first three episodes of Dimension W and I think I have to drop it. Is there any worth in this show at all?
I liked it. But it's not like it gets better after the first three episodes. It just gets a little more plot. It wasn't the most obvious of a plot, but not really in a good way.

I've been rewatching Korean Zombie Desk-car for this same purpose.


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Dimension W is extremely disappointing, I regret sticking around until that shit ending. Pretty standard for 3Hz, most of their shows seems promising but flip flop towards the end.
The robot girl was cute though.


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This might as well have been called
>We had to cut on rocket weight, so now our astronaut is a 38kg high school girl!


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In conclusion it was a great small gem. I can only wonder how comes I have never heard of it before. Would recommend it to anyone here.
Also in case anyone wonders, they have 2 separate space missions in the anime. The anime covers 2 out of 4 novel volumes, which is unfortunate.


Shit only now I realized because I did a madvr resset my screenshots got bloated.


They did explicitly say that was the reason they used JKs as astronauts, didn't they? My memory's fuzzy.

This was one of those shows where I don't know if it's surprisingly light on the fanservice given its premise, or it's just that my threshold for what constitutes fanservice is too high. Sky Girls was another one.


The JSDF guy that worked with them before that tried to escape after they wanted to make him weight 40kg. The whole plot is based on the idea of cheap and light rockets, therefore 153cm tall high school girls that weight less than 40kg have to pilot them.


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Finally finished Black Bullet. The premise and serious plot development was rather intriguing, but execution in terms of writing was horrible. Still an acceptable watch.
Now I wanted something stupid, so I chose to watch one of the few Magic School Harem shows I didn't watch yet:
Seireitsukai no Blade Dance.
Up to episode 6 and I like it. The tsundere is well done (since hurting the MC is something she doesn't want to do), the other girls are fun and not too forced. Even when it feels like the author was using a checklist for the tropes, it works out in the end. Production could be better but who cares.

The Ending is brilliant and the extra song on the disc named KN33SOXXX is legendary.

the character design is fine except for that shitty black bar below the eye. I really don't know why but it annoys the hell out of me. btw School days had the biggest bars I ever saw.


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>Black Bullet
Wait a second, I recognize that name.


This is what Heaven looks like.


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I love Blade Dance. It's like Strike the Blood where all the girls are likeable. The actual plot is cool, too. Same with the world setting, which is some fun chuuni stuff. The school battle harem beginning is basically just bait and switch, because later on conspiracy happens and they have to overthrow the empire, like an old school JRPG plot.


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Because of these well done compositions, I had some expectations for more loli slice of life moments, but it was dark, had a bunch of plot with much more plotholes and stupid dialogues etc.
It was really stupidly written, no surprise that the author did stop writing the novels. The anime is well done, but the writing is nothing.
Strike the blood has good girls and they are all likable, but the show lost me during the third season with its plot. Maybe they have too much chuuni things and weird background groups etc., or maybe I forgot the whole plot between S2 and S3.
Blade Dance on the other hand had no meaningful world building yet, but the backstory and character interactions are really fun to watch. Even that old joke of "use a cooking competition to decide something but both are bad at cooking" was funny, because one thought killing (?) the jury was the object.

Will I see that JRPG plot or do I have to read the novels? Did you? Could be interesting since it is fully translated.

Additionally I want to add that I started to rewatch Undefeated Bahamut, since I dropped it when I was a fag and disliked battle harem.
After watching the first two episodes, I can understand that I disliked the battles (who wants "mechs" in the battles? I prefer magic, swords etc. They even carry swords around, but nope); however, the girls are so fucking cute. Personal favorite is Lise, her design is top and I have something for the simple tsundere.
The fanservice in all shows is btw well done. Not too much, and always with nice shots.


Was Bahamut the latest/last Magic School Battle Harem?


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I haven't watched StB past the two OVAs. Didn't even know they've made three OVA series since then. I agree with you that the problem of the show is probably the confusing plot. That, or the anime didn't really do a good job of explaining it.

As for Blade Dance, the anime doesn't even cover the actual Blade Dance tournament, only up to the preliminaries. Although the overreaching plot revolves around the magic elements, the novel is actually structured like a VN, and the plot is character-driven.

The girls in Bahamut, without exception, all have ridiculously sexy butts. Even the main character.


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For some reason I remembered OniAi having a lot more plot. I remembered something about inheritance and so on. I wonder if that was just spoilers from back when it was airing.


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Not what I was imagining, but the setting and the main message had potential, I just don't think they were developed enough. The first half was relatively fine, though definitely it could have been better focused. The second part is where most things just feel as pointless as the deaths of all the characters that died through the series. The random new character that got introduced half-way through story to be the big evil boss was just shite. Sure it ended with the two rivals fighting, but that was expected. The freedom and independence messages got a bit of focus on several instances, but not properly spread and developed through the series.
It was okay, but it could have been better. But I guess that's not saying much.


Forgot to complain about the subplots that went nowhere. Even if I forget for example the lack of explanation of who the hell was Cougar, what the hell happened with the Commander. He was being build up as basically the being the mastermind of everything and the final boss, but then they removed that plot line. There was some foreshadowing that he was planning an Alter vs normal humans situations, but that just never happened. The he became completely powerless and irrelevant in the second half, fought once to inspire Ryuho and died.
I can't forgive the fact Cougar's final fight was pathetic and then did a switcheroo on his death, kept him alive for god knows how long in-story time and then he just died away from everyone else. What the hell was that. Sure, it was nice that he got to see the main two fighting, but it wasn't done properly, it wasn't cool at all. In fact his whole character got underdeveloped. He was more of a plot moving device at times, and that is. I guess he was literally the tool that speed the plot when it would have been slowed. Had one half-assed fight with Kazuma and then another halfassed mostly offscreen one with both Kazuma and Ryuho.


Are there any other xdcc irc channels other than #nibl and #news with unique bots in them? Also too bad #news search site is down. Using the search commands can be a mess.


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An anime about Kanye West and an entourage of Precure fairies shouldn't typically work, but in this case it's fine cause Kanye is superior and knows that he's superior. Such concentrated incompetence as what the fairies demonstrate I haven't seen in a while (especially Gatou's favourite fairy). In fact, Cirno does look like a genius when compared to them. So it's fun to see them suffer. Except this also means I didn't care at all for the subplot with the princess fairy. But oh well, at least we don't spend too much time on her.

But damn, Sento does make me glad they forced Gatou to change the design of Tilarna. I should rewatch Cop Craft.


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It's an anniversary!

And Becky is still the best girl ever. Didn't we have a Paniponi thread? Or am I misremembering?


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There's a cinco de maho thread somewhere, I think? Well, whatever, have a smiling Becky.


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Oh yeah, there is. I am even the one that made it…


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>I am even the one that made it…


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Becky is Breaking Bad!


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Finished Yuru Camp at long last. It required some mental and culinary preparation to be enjoyed fully. 10/10, I'll make sure to rewatch it in the winter while camping.


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Kino no Tabi with longer arcs, actual plot, and lots of EDGE was surprisingly enjoyable. I feel like if they had enough episodes to adapt the novels in details, it might even be something like 8/10.


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I just downloaded episode 3 so I can cry on the ending.


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Anybody knows how the novels end? Love drama with Alice isn't a particularly interesting development to look forward to, I should say.


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Did anybody else watch Somali from the recent winter season?
What the FUCK were they thinking with that non-ending? My disappointment is immeasurable. I was ready to cry and everything.


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Kannagi really should have focused more on SoL/worldbuilding and less on relationship drama. But, really, in the anime that talk with the father of Zange was the worst. It made no fucking sense whatsoever, and dragged down the entire arc afterwards. I kinda want to skim the manga to see where it goes, but the second half of the anime really dissuaded me from this.
That being said, I mostly liked the cast. The fujoshi was the best, though it was pure pleasure to listen to Sawashiro in such an atypical role too. Yamakan did fine too, all in all.


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I can never understand why retards get mad about stuff that is obvious from the start.


I can't understand why people get mad about stories going a way they don't like in general.
I just get disappointed. Extremely disappointed in some cases. But never mad.


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These two are sexting, definitely.
It makes sense, Abby was the only one to care at all about the poor guy. The whole anime was "let's see who can bully him more". Even his fucking mother was in on the bullying. Only Abby actually paid any attention to his feelings.
And yeah, he was also the only one to care about Abby.
Anyway, I fucking love these two. Pretty great anime overall.

P.S. Fuck Laurent, he didn't deserve such a happy ending.
P.P.S. Three episodes for Laurent's backstory was unnecessary long. Killing the entire mystery of the mysterious character just leaves a rotting corpse, nothing else.


I think the quality dropped massively after the break. The last case was particularly awful. I'd say fuck everyone but Makoto and Abby. What a bunch of sadistic Robin Hood complex good for nothings.


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But we had only one case after the break?
The main problem with that last arc really was the three episodes backstory that completely killed Laurent's likability. Otherwise it was a good story, with about as much material in it as the other stories. Except it was nine episodes instead of five. If they had decided to abridge the first six episodes of that arc into two-three eps only, it would have been the same high quality as the rest.


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Also Cynthia was fine. Nothing even close to Laurent or the father or that suicidal bitch Doroshii.


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Finally watched the Trinity Seven films. The first film is kinda meh, but the second… every single good side of the anime but this time the characters were also on model and the animation was the smoothest possible.

Truly a 9001/10 experience.


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Reminder that Nobue is cute.


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Fireball had quite the end. I recommend marathoning all seasons together one after another.


Nanoha Detonation was fun. That's rare for a Nanoha title.
Well, that's cause all of the unfun was in Reflection.

I'm still gonna watch the next title whenever it is.


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I need more Kamichu! in my life.


Don't we all. I was very disappointed that the manga was just an adaptation of the anime.


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Yup, that realization hurt the soul. I was really looking forward to seeing what would happen after the last (bonus) episode. But one will simply have to imagine.


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If you haven`t at least skimmed the manga, I highly recommend doing that. Naruko Hanaharu is a very good artist.


I will certainly do so, but I am hesitant since the ride will be truly over.


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Nobody told me this had NTR.


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You should have expected it; Hachiken is a pushover.


Can't make a new thread. Thinks people are bots. Please fix.


Did you try refuting this allegation by typing 'iamnotabot' in the password field?


Fuck, forgot about that stupid shit.
Do we really need it?


I am honestly surprised that Full Dive managed to straddle the line between retarded fun and just a shit anime till the very end. I don't regret watching it but certainly I wouldn't go around recommending it.


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I didn't even consider for a second they might kill her off. What faggots. I'd completely forgotten that trend to make all of the supernatural series end in a way that you can't really prove anything supernatural happened to the characters postfactum. This is why we can't have nice things. The series had actually managed to grow on me a little, for all its other flaws.


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Kageki Shoujo was surprisingly okay. Even more surprisingly, what made it okay was the idol and her commentary. The episodes without her narration were way more boring. I expected something way worse but it wasn't bad at all. Except Sarasa's last performance, that sucked.


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I somehow missed an episode of Kamichu, but I finally rectified that. This might be hyperbolic, but I think this show is a masterpiece. The worst thing I can say is that I wish the animation was better, but everything else is very, very good.
Still haven't read the manga's take even though it's been sitting in my archive for quite some time. One day.


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>Based on anime
I guess that's why I never read the manga. It's just two volumes tho…


The art on the manga is very good. It's well worth it.


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Almost a year too late, but I'm watching this now. I'd been putting it in my backlog but I never wanted to watch it because I thought it's just some glorified Honda ad. Turns out it is, but it's still a good relaxing anime. I've heard it fumbled around episode 7, but I'm still at episode 4. Let's see if it's true.


Wait, why are you using SubsPlease for a show that already has BD release?


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Tropical Rouge was pretty much the perfect mahou shoujo, with the best cast ever. I've no fucking idea how it managed it, but here we are.


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Just caught myself a JC. Try not to be too envious.


Nice body.


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Somehow my rewatch of Natsu no Arashi led me to a newfound appreciation of Jun. I loved her before too, but now I love her even more.

Not quite as much as Becky though.

Time for Akinai-chuu.


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I know this anime is for kids, but there was no need for this starship to reveal her identity. She could have ran away as instructed, and then transformed to stop the tsunami once she's out of sight. The emotional climax could have focused on Narue and the MC struggling against the ocean's might, but instead, they went for this. The cherry on top was the military erasing the affected populace's memory, Men in Black style, anyway.
I wonder if this is a problem with the anime, or if the manga is like this too. I'll be finding out either way.

But of course! Starships are known to have great physiques.

>It is lonely on old shows thread too.
Not anymore!


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Part 6 was absolutely great.
The first (actually English) half was really nice high tension shit with both Holmes and the daughter absolutely great. Good plot, without the Part 5 bullshit.
The second half was comfy as fuck overall. The overarching plot mostly did not impose on the comfyness. I really loved the horror episode in not-Greenland. Top comfy really.

But… you know, I no longer really cared that much after they revealed that the daughter is not Moriarty. I guess it sounds too much like its own show and it'd've taken focus away from Lupin himself.


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Haughty vents.


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Now fully translated, the suffering may now begin once more.
I have only a vague idea on what's going on, but at least everything feels right. After all, the first episode is amazingly macabre, but you're given some nebulous hope that will surely be brutally murdered, only for another one to arrive.


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It still hits hard.


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Despite mecha and otherworldly beings, infantry are still cool, especially when commanded by a guy who regularly laughs at death flags.


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Apologies for the incessant posting, it's just that this has been an experience and then some. What an anime.
Someone probably already made this comparison somewhere at sometime, but the message of understanding presented in Fafner is a bit reminiscent of Cross Channel, or at least from my perspective.
「Can you here me?」
「Are you there?」


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I don't come to anime imageboards only to vent my hot OPINIONS on anime - much of the point for me is to find anime that I might like which have otherwise escaped my radar. From recent posts in this thread alone, I have backlogged Kamichu! and Narue no Sekai, made a mental note to check out Tropical-Rouge, and considered giving the Fafner franchise a fair chance. So don't apologize for posting what you think is good about an anime you like - rather, do it more!

And now to be consistent with myself I suppose I should post some fucking anime, so here goes Love Get Chu. I'm really enjoying it, for largely superficial reasons - I like the voice acting and the character designs (despite the fact that they reach Slayers levels of protruding cheekbones at times), and the OP really does it for me too, so for me this is one of those anime where I'm always hyped up and ready for whatever will come.

The plot is reminiscent of Sore ga Seiyuu!, in that the girls are allowed to succeed so that, by following them, the story can explore different aspects of the industry (rather than always being stuck as small-fry VAs). The romance and drama elements aren't very skillfully done, but they don't seem central to me - this is an almost-episodic anime about a genki bwaka who always prevails and her gang of friends.


I was concerned because this isn't a thread dedicated to Fafner, so by continually posting about that anime, I felt as if the thread were being hijacked. But I'm glad to hear you weren't bothered by my actions.
That said, there's probably only three people who post here, you and I included.


Three Kingdoms IN SPACE, aka Rai's story, was kinda meh, with all of the pacing faults of old anime: inconsistent development, pointless episodes, the end is literally in the middle of the fight without them showing anything. The good guys died a lot, but not even one of their deaths accomplished anything - that was reserved for the deaths of the antagonists. Speaking of deaths, Shimon was annoying and the anime actively got better afterwards. Not-Kei was best girl, I was sad to see her gone. The cat princess was close second. These two made the anime for me. Honorable mention for the wife of the cat guy and her ultra silly hats.


The thread is so slow that you can't hijack it even if you try. And yeah, maybe 3-4 people make up the fufufu hivemind.


Dubs should be illegal, this hurts my ears.


You just hate fun. They actually put feeling in this dub. They probably didn't even hire the lowest paid people in the country to do the song. Not everyone is following USA's shining example.


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I cannot believe someone with this face would just kill his victims and not rape them. Just look at him.
Anyway, finally finished this up. In the end, I think it's alright, all things considered: I had fun, and the early 2000s charm is very much present. I would have preferred more of a restrained focus, with less of the "space magic," and more of Narue-chan smiling.
Considering the last episode focused on action, and the source material's length, the manga probably ends up a lot more serious than what's presented here. So I guess I'll check that out in the future.


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What with 46 episodes being rather daunting, I decided to watch the Tropical-Rouge movie to get a quick taste of it (and of Precure in general, which I'm almost entirely new to). I was most positively impressed. The only bad takeaway for me were the makeup-themed transformation scenes - every single other thing ranged between fine and well above expectations.

From this superficial impression, I agree the cast is good. They're of course the template characters of the genre, but they're well fleshed out. I liked how Asuka, for example, fills the 'cool, aloof girl' slot, yet at the same time is the butt of some jokes.

Speaking of jokes, a few well-placed ones (like the sliding door one) made the plot tread the line between serious and silly quite skillfully, which I'm a big fan of.

The guest appearance by a previous generation of cures, which I take to be a staple of Precure movies, was also excellent, and these bitches that I didn't know either have instantly become my favourite cures. Actually, just Marine.

And now I'm blessedly fucked, because I'll never possibly catch up with Precure unless I'm paid to do it full-time, but at the same time I'll never run out of Precure to watch when I feel like it.


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Funnily enough, the movie was subpar when compared to the tv season itself. Good setup but it kinda fell through in the last 10-15 minutes of the movie. I absolutely loved the foreshadowing though, like how the train in pic related has no way of turning back.

As for the TV, the makeup transformation scenes are just as skippable as in the movie, so that bad aspect is shared. But, that being said, it was a pure pleasure to watch, so 46 eps went by in no time. Especially the second half, after all of the Cures are introduced. And this is coming from somebody who finds even 26 eps anime to be kinda dauntingly long.


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Someone get a pair of scissors and neutralize this threat.


I've been thinking every now and then during the last seven years whether I should continue watching this anime or not. Is it worth it?


>the last seven years
Silly anon! As if it could be seven years already since saekano aired! Why, it was the same season as Koufuku Graffiti, Junketsu no Maria, The Rolling Girls, Yurikuma Arashi, and KanColle. Surely that must've been no earlier than 2018? I should know, because it was about the time when I swore to get my shit together and do something with my life, for real this time.

As for your question, the answer is probably no. As I remember, the later seasons had a remarkable amount of plot and even proper closure and development for some characters, but clearly you're not a big enough fan to need that in your life. I don't regret watching them but I could've done without just fine.


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Baka fight!

I obviously don't know why you didn't continue in the first place, but I'm only three episodes into the second season, and it really is a continuation of the first. Whether that's good is, of course, up to you.
All I know is that I haven't watch the first season in years, so this isn't as impactful as it could be.


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How long has it been since the last time Shaft blew something up for the same of its anime? A decade?


I'm interested in what they blew up.


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The factory for the figurines.


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Make way for some incessant posting! I've noticed some of my backlog tick-offs share a common pattern, so I thought it best to discuss them in contrast to each other. And so, today I bring for your consideration two 'phantom thief' anime from the 90's: Kaitou Saint Tail and Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne.

The first follows Meimi, AKA Saint Tail, a dashing thief who steals wrongly-obtained objects and gives them back to their rightful owners, using her cunning and her magic tricks. The second follows Maron, AKA Jeanne, the reincarnation of Joan of Arc who destroys, rather than steals, objects which have become possessed by demons, in order to save their owners' souls. Both share the core traits of a 'phantom thief' story: before each heist, the MC delivers a written warning of where and when it'll happen, so that the theft will involve a direct battle of wits and skill against the police - the leader of which, of course, is a close friend of hers!


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Kaitou Saint Tail starts out pretty good, with a cool MC, a high-quality tokimeki scene, and even some subtext for those with the proper eyewear to enjoy. It fails to live up to itself, however - the romance stalls, the characters don't develop, and the plot amounts to episodic villain-of-the-week stories with black-or-white morals. The show's selling point should be the relationship between Meimi and her love interest, the boy who has sworn to catch Saint Tail. Meimi does her part of the job by exploring at length her conflicting feelings, which is good; unfortunately, the other party is devoid of any character or appeal and routinely fails to induce a proper throbbing of the heart when given the chance.

Saint Tail is definitely an anime worth knowing, but I don't think it's worth watching in its entirety. I think even the Ascended who watch Aikatsu and PriMagi would find it hard to finish.


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Portrayed here is one of the keenest villains to grace this show (you might think it's always the same guy, as they all have the same villain face, but his baldness proves otherwise). His evil purpose is to compel the ojousama into selling him her horse, and his ploy, as you can appreciate, has no fissures! Who but Saint Tail can stand up to masterminds like this?


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And if Home Alone-tier villains weren't bad enough, how would you like an anthropomorphised pet? This piece of shit understands Japanese better than you ever will despite all those reps, and promptly steps in to save the MC whenever a more aggravating plot device isn't available. The only reason I'm bringing it up is that it's called Ruby and, being a rubyist myself, I can't help liking that.


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Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, quite on the other hand, looks superficially worse but is overall much better. Being aimed at a teenage audience, it has an undeniable edginess in its aesthetics and themes, but it's kept at a reasonable level. In exchange for that, it buys a modicum of depth for its characters and plot - just the bare minimum to keep your palm away from your face for 25 minutes. For example, Maron is sometimes presented with the undesirable consequences of her actions, and must solve the ensuing dilemma on her own, as if - yeah, almost as if life were complicated and what's right and wrong weren't always obvious.

The show's main driving force is the 'friends by day, enemies by night' dynamic between Maron, her best buddy, and their love interest. It's well-trod ground, but it's done well enough. The tokimeki wasn't all that I hoped for, but I found the characters and the fights pretty cool, especially towards the last third or so, when the show redoubles its efforts to rip off Sailor Moon with a new transformation and powers.

The OP songs were also surprisingly good. You could totally call them progressive rock and listen to them like people do with music.


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The show has a strong boner for French themes, which shows in the backgrounds despite being set in Japan. The result, although a weird mishmash of European architecture, at least is reasonably pretty and gives the show a unique look.


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Jeanne won me over quickly with her unorthodox, rather pragmatic choice of techniques and gadgets. Although, week by week, the fights mostly revolve around her gimmick finishing move and rarely have highlights like this one, I think they're still above average.

And with this I'm done! You can go back to reminiscing about old Shaft now.


You've piqued my interest. I'll check this one out.

>You could totally call them progressive rock

The OPs are good, but I'd hesitate to call them prog rock. AOR, maybe?


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If you're suggesting that I don't know as much about rock as I pretend to on the Internet, I won't deny it.


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I like it when my tsundere aren't psychopaths.


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I was just excited at the prospect of a progressive rock opening for a mahou shoujo anime: was it going to be classically inspired, e.g. ELP, or was it going to be more "modern," e.g. Outer Limits?


>And with this I'm done! You can go back to reminiscing about old Shaft now.
I refuse! Instead, I will start reminiscing about DN Angel. It was the first anime I downloaded and watched back in like 2004. Instead of a magical girl phantom thief, it's a boy there that steals and exorcises art pieces exclusively. The exorcism, of course, always involves some story behind why the art piece was possessed in the first place, which stories were of various degree of quality. The overarching plot however is about the phantom thief powers of the boy himself. But while the anime cuts that plot short with an anime original end, the highlight really is the romance story that reaches its climax just after the middle of the show. That again is somewhat changed in the anime: the manga keeps up the tension of who will end up with who (specifically the phantom thief alter ego has his own separate romantic interests in the manga), while the anime goes in a definitive way about it. So if you want a more "quality tokimeki" phantom thief anime to watch next, this is a fine choice.

I myself will watch Jeanne… one day. 44 eps is a lot.


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I'm so happy I didn't watch this during its airing as waiting for the movie would have been arduous. While the drama is often too much, the more normal moments are bliss.
And Eri is only good for her reactions, ZR, and flatness.


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Eroticism can be found at every inch.


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The last few episodes of the second season indicated how the story would end, but I'm nonetheless relieved that the movie concluded as such. It was very much worth it to be here. So very, very much.
Finally, a story where the main and winning heroine is best girl.


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The epilogue's beginning almost stopped my heart, though.


One more thing, I really appreciate that the movie's conflict and the characters' reactions to it weren't obnoxious: It was just enough to emphasize the girl's cuteness and her relationship with the main character.


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I should get around to finishing picrel since I found out it got fully subbed in 2020. I think I stopped at ep 13 - 15, can't even remember since I haven't touched the show since 2018. Oh well.


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The love polygonal bullshit is obnoxious, and it's only going to get worse in the second cour it seems, but I can't stop watching this anime.


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I now understand why she has a whole day dedicated to her, and that Hikari is a massive faggot.


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fufufu is dead.


But fufufu has always been dead.


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Yeah, but usually still up for some necrophilia. This is deader than dead.


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I always enjoy it when stuff like Windows is still being used many decades into the future. The Year of the Linux Desktop never came.


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Combat meido!


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A merc group composed of cute but lethal maids who will obliterate your enemies after lending their laps to your weary head. Capitalism is amazing.


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Glorious ending.


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Only Kei truly benefited from the change in the art style, and that's just because it makes him appear more feminine. Other than that, the first season's designs are better. Then there's the matter of the second season putting more focus on Haruka in the latter half: a poor decision.
Don't regret watching it since I liked the first Moyashimon, but it is a step down, and not as much fun.


The second season's OP being rather generic compared to the first's is also fitting.


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Which chemical element do you want to fug?




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One must admire her genki'ness.

Excellent choice. You've earned yourself a banana.


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I love the wholesomeness, but they sometimes do not pull punches.


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Absolutely adorable.


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Kabukichou Sherlock was a weird combination between nice well executed sherlockian episodic mysteries and some of the worst overarching mysteries I've ever seen. The one in the first half especially made no fucking sense. It took me three years to finish this shit, just because of how bad the overarching plot was.


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I just wish the entire series was like the OVA specials.


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Started watching this. Apparently these are the only English subs, which were translated from an Italian dub. The accuracy goes all over the place, much worse than Zambot 3. I could fix the TL if I just had someone enthusiastic enough to typeset and edit it.


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She really is the fucking best.


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Why yes, I finally did finish the second season, and yes, there were the promised crowbars. I am pleased.


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Only one episode in, and I'm loving it. Gut-punching witches is one of my fantasies.


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This guy is great. I wasn't expecting such a demeanor from the OP, but it's a welcome surprise.


Definitely the sexiest motherfucker in anime lately. I am currently waiting for my manga volumes to arrive, though as the mangaka is new this might be one of those cases where the anime seriously polishes up the source material. I'll see.


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The necromancy described herein is given a bit more depth than what's usually ascribed to it, including a horrific tradeoff that gives much weight to the antagonist's acts. His punishment is well deserved.

Please do post about it in the manga thread.


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I have a sneaking suspicion that mating with witches is akin to that of spiders and pray mantises. Might be worth it though.


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And I must reiterate how awesome he is.


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Good grief, the world is unfair: this adaption deserved a much larger budget. In fact, it's worthy of a theatrical one. The magnitude of power on display would make a certain maou blush!


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I've been going over it slowly, and just got to the backstory time. It actually made me appreciate the anime even more: the adaptation is very much 1:1 in many ways, including even for example reproducing the page with the swords witch kiss. But at the same time it doesn't lazy out with just 1:1 shots - for example pic related doesn't happen in the manga, the executioner is just in some ruins on the ground like the rest of the cast. The manga is very cinematic in its structure, so this sort of adaptation is just perfect for it, really - not really adding anything to the plot (like Hidamari's for example), but just making it even more cinematic. Frankly, these guys truly deserved to have a much larger budget, they would have used it up to its utmost for sure.

Do note that me saying I've been going over the manga slowly is mostly due to me deliberately stopping myself. It's a very fast read if you let yourself just go at it… but as a lot of my free time is during my daily commute, missing my station was twice the unintended consequence of getting lost in a volume of this.


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Finally, starting to tackle some shows on my wishlist. I've been meaning to watch Tatami Galaxy for around 10 years. So far I definitely fucked up by waiting this long.
>Based on a novel by Morimi Tomihiko.
Turns out he also wrong the source material for Uchouten Kazoku, which I remember liking when it was airing.
>Directed by Yuasa Masaaki
This makes so much sense. He's directed Eizouken ni wa Te o Dasuna!, Kemonozume, Ping Pong, Kaiba, and Devilman: Crybaby among others.

The show obviously looks amazing, and the dialog was great in episode one. It does get a bit overwhelming sometimes with the amount of dialog. I can keep up with the subs, but I don't want to miss out on the art. It brought me to the point of looking to see if there was a dub.

Picked this one up, anon. I watched up to episode ten the other day. Still have to go back and finish the last two.


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>he also wrong the source material
Wrote. Fuck.


I remember never watching the BD bonus episodes of Tatami. I should rewatch it one of these days.


Thank you for the insightful post; it made me appreciate the anime more.
I'm hesitant to pick up seasonal action anime because the kinetic sequences are usually poorly done, thanks to the lack of time, money, and direction. Majo to Yajuu certainly isn't as bad in this area, but since the material itself is quite good, it does make me pine for more SAKUGA.

I have three episodes left, so I should get to that so I can join in reading the manga. Have a bad habit of not finishing shows I really like.

>It's a very fast read if you let yourself just go at it

Fug. And it's licensed too, so the TL will be a yearly thing I guess.


Oh yeah, I forgot that I caught up with the manga.

The vampire arc was absolutely great, I wish for a film adaptation of it - I think it will fit just great in a film runtime. Then afterwards there's a new plot starting to happen, that is more complicated, involving the entire cast from all arcs up to there. Honestly, I think I will judge its quality only after it ends. Which seems it will not be any time soon. I would have kinda wished for some de-escalation and some more episodic arcs between the vampires and this current huge arc but oh well. Let's see where it goes.


Alright, as no volunteers have appeared I decided to start doing this myself. I might post this to /m/ later but thought that ふふふ deserves to see it first.

Here are the subs for Episode 1 of Daitarn 3, fresh out of oven: https://files.catbox.moe/t5hvga.zip


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I can't typeset or edit for shit, but if ever the nihongo gives you trouble, post a clip and I'll give you a second opinion.

Have a Meteo as a token of my appreciation.


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I love Meteo-sama


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Fafner's seemingly last entry "Behind The Line" was translated months ago, but I still don't have the balls to watch it yet since it features Canon. Years later, and I'm still not over what happened.


Thank you, and all input is welcome.

Here, Episode 2 of Daitarn 3: https://files.catbox.moe/ecs9sy.zip


Here is the secret to typesetting. Find an anime where you like the font and style. Copy it.
Good for you for taking the initiative on something you like!


I forgot the file type, but some fonts are not possible to attach to .ass files. This causes that those who do not have the particular fonts installed can't see them. Adding a separate font folder is silly too, and I can't be assed to attach them to .mkv if I feel like I want to change something later.


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For you all who follow the three episode rule, Episode 3 of Daitarn 3: https://files.catbox.moe/ud539o.zip


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I shall re-shed tears tonight as I enjoy this once more.


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I took my time finishing this series. It really was executed really fucking well. If I really have to complain, I'd say the overarching story is… too simple? And, really, this should have been a series of films, as the best viewing experience really is arc by arc, marathoning each of them separately, with good alcohol at hand. That aside, everything else was absolutely a delight to behold. And when I say everything, I really do mean everything. Voice acting, writing, animation, soundtrack… everything just clicked in place. I sincerely hope we get an S2 soon enough.


Does it bump? Watching Wolf's Rain right now. If it doesn't dump I wonder what pic to put for the OP next.


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It does bump. Should have posted a pic.
Technically rewatching, but I probably watched it for the first time around 2007-2008, so I remember nothing, except the ending. I actually made an AMV of the anime back in the days. Before I started hating AMVs.


>I actually made an AMV of the anime back in the days.
May I please see it?


Unfortunately, I don't think I have saved it anywhere and the website I upload it to, well, it still exists, but it is not the same, so the video has been removed from there too. It was with the Heaven's Not Enough song from the anime itself. There are quite a few AMVs with it as it is.

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