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Wixoss is truly weaksauce this season. The whole new concept is stupider than anything Okada could have come up with.
>>17506Not nearly as much. I don't think it's an unreasonable guess to say they've swapped the amount of cg and hand drawn animation they use on the witches during the fight scenes.
Decided I'll carry on watching both side by side. It's been interesting enough for the first two episodes since the plot is pretty similar so far, plus it's a good excuse to give the original another look so why not. Watching them together makes BW feel like a cheap rip off. Characters and plot aside SW managed to set a far better tone for the battle in the 2nd episode, with the shots of injured crewmen and Miyafuji inside the ship it felt far more dangerous than what we got in BW. Really would expect better considering it's still got the same writer and director, would it have been too much to ask for them to try and come up with a somewhat different story?
Also still very upset they seem to have done away with much of the ecchi and yuribait.
>>17518This is too short.
>c.3 (end) by Psylocke Scans (221d ago)Too fucking short.
>>17523Well fml.
It does quite a lot of things better than the tv special. Specifically, the soldier guy is pronouncedly the main character, which works really well. Especially in moments like pic related. However, at the same time it botches the whole "loup garou's language can't be deciphered" reveal. It's presented way better in the anime. Oh well, the girl was fucking cute. It's really obvious the artist is the guy from Medaka Box.
>>17600I only really liked the first Nanoha anime.
>>17601I really like everything through Strikers
>>17600Never did finish Vivid, dropped it as the tournament started. I wanted another nanoha series, not a martial arts show. Still got it all downloaded though, will have to finish it someday.
>>17600>>17601I kind of like the new season more than the first one. I mean, they started the tournament arc, but stopped right before the main characters start losing. Which is bullshit. It can't be a good anime if the main characters aren't beaten to a pulp a few times.
That being said, I pretty much liked ONLY Strikers. The first two Nanoha seasons were fucking terrible, with zero likable characters in them. My point is, I'm not trustworthy when it comes to this franchise.
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>>17609I still think that the first season is the best overall, the characters and visuals were pretty good and the story was really well done. I might be biased because I like Shinbo.
A's is seriously the shit though. Way better than Strikers.
>>17609>>17611I feel the first two were passable magical girl shows, I like them but don't really have any strong feelings on them. I really like what Strikers did though by moving forward twenty years or whatever, the setting was so cool. What I wouldn't give for just a straight up Nanoha police procedural show, like no evil BBEG, just good old fashioned cops v robbers kinda thing.
>>17611I pretty much managed to finish the first season only because of Shinbo (and because I'd already gone through Triangle Heart anyway). The last battle between Nanoha and Fate was so fucking beautiful! I've never seen the films just because I know it's not Shinbo there.
A's had less problems with the pacing, but it still kept all the bad sides of the first season. It wasn't even that much of an over-the-top melodrama as fans often try to portrait it as.
Then Strikers did something amazing. Of course, I'm a sucker for a series showcasing how the main characters of the previous season have changed the world, and seeing their influence over the new main characters, but there was more than that. It added some sense of realism. Teana was the only girl who was actually using her brain in a universe where everybody uses their fists to communicate. It expanded on the universe-building way more than the two previous seasons combined. It had likable characters. It didn't depend on melodrama to make its point. It… well, in the middle Nanoha practically mindbroke the girls for not being Good Nihonjin TM and not obeying every word of hers, but that's another question. What I'm trying to say, it was a full-fledged scifi with a diverse and likable cast. The rest of the franchise is pretty limited in its scope in comparison.
Though I can appreciate how Vivio outright says everything that people have been ridiculing Nanoha from the start: communicating with her FISTS, and, of course, BEFRIENDING.
That being said, the new season doesn't have much of Vivio, now, does it? It's the most cliche ever tournament arc, and the fights are on the boring side, without complex magical techniques. Most of the budget goes to pointless transformation sequences that nobody cares about. In other words, you may as well go watch Tiger Mask.
Which brings me around to
>>17615>What I wouldn't give for just a straight up Nanoha police procedural show, like no evil BBEG, just good old fashioned cops v robbers kinda thing.Me too! That would be the fucking best! Even better if it brings back Subaru and Teana!
Somehow I really can't get into Occultic;Nine. That's coming from someone who liked Steins and hell even Chaos.
>>17748>the hype it generated beforehandwas there any? fufufu at least has never reacted so lethargic to another season before.
>>17750Yeah. This season has big names like Drifters, Strike Wtiches, and Hibike, advertised originals like Yuri!! On Ice too, Touken Ranbu, and lots of magical girl shows too. Gundam is continuing too.
I honestly wouldn't even be interested in this season, if it weren't because of people hyping it, so maybe I'm biased (as someone who got duped by it).
>>17751I thought Strike Witches isn't big anymore, whatever popularity it had being eclipsed by GuP. And I never got the feeling Hibike is big - but then again, I've dropped every KyoAni show lately on the first episode. Guess that's why I avoided the hype.
I like this season. Flip Flappers, Girlish Number, 3-gatsu, Drifters, Stella no Mahou, Fune wo Amu, Cheating Craft, To Be Hero, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, and Keijo are all good shit.
Flip Flappers is one of my favorite new anime in a long time.
>>17820I certainly didn't notice that. Is there an uncensored version for that bath scene?
Long Riders barely got to episode 6. It is so much behind the rest of the season. I wonder if they are going to cut it short or actually continue into the new year.
>>17926Being Hayato is suffering
Also the new OP is pretty cool
>>17859Literature-flavored bonding with morons.
>>17926I remember Kira blowing himself up somehow.
Saw Your Name today, and while it was mostly good and had the usual great animation, music, and backgrounds associated with Shinkai, it had its issues, chiefly being that the characters and some plot points were undeveloped. As a story I think it would've worked a lot better as a TV series. 1 cour would've been enough to flesh out the parts that were lacking.
A funny part is that there's a scene in the movie that's a reference to 5cm/s and is designed to throw off people who had seen that, which was both clever and annoying. There are a whole bunch of Radwimps insert songs too.