Where the fuck are my high school battle harems?
>new natsume
>>16966I'll watch anything with cute girls in it.
Girlish Number looks cute enough for my tastes.
Oh boy, another season of Natsume Yuujinchou..
So Yotsubato is getting an anime after all.
>Sangatsu no Lion
This has to be a bullshit chart right?
Every time I see this it always turns out to be a bullshit chart.
The doujin game one with the knock-off mitsudomoe characters looks good.
>Mahou Shoujo Nante Deskar 2; Teekyu 8
Gay swimsuit lolis and teekyuu again, it's nice to know earth-star continues to pump out the same high quality loli ecchi season on season, except let's all forget about pupa.
>Ao Oni the animation
I guess this puts Yume Nikki a step closer to reality.
>Three sacred stars
I'm not going to hold my hopes up after they failed the first time.
>>16979 all the moments where Shaft couldn't help themselves and just had to show off how much Shaft they are. Shinbo probably gets off on having the easiest tells ever.
I mean, Shinbo probably gets off on loli feet if we have to be literal about it, but that's another question.
Oh, so that's why I stopped seeing Regalia episodes. I wasn't invested enough to go look up why.
If only Qualidea Code had done the same thing.
Why would you post a troll chart here?
>>16986How will they save IIE SENPAI?
Is Digimon copying Yu-Gi-Oh! now?
>>16991Eh? I wasn't aware that anyone was in need to saving. Good enough excuse to rewatch it at least.
>>17061Oh, well fuck. That's somewhat depressing.
Get well soon taneda-chan.
Man, most stuff this season looks horrible. I hope for a sleeper hit, otherwise I'll have to keep working on my backlog.
>>17097Yeah, there's not much new stuff that's really grabbed my attention
except perhaps Keijo, but between Gundam, Vivid, Strike Witches, Hibike and the other S2's/spinoffs there's certainly enough for me to look forward too.
>>17093Both were surprisingly run-of-the-mill. Average to their core. Oh well.
Wednesday has nine shorts alone. Nine. Jesus.
Saturday already feels dull. I just finished the Not-WW2. It had nice animation which puts it above everything else so far, but I am not feeling the story.
The only things left are a Madoka wannabe, Uta no Prince and Tiger Mask W. It seems like the only thing that could save Saturday might be Tiger Mask W or if Izetta actually turns out to not be just bullshit with yuri baiting.
>>17148We still have Lion next week
>>17151I wish it went with the SoL route. People need to get off the madoka wagon already. Grimderp loses it's charm after the 100th show.
>>17162Yeah, I could see this being quite fun if it was just a SoL and the boy might have been enough to set it apart from all the other similar shows. I don't think people necessarily need to stop making edgy magical girl shows though, they just need to stop making ones so derivative and with lame setups like this one.
>>17177I believe the touken anime right now is just a SoL thing with no real plot happening and another anime set for 2017 will have the actual plot of the game.
Monhan is pretty shit. Not even one sign it might evolve into something good. Tell me if they change staff or something.
Why is this season so gay
>>17203Yeah I have to agree, they are insufferable as hell and makes it hard to watch the rest of the show.
>>17061Is she going to die?
They always end up dying.
>>17194The magical girl (male) is too much for my sanity
and boner. And I thought last season's cat faggot is bad enough.
>>17220We don't know that.
Lots of originals this season. Hopefully at least one of them turns out to be decent.
>>17223It isn't gay to like a feminine boy.
>>17225That "girl" is not even cute, anon.
>>17227He's completely female.
Soushin Shoujo Matoi is a good example of how you don't start an anime. Trying to catch the viewer's attention with a barely averagely animated darkish fighting scene that doesn't have anything interesting about it is completely useless and it can actually do the opposite of catching people's attention. And then there was the atrocious Engrish. The actual anime was just okay, but it did not deserve that horrible start.
On the other hand Nanbaka had for an opening act half of its first episode. It seems like most of the time we might just be watching the characters goof around in a 4-koma way, if the second half is to be believed, but the opening act made complete sense in both storytelling and directing. It actually did a great job of presenting the characters and the selling points of the anime. On the other hand when all of the male characters have rainbow pedicures there is something else that has gone horrible wrong. Finding out that the mangaka is a gyaru explained a lot. Takamatsu Shinji is the director so I do have some hope that something interesting could come out of this one.
>>17234>the mangaka is a gyaruWait, seriously? You know I could actually see that but that's really weird. I just, can't imagine a 3D gyaru (more like don't want to but eh).
>>17234I want to (bleep) 25!
I'm glad it introduced some semblance of an ongoing plot towards the end of the episode, I liked it but I'm not sure it'd manage to keep my interest if it was just 4koma antics all the time. Hope it manages to find a good balance between goofing around and story.
>>16966Working and perhaps Occult;Nine are the only ones I am set on. I'll probably pick up a few more as the bad picks become apparent.
Damn, for a Slice of Life the language kind of went over my head. I guess especially the dialect at the beginning was a little too much for my current level.
Anyway, I thought it's going to be for Social Network Services, thus a quick drop because of the disgusting topic, but SNS actually meant something else. What was it, Dead fish eyes, Sleep deprivation, and… Shuttle Lamp? What?
That being said, it has sex hair protag, cute cast, a personal favourite of a color palette, and the occasional cool details to break up the tried formula. Also the simple-yet-effective ending animation made a positive impression. All in all, it shouldn't be a worse experience than New Game+, and it's going to be a strong contender for the "most Shaft series of the season". Because it's fucking Shaft. Think *.ppt jokes and superflat. If Shaft don't Shaft-out Sangatsu no Lion, this may be more Shaft than it.
>>17240New Game+ was honestly a bit of a disappointment though. I don't really know what I expected but it felt a little bland by the ending even if it was still fun to watch, if that even makes sense. I don't really know how to put it into words, I guess like, if it had been a little longer it would've overstayed its welcome or something?
But yeah, glad to know I'm not the only one who loves the hair. She looks like the Netoge girl honestly.
>>17241Yeah, I get what you mean. The season ended exactly when the whole gig started getting too old. I meant the whole "shouldn't be a worse experience than New Game+" thing as a pretty low bar, a barely passable series.
>>17236The manga does a tournament arc in the second volume and, given the original escape scene that kicked off this episode, I feel like the anime will put focus on that stuff more than the 4koma antics.
I'm already so far behind.
With that ending I was hoping they'd be decoy protagonists and it'd switch to the father as the main character, but the preview dashed those hopes.
This surprised me, the animation is great and the characters are super expressive, so it had me thoroughly entertained, even with the more juvenile fart jokes in there. I'm not entirely sure whether it's meant for kids or not.
>Dream Festival
I don't know why I even bother watching these male idol shows each season because they're all awful.
>Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
Pretty much what others have said, I don't have any faith that this will pull of grimdark magical girls well so I don't care to keep up with it. I'm also not fond of the designs either.
>Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
I couldn't find anything to like about this at all. The characters were all annoying in different ways, and that introduction scene was laughable for the wrong reasons.
As for shorts, Anitore XX was a sexier sequel to the first season, so it'll make good fap material again. Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desu Kara S2 was the same. Kiitarou Shounen no Youkai Enikki had too much fighting and not enough monster girl /ss/, while Nazotokine was so bad it's not even worth talking about. Ao Oni was entertaining in what was being animated but the dialogue was flat.
>>17183I liked IBO S1 a lot more than any Tomino Gundam I've seen, but the first episode of S2 was just embarrassing with the massive drop in animation quality compared to S1.
Also, I flipped through S1 of Okusama and best girl didn't even get an ero scene. What a waste of time.
>>17187I think we all assumed that it was supposed to intentionally look the way it does as a joke, but it seems like the studio really is just that bad.
>>17259I'm now just 5-6 series behind. As opposed to you, I count this as pretty good.
>BloodivoresSeems too edgy. Not bad, but I bet I'll get tired of it really fast.
>Time Bokan 24Yyyyeah, it's clear what they are trying to do. I feel some spark of originality somewhere in there, but again I'll probably get tired of it real fast.
>Soushin Shoujo MatoiTruly awful intro seq. This was like a distillation of chuunibyou.
Rest of the episode had enough comedy weaved in to not feel bad at all. I mean, the basic plot was still fucking chuuni, but interruptions like "I GOT IGNORED" do more than enough to make it quite enjoyable.
>IzettaThe level of realism (in-universe logical progression) and seriousness don't quite make for the best combination in my eyes, but as long as you accept what they're trying to do, it's really fucking well done. So, you know, it's not a Wizard Barristers case of movie-level animation in the first episode backed up by everything else awful. It is an actually strong production.
Still, I'd have loved it way more if it also incorporated some cynical jeers and ironical comments (everything's better with a Vlad Taltos protagonist). Or, alternatively, if it had gone full-autism mode and tried to recreate this alternative history down to the most mundane trivia. But right now? It's a "meh".
>>17259>[…] even with the more juvenile fart jokes in there. I'm not entirely sure whether it's meant for kids or not.>fart jokesIt's meant for kids. If I've learned something from Terry Pratchett, it's this.
Not much I can say about Flip Flappers other than so far not being really impressed.
Keijo!!!!!!!! was okay. A lot of budget for a XEBEC anime. I hope they keep it fresh.
The characters in All Out!! are a little generic, but enjoyable anyway. It seems like it might also have a nice budget so the matches could be pretty entertaining too.
Because two of the other series haven't been released translated yet I decided to try some of the short. It turned out there were several that were half episode long.
I had no idea what the fuck was going in Bernard Jou Iwaku, it is definitely for bookworms only. Then it turned out there are two half-episodes done by the new Chinese studio. I can't tell if Cheating Craft is suppose to be pro-communistic or ant-capitalistic. TO BE HERO is them trying to have a sarcastic superhero, probably because of One-Punch Man. The first one was horrible, the second one hurt a lot for making Sugita a commie sellout.
>>17273 The Chinese industry is still young and right now it is the easiest to start with battle shounen stuff. In a way I think it is better than the horrible webcomic Korean melodramas.
Nazotokine has a bunch of hot OLs.
>Magic-KyunI actually liked it, mostly due to the music and the two lead characters. But I don't expect it to stay as good as the first episode since the introduction part and OP/ED make it fairly clear that it'll turn into a harem.
>TricksterDidn't like this at all, the edgy speech at the beginning told me it would be bad from the outset and then we got 10 minutes of boy meets angsty suicidal boy and 10 minutes of cops chasing some guy without bothering to inform the viewer of why they should care.
>NanbakaFirst half was pretty boring, I liked the comedy in the second half but then the stuff about 15's dark past came up and I lost most of my interest. Also, it had more sparkles than Magic-Kyun.
>>17273This was probably the worst first episode of what I've watched so far. A stupid premise with an incredibly dull execution.
Dream Festival! is a weird one in many ways. From what I can tell it is airing on a streaming service and probably because of that plus being something that is testing the waters you can feel it being a little cheap at times. But the important thing is that it is a new anime by the Bandai anime studio, the ones making Aikatsu. Unsurprisingly the anime is an advertising for idol cards, but this time males. I am not really sure what the target audience even is, which is something they probably are not sure of either. It wouldn't be easy to find their own space in the current male idol market, but maybe the fact that they sell cards is what will make them unique enough.
The director is some relative newbie. The sound director though is great. She has been doing both Aikatsu and Aikatsu Starts!, including even Haikyuu. 3 series in one season. That sounds like a lot of work for a sound director. And then the anime even has the series compositor of Aikatsu. She has written and directed many episodes.
The anime starts every episode in a style similar to Aikatsu's. It is not really a catch phrase in it, but the MC did mention once "I will do my best in my idol activities." Because of the cards it also has a cards/stage gimmick. I find the CGI lacking in comparison at the moment. The episodic plots have a light touch to them that make it similar to the Aikatsu ones. That is one of the big things that makes this anime very weird, because this implies a lower target audience than the average idol male anime, but I am not sure what they want is quite there. It is not elementary school kids that they are trying to catch for sure, as they do with Aikatsu, but maybe middle school and of course whoever else they can get.
>>17292Similar to Aikatsu there were some implications of hardship in the idol world that don't really show on screen as the main character doesn't really experience them. During the end of the second episode there was an implication of a scandal. I am really interest in seeing where they will go with that. The anime is only one cour, so it is definitely worth it to see what will happen with this test of Bandai.
I knew Drifters was a popular name among plebeians, but I had no idea that it is form the writer of Hellsing, until I realized from his style. Not much I can say based on the first episode, maybe other than the direction being a little wanky. Other than that as an anime viewer I don't even know what the main thing of the story is even going to be.
>>17295Nice first episode by the way.
Classicaloid, Long Riders! and Occultic;Nine. I really can't bring myself to even write something about them. They weren't awful, but honestly all of them were somewhat annoying with some of them aspects. They were just there.
3-gatsu no Lion I think it actually didn't present properly want it was set to do. If the previous three had some characters that were obnoxious with their characteristics, here I think the MC wasn't expressive enough so his emotions don't translate properly. You can argue that that is part of his character, but it makes the story dull and it was something that played an important role in Hachimitsu no Clover.
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari even though it was probably the most normal one among everything new that aired yesterday I might have liked the most, at least the first episode, 3-gatsu is going to probably be a more complex story than it. I don't have an exact reason to like it the most, in fact the structure of the episode was a little wonky with how it introduced some plot points, but it just felt right. It was lively, without being obnoxious and with enough personality.
I almost forgot. I also watched yesterday's morning Stella no Mahou, Girlish Number and Watashi ga Motete Dousunda. The first two are among the more unique and actually enjoyable series so far so I would definitely recommend giving them a watch. Other than them so far I would recommend seeing Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, Yuri!!! on Ice, Keijo!!!!!!!!, 3-gatsu and Udon. Drifters, Tiger Mask W and All Out!! are in a little different category, but they seem to be fun too, though I base my opinion of Drifters only on Hellsing so far.
>>17303I was expecting Occultic;Nine to be better than that. Probably the most boring first episode of all the Semi;Colon shows.
>Touken Ranbu
This just sucked, they waste a bunch of time explaining how the History Revisionists want to revise history and never even bother to explain why or do anything more with the setting than introduce a bunch of generic husbandos.
>Monster Hunter Stories
I don't know why I didn't expect this to be a boring kids' show, because that's exactly what it was.
>Soushin Shoujo Matoi
I liked this a lot more than Ikusei Keikaku, despite that they both had a sort of similar tone and format. Matoi was a lot more comedic and balanced that with the combat later in the episode better, though I wasn't a fan of the intro scene either. I also like the designs a lot more.
Too many new characters with no reason to care about them or the drama they're bringing, outside of finally touching on whatever happened that made people leave last year.
>Brave Witches
Never watched Strike Witches, thought this was awful with the bad CGI and how incredibly contrived it was that the MC was selected to join the war. Don't like the MC at all.
>All Out
I loathe these character designs, and again, don't like the MC at all. He's yet another aggravating little turd with a height complex.
>Flip Flappers
This was a really weird episode. Mostly just wondrous adventure, and then that disproportionately dark ending. Didn't really have enough dialogue for my tastes, but nice thighs.
>KeijoFor a fanservice anime the art is so exaggerated that it's hard to even find it erotic. And the director is trying so hard to make it cool but it's just lame instead. How many cuts did the purple girl get of her face covered in shadow with her eyes and mouth glowing? 6?
>Watashi ga Motete DousundaSenpai is so clearly best boy that there shouldn't even be any competition. Kobayashi's voice acting was basically the only good part of this.
>Long RidersI just wanted slice of life about cycling, but the MC's insane melodrama about everything throughout the episode put me off entirely.
>Sangatsu no LionFelt like I was watching Aku no Hana again until the dinner scene. With how detached the two halves of this episode were I can't say I liked it, but I'm willing to see where it goes.
I don't really have anything to say about the other shorts I've seen. They're all quite bland.
>>17305I was bothered by that too. They made a big deal out of him being a huge fatass, and then he looks only a little fatter in the rink compared to at the start. Then he finishes and they lift up his shirt and he's super fat again. At first it seemed like he'd totally let himself go, but it was actually supposed to be that he's just gained a little weight since he's been training less vigorously.
>>17306You're right, it was pretty awful. I'm actually pretty angry about this, lazy plot, and overuse of CG. All round lazy. Might have felt a bit better about it if the bitchy girl was allowed to go too, but seems she's just a throwaway character. I went and watched the first episode of Strike Witches again after this and there's a clear difference in quality. The characters are actually likable. There's still CG, but it's nowhere near as intrusive. It's only used for the witches when they're far enough away from the camera you can't really make out too many details anyway. Most importantly though what this new series is missing is the fanservice. Where's all my pantyshots? That was a huge amount of the draw of the series in the first place.
I really hope they step up their game in the next few episodes.
>>17319Yuck. This is probably the ugliest bicycle I have ever seen.
Why can't she go crazy over mine beauty?
I didn't have much hope for the show anyway, it looks significantly worse than what Actas is capable of. I assume their newbie staff is working on it?
>Flip Flappers
Just how I like my anime: good color palette, well animated, and fun. There's loads of minor details going on too that'll look it'll reward a rewatch. I wish I had the self control wait until it finishes so I can marathon it, but I'm gonna suffer weekly instead.
Silly and over the top and that's all it needs to be. Skipping over delinquent mom is a crime against humanity.
>Yuri on Ice
The dog and girls are cuter than any of the fujobait, but I can't deny that the animation is stellar and the backgrounds are nice. I'll probably stick around.
Couldn't even make it through the first episode. A wet noodle has more personality.
>Shuumatsu no Izetta
>3-gatsu no Lion
A disappointment, especially after Shinbo was hyped as being more involved. I'll probably switch to the manga if the next few episodes are the same quality.
>>17325>SighNo, stop this, sentance fragments are appended by a semicolon.
>>17342Wow I just watched Girlish Number and had the complete opposite impression. I liked how the MC was frank but not in the two-faced "I actually hate them" sort of way. She even seemed to care a little about the otaku author and not hurting him. When yellow said something outrageous about that kind of people, she had a shocked expression. I curious though about how much of the MC's behavior is just her being used to Japanese politeness culture and getting caught off guard by the world of show business and how much is her conscience.
I found Purple to be less sympathetic, but it may be that she just actually cares about voice acting and is simply tired of having to put up with unrelated bullshit.
Aside from that, isn't pic showing what they call chromatic aberration? Why are they using it so much in this series?
>>17353I can't really agree with how you saw the MC, if anything I just considered her to be the kind that talks herself up but when push comes to shove she's spineless, which was illustrated throughout the episode in how she acted totally different around everyone that wasn't her brother, only letting her guard down with Blonde when she called the author creepy. There was also the part where Purple confronted her about MC walking in front of her during recording, and instead of giving any sort of genuine apology, MC instead used the opportunity to push an image of her being clumsy in a cute way, which was probably the moment where she disgusted me the most. I can't stand her at all.
>>17360Yeah, I forgot to mention the CA in the show, it's pretty bad. That shit hurts my eyes and they were using it with a flat edges filter for much of the episode. In video games it's used because it hides aliasing while being cheaper in terms of resources compared to anti-aliasing methods, but there's no reason for it being in anime outside of shitty direction choices. There were also a bunch of points in the episode with poorly applied depth of field effects, most notably the one where MC was lying on her couch while talking to her brother about halfway through the episode, in a cut where there was also noticeable aliasing on her hair.
>>17361Do you dislike the Japanese society as a whole? And yes, that is a lot more like it than the average anime.
Drifters may be okay-ish. I prefer my fantasy settings a little bit different, but I can't really resist these eyes. I think this is what I like the most in Hellsing, the fucking eyes.
Flip Flappers seems to suffer from some poor… directoring? The transitions between the scenes just don't match the level of work put into the actual moments where something moves. But, heck, when going frame by frame in an action sequence provides a better experience than watching it with normal speed, something is wrong there too.
Also I've the feeling that the characters will annoy me, this combo is way too cliche. But I still kind of want to follow it. I guess it's the color design.
Udon no Kuni shows all signs to be bad and to get boring real fast. Not sure I want to watch the second half of the episode. Then again, Sugita… and I see FukuJun, Kobayashi Yuu and so on in the cast too… it's so fucking tempting, even though I know nothing good will come out of this.
>>17369Not him, but yes, it'd be strange if you didn't dislike these aspects of the Japanese society. As if anybody here would actually want to WORK there. I at least know better than that.
If you're gonna do a critique of society, you will often produce something unwatchable as long as you don't give some kind of counter-balance to whatever you're criticizing. A well-established non-annoying MC would serve the role really well. Alternatively, you can go for the comedic approach and do something like SZS or Jintai.
>>17361Maybe you're right and I'm being too charitable with her, but I think it's too soon to be sure. There's still a good chance this isn't a show about assholes being assholes. A lot of the characters behavior can be attributed to their environment and circumstances. Like
>>17369 said, some of it is just how Japanese society works. It may well turn out that most of the characters are actually good of heart. I can see that being true even of Blonde.
Re-watching a few scenes, this first episode seems deliciously ambiguous (whether on purpose or not). Did MC walk in front of Purple on purpose? There's no way to tell from the scene alone. The answer totally changes the meaning of the next scene when she was confronted about it. In her eyes, Purple may just be prone to picking fights with everyone and is now picking one with her, so she has to find a way to escape.
All things considered, at least one angle the show is going for has been spelled out for us: "this business is fucked up".
I actually kind of like O;9. I'd do with somewhat older characters, but oh well. But, damn, these tits are disgusting.
Strong production, all in all. They don't rely on run-of-the-mill framing and directoring, the animation is decent, and the voice acting is good. Writing… frankly, it's about average for Sci;Adv. Problems there were plenty, but most of them are a running theme for the whole Sci;Adv, so I'm already used to ignoring them. It's kind of hard to sit through it, but it probably won't me more cringeworthy than R;N. But the real reason I may actually follow through with this is that I've always had some interest in the Japanese occult. Or, more precisely, in the meta surrounding that occult. Learning about it through O;9 would be just my type of thing to do. After all, that's the whole Sci;Adv's strongest point: incorporating rumors, hearsays and conspiracy theories that have gone around the Japanese net the last decades.
>>17375Then watch some of the occult shorts that have been coming out for years now. I can't see Occult;Nine doing a better than job than them. In fact I doubt it will do much of anything at all. Especially if you think of how single issue stuck the previous stories have been I doubt this will be different.
>>17369Not especially. I think Japanese society has its pros and cons, but this anime in particular is focused on the parts of Japanese society that I don't particularly care for.
>>17372>It may well turn out that most of the characters are actually good of heart. I can see that being true even of Blonde.I'm not really sure how you can say that; I thought Blonde was easily one of the nicest characters in the show. They tried to paint her as bad at the start with the scene change she mentioned to Purple on stage, and how she was talking about Purple in the toilet, but with how Purple was complaining about just doing her job I thought that to be pretty warranted. While Blonde is certainly quite focused on building up her own image, compared to the MC she's much more conscious of the people around her and more tactful, shown by how she came to support the MC following the recording scene, how she avoided the LN author in a way that was letting him down while sparing his feelings, and how she was shocked when the MC went and called the author ugly. You can draw some parallels between Blonde and the MC with how they both want to push an image of themselves, but on the whole Blonde was the much more professional character of the two, so I had few issues with her.
>Did MC walk in front of Purple on purpose?I interpreted it as being entirely accidental. The MC wasn't prepared for being confronted about it, which was why she panicked and tried to weasel her way out of it. While Purple is rather bitchy, she certainly had grounds to call MC out on careless shit like that.
>All things considered, at least one angle the show is going for has been spelled out for us: "this business is fucked up".Unfortunately the only part it really touched on was how events are more profitable than the sales of the shows themselves. Other issues brought up, like the MC complaining about needing to voice her line to the crappy sketches, just came across as the MC whining like a little baby.
In any case, I do at least hope that the show is going to involve the MC growing as a character and realising how much of an ass she's been, rather than being some sort of masturbatory work that just preaches that the industry is messed up repeatedly.
>>17378Have you actually seen Kaidan Restaurant? What about Ghost Hound? Though I am not sure if Ghost Hound had real ghost stories or not, but the difference is not huge.
>>17379Nah, I haven't. Aren't they pretty straightforward horror stories? I don't think I've heard anything good about Ghost Hound specifically, and I didn't even remember Kaidan Restaurant (I should have had checked it out 6 years ago). Again, I don't care for the horror stories themselves.
>>17381Why are you assuming that I am not trying to recommend you what you said you want?
>>17383I am assuming exactly that you're trying to recommend me these series, so I'm fishing for more information, as what I know up to now seems to contradict your presumed intentions.
Is it only me, or this conversation is becoming kind of homoerotic? After all, there are no girls on the internet. No.17388
>>17377Interesting that you didn't have an issue with Blonde. I had assumed you would, I think mostly because that part when she flat out calls all LN authors losers stood out. For the record, I didn't think she was bad either, I just assumed you would.
I like how up to interpretation this episode has turned out, but while I want to believe it's on purpose, that would require a level of writing higher than I have come to expect from anime.
>I interpreted it as being entirely accidental.I did too, but then I checked the scene again and thought the way she was looking at Purple right before standing up (see pic) could be interpreted differently. Again, it's not how I interpreted the scene, but I was putting myself on the shoes of someone judging MC's actions unfavorably.
>Unfortunately the only part it really touched on was how events are more profitable than the sales of the shows themselves.Yeah, that's true but the reason I commented on that line is because I thought it might suggest something about what the show is trying to do with its characters. It might be a story of people who started out as good and were corrupted by the environment they are in.
I reckon I may be digging too deep in a show that might turn out to be more stupid than that.
As an aside, I looked up the author and according to MAL he has a few LNs adapted into anime, and Girlish Number itself is one: No.17389
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda was feel-good and simple. And with MC who isn't annoying. She's such a good soul that I can't help but squee. Nothing special as an anime, but I like it.
Senpai is obviously best boy, of course.
Man, the mood whiplash in Drifters is crazy.
>>17388>the way she was looking at PurpleGood catch there, I didn't notice that at all.
>It might be a story of people who started out as good and were corrupted by the environment they are in.That's kind of shit on by the MC being a huge douche already, though.
This being from the same writer of Ore ga Iru and Qualidea is quite promising, however. Both of those made a point of having multilayered characters, so it might be okay to give this show some credit.
WWW.Working is… pretty bad, if we want to look at it objectively. Seems like the author decided to do a fun side-project without putting any thought in it.
I still enjoy it, so all's right with the world.
>>17410that scene hit too close
File: 1477229607344.jpg (Spoiler Image, 176.32 KB, 1600x900, [Asenshi]_Lostorage_incite….jpg)

Wixoss is truly weaksauce this season. The whole new concept is stupider than anything Okada could have come up with.
>>17506Not nearly as much. I don't think it's an unreasonable guess to say they've swapped the amount of cg and hand drawn animation they use on the witches during the fight scenes.
Decided I'll carry on watching both side by side. It's been interesting enough for the first two episodes since the plot is pretty similar so far, plus it's a good excuse to give the original another look so why not. Watching them together makes BW feel like a cheap rip off. Characters and plot aside SW managed to set a far better tone for the battle in the 2nd episode, with the shots of injured crewmen and Miyafuji inside the ship it felt far more dangerous than what we got in BW. Really would expect better considering it's still got the same writer and director, would it have been too much to ask for them to try and come up with a somewhat different story?
Also still very upset they seem to have done away with much of the ecchi and yuribait.
>>17518This is too short.
>c.3 (end) by Psylocke Scans (221d ago)Too fucking short.
>>17523Well fml.
It does quite a lot of things better than the tv special. Specifically, the soldier guy is pronouncedly the main character, which works really well. Especially in moments like pic related. However, at the same time it botches the whole "loup garou's language can't be deciphered" reveal. It's presented way better in the anime. Oh well, the girl was fucking cute. It's really obvious the artist is the guy from Medaka Box.
>>17600I only really liked the first Nanoha anime.
>>17601I really like everything through Strikers
>>17600Never did finish Vivid, dropped it as the tournament started. I wanted another nanoha series, not a martial arts show. Still got it all downloaded though, will have to finish it someday.
>>17600>>17601I kind of like the new season more than the first one. I mean, they started the tournament arc, but stopped right before the main characters start losing. Which is bullshit. It can't be a good anime if the main characters aren't beaten to a pulp a few times.
That being said, I pretty much liked ONLY Strikers. The first two Nanoha seasons were fucking terrible, with zero likable characters in them. My point is, I'm not trustworthy when it comes to this franchise.
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>>17609I still think that the first season is the best overall, the characters and visuals were pretty good and the story was really well done. I might be biased because I like Shinbo.
A's is seriously the shit though. Way better than Strikers.
>>17609>>17611I feel the first two were passable magical girl shows, I like them but don't really have any strong feelings on them. I really like what Strikers did though by moving forward twenty years or whatever, the setting was so cool. What I wouldn't give for just a straight up Nanoha police procedural show, like no evil BBEG, just good old fashioned cops v robbers kinda thing.
>>17611I pretty much managed to finish the first season only because of Shinbo (and because I'd already gone through Triangle Heart anyway). The last battle between Nanoha and Fate was so fucking beautiful! I've never seen the films just because I know it's not Shinbo there.
A's had less problems with the pacing, but it still kept all the bad sides of the first season. It wasn't even that much of an over-the-top melodrama as fans often try to portrait it as.
Then Strikers did something amazing. Of course, I'm a sucker for a series showcasing how the main characters of the previous season have changed the world, and seeing their influence over the new main characters, but there was more than that. It added some sense of realism. Teana was the only girl who was actually using her brain in a universe where everybody uses their fists to communicate. It expanded on the universe-building way more than the two previous seasons combined. It had likable characters. It didn't depend on melodrama to make its point. It… well, in the middle Nanoha practically mindbroke the girls for not being Good Nihonjin TM and not obeying every word of hers, but that's another question. What I'm trying to say, it was a full-fledged scifi with a diverse and likable cast. The rest of the franchise is pretty limited in its scope in comparison.
Though I can appreciate how Vivio outright says everything that people have been ridiculing Nanoha from the start: communicating with her FISTS, and, of course, BEFRIENDING.
That being said, the new season doesn't have much of Vivio, now, does it? It's the most cliche ever tournament arc, and the fights are on the boring side, without complex magical techniques. Most of the budget goes to pointless transformation sequences that nobody cares about. In other words, you may as well go watch Tiger Mask.
Which brings me around to
>>17615>What I wouldn't give for just a straight up Nanoha police procedural show, like no evil BBEG, just good old fashioned cops v robbers kinda thing.Me too! That would be the fucking best! Even better if it brings back Subaru and Teana!
Somehow I really can't get into Occultic;Nine. That's coming from someone who liked Steins and hell even Chaos.
>>17748>the hype it generated beforehandwas there any? fufufu at least has never reacted so lethargic to another season before.
>>17750Yeah. This season has big names like Drifters, Strike Wtiches, and Hibike, advertised originals like Yuri!! On Ice too, Touken Ranbu, and lots of magical girl shows too. Gundam is continuing too.
I honestly wouldn't even be interested in this season, if it weren't because of people hyping it, so maybe I'm biased (as someone who got duped by it).
>>17751I thought Strike Witches isn't big anymore, whatever popularity it had being eclipsed by GuP. And I never got the feeling Hibike is big - but then again, I've dropped every KyoAni show lately on the first episode. Guess that's why I avoided the hype.
I like this season. Flip Flappers, Girlish Number, 3-gatsu, Drifters, Stella no Mahou, Fune wo Amu, Cheating Craft, To Be Hero, Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, and Keijo are all good shit.
Flip Flappers is one of my favorite new anime in a long time.
>>17820I certainly didn't notice that. Is there an uncensored version for that bath scene?
Long Riders barely got to episode 6. It is so much behind the rest of the season. I wonder if they are going to cut it short or actually continue into the new year.
>>17926Being Hayato is suffering
Also the new OP is pretty cool
>>17859Literature-flavored bonding with morons.
>>17926I remember Kira blowing himself up somehow.
Saw Your Name today, and while it was mostly good and had the usual great animation, music, and backgrounds associated with Shinkai, it had its issues, chiefly being that the characters and some plot points were undeveloped. As a story I think it would've worked a lot better as a TV series. 1 cour would've been enough to flesh out the parts that were lacking.
A funny part is that there's a scene in the movie that's a reference to 5cm/s and is designed to throw off people who had seen that, which was both clever and annoying. There are a whole bunch of Radwimps insert songs too.