>>33481But fufufu has always been dead.
The second season's OP being rather generic compared to the first's is also fitting.
One must admire her genki'ness.
>>33661Excellent choice. You've earned yourself a banana.
>>36154Definitely the sexiest motherfucker in anime lately. I am currently waiting for my manga volumes to arrive, though as the mangaka is new this might be one of those cases where the anime seriously polishes up the source material. I'll see.
The necromancy described herein is given a bit more depth than what's usually ascribed to it, including a horrific tradeoff that gives much weight to the antagonist's acts. His punishment is well deserved.
>>36155Please do post about it in the manga thread.
>>36159I've been going over it slowly, and just got to the backstory time. It actually made me appreciate the anime even more: the adaptation is very much 1:1 in many ways, including even for example reproducing the page with the swords witch kiss. But at the same time it doesn't lazy out with just 1:1 shots - for example pic related doesn't happen in the manga, the executioner is just in some ruins on the ground like the rest of the cast. The manga is very cinematic in its structure, so this sort of adaptation is just perfect for it, really - not really adding anything to the plot (like Hidamari's for example), but just making it even more cinematic. Frankly, these guys truly deserved to have a much larger budget, they would have used it up to its utmost for sure.
Do note that me saying I've been going over the manga slowly is mostly due to me deliberately stopping myself. It's a very fast read if you let yourself just go at it… but as a lot of my free time is during my daily commute, missing my station was twice the unintended consequence of getting lost in a volume of this.
Finally, starting to tackle some shows on my wishlist. I've been meaning to watch Tatami Galaxy for around 10 years. So far I definitely fucked up by waiting this long.
>Based on a novel by Morimi Tomihiko.Turns out he also wrong the source material for Uchouten Kazoku, which I remember liking when it was airing.
>Directed by Yuasa MasaakiThis makes so much sense. He's directed Eizouken ni wa Te o Dasuna!, Kemonozume, Ping Pong, Kaiba, and Devilman: Crybaby among others.
The show obviously looks amazing, and the dialog was great in episode one. It does get a bit overwhelming sometimes with the amount of dialog. I can keep up with the subs, but I don't want to miss out on the art. It brought me to the point of looking to see if there was a dub.
>>36307Picked this one up, anon. I watched up to episode ten the other day. Still have to go back and finish the last two.
>>36325I remember never watching the BD bonus episodes of Tatami. I should rewatch it one of these days.
>>36307Thank you for the insightful post; it made me appreciate the anime more.
I'm hesitant to pick up seasonal action anime because the kinetic sequences are usually poorly done, thanks to the lack of time, money, and direction. Majo to Yajuu certainly isn't as bad in this area, but since the material itself is quite good, it does make me pine for more SAKUGA.
I have three episodes left, so I should get to that so I can join in reading the manga. Have a bad habit of not finishing shows I really like.
>It's a very fast read if you let yourself just go at itFug. And it's licensed too, so the TL will be a yearly thing I guess.
>>36362>>36159Oh yeah, I forgot that I caught up with the manga.
The vampire arc was absolutely great, I wish for a film adaptation of it - I think it will fit just great in a film runtime. Then afterwards there's a new plot starting to happen, that is more complicated, involving the entire cast from all arcs up to there. Honestly, I think I will judge its quality only after it ends. Which seems it will not be any time soon. I would have kinda wished for some de-escalation and some more episodic arcs between the vampires and this current huge arc but oh well. Let's see where it goes.
>>34186Alright, as no volunteers have appeared I decided to start doing this myself. I might post this to /m/ later but thought that ふふふ deserves to see it first.
Here are the subs for Episode 1 of Daitarn 3, fresh out of oven: No.36504
>>36492I can't typeset or edit for shit, but if ever the nihongo gives you trouble, post a clip and I'll give you a second opinion.
Have a Meteo as a token of my appreciation.
>>36504Thank you, and all input is welcome.
Here, Episode 2 of Daitarn 3: No.36527
>>36518>>36492Here is the secret to typesetting. Find an anime where you like the font and style. Copy it.
Good for you for taking the initiative on something you like!
>>36527I forgot the file type, but some fonts are not possible to attach to .ass files. This causes that those who do not have the particular fonts installed can't see them. Adding a separate font folder is silly too, and I can't be assed to attach them to .mkv if I feel like I want to change something later.
I took my time finishing this series. It really was executed really fucking well. If I really have to complain, I'd say the overarching story is… too simple? And, really, this should have been a series of films, as the best viewing experience really is arc by arc, marathoning each of them separately, with good alcohol at hand. That aside, everything else was absolutely a delight to behold. And when I say everything, I really do mean everything. Voice acting, writing, animation, soundtrack… everything just clicked in place. I sincerely hope we get an S2 soon enough.
Does it bump? Watching Wolf's Rain right now. If it doesn't dump I wonder what pic to put for the OP next.
>>37624It does bump. Should have posted a pic.
Technically rewatching, but I probably watched it for the first time around 2007-2008, so I remember nothing, except the ending. I actually made an AMV of the anime back in the days. Before I started hating AMVs.
>>37625>I actually made an AMV of the anime back in the days.May I please see it?
>>37636Unfortunately, I don't think I have saved it anywhere and the website I upload it to, well, it still exists, but it is not the same, so the video has been removed from there too. It was with the Heaven's Not Enough song from the anime itself. There are quite a few AMVs with it as it is.